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DNA tells us that we, humans are 98% similar to Chimpanzees. In fact, the average human IQ-score is 120, and a Chimpanzee’s is 100. DNA profile tells us that we, Homo Sapiens moved out of Africa at around 120 thousand years ago, migrated to India, past Malaya, and ended up in Australia, Papua, Fiji and the Oceanic Islands. These original Orang Asli’s are called Australo-Melanesians. Proof of this is in Archaeological Sites such as Perak Man, Niah Caves (40,000 yrs ago), Lake Mungo Australia (50,000 years ago) Pa Thaem (40,000yrs ago), and so on. Hundreds and hundreds of Sites dot the entire Landscape, and not one contradicts each other. Cambridge University has also embarked on mapping the human genome, and so have many other reputable Universities and Institutions, including the National Geographic Society. They have ALL reached the same conclusion. And that Conclusion is that all of mankind walked out of Africa circa 120,000 years ago. Underneath our skin, we are all African. Are we?

Are we who we are? Are we created from God's image? Or are we a product of evolution that existence of Man is supposedly a product of evolution derive from a species known as Ape, Monkey, Beast? Do you prefer to be a product of God or Beast? Is the purpose of Creation to differentiate between species as such Man rules the Land and is able to also take the Lives of other species? Or is there a higher call that states Satan or the Devil is the greatest enemy of Mankind... To be with God is to follow the teachings of the prophets as in accordance to the belief of the 'People Of The Book'...

WHAT I DO? Speaking the Truth!!!

The seal of Fate: The agreement between God and The Devil, The Truth?


(Iblis) said: "Allow me respite till the Day they are raised up (i.e. The Day of Resurrection)."

(Allah) said: "You are of those allowed respite."

(Iblis) said: "Because You have sent me astray, surely I will sit in wait against them (human beings) on Your Straight Path. Then I will come to them from before them and behind them, from their right and from their left, and You will not find most of them as thankful ones (i.e. they will not be dutiful to You)."

God did create the universe and on the sixth day God created man (the first one named Adam) and then later God created a companion to Adam, Eve.

The Abrahamic religions then tell us that Iblis (Satan, the devil, etc.) refused to bow to man. And we are told the reason why and what happened after that. In short, Iblis entered into an ‘agreement’ with God that he was going to mislead humankind to prove to God that humankind is weak and that he (Iblis) was not wrong in refusing to bow to this weak creature, humankind.

Okay, taking the Abrahamic doctrine into consideration, Iblis has now embarked upon a campaign to mislead humankind. I am sure Iblis would have planned his strategy well and would have come out with the best plan on how to achieve this objective. What is Satan?, the Devil had a plan that is to deceive mankind by creating many religions and confuse humankind into believing that the religion he or she was born into is the true religion while all the others are false. Satan would then sit back and let humankind fight with each other and kill each other in God’s name and then join Him in hell in the Afterlife.

What are the possibility or chances that Satan, the devil had made such an agreement with God the Creator of Existence? Will that be the Truth, Nothing like the Truth?




  • Truth, in matters of religion, is simply the opinion that has survived — OSCAR WILDE.

  • Give me the child for his first seven years and I will give you the man — THE JESUITS.

  • The man loved his wife so much that when she died giving birth he thought of taking his own life and if not for his new baby daughter he would have probably done so. After he had buried his wife he took his baby daughter and walked for days deep into the forest until he reached a lovely open area beside the river.
  • For 35 years father and daughter lived there and survived off the land by growing crops, hunting and fishing. The only form of education the daughter received was his ‘philosophy’ that her father shared with her.
  • One day the father found it difficult to get out of bed and he knew that his time was up. He told his daughter he was dying and that when he does she should bury him behind their house and leave the forest and return to civilisation.
  • After she had buried her father, she sadly left their home and walked for days back to the village where she was born. When she arrived at the village she told the villagers who she is and many of the older villagers remembered the tragic incidence of the death of her mother and her father disappearing with his baby daughter the next day.
  • One family volunteered to give her shelter and said that the next day, a Sunday, they will bring her to church and introduce her to the rest of the village.
  • “What is a church?” she asked.
  • “A church is the place where you go to pray to God,” the surprised villagers told her.
  • “What is pray and who is God?” she asked.
  • By now it was apparent that her father had not only turned his back on humanity but also on God so they patiently explained religion, the Holy Books, and the entire history of the creation of humankind as told in the Holy Books to her.
  • After a concise three-hour crash course regarding the stories of the prophets right up to the virgin birth, crucifixion, resurrection, heaven, hell, and so on, the girl asked, “Are you saying you believe all these stories? There is absolutely no logic in what you say and no evidence that all these incidences actually happened.”
  • The shocked villagers did not know how to respond. “But you need faith to believe these stories,” they told her. “And the more unbelievable the stories are, the stronger your faith would be.”

HELLO World, 





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Social Animal

  • I don’t need to know everything; I just need to know where to find it, when I need it.

  • Never keep anything in your mind that you can look up.

  • Never memorize what you can look up in books.


Sociable Voice onto the Wall Media



By FND Beast

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