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Writer's picture: FND BeastFND Beast
terrorize - create and maintain a state of extreme fear and distress in (someone); fill with terror.

"he used his private army to terrorize the population"

A terrorist is someone who terrorises others. That is how the word came about. So, if you terrorise me then you are a terrorist. And terrorise means to scare, frighten, threaten, intimidate, bully, etc., someone.

Okay, are we now clear about what terrorist means (because I find that many people of different races be it Malays, Chinese, Indians and ‘lain-lain’ use that word without even understanding what it means)?

Most of you think that a terrorist is only someone who carries a gun or bomb. That is not true. You do not need to carry a gun or bomb to be a terrorist. You can even be holding a Bible or a Qur’an and have a smile on your face and still be a terrorist.

During pandemic or Covid times, people of different races are even terrorize to be Vaccinated and is force to wear a mask just to be in presence among societies and this is termed as the "New Norm". The man made laws states that it is a new requirement for people to be vaccinated and to wear a mask just to mingle or even to perform prayers during this dark times and those who do not comply with this new requirements will be summon or fine. Those who are vaccinated can perform their ritual rites or even travel the world whereby those that are not vaccinated should just stay at home.

Why do most people perceived turbans & beards as a terrorist image?
In France this is considered freedom of speech

Fear is the path to the Dark side. Fear leads to Anger. Anger leads to Hate. Hate leads to Suffering. Between the Faithful and the Faithless. Of Morals and Immorals... Of Truthful or Truthless and between Fate and Destiny... Is the path to its existence... A truth of the Dark Side as The Force Awakens for its Expansion.

Terror: intense, sharp, overmastering fear: to be frantic with terror. An instance or cause of intense fear or anxiety: quality of causing terror: to be a terror to evildoers.

Terrorist: a person, usually a member of a group, who uses or advocates terrorism: a person who terrorises or frightens others.

Terrorism: the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes: the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorisation.

How many times has your mother caught you masturbating and told you that masturbating causes blindness? That is an act of terrorism. Your mother makes you terrified of masturbating with the lie that masturbating causes blindness.

Hence your mother is a terrorist.

Do parents not tell their kids not to talk to strangers who are most likely paedophiles or go out in the dark where there are ghosts and devils waiting to kidnap children? And do kids not fear strangers and the dark and grow up with a phobia of ghosts and evil spirits?

Hence your parents are terrorists.

In a crazy world, poking is to be made mandatory

The new norm as "POKING" brings lots of FUN & Joy...

Poking those who are vaccinated too? #craziness #crazy #vaccinated #swabtest

I've been lookin' for a trace

Lookin' for a heart

Lookin' for CORONA in a world

That's much too dark

Do Christians not tell you that the only way to salvation is to accept Jesus as the Lord and the Son of God? And if you not accept Jesus then you will not be allowed into the Kingdom of Heaven.

You are so terrified of not being allowed into Heaven that you become a Christian or, if you are already a Christian, you become a ‘better’ Christian.

Hence Christians are terrorists.

Do Hindus not tell you that there is such a thing as the law of karma? If you do bad then bad will befall you. You are so terrorised by this that you never dare do bad and only do good whereas you are actually not a good person and actually enjoy doing bad things.

So you reluctantly be good whereas in your heart you would rather be bad as being bad is more fun. (Good girls go to heaven whereas bad girls have all the fun, said Marilyn Monroe).

Hence Hindus are terrorists.

In the end we are all terrorists. Everybody and everyone are considered terrorist. We terrorise others into doing what we want them to do or terrorise them into not doing what we do not want them to do. We put all sorts of fears into them. We tell them things that make them scared. In short, we control them by using the fear factor.

In times of pandemic Is a time of war As the viruses mutates So does the will of Man To win the war... Is to go against Mother Nature... Between Pfizer, Moderna mRNA OR Janssen??? #coronavirus#viruses#everybodywantstoruletheworld

An Image of Terrorist

Muslims who wear turbans are Mad Mullahs. They are terrorists and extremists and stuck in the middle ages.

