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'A Bastard World!!!' - Part I

Writer's picture: Voice Of Beruk aka. BeastVoice Of Beruk aka. Beast

How did William the Bastard become William the Conqueror?

How the illegitimate heir became a ‘bastard’ in medieval Europe. The French called William the Conqueror ‘bastard’ because of his mixed parentage – he bore both noble and ignoble blood.

Today, “bastard” is used as an insult, or to describe children born to non-marital unions. Being born to unmarried parents is largely free of the kind of stigma and legal incapacities once attached to it in Western cultures, but it still has echoes of shame and sin. The disparagement of children born outside of marriage is often presumed to be a legacy of medieval Christian Europe, with its emphasis on compliance with Catholic marriage law.

Yet, prior to the 13th century, legitimate marriage or its absence was not the key factor in determining quality of birth. Instead, what mattered was the social status of the parents – of the mother as well as of the father. Being born to the right parents, regardless of whether they were married according to the strictures of the Church, made a child seem more worthy of inheriting the parents’ lands, properties and titles.

Consider, for example, the case of William the Bastard, more commonly known as William the Conqueror. Born to Robert, Duke of Normandy, and Herleva, a woman clearly not his wife, William was nevertheless recognised by his father as his heir. Despite his youth and questionable birth, William managed to conquer and rule first Normandy and then England, and to pass his kingdom and titles on to his children.

English history starts from 1066.Before 1066 it does not count because Britain did not officially exist yet. What existed were Argyle and the Highlands where the Scottish barbarians lived, and Sussex where the West Saxons lived, and Northumbria and Cumbria and York and Carlisle and so on, where the Norsemen or Vikings lived.Britain, at best, was a collection of many barbarian tribes and not yet a nation as such. It was not until 1066 that Britain became a nation and the many regions became united under one King. 1066, therefore, was significant to English history in that England finally saw order — or more like organised chaos if you can regard rape, pillaging and plundering as order.1066 was the year that William sailed to England with his great army. Contrary to what many believe, William, who conquered England and became known as William the Conqueror, was not even a King. He was the Duke of Normandy, a region that was a vassal of the King of France. And before he became known as William the Conqueror in 1066, he was known as William the Bastard.

From a French cradle to the English crown

In 1028, an unmarried French woman bore a son to the Duke of Normandy. People taunted the boy with the nickname ‘William the Bastard’. Yet he not only became a formidable Norman ruler: he became one of England's most brutal and influential kings.

From the Battle of Hastings to the Domesday Book, William was responsible for truly extraordinary events in England's history. Yes, that’s right, William was a bastard son of the Duke of Normandy. But how can they allow the Saxons he displaced from the throne in London (Lundene on the Temes river) spread the rumour that he is not of royal blood but of low birth — and a bastard on top of that. So they passed a law that made it a crime to speak bad about the King — and William the Bastard became William the Conqueror from thereon and no one dared correct this historical fact lest they get charged for sedition and lose their head in the process.All through English history many bastard children succeeded the throne of England. There was also the added problem of many of the Kings and Princesses being gay, or at least bisexual. In fact, one King of England was even having a gay relationship with the King of France (any wonder they were expert sword fighters?). And though the Kings never visited their Queen’s bedchamber (they never slept in the same room and always slept in separate rooms) since their honeymoon, the Queen still managed to get pregnant and it was suspected that it was the Queen’s young, handsome advisers who were the real fathers of those children.We must understand that marriage in those days was not for sex or out of love. It was to seal political alliances. If you married the sister or daughter of the King of another country then that country would not attack your country because you were now related — either brother-in-law or son-in-law. So, after marrying your Queen, you locked her away and spent your time chasing other women — or other men as the case may be.The most notable ‘bastard’ Ruler of England was probably Elizabeth I, the daughter of Henry VIII from his second wife, Anne Boleyn. The church did not recognise Elizabeth because divorce was not allowed so Henry broke away from the church and formed his own church to legitimise his divorce from the Queen and his marriage to Anne (but Rome still regarded her as a bastard).

