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God's Chosen People - Racism in GOD?

Writer's picture: FND BeastFND Beast

In Judaism, the concept of the Jews as the chosen people (Hebrew: הָעָם הַנִבְחַר ha-ʿam ha-nivḥar , IPA: haʕam hanivħar) is the belief that the Jews, via descent from the ancient Israelites, are the chosen people, i.e. selected to be in a covenant with God.

The JEWS ARE LIARS !! THE JEWS are IDIOTS !! They created a Religion which plagues the world today !! For those who cannot get a copy of the Torah, Talmud, the Mishnah or the Kaballah, then download the PDF version !!

The Jews created a Myth about Adam and Eve ! Adam and Eve is Scientifically either an Ape, or a Caveman !! Why did Abraham have to create a Monotheistic God? He was a migrant, or pendatang from Iran !! Did Canaan not have enough Gods already? MY GOD IS BETTER THAN YOUR GOD? Sure !! The 6,000 GODS of all sorts of religions in the Middle East at that time was “NO MATCH” for the God of Abraham !! ABRAHAM was a HORRIBLE JEW !! He came up with Laws which had the most cruel punishments and specific instructions for the killing of their neighbours !! The famous stories taught in Jewish schools are simple ABHORRENT !!! Marching around a city, and then completely slaying their inhabitants be they Men, Women or Children is NOTHING to be proud of !! Not to mention the countless rapes, and so on !! 

Where is this? The story of Joshua teaches GENOCIDE !!! The Jews should BURN !! And so should ANYONE else teaching their doctrine should also be condemned !!!

It is not uncommon that Muslims around the world chanting anti-US, anti-Israel, anti-Jews slogans on street, but how often have we seen global Muslim protest against forced child labor, human rights abuses, corruption and crime against humanity? 

Satan is very happy when the descendants of Ibrahim (Abraham) destroying and killing each other…

“And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old, and ox, and sheep, and ass, with the edge of the sword. Joshua 6:21

 What child should ever be taught to hate?? What child should ever be taught to kill? What child should ever be taught to maim, or take slaves? The Horrible Jews also kept slaves. Not only was it permissable, it was enshrined in their (un) Holy Book !!

Biblical passages recognized, controlled, and regulated the practice.

The Bible and Rabbinic Teachings permitted owners to beat their slaves severely, even to the point of killing them. However, as long as the slave lingered longer than 24 hours before dying of the abuse, the owner was not regarded as having committed a crime, because — after all — the slave was his property.

“When a man strikes his male or female slave with a rod so hard that the slave dies under his hand, he shall be punished.  If, however, the slave survives for a day or two, he is not to be punished, since the slave is his own property. ” (Exodus 21:20-21 NAB)

However, you may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you.  You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land.  You may treat them as your property, passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance.  You may treat your slaves like this, but the people of Israel, your relatives, must never be treated this way. (Leviticus 25:44-46 NLT)

Paul had every opportunity to write in one of his Epistles that human slavery — the owning of one person as a piece of property by another — is profoundly evil. His letter to Philemon would have been an ideal opportunity to vilify slavery. 


But Paul of Tarsus wrote not one word of criticism. Instead, he wrote the following:

Jesus (Yeshua Bar Yehosef), himself a Jew, could have condemned the practice. He might have done so. He could have done so.

And he had every opportunity to do so BUT, there is no record of Jesus having EVER said anything negative about the institution.

Moses himself was no Angel either !! He advocated and watched over the murderous Genocide of 4,000 fellow Jewish who were friends, brothers, sisters,  parents, and even their own children !!

Moses asked, and the Levites stood beside him. He then ordered them to “kill your brother, friend, and neighbor.” (Exodus Chapter 32 verse 27)

He then announced that this was the day of the institution of the Levitical priesthood because by killing their brothers, friends, and neighbors,  “you have brought a blessing this day upon yourselves.” (Exodus Chapter 32 verse 29)

 “Still, the Torah calls Moses “the humblest man.” Could a humble man preside over genocide? The answer is a definite YES. Moses’ humility was his entire submission to divine will. A tremendous erosion of the concept took place afterward: Jewish humility came to mean submission to people, even down to enemies and oppressors. Whatever his own views, Moses entirely accepted God’s definition of morality. Divine decrees set the standard of morality, and anything God told him to do was moral by definition. Even genocide was moral when perpetrated on divine orders.  Modern Jews should not shrink from the explicit commandment to cleanse the land God gave us of its hostile inhabitants.”