It is compulsory that caricatures of Muslim terrorists be drawn with robes, turbans and beards.

A Muslim with a beard represents a person who is mentally unstable, and a Muslim with a beard AND turban represents a dangerous person.

You have more chance of being stopped by police or immigration officers if you are bearded and turbaned in Europe and the United States.

In London and other UK cities, more hate crimes have been committed against Muslims is Islamic attire than against Jews in skullcaps or Sikhs in turbans. (The hate crimes committed against Sikhs in turbans are those mistaken for Muslims).

Terrorists are not born. Terrorists are made. And it is you and me who turn these people into terrorists.

For example, when some people in Mekah chose to follow Prophet Muhammad they were terrorised by those who opposed Prophet Muhammad. So they were forced to leave Mekah and migrate to Medina and other places and soon banded together into a fighting force to return to Mekah to conquer it by military force.

If these people had just been allowed freedom of religion then the Muslims would not have turned militant and today Muslims would not have been groomed into becoming fighters.

The West tried to conquer Afghanistan since hundreds of years ago so the Afghans were forced to fight back. After centuries of fighting they became one of the best fighters in the world. And then they were called terrorists when in fact they were the ones being terrorised by the West.

Then Russia conquered Afghanistan and this, too, forced the Afghans to fight back. But they did not make much progress against the better-trained and better-equipped Russian military.

The United States then told Pakistan to help train and equip the Afghan students in Pakistan (Taliban means students) and then send them back to Afghanistan to fight the Russians. This time because of better training and more superior weapons the Afghan students won. Then we go and call these Afghan students a.k.a. Taliban terrorists. They were not terrorists. Instead they were being terrorised. The Russians were the terrorists.

So you see, when you persecute others you terrorise them and one day they will rise up and fight back. Then when they do you go and call them terrorists when it is you who is terrorising them.

In academic circles, Judaism, Christianity and Islam are grouped under the Semitic religions or Abrahamic faiths. In short, they all share the same roots although the Christians now have the books of the New Testament and the Muslims the Qur’an and Hadith. Nevertheless, Moses is still very much the Prophet of all three.

Now, what is a terrorist? According to the definition, a terrorist is someone (an individual or someone belonging to a body of persons) who terrorises others, mainly to force that person or persons into submission.

If that is the definition of a terrorist then God is a terrorist because, according to Exodus, God terrorised the Pharaoh and the Egyptians into submitting to Moses. And in this act of terrorism God brought down many plagues onto the Egyptians.

The Plague of Blood

The Plague of Frogs

The Plague of Gnats

The Plague of Flies

The Plague on Livestock

The Plague of Boils

The Plague of Hail

The Plague of Locusts

The Plague of Darkness

The Plague on the Firstborn

Eventually the Pharaoh and the Egyptians were terrorised into submission and they allowed Moses and his people to leave Egypt.

Then God terrorised Moses and his people with the punishment of wandering 40 years in the desert without a home. The Israelites, in turn, on God’s command, terrorised all the other communities they met along the way and launched their ethnic cleansing to exterminate all those who still insisted on praying to other Gods and who refused to accept the God of Moses.

Hence, in short, the book of Exodus is about terrorism and about how God was behind all these acts of terrorism. Hence also, in short, according to Exodus, God is a terrorist by definition.

And that was how the Nation of Israel was born, through terrorism. And from the Nation of Israel emerged the nations of Jesus Christ and Islam. And it has been terrorism for thousands of years until now.

The only difference is Islam, which was born 600 years after Jesus, still terrorises in the name of religion while the Jews and Christians no longer hide behind religion to terrorise others but use ‘modern values’ such as democracy, freedom, human rights and civil liberties.