Because of this they wanted Mary, Henry’s granddaughter, to inherit the throne. But since she was Catholic (and French), and Catholics were put to death if they confessed to being Catholics, Elizabeth got the throne instead. Mary was later executed for her crime against God — for being a Catholic. Mary was of course known as Mary Queen of Scots but it was the Scots who betrayed her and handed her to Elizabeth to be jailed for many years before she was executed. (The Scots have been betraying their Rulers since time immemorial).

Against this backdrop (and much more I have not mentioned) how can they allow people to talk? Kings, Queens and members of the Royal Family were bonking away and breeding like rabbits outside of marriage. Many preferred sex partners of their own gender or many partners at the same time in orgies where the gender of the sex partners were of little concern as long as they were bonkable.

To solve the succession problem, rightful heirs to the throne mysteriously died in their sleep so that those not eligible to succeed the throne could then take the throne. Courtiers got ahead and received titles, position and land at the pleasure of the King. And the King’s pleasure would be guaranteed if your wife got sent to the King’s bedchamber for the night where she would whisper in the King’s ear in between bonking sessions: what happened to my husband’s request…etc, etc.

With all this going on how could they allow the people to talk? And with 1,000 servants and courtiers hanging around the palace how does one prevent people from talking? So they had this thing called sedition laws so that anyone who talked could be punished.

Proverbs 17:28

Even a fool who keeps silent is considered wise; when he closes his lips, he is deemed intelligent.


A bloody awful childhood

Robert Bartlett describes the tumultuous early years of Duke William's rule. Clip from The Normans (BBC Two, 2010).

William is eight years old when his father goes on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. The duke’s nobles swear allegiance to William, should he fail to return.

Sure enough, the duke soon falls ill and dies. William inherits the duchy but Normandy is quickly plunged into civil war. The young duke finds himself under constant threat of deposition by powerful rivals. This means William witnesses extreme brutality from an early age – his steward, Osbern, has his throat cut by a Norman rebel while sleeping in William's bedchamber.


The ruthless young duke

William on horseback, as depicted in the Bayeux Tapestry.

William clings to power in a politically volatile France – a hotbed of conflict between warring independent provinces. It’s every duke for himself.

Another rival, this time William's cousin, leads a rebellion against him. At the battle of Val-es-Dunes, William, by now a tall and able warrior in his twenties, enlists the support of the French king and wins a decisive victory. He emerges as a ruthless leader, punishing the rebels by cutting off their hands and feet, and establishes Normandy as a powerful state. He marries Matilda of Flanders, a strategic move which seals an alliance with a rich neighbouring state.


A Norman king of England

Edward the Confessor, as depicted in the Bayeux Tapestry.

William's friend and distant cousin was Edward the Confessor, King of England.

Edward had sought refuge in Normandy when Viking invaders overthrew his father, King Æthelred. It's thought William and Edward developed a friendship and when Edward returned to England he was more familiar with the culture and customs of northern France than in his new kingdom. In 1051, a childless Edward supposedly writes to William promising him the crown when he dies. As Edward's kin, William is satisfied the rightful heir has been named as successor. The English crown has his name on it.


When Harold met William

William looks on as Harold swears a sacred oath to support his claim to the throne.

King Edward's right-hand man was Harold, an earl and member of the Godwinson family, a powerful Anglo-Saxon dynasty.

In 1064, Harold embarks on a voyage to France but is shipwrecked and captured by the Count of Ponthieu. William seizes his opportunity to gain the support of another powerful English noble – he orders the count, an old rival, to release Harold and has him brought to Normandy. According to the Bayeux Tapestry, Harold joins William on a military campaign in Brittany. Harold then swears to help William secure the English throne after Edward's death, before making a swift exit back to England.

6 January 1066

William is betrayed

On his death bed, King Edward names Harold Godwinson as his heir. Harold wastes no time – he is crowned the next day.