And then, there’s the selling of their own Jewish Daughters !! Dowries???

Mahr is an Arabic word meaning dower. Besides mahr sadaq nahlah ajr and faridah are other Arabic terms used in the Quran and hadiths to mean dower or bridal due. Dower is a benefit given by a man to a woman when they marry. It is the woman's legal right to receive it and it is specified during the marriage contract and also to be documented with a Marriage Cert.

“When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are.  If she does not please the man who bought her, he may allow her to be bought back again.  But he is not allowed to sell her to foreigners, since he is the one who broke the contract with her.  ” (Exodus 21:7 NLT)

The Genocide...

I came across many blogs and websites condemning Israel and the Jews, this unified global Muslim movement against Zionism is not just a recent phenomenon, it started nearly 60 years ago, the fate of Palestinians has not changed much and we have witnessed the clashes between terrorists group Hamas and Palestinian Authority over the past few years. The Jews and Palestinians problem should be a political issue, unfortunately, religion has conveniently been dragged into into the Israel-Palestine conflict, and nearly all Muslims around the world have been told or taught to support the Palestinian struggle, the demonization of Jews has seemed to become an integral part of Muslim global propaganda.

When we talk about the plight of Palestinians, how many Muslims have ever spared a thought for the hundred of thousand Shiite Muslims who were brutally killed in Iraq during the rule of Saddam Hussein? How many Muslims ever voice out against the corrupt and tyrannical Muslim regimes in Africa, Middle-east and Asia which have adversely brought their countries and people into destruction? How many Muslims in the world are ready to fight for justice and well-being of the Muslims in Nigeria, Sudan, Iran,Iraq,Syria, Pakistan, Somalia, Indonesia, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Mali and many other Muslim countries where Muslim children are deprived of food, shelter and education. The past Taleban regime in Afghanistan could spend a huge amount of money for weaponry when the children in the country were seriously suffering from starvation and malnutrition.

A Dinosaur Era Mindset???

In short, also, the Muslims are following Christian (and Jewish) laws. Christians, however, no longer follow Christianity. They have deviated from Christianity. And you call Muslims who are true to Islam and are not hypocrites as those ‘whose mindset is of the dinosaur era’

Islam is 1,400 years old. Hinduism is much older. And until today many Hindus still refuse to eat beef. Can we say that Hindus are people ‘whose mindset is of the dinosaur era’? After all you no longer need cows to till the land. In this modern post-dinosaur era we have tractors to do that. So why don’t Hindus just eat those fooking cows when 10% of the world is facing a food crisis?

Actually what applies to Muslims applies to Christians and Jews as well. The only thing is Christians are no longer Christians. They have left Christianity. This Friday Christians are going to celebrate a pagan holiday. And then they say they are celebrating Jesus Christ’s birthday. Is this not a mindset of a dinosaur era?

Do you know that the Church of England back in the 1600s banned the celebration of Christmas because it was considered heresy? Shops were ordered to stay open on 25th December and shopkeepers who closed their shops would be arrested. So the church regarded Christmas as un-Christian, paganism and heresy. But Christians are stubborn and refuse to listen.

Muslim women are supposed to cover their heads. Should we call this a practice from a dinosaur era. Well, actually Christians (and Jews) are supposed to do the same according to Paul.

“For if a woman does not cover her head, she might as well have her hair cut off; but if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut off or her head shaved, then she should cover her head.” (1 Corinthians 11:6)

And this is why the Bible says that women are supposed to cover their heads:

“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery;’ but I say to you, that everyone who looks on a woman to lust for her has committed adultery with her already in his heart.” (Matthew 5:27-28).

Christians are not supposed to divorce and yet the highest rate of divorce is amongst the Christian community.

It has been said, ‘Anyone who divorces his wife must give her a certificate of divorce.’ But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, makes her the victim of adultery, and anyone who marries a divorced woman commits adultery.” (Matthew 5:31-32)

And those who commit adultery are supposed to be put to death.

If a man commits adultery with another man’s wife — with the wife of his neighbour — both the adulterer and the adulteress must be put to death.” (Leviticus 20:10)

If a man is found sleeping with another man’s wife, both the man who slept with her and the woman must die.” (Deuteronomy 22:22)

But then Christians will argue that that was according to the Old Testament. According to the New Testament Jesus has abolished the death penalty for adultery. Well, this is not what Matthew says.