Hence this makes Muslims bad terrorists and the non-Muslims good terrorists because non-Muslims do not use religion but use noble values to terrorise others.

Muslims kill because God commands it in certain situations against enemies of God and those who disobey God. Jews and Christians do not because they disobey God and are no longer good Jews or good Christians.

Exodus 12.15 says: Anyone who attacks their father or mother is to be put to death.

Exodus 12.17 says: Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death.

Exodus 12.16 says: Anyone who kidnaps someone is to be put to death, whether the victim has been sold or is still in the kidnapper’s possession.

Exodus 22.18 says: Do not allow a sorceress to live.

Exodus 22.19 says: Anyone who has sexual relations with an animal is to be put to death.

Exodus 22.20 says: Whoever sacrifices to any god other than the Lord must be destroyed.

Exodus 22.22-24 says: Do not take advantage of the widow or the fatherless. If you do and they cry out to me, I will certainly hear their cry. My anger will be aroused, and I will kill you with the sword; your wives will become widows and your children fatherless.

Exodus 22.28 says: Do not blaspheme God or curse the ruler of your people.

Those are just some of the laws but in the end it is all about if you do this or you do that you must be punished and in most cases the punishment is death.

l came ,l don't know from where or how l came to be l am, or why l came ?l don't know! l saw a path in front of me l began to walk,l must keep on walking willingly or unwillingly ,whether l agree or not. How did l came to be? How did l sighted my way? l can't perceive the matter ,l don't know! Am l new or am l old in this existence ? Am l free or am l a captive in confinement? Do l lead myself or l am being lead ? l wish l knew ,but l don't know,l don't know! l must coincide , but why ? l don't know! III - Is my journey a rough one? Is it a long one? Is it a short unpredictable one? Am l walking or time is doing the walking for me ? l don't know,l don't know! IV- l saw stars ,but l don't know why they are irradiate ? l saw the clouds ,but l don't know why they are sending out the rain? l saw the forest with the trees ,but l don't know why they bear fruit after they bloom? Are they like me ?they don't know why they came to be?l don't know! l remember nothing of my past life,l can't predict my coming years. l know l have a self ,but l don't know what it is? So when would myself knows itself ,l don't know!

l see a struggle going on within me . l see myself as the devil then as an angel. Bad and good battling inside my mind. Why they keep on fighting ? Why they can't get along ? l don't know ,l don't know! Where are my cries and my laughter ? Where are my sadness and my joy? Am l sane or am l insane ? Did l loss every thing ,but how it happened? l don't know l don't know! Am l going to be send back after my death? Old or young,am l going to know myself? Or am l to be no more? l don't know ,l don't know!

By Elia Abu Madi

According to the Muslim law of Hudud, if you steal your hand must be amputated. According to Exodus, if you cannot pay back what you stole you must be sold as a slave.

In Hinduism, Buddhism, etc., you suffer the law of karma. Hence, if you do bad you suffer bad, and if you do good you enjoy good. Christians and Muslims, however, are terrorised into submission. In fact, some interpret Islam to mean submission. And if you do not submit you will be tortured after you die.

Judaism, Christianity and Islam are not really religions of love and peace, as some argue. They are religions of war. It about obeying God or suffer the punishment. It is about defy God and suffer death. It is about you must resist, fight and kill those who will not bow to God and accept the one God and still insist on praying to other Gods.

The God of the Jews, Christians and Muslims is a jealous God who cannot accept other Gods. The God of the Jews, Christians and Muslims is a vengeful God who punishes you for disobedience. The God of the Jews, Christians and Muslims is a God who has human emotions of love, hate and anger. The God of the Jews, Christians and Muslims is a God you must never cross if you do not want to suffer punishment in this world and the next. The God of the Jews, Christians and Muslims is a terrorist who makes you tremble and obey out of fear.

Everywhere I'm going... It's a Sin...

