Towering temples of modernization megatropolis monument to Civilization pollution and waste is direct indication to the growing Problem of the world's situation smoke fills the sky the sun disappears Rain from above is like acid filled tears the fragile balance of sky and Earth has been altered forever harmony disturbed... What will it take to make us see these are crimes against humanity not Only you, not only me but even our future society...
These are crimes against Humanity!!!

LGBT+ murders at 'alarming' levels in Latin America - study
BOGOTA (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Four LGBT+ people are murdered every day in Latin America and the Caribbean, according to “alarming” new research released on Thursday by a regional network of gay rights groups.
At least 1,300 LGBT+ people have been murdered in the region in the past five years, with Colombia, Mexico and Honduras accounting for nearly 90 percent of all deaths, according to data collected by the network of 10 groups.
“At the bottom of these violent deaths of LGBT people is exclusion, and sometimes total exclusion,” said Marcela Sanchez, head of Colombia Diversa, a Bogota-based LGBT+ rights group that is part of the network.
“Many of these deaths do not matter to anyone, not even to their own families,” Sanchez told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.
The Regional Information Network on Violence against LGBTI People in Latin America and the Caribbean said it was the first time data had been gathered in nine countries across the region to show the scale of the problem.
The research aimed to draw government attention to the violence as well as raising awareness, Sanchez said.
Data showed the majority of victims were young gay men aged 18 to 25, who were most likely to be murdered in their homes, followed by transgender women killed in the street.
In Colombia’s capital Bogota, criminal gangs have targeted gay men, believing them to be wealthier than heterosexual men because they do not have children, the report said.
Nearly 12% of all killings were carried out by people known to their victims.
The countries in the study have high overall levels of crime and gang-related drug violence. Murder rates in Mexico, Colombia and Honduras are at least three times the global average of 6.1 per 100,000 people, according to the United Nations.
LGBT+ people who have been murdered often had a history of abuse and discrimination in and outside of the home, Sanchez said.
Parts of South America have made progress on LGBT+ rights in the past decade, the report said, including laws allowing same-sex couples to marry and adopt children.
But despite legal protections, violence against the LGBT+ community remains rife, it said, calling it a “cultural problem”.
The growing influence of evangelical Christian groups in recent years, particularly in Central America, have stymied efforts to change attitudes to LGBT+ rights, Sanchez said.
Most evangelical groups are critical of gay rights and believe marriage should only be between a man and a woman.
“It’s important to take into account the rise or hardening of fundamentalist, religious discourse,” Sanchez said.
Reporting by Anastasia Moloney @anastasiabogota, Editing by Claire Cozens. Please credit the Thomson Reuters Foundation, the charitable arm of Thomson Reuters, that covers humanitarian news, women's and LGBT+ rights, human trafficking, property rights, and climate change. Visit Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.

The west will try to make it sound like they are very liberal while we in the east are still very archaic. Well, don’t you believe it, same-sex marriages were legalised in England, Wales and Scotland (but not yet in ‘conservative’ Ireland) only last year, which is only a few months ago.
Up to the year 2000 there was still a ban on LGBT people serving openly in the armed forces in the UK and in the following year, 2001, the age of consent for gay people was lowered to 16, the same as for ‘straight’ people. For seven years since 1994 it was still 18.
However, LBGT people still suffered discrimination and it was in only in 1999 that the first protection against discrimination for gay people came into law.
In 1553, under the Buggery Act, same-sex activity was banned and punishable with the death penalty. The death penalty was abolished in 1861 although buggery was still a crime — buggery meaning anal sex, oral sex or sex with an animal.
About 400 years later in 1967, gay sexual activity was decriminalised in England and Wales under the Sexual Offences Act, as long as it is consensual, in private, and involves adults over 21. In 1981 it became legal in Scotland and in 1982 in Northern Ireland. About 30 years before that convicted gays were chemically castrated or else they would be sent to jail and thousands suffered this fate.
Hence the United Kingdom treated the gay community even worse than we in the east did. And it was only very recently that they became ‘civilised’. And now they are going to tell us that we are still uncivilised and are living in the past, which is a load of bull considering how they treated their gay community before this.

Lesbian & Gays - The End of Humanity...
Henry VIII broke away from Rome and created the Church of England, and introduced the Sedition Act to silence all dissent
England was constantly at war and the nation was practically bankrupt. The Crown needed to raise money so one way was to increase taxes. The Nobles had to pay more taxes than before but the Church was exempted from paying any tax. The Church was rich because it owned 20% of all the land in England and it was sending huge sums of money to Rome, making the Vatican even richer.
So, King Henry broke away from Rome, made himself the head of the Church of England, and confiscated all the church property. Overnight, King Henry became the richest monarch in Europe. And as a bonus, King Henry managed to marry his second wife as well.