Do not think that I [Jesus] have come to abolish the Law (the Old Testament) or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke or a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law (the Old Testament) until everything is accomplished.” (Matthew 5:17-18)

Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples: ‘The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat. So you must obey them and do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach.” (Matthew 23:1-3)

In short, also, the Muslims are following Christian (and Jewish) laws. Christians, however, no longer follow Christianity. They have deviated from Christianity. And you call Muslims who are true to Islam and are not hypocrites as those ‘whose mindset is of the dinosaur era’??? And what about Hindus who refuse to eat beef? Are they liberal, moderate and modern people or people ‘whose mindset is of the dinosaur era’?

The death toll due to wars and conflicts through the ages
  • The Second World War: 50 million to 70 million (against a world population of 2 billion)

  • The First World War: 45 million to 65 million (against a world population of 1.6 billion)

  • Mongol conquests (1207-1472): 40 million to 60 million (against a world population of 400 million)

  • Chinese Revolution (756-763): 35 million to 40 million (against a world population of 200 million)

  • Qing dynasty conquest of the Ming Dynasty (1616-1632): 25 million (against a world population of 500 million)

  • Taiping Rebellion of China (1851-1864): 20 million to 30 million (against a world population of 1 billion)

  • Timur Conquest (1369-1405): 15 million to 20 million (against a world population of 400 million)

  • Dungan Revolt of China (1862-1877): 10 million (against a world population of 1 billion)

  • Thirty Years War (Holy Roman Empire; 1618-1648): 10-11 million

  • Russian Civil War (1917-1921): 9 million (against a world population of 1.6 billion)

  • Congo wars: 6-8 million

  • Yellow Turban War of China (184-205): 5-7 million

  • Napoleonic wars: 5-6 million

  • Vietnam War: 5 million

  • Polish-Lithuanian conflict (1655-1660): 3-4 million

  • French wars on religion (1562-1598): 3-4 million

  • Korean War: 3 million

  • Sudanese Civil War: 2 million

  • Crusades (1059-1291): 2 million

  • Shaka’s conquest of Africa (1816-1828): 2 million

  • Spanish Civil War: 400,000

  • Greek-Turkish War: 250,000

  • Stalin’s regime of Russia: 20 million

  • Middle East slave trade: 19 million

  • European slave trade: 18 million

  • British occupation of India: 15-17 million

  • European colonisation of the Americas: 10-20 million

  • Nazi genocide: 10 million

  • Ukraine genocide: 10 million

  • Fall of the Roman Empire: 8 million

  • ‘Killing Fields’ of Cambodia: 3 million

  • Bangladesh genocide: 3 million

  • Genocide of Germans after WWII: 3 million

  • Assyrian genocide: 1.5 million

  • Armenian genocide: 1 million

  • Rwanda genocide: 1 million

  • Greek genocide: 1 million

  • French occupation of Algeria: 1 million

  • Angola genocide: 550,000

  • Massacres in Zunghar Khanate, China: 500,000

  • Ustashe massacres of Serbs, Jews, Roma and Croats in Croatia: 500,000

  • Brazilian genocide of the Indians: 500,000

  • Sudan conflict: 500,000

  • Russian conquest of the Caucasus: 400,000

  • Darfur genocide: 400,000

  • West Papua genocide: 400,000

  • Abyssinian Conquest: 400,000

  • French Indochina War: 400,000

  • Indonesian Communist genocide: 400,000

  • Somalia genocide: 400,000

  • East Timor genocide: 300,000

  • Nanking genocide: 300,000

  • Idi Amin’s regime: 300,000

  • Guatemala genocide: 200,000

  • Iraq genocide: 200,000

  • Tito’s regime: 200,000

  • Guatemala conflict: 200,000

  • Bosnia genocide: 175,000

  • Hutu genocide in Burundi: 100,000

  • Masacre of Tamils in Sri Lanka: 100,000

  • Tutsi genocide in Burundi: 50,000

A Never Ending WAR!!! Between Humans

Christian preachers of 1,000 years ago — whom in their sermons said that the Jews killed Jesus Christ and the Jews cut out the hearts of Christian babies and eat it raw and whatnot.