We are scared that if we do not believe in religion then we will be punished both in this world and the next and we will be denied the rewards. So we believe and follow religion out of fear of punishment and out of fear of losing out on the rewards. If there were no punishment and reward system in religion none of us would believe in what can be regarded as utter nonsense.

Hence we are being terrorised into believing and doing something — and that would make all religions terrorist movements... Out of fear Get Vaccinated & Wear Your MASK!!!

White Supremacy & Racism - An ACT of Terrorism

To Belief that ONE is GOD Chosen People

To Belief that Slavery as a divine act of God

To Belief in White Dominance

To belief that dark skin complexion as Evil

Back in the 1800s to the 1950s when white supremacy was at its height during the era of European colonisation of Africa and Asia, Europeans used being white-skinned and Christian to justify slavery and taking political and economic control of people of darker skin by military and religious methods.

But how “white” is defined is fluid. Not all ethnic groups with white skin were deemed white. The Irish and Italians were not considered as such in late 19th and early 20th century America. But the US government expanded its definition of whites to include Arabs and North Africans in 1944.


Racism is not a thing of the past. All over the world, it is still quite alive today although it may be less in severity in some places. Despite whatever positive development, we must realize that change cannot happen instantaneously but over a prolonged period of time; that is, if it happens at all. Ideally, we should be moving towards that ultimate goal of equality but it is not that easy to deal with this issue, not when the past is still hovering above our heads like dark clouds looming in the sky before a storm.

Honestly, no one can not evade the past. That is the reason why we have to understand our nation’s history, the struggles of our forefathers past and their astonishing accomplishments. Instead of placing the blame elsewhere, the blame upon other people and those of past generations, we must place the blame on ourselves in order to move forward. Blaming others does not accomplish anything; it simply puts the problem elsewhere.

A Racist Is A Follower Of Iblis

Malays, being Muslims, are very careful about what they eat. Most Malays will not eat in a non-Muslim restaurant even if that eating establishment does not serve pork. Quite a few ‘modern’ Muslims though have no problems eating in a halal (kosher) non-Muslim restaurant though the hands of non-Muslims may have touched the food. But the ‘traditionalist’ or more ‘orthodox’ Muslim would be most uncomfortable with this. Liquor and gambling are another two taboos for Muslims. Surprisingly though, many Muslims who refuse to even enter a restaurant selling pork, let alone eat in that restaurant, have a penchant for liquor and gambling; what Islam regards as vices worse than the sin of consuming pork. But that is as far as Muslims would go. Consuming pork, drinking liquor, gambling, adultery, etc. would be sins most Muslims would steer clear of. But the other taboos or forbidden acts in Islam seem to be accepted as ‘unavoidable’ and Muslims would never hesitate to commit these acts in spite of Islam’s very strong stand against them.

When we refer to certain clauses or paragraphs in the Koran that clearly decree Islam’s position on these acts or attitudes, Muslims would be quick to point out that that particular decree refers to Muslims only and does not cover those not subscribing to Islam. Then, when we argue that that particular decree was pre-Prophet Muhammad, they would still defend their position by explaining that those before Prophet Muhammad who followed the other Prophets are also regarded by Islam as Muslims. Therefore, again, these references in the Koran are for Muslims and non-Muslims are not bound by them.

And that is the end of the debate. To continue would make you a bad Muslim, a deviant, or worse, a person who has ‘exited’ from Islam. And one such issue that Muslims, in particular in Malaysia, resent anyone debating is the decree on racism which Islam clearly says is forbidden. Muslims would counter this argument by saying that the propagation of a Malaysian race is in itself racism and therefore considered asabiyah. There should be only two ‘races’, Muslims and non-Muslims. To expound the ideology of a multi-religious Malaysian ‘race’ is, to these people, a despicable idea.