With the stroke of a pen, Henry’s treasury was suddenly flush with cash. Henry’s army went round the country to burn the Catholic churches, kill the Catholic priests, and confiscate everything they could get their hands on. Those who resisted were hung and burned alive. Convert (to the Church of England), or die, was basically the order of the day.
Henry became the new representative of God on earth, no longer the Pope. Henry became the new giver of laws, no longer the Church. Henry became the enforcer of laws, no longer the Church. In the past, the Church tried you, sentenced you, and punished you for violating ‘God’s laws’. Now, Henry held the power of life and death over the English people. This also gave Henry the ‘immunity’ from the Church that he needed, which was forbidding him from divorcing his wife, an added bonus.
But the many Papists who were still loyal to Rome opposed this. They also refused to accept that King Henry was God’s representative on earth. So the Crown introduced the Sedition Act that made questioning or opposing the Monarch a crime. Questioning the King tantamount to questioning God. And for that you can be put to death or the very minimum have both your ears cut off.
Sodomy or same-sex relationships are also against Christianity. So the buggery laws made that a crime punishable by death. Even up to the 1950s sodomy or same-sex relationships were crimes. And that is why most countries are having the Sedition Act and sodomy or same-sex relationships are crimes — because the Church of England says so.

In 1533, England’s Parliament passed The Buggery Act. Basically, it was a law that made sodomy a crime. And sodomy was classified as an unnatural sexual act against the will of God and man. In fact, this was an old church law so it was not really a new law. Only now, the government and not the Church enforced this law.
In short, the government took over all the powers of the Church and Parliament passed laws to turn religious laws into common laws. The basis of all these laws was still Church laws.
Now, around that same time, also in the 1500s, the Europeans came to Malaya. First came the Portuguese, then the Dutch. Then, another 200 years or so later, the English took over.
And when the English ran this country they introduced laws. Then, another 200 years or so later, the English left and Malaya became independent. However, although the British may have left the country, they left the various systems that they set up. And this included the administrative, education and legal systems.
Same sex relationships is a crime because the ‘Holy Books’ say so
Civil liberties mean we decide what is right and wrong. As long as we do not harm anyone else, the state has no business telling us what we can and cannot do. Why must we be ‘legally’ married? In the UK merely living together makes you ‘legally’ married. And you can be man and man or woman and woman ‘legally’ married.
Why must Muslims be arrested if they eat during Ramadan or drink beer or have sex with someone they are not married to? Why must Muslims be sent to jail if they have sex without a piece of paper that allows them to have sex? Are these not ‘church’ laws?
These are just some examples and the list can be very long indeed. Laws must be based on you must not harm others. Other than that, you can do what you want. If you want to smoke ganja then so be it. Why is that a crime? You get sent to jail if you smoke ganja but nothing happens if you drink a whole bottle of brandy and collapse on the floor. Yet ganja is far safer than an overdose of brandy.
99 Names to Call Upon!!!
99 Dreams I have Had, Only 1 Dreams tat got Hack!!!
Marriage with robots bizarre but true
ANOTHER grotesque episode took place last week that lent considerable weight to the belief that the world has indeed gone mad — a man in China married a robot.
When it was first carried as a news item by newspapers and television stations and became viral on the social media, I really thought it was nothing more than an April Fool’s joke spread a little belatedly as a sexist wisecrack about the opposite sex.
It also came about the same time when Spain announced the appointment, the first, of a minister of sex whose job will be to get people busy between the sheets. World gone madder.
Alas, it turned out to be true. There was a man who actually took a real robot, cold and lifeless, as wife.
The story about a Chinese engineer who did what he did after years of searching for a human spouse to no avail, became a worldwide sensation. Zheng Jiajia, a 31-year-old artificial intelligence expert, apparently started building his future “wife” at the end of last year, according to news reports.
Named Yingying, the bizarre robot could identify Chinese characters and images, and even say a few simple words, and Zheng had plans to upgrade the companion so that she would one day be able to walk and do chores around the house.
The pair “married” sometime last week in a simple ceremony in which the robot was adorned with a traditional red scarf over her head. Zheng’s mother and friends attended the wedding, and told local news sources that the move came after Zheng grew frustrated in his search to find a girlfriend.
Zheng is a former Huawei employee, and now works at Dream Town in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, after leaving the telecom firm in 2014.
While the marriage may seem bizarre and plainly against the order of nature, experts have increasingly warned that robot-human relationships will become far more common in the years to come.
Author and robot expert Dr David Levy recently said humans would marry robots in the next 35 years. Not only this, but sex with robots will become more enjoyable than with other humans because of the advancement of artificial intelligence, he said.
A few weeks ago there was a similar story concerning a French woman, Lilly, who wanted to marry a robot. Only her partner is a 3D printed robot named Immovator who she designed herself, after realising she was attracted to humanoid robots rather than other people.