The result of that anti-Jew propaganda was the Jews all over Europe were expelled from the country of their birth. They were persecuted and discriminated against and were placed in ‘special neighbourhoods’ which they were forbidden from leaving under pain of death. They also had to wear yellow stars on their chest.

This was almost 1,000 years before Hitler and the Nazis did the same thing. England, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, etc., were 700-800 hundred years ahead of Hitler but we keep talking about how bad the Nazis were while forgetting that the whole of Europe was as bad or worse than the Nazis.

Back in Noah’s days this is what happened. Humankind thought it knew better than God as to what is good for them. So they broke away from God and set up their own system. So God exterminated entire humankind except for Noah and his immediate family.

This is the first recorded case of genocide in history. Thereafter, humans followed God’s example and committed many more acts of genocide on fellow humans over thousands of years.

Let’s come back to the Jews and Palestinians issues:

1.Jews, Palestinians and Arabians are descendants of Ibrahim (Abraham).

2.Therefore,Muslims and the Jews forefathers were from the same place in Arabian Peninsula (as Jews and Muslims acknowledge Adam and Eve are their ancestors, unlike those who believe that their ancestors were monkey or orang hutan).

3.Hence, it is undeniable and indisputable that Israel (the location) is also the homeland for Jews.3.There are less 14 million Jews in the world (about 0.2% of world population).

4.Israel population stands at 7.2 Million (2008),of which Jews=5.4 million, Arab (including Palestinian)=1.5 million, Other=0.2 million

5.The size of Israel is 20991 sq KM (about the size of Johor)

6.The size of Israel accounts for about 3% of land in the entire Arabian Peninsula.

7.The total Palestinian population worldwide is estimated 10 million people.

8.Roughly half of all Palestinians continue to live in Israel, the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem.

9.The other half, many of whom are refugees, live elsewhere around the world and comprise what is known as the Palestinian diaspora.

10.Palestinian diaspora in Jordan,Lebanon, Syria,Egypt have not got any better than their counterparts in Israel, most of them are unemployed and left unattended in those countries.

11.Many Palestinians are hoping to seek employment in Israel and Israel had granted considerable number of work permits to Palestinians before year 2000, 125,000 Palestinians working in Israel and the number reflected over 25% of the entire Palestinian workforce.

12. In 2002, Israeli security concerns reduced the number of Palestinian work permits to 7,532, leaving over 110,000 Palestinians unemployed.

13. Since 2002, the number of work permits issued has depended on the political climate and have gone up and down, though never returning to the natural rate of employment before year 2000.

14.For example, in 2004 the Israeli government issued 33,386 work permits to Palestinians employed in Israel, Israeli controlled industrial zones, and the Israeli settlements, but this number has recently dropped again.

15. Many Palestinians work illegally in Israel.

16. If Jews and Palestinians can reconcile and put their differences aside, it is to the benefits of Jews and Palestinians, more Palestinians will be able to gain employment in Israel and Israel can attain higher economic growth, however, would Muslim world want it to happen?

In spite of global Muslim movement screaming and crying to rescue the Palestinians, the Super-rich oil-producing Muslim countries haven’t done much to help them, countries like Syria,Lebanon and Jordon are shunning Palestinians when they are in need of help in healthcare, education and employment, etc.

1. There are about 1.5 billion Muslims around the world.

2.There are more Muslims (about 6 Million) than Jews in the US.

3.Jews were almost completely exterminated during the Holocaust in the 30s and 40s.

4.Out of 750 Nobel Prize Winners, about 180 are Jews.5.China, a country with 1.5 billion population, is dependent on Israel for technology transfer.

5. According to Dr. Mahathir, the Jews rule the world by proxy.

6. Muslims ought to think deeply what’s made Jews invincible.

7. It is possible for 1500000000 Muslims around the world who can outperform, outshine and outmanoeuvre 14000000 Jews and rule the world directly without proxy.

8. Instead of confrontation, Muslims around the world should encourage the reconciliation and cooperation between Palestine and Israel.

9. But some Muslim/Islamic countries won’t want to see it happen! Countries like Syria, Libya, Lebanon might lose it political direction when Palestinians and Jews embrace one another and Jihadists in other countries may lose their job.

10. Both Jews and Muslims have many similarities and in fact it is much easier for Muslims and Jews to embrace each other culture and custom.