Let us go back to the story of how the first Prophet of the Muslims, Christians and Jews; that is, Adam; was created and the reason why Iblis, who held a ‘high position’ in heaven at par with the other angels, was excommunicated. And Iblis’ only crime was that he thought he was far superior to another of God’s creation, man. And if Iblis, a more superior creation to man, can suffer this fate just because he was arrogant in thinking he is superior to man, just imagine the fate of those who harbour this same attitude towards fellow man?

Muslims are told that Allah moulded Adam with His own hands. Allah took a handful of dust from the earth and mixed it into various colours – white, black, yellow, red, and so on. This is why there are many different ethnicities in this world.

When Allah mixed the dust with water it turned into potter’s clay and, from this clay, Allah made Adam. The lifeless form of Adam was then left to stand for forty days. Iblis passed by and wondered what was going on. Iblis kicked this clay sculpture and it made a sound. On further investigation, Iblis found that it was hollow inside, as it did not yet have any internal organs – that was why it made a sound when kicked.

After forty days, Allah blew His spirit into the lifeless form of Adam to give it life. Adam’s body quivered as life entered it. This is explained in the following verses of the Quran:

Verily, when He intends a thing, His Command is, “be”, and it is! (Ya Sin, chapter 36 verse 82) The similitude of Jesus before God is as that of Adam; He created him from dust, then said to him: “Be”. And he was. (Ali Imran, chapter 3 verse 59)

After Allah had breathed a spirit into Adam, He instructed all other creations such as Angels and Jinns to bow down to Adam as the following verse from the Quran reveals:

“When I have fashioned him (in due proportion) and breathed into him of My spirit, fall ye down in obeisance unto him.” (Al Hijr, chapter 15 verse 59)

Adam opened his eyes and saw all the Angels prostrating before him except for one creature that was standing at a distance. Iblis refused to prostrate to Adam because he regarded Adam, who was made from mere earth, as weaker and therefore inferior to Jinns, who were made from fire. In his vanity and belief that he was better than Adam, Iblis dared defy Allah.

Though Iblis was not one of the Angels but a Jinn, Allah brought him into Paradise and put him at par with the Angels. Iblis was then given a choice to bow to Adam and therefore maintain his status in Paradise. Iblis, of course, tried to explain or justify his disobedience as the following verse of the Quran reveals:


God) said: What prevented thee from bowing down when I commanded thee?” He said: “I am better than he: Thou didst create me from fire, and him from clay.” (Al A’raf, chapter 7 verse 12)

Iblis debated with Allah and tried to defend his actions, how misguided they may have been – which is what man do most times. Iblis explained that man, who was created from clay, is inferior to Iblis, who was created from fire. Basically, Iblis was arrogant and guided by vanity – his belief in his superiority over man. For that Allah punished Iblis and evicted him from Paradise.

Anything ask Google... Anytime watch YouTube... Anyone listen to Beast Radio??? All we hear is Radio Gaga, Radio Gu Gu, Radio Blah Blah... Radio... Someone still 💕 #radiogugu#radioblahblah#radiogaga#radiogaga#FNDBeast

Allah chided Iblis saying that he is but a humble creature. How could he be so arrogant and defy Allah? Iblis, still refusing to repent, asked Allah for a postponement of punishment till the Day of Judgment. Iblis did not want forgiveness. Neither did he want to repent to redeem himself. He accepted the punishment for his crime of disobedience but merely wanted the punishment delayed till the Day of Judgment.

And the reason Iblis wanted time was so that he could take revenge on man for what happened to him. Iblis wanted to trap man and mislead him as explained in the following verse of the Quran:

He said: “Because thou hast thrown me out of the way, lo! I will lie in wait for them on thy straight way.” (Al A’raf, chapter 7 verse 16)

In short, Iblis wanted to punish man for the fate he had suffered and, at the same time, prove to Allah that his argument as to why he refused to bow to man was justified – that is, man is weak and could be easily led astray.