William is furious when he learns of Harold’s surprise succession: he's been betrayed by a usurper. He immediately rallies support from neighbouring French provinces and calls on the Pope to support him. The Pope backs his fight for the English crown and grants William one of the first papal banners. Believing God is on his side and with a fleet of 700 ships poised for departure, he waits for favourable winds before setting off for England. The nation’s future will be decided on the battlefield.

September 1066

The Battle of Hastings

William arrives on the Sussex coast while King Harold is in the north of England, fighting Viking invaders at the Battle of Stamford Bridge.

Harold marches his troops 200 miles south to meet the Norman invaders in Hastings. Although his men are tired, the battle is closely fought: at various points, both leaders are feared dead. It’s brutal and bloody – thousands are slaughtered. At dusk, the Normans finally overcome the English and Harold is killed when an arrow lodges in his eye. Legend says he was so mutilated only his lover could identify him by 'secret marks' on his body. William is crowned in Westminster Abbey on Christmas Day.

Who among the three sons shall be the rightful heir for a Kingdom?

In a future of uncertainties; will there be a brighter future? Or will it be a Darker future? No one knows for sure... It's just between The Master The Beast and The Shadow... If it's destined to be Bleak Then it will just be Barren... Vacant and Emptiness; For there can and shall only be ONE!!!

ISAAC OR ISHMAEL WHO was really to be "SACRIFICED?" & Who's the Bastard?

1. Ishmael(as) was a bastard,

2. Haggar was not a wife,

3. Ishmael was not blessed,

4. Cast away by God.

5. Ishmael was not the promised child, and a lot more vicious notions.

It is the twenty first century and the Jews and Muslims are in a bitter war of attrition. The rest of the world watches as these two genetic brothers go to great lengths to gain the upper hand so that they can destroy each other and wipe their own brethren from the planet.

1. It may have been Ishmael and not Isaac that Abraham originally offered as a sacrifice on the altar.

2. Jealousy may have been the caused of the separation of Abraham’s original family structure.

3. Just like Jacob stole the birthright from Esau, the descendants of Isaac may have stole the birthright and inheritance from Ishmael.

4. The sons of Isaac may have switched the biblical names because of greed or other reasons unknown.

Who is to be made a Sacrificed? Should a "Bastard" be the chosen One?

  • In the same day the LORD made a COVENANT with Abram, saying, unto thy “SEED” have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the great Euphrates. GENESIS 16:18

And the angel of the Lord said unto “HER”Behold, thou art with CHILD and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name ISHMAEL because the Lord has heard thy affliction. GENESIS 16:11

The Angel tells Hagar that she is with the promised child of Abraham and also what the child’s name is to be; Ishmael. What does the name Ishmael mean in Hebrew?


"ISHMAEL": Hebrew name meaning " God hears:

Amazing, the name Ishmael means: God hears.

Remember again, the angel told Hagar the name of the child, she did not come up with the name on her own. This lets us know that the name Ishmael means:

God’s answer to Abram’s prayers.

Wow! What a revelation!

Now Abram and Hagar are on the same page because the scriptures let us know that it is Abram the father who determines the name of the child. We also know the name is the same that is told to Hagar as well:

  • And Hagar bare Abram a son: and Abram called “HIS SON’S” name “ISHMAEL.GENESIS 16:11

We see that Ishmael is not an illegitimate child, He is the offspring of his married mother and father; the first-born child of the promise:

  • And Abram was “FOUR SCORE AND SIX”years old when Hagar bare “ISHMAEL.” to Abram. GENESIS 16:16

Abram was 86 years old when Hagar gave him a son.

  • "'How can you say, "We are wise, for we have the law of the LORD," when actually the lyingpen of the scribes has handled it falsely?Jeremiah 8:8

As you can see, God said they wrote lies not me!

  • And when Abram was “NINETY and NINE”years old, the lord appeared to Abram, and said I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect! And I will make my covenant between me and thee, and will multiply thee exceedingly. GENESIS 17:1, 2

Thirteen years have passed and Abram is now ninety-nine years old.

We do not have a history of all that went on in the pass thirteen years so things are left to speculation at this point.

Maybe false gods were springing up in the land where Abram resided and Abram might have thought of turning to one of them.