11. What has made Jews strong is education, education, education, and their emphasis on education!

12. The determined pursuit of education,science,technology, business knowledge etc is the only way to enhance one’s employability and competitiveness, lack of it has caused some Muslims (especially those who love to wage Holy war on “imaginary” demons) to withdraw from this life and fancy life hereafer.

13. Look at Muslims in Southern Thailand and Philippine, we know what they are up to and religion is merely a camouflage for them to fulfil their personal political ambition and create trouble.

14. When they achieve power, they will use power to torture and suppress more Muslims, Muslims in in Somalia, Sudan, Pakistan and Iraq have suffered enough!

15. Just think why hundred of thousand of Muslims want to flee the countries like Afghanistan,Iran,Sudan,etc?

16. Why they dream of going to the “demonized” countries like US, Australia, Germany,Canada, etc? why?

As many Jihadists have claimed, the US and Jews, etc are root-cause of the Muslim problems, they don’t want to recognize the fact that corruption and poor management of the country are the real problem causing the suffering of Muslims. So it is not uncommon that Muslims around the world chanting anti-US, anti-Israel, anti-Jews slogans on street, but how often have we seen global Muslim protest against forced child labor, human rights abuses, corruption and crime against humanity?

When Saddam Hussein launched his “ethnic-cleansing” campaign against the Muslim Kurds in northern Iraq, how many Muslims from Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia and other Muslim countries went on street to burn Saddam Hussein effigy? There was a total 28 Muslims died in various Muslim countries–Pakistan, Nigeria,etc while violently protesting against a Danish cartoon which allegedly insulted a Prophet of Islam. I categorically condemn the drawing of Danish cartoon that’s insulted Islamic faith, a cartoon could cost 28 Muslim lives! A cartoon could “draw” few million of protesters around the world…

If CNN or BBC documentary producer was to conclude that the Mother of Jesus was not a virgin as it is scientifically and physiologically impossible for Mary to give birth to Jesus without having pre-marital sex, you won’t see Christians threatening to kill the documentary producer or staging global Christian demonstration or protest. Christianity has remained unscathed in spite of the annual TV documentaries casting doubt on the virgin birth of Jesus.

When Mary responds to the angel’s good tidings in Luke, one translation of her speech is, “How can this be, I do not know a man?” But in the Greek, the word for man is anēr,which also means “husband.” Schaberg suggests that if this is the meaning Luke intended, the text could imply that Jesus had a human father who was not Joseph.

In the Magnificat, Mary’s song of praise and thanksgiving to God, she says, “God has lifted up his humble maidservant.” The Greek word for “humble” is the same one that the Septuagint (the old Greek version of the Hebrew Bible) uses to describe the rape of Dinah in Genesis and other incidents of sexual violation. From this, Schaberg discerns the possibility that Mary’s “humility” could be “humiliation” from a sexual assault.

After having delivered the baby and rested a short while, Maryam is then commanded to an oath of silence in the face of anyone who asks her concerning this matter. As she makes her way home carrying her child, the townspeople are immediately taken by surprise. They quickly subject her to suspicion and questioning, shocked at the uncanny scene they see before them. Having vowed an oath of silence, she remains quiet and rather signals towards the child. Astounded and baffled by her response, the people exclaim “How can we speak to a child in the cradle?”. It is at this moment that Jesus leaves the townspeople lost for words, as he miraculously speaks from the cradle in defence of his mother. He informs the people that he is a servant of God who has received the Gospel and was made a Prophet. He enlightens them of his noble rank and the blessings that God had bestowed upon him. And of course he spoke of his obligation towards worshipping God alone without any partners.

[Jesus] said, “Indeed, I am the servant of God . He has given me the Scripture and made me a prophet. And He has made me blessed wherever I am and has enjoined upon me prayer and zakah as long as I remain alive And [made me] dutiful to my mother, and He has not made me a wretched tyrant. And peace is on me the day I was born and the day I will die and the day I am raised alive.” Quran 19:30-33 [Jesus said], “And indeed, God is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him. That is a straight path.” Quran 19:36

I wonder how a land can be deemed ‘holy’ when it has been the most blood-drenched piece of semi-desert estate in world’s history. Why would Jesus want to return there, a place of unbelievable violence for more than 3,000 years? Perhaps Christians should pray for Him to go to, say, New Zealand or Seychelles or Tahiti in his Second Coming.

Abraham – the common and first Patriarch for Judaism, Christianity and Islam – who was he? A few claim he originated from India, then there are those who punt for Persia (Iran), while many suggest that it was in Babylon (Iraq), or somewhere in present day Turkey’s southern region.