And, to this day, Iblis’ main mission in life is to lead man astray and bring man to Hell together with him as is further explained in the following verse of the Quran:

“Then will I assault them from before them and behind them, from their right and their left: Nor wilt thou find, in most of them, gratitude (for thy mercies).” (Al A’raf, chapter 7 verse 17)

Iblis had predicted that he could lead man astray thus fulfilling his mission in life and prove that man is weak. Allah accepted Iblis’ challenge and said that if anyone followed Iblis, then he too would be condemned to Hell just like Iblis. This is clarified in the two following verses of the Quran:

(God) said: “Get out from this, disgraced and expelled. If any of them follow thee,- Hell will I fill with you all.” (Al A’raf, chapter 7 verse 18)

From the (earth) did We create you, and into it shall We return you, and from it shall We bring you out once again. (Ta Ha, chapter 20 verse 55)

The above incident sums up the creation of man, Iblis’ disobedience, the reason for this disobedience, and Iblis’ promise to bring man to Hell together with him. Iblis accepted his punishment for disobeying Allah. Iblis did not ask for forgiveness or repented. Iblis stood firm on his decision to disobey Allah. He merely asked that his punishment or ‘sentence’ be delayed to give him time to lead man astray.

Allah granted Iblis this reprieve but Iblis chose the time granted by Allah to take revenge on man rather than to redeem himself with Allah. Iblis promised Allah he would do his worst and bring man to Hell with him. Allah accepted Iblis’ challenge and warned that any man who followed Iblis would end up in Hell together with Iblis.

What could possibly be on the other side? Could Hell be actually Heaven on the other side? In a place of existence is a place of Hell on Earth... Covid-19 - Is God Reformatting The System And Rebooting The World? But even if ONE does not believe in God, ONE surely admit and belief that some divine intervention or karma is at play here. Man made chemical warfare? Or a divine act to oppress mankind of desires? You desire pleasure. You desire wealth. You desire revenge. You desire power. You desire position. You desire comfort. You desire food and drink. You desire respect. You desire recognition. You desire fame. You desire beautiful clothes. You desire an expensive car. You desire a big and lavish home. You desire leadership. You desire that people listen to you and obey you. You desire that your children succeed. You desire being idolised. You desire to be a billionaire. In short, name it and you desire it. But then you cannot get everything you desire (and you desire a hell of a lot). So this makes you unhappy and unsatisfied. You forgot that you already exist and that is a lot already. But being alive is not enough. You must also be alive and with all your desires fulfilled as well. Desire gives birth to sin... 2 Timothy 2:22 Now flee from youthful lusts and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart. James 1:15 Then when lust has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and when sin is accomplished, it brings forth death. How long, how long will I slide? Separate my side, I don't I don't believe it's bad Slit my throat it's all I ever Turn me on, take me for a hard ride Burn me out, leave me on the other side I yell and tell it that it's not my friend I tear it down, I tear it down And then it's born again

Man is given a choice. Follow Allah’s command and be rewarded with Paradise or follow Iblis and end up in Hell. The prerogative is left to man. Man is in charge of his own destiny and man has a choice in changing this destiny. And anyone who chooses to follow Iblis’ example by thinking he is superior to other creations of Allah, or is a being or race that is superior to another, then he is Iblis’ comrade and will share a space in Hell with Iblis.

This Allah has promised.

Take me down To the paradise city Where the grass is green And the girls are pretty Oh, won't you please take me home Just a' urchin livin' under the street I'm a hard case that's tough to beat I'm your charity case So buy me somethin' to eat I'll pay you at another time Take it to the end of the line Ragz to richez or so they say Ya gotta-keep pushin' for the fortune and fame It's all a gamble When it's just a game You treat it like a capital crime Everybody's doin' their time!!!


Social Animal

  • I don’t need to know everything; I just need to know where to find it, when I need it.

  • Never keep anything in your mind that you can look up.

  • Never memorize what you can look up in books.


Sociable Voice onto the Wall Media



By FND Beast

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