There has to be a reason for God to reappear to Abram to tell him again that it is He alone that is the Almighty God?

We really don’t know…

Even though Hagar is Abram’s wife too she is to be submissive to the first wife. She is arrogant and flaunts the pregnancy in Sarai’s face. Abram permits Sarai to severely beat Hagar until she is forced to run away. God dispatches the Angel to Hagar’s aid:

  • And the angel of the Lord said unto her; return to thy mistress and submit thyself under her hands. GENESIS 16:9

Now folks, we've all read how this saga ends right? We know that Hagar eventually leaves. But ask yourself:

WHY WOULD GOD SEND HAGAR BACK to this home if ISAAC was to be the only child of the promise?

Does that make any sense to you now?

So now we see that God will not allow Hagar to leave because she is carrying Abram’s promised child in her that God gave her! She is commanded by the Angel of God to humble herself and to stop her arrogant flaunting of her pregnancy and return back to Sarai in submission. Now I'm sure Hagar was frightened and clearly felt unwanted there by Sarai, So the Angel reassures her why she has to return home to Abraham. She and her child are to fulfill the prophecy of God:

All three religions are classified as the Abrahamic faiths. And this is because all three religions accept Abraham as the patriarch. However, the Jews and Christians consider Isaac as the legitimate heir to Abraham whilst the Muslims consider Ishmael as the legitimate heir.

Now, according to Islam, Isaac, the son of Abraham’s wife Sarah, was born after Ishmael, the son of Abraham’s ‘second wife’ Hagar. Hence, although Isaac is the son of the first wife, Ishmael is the elder brother.

But then Sarah is Abraham’s ‘legitimate’ wife while Hagar is their slave. Therefore, although Ishmael may be the elder brother to Isaac, he is Abraham’s bastard or illegitimate son.

Seen in the context of today, that would most probably be true. But then seen in the context of the time of Abraham, a slave is the property of the master and sex between master and slave is legal and hence the children would also be legal and not considered bastards or illegitimate.

Today, slavery is not allowed. And if you have sex with your slave that would be sex out of wedlock and the children would be considered bastards. But that is today. We are talking about maybe 5,000 years or so ago. Values and standards then were different from that of today.

And this is where the divide between Judeo-Christianity and Islam begins. All three follow Abraham. But two follow one of the sons of Abraham and another the other son. And since the Bible tells one story and the Qur’an another, and since all consider their respective holy books the word of God, this matter can never be resolved till the end of time.

So the birth of Islam starts with a disagreement on which of the two sons of Abraham is the true ‘leader’ of the religion. And since Muslims believe that Abraham and Ishmael both built the holiest shrine in Islam, the Kaaba, there would be no way this can be resolved. To reject Ishmael would mean they would also have to reject the Kaaba.


God makes a promise to Abram. If Abram will continue follow Him, God says the covenant that He made with Abram will come true and that He would multiply Abrams health, wealth, bloodline, and prosperity in great abundance.

  • As for me, behold my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many nations.GENESIS 17:4

God is reaffirming His promise to Abram about his children’s future.

  • Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee.GENESIS 17:5

Abram is now Abraham because God has already made Him a father of many nations. Clearly it has already begun and Isaac still is nowhere in the picture.

Now folks I think this is a perfect time to pause and reflect on how old ISHMAEL is at this time? He is now officially:


He is the love of Abraham's life. Every time he looks at this child He sees God and knows that God's word and prophecies are true!

Seems Complicated when Worlds collide for in Faith and Belief it may seems Everyone is Right!!!

Hmmmm... Now why would God chose a 'Bastard' to be the chosen One so as to be made a sacrificed?

Does the Sun Always Shines On TV? Is the Begotten Son a Bastard too? Between The Father, The Son, and the Entity!!!


Social Animal

  • I don’t need to know everything; I just need to know where to find it, when I need it.

  • Never keep anything in your mind that you can look up.

  • Never memorize what you can look up in books.


Sociable Voice onto the Wall Media



By FND Beast

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