“Our relationship will get better and better as technology evolves,” she told a newspaper.
The “proud robosexual”, as she was called, said she always loved the voices of robots as a child, but realised at 19 she was sexually attracted to them as well. Physical relationships with other men confirmed the matter. Lilly said that she found physical relationships with men disgusting, preferring to love robots.
“My only two relationships with men have confirmed my love orientation, because I really dislike physical contact with human flesh.”
The robot-lover has since built her own dream man with open-source technology from a French company, and has lived with him for one year.
Two years ago, a seminar called Love and Sex with Robots was due to be held in Johor, but had to be cancelled by the authorities for its bizarre title and programme. But, one of the organisers maintained that they were not promoting any sexual act.
“In fact, it could have been quite a boring workshop until all this controversy cropped up,” he said.
“This is purely an academic conference, whereby professors from other countries gather and discuss a topic and submit their research papers.”
According to a synopsis of the Love and Sex with Robots book on Amazon, Levy, described as a leading expert in artificial intelligence, argues that robots will become objects of human desire and companionship sooner than expected.
It might ultimately all lead to metal fatigue. But, the signs are increasing that the world has seriously gone mad.
If Adam had been Filial & Discipline "(FND Beast)", he would have created a Robot instead of fantasizing so as to Dream instead...
MASS Extinction???
No wonder God got fed up and decided to reformat the system and reboot the world. It was an incident waiting to happen. And it would have happened anyway. The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic just made what is supposed to happen next year or in ten years’ time happen today. That is all.
Extinction is the termination of a kind of organism or of a group of kinds (taxon), usually a species. The moment of extinction is generally considered to be the death of the last individual of the species, although the capacity to breed and recover may have been lost before this point. Because a species' potential range may be very large, determining this moment is difficult, and is usually done retrospectively. This difficulty leads to phenomena such as Lazarus taxa, where a species presumed extinct abruptly "reappears" (typically in the fossil record) after a period of apparent absence.
More than 99% of all species that ever lived on Earth, amounting to over five billion species,[1] are estimated to have died out.[2][3][4][5] It is estimated that there are currently around 8.7 million species of eukaryote globally,[6] and possibly many times more if microorganisms, like bacteria, are included.[7] Notable extinct animal species include non-avian dinosaurs, saber-toothed cats, dodos, mammoths, ground sloths, thylacines, trilobites, and golden toads.
Pastor dies of coronavirus after proclaiming ‘God is larger than this dreaded virus’
Bishop Gerald Glenn told a congregation in March that ‘god is larger than this dreaded virus’ last month, but died from the disease in hospital on Saturday night
(Mirror) – A pastor has died from coronavirus after claiming “god is larger than this dreaded virus”.
Bishop Gerald Glenn died just days after testing positive for Covid-19.
Before he was diagnosed with the virus, Glenn addressed a congregation New Deliverance Evangelistic Church in Richmond, Virginia.
The state banned gatherings of ten or more people 24 hours later.
Glenn had diverticulitis, which inflames the intestines, according to daughter Mar-Gerie Crawley, who said it was not unusual for him to have fevers.
But his health worsened last Sunday and was put on a ventilator in hospital.
“They did the COVID-19 test on him and we got it back that day and it was positive,” Crawley told local station WVTVR.
Glenn passed away on Saturday night. Mar-Gerie is now calling on people to stay indoors.
“It becomes very real to you,” she said. “I just beg people to understand the severity and the seriousness of this, because people are saying it’s not just about us, it’s about everyone around us.”
Glenn’s wife, Marcietia, has also tested positive for the virus.
The US overtook Italy on Saturday with the highest number of coronavirus deaths.
More than 21,600 have died from the disease in the country, with 551,000 confirmed cases.
The US also become the first country in the world to report more than 2,000 coronavirus deaths in a single day.
New figures show 2,108 deaths were recorded on Good Friday and the country’s infection total surpassed half a million.
New York has the worst outbreak inside the US, with almost 175,000 confirmed cases and more than 5,800 deaths in New York City alone, according to the latest tally by Johns Hopkins University.
Americans were urged to avoid church gatherings over the Easter period.
Experts on Donald Trump’s Covid-19 task force said there are signs the outbreak is starting to level off across the US.
Dr Deborah Birx said: “As encouraging as they are, we have not reached the peak.
Dr Anthony Fauci, the government’s top infectious disease expert, and other health officials pointed to declining rates of coronavirus hospitalisations and admissions to intensive care units – particularly in hard-hit New York state – as signs that social distancing measures are paying off.
“Now is no time to back off,” Dr Fauci told CNN.
He said “the virus will decide” when the country can begin to reopen from state-at-home orders imposed in recent weeks across 42 states, he added.