Yet, in reality, for such an important religious figure, nothing is known of his origin. Even the Bible merely mentions the birthplace of his brother as in Ur of Chaldean (Genesis 11:28), but strangely not his. Ur is the Tel el-Muqayyar site in southern Iraq. Even this location is disputed for many reasons, with some experts opting for Turkey (but more later). The other location associated with Abraham's origin is Haran (Genesis 12:4 & 12:5) in northern Iraq (near Carchemish), next to today's Turkish border.

Archaeologists and biblical researchers have investigated and dug in Iraq and southern Turkey, but nothing has been found to indicate any tenuous link to his existence.

Abraham was the father or rather the ancestor of the Hebrews (Jews). The story of the ancient Hebrews had always been closely linked to Egypt, so perhaps looking there instead of the above mentioned locations may provide some clues to the Patriarch’s origin?

The short answer is that Abraham was a Gentile who was chosen by God to be the ancestor of the Jewish people.

Was Abraham a Jew or Gentile?

The term Jew is a shortened form of the word Judah, which was the name of one of the tribes of Israel, the tribe of David and of Jesus (Matthew 1:1). Judah was also the name of the southern half of the kingdom of Israel when it split into two parts (1 Kings 12), because it was dominated by the large tribe of Judah. The first time the word Jew is used in the Bible is during the exile (2 Kings 25:25), and may have been a term coined by the Babylonians or Persians to refer to the people in their midst who had come from the kingdom of Judah. By New Testament times, Jew was a common term, and it has remained in usage unto this day. Obviously, Abraham was never referred to by this term.

The term Gentile is simply from the Latin word for “nation.” When the term Gentiles is used in Scripture, it means “the nations.” If a person is a Gentile, he or she is a member of one of the many nations in the world. When Jew and Gentile are juxtaposed, the contrast is between one who is a member of God’s chosen nation and one who is a member of one of the hundreds of other nations or ethnic groups not chosen for special blessing in the way that Israel was. In this context, Gentile simply means “not Jewish.”

Abraham started out as a member of one of the many nations or ethnic groups that were in existence at the time. (Of course, these are somewhat artificial distinctions, because all people came from Adam and Eve, and all people are related if the genealogy is traced back far enough. However, after Babel, people started to segregate into smaller groups and develop into distinctive ethnic groups, clans, and nations.) Abraham was living in Ur of the Chaldeans. While he was there, God called him:

“The Lord had said to Abram, ‘Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you. I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you’” (Genesis 12:1–3).

At that point, Abraham was called and set apart for God’s purposes. He left his native country and people behind. His descendants would become the great nation of Israel, God’s chosen people, but the line had not been narrowed down yet. Abraham had several sons: Isaac, by his wife Sarah; Ishmael, by a slave of Sarah; and other sons with another wife after Sarah died. However, it was only Isaac who was the chosen one. Isaac had two sons, Jacob and Esau, and only Jacob (whose name was later changed to Israel) was the chosen one. All of Jacob’s 12 sons were included as patriarchs in the nation of Israel and became the basis for the 12 tribes. It was at this point that the line had been finally set; however, the wives of Jacob’s sons were still from outside the family.

With the next generation of Jacob’s grandchildren, the descendants of Jacob became a distinct people group, and they were distinguished from the Egyptians among whom they were living as having all descended from one man named Israel. By the time of Exodus 1, they were recognized as a distinct nation.

Technically, no one was called a “Jew” before the exile; however, the people who became known as Jews were a distinct ethnic group by the time of Exodus 1. They were a distinct clan by the time of Jacob and his sons. Abraham was a Gentile, that is, a member of one of the many nations that had developed by his time. The Jews came from Abraham because he was chosen by God from among the nations to be the origin of a new nation. The Jews of Jesus’ day looked to Abraham (not Jacob/Israel) as the head of their race (see Matthew 3:9; Luke 3:8; John 8:39; Acts 13:26; Galatians 3:7). If one is thinking in these terms, it would not be wrong to think of Abraham as “the first Jew,” although that’s not technically correct.


Social Animal

  • I don’t need to know everything; I just need to know where to find it, when I need it.

  • Never keep anything in your mind that you can look up.

  • Never memorize what you can look up in books.


Sociable Voice onto the Wall Media



By FND Beast

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