No one may take the law into his own hands and execute a person even if that person were a murderer. This explains that depriving someone the right to a peaceful life is a crime against humanity.
The biblical maxim “an eye for an eye” (Matthew 5:38-39; Exodus 21:23-27) is explained further in the Quran (al-Baqarah, verse 178) in relation to the law of equality and law of mercy.

The verse stipulates that it is permitted for the heirs of a murder victim to demand for exact and equivalent retribution (Qisas), but at the same time, mankind is encouraged to accept less compensation than that inflicted upon them, or to forgive altogether.
This is to prevent mankind from falling into the trap of ‘returning evil for evil’, which will never end.
Consider the hadith familiar to many, that our faith would be divided into 73 sects, and all but one destined for Hellfire. If you appreciate statistics and probabilities, you realize that the chance of your sect being misled is 72 out of 73, over 98.6 percent!
That means any one sect has only a slightly better than one percent chance (1/73) of being correct. If you were being told that you have that probability of surviving surgery, you would take your chance with a bomoh.
Yet every Muslim believes that his or her sect is the one and only true path to salvation, all others misguided, misled, and hell-bound. Such a mindset leads to a messianic zeal to correct the others “misguided” even to the point of death and destruction in the mistaken belief that it would for their own good! Better to suffer the punishment here on earth than in the Hereafter, these zealots reassured themselves with the smugness and arrogance. For others, that mindset breeds intolerance, exclusiveness, and destructiveness.
If you appreciate statistics and probabilities, you realize that the chance of your sect being misled is 72 out of 73, over 98.6 percent! In life, that’s a practical certainty! Realizing that humbles you, prompting you to learn from others. That nurtures an open mindset that would lead to greater tolerance and generosity towards others different from you. It encourages you to be inclusive lest you would exclude that one righteous group.

More Muslims have died at the hands of Muslims than at the hand of the Jews, not withstanding the fact that the Jews are the declared enemies of the Muslims. If at all Muslims have enemies, it is fellow Muslims who are the enemies.
The problem with Muslims is that they can’t accept differences. In fact, they do not tolerate differences. And this is only talking about differences amongst Muslims.
Let us not even begin to discuss the differences between Muslims and non-Muslims. As far as Muslims are concerned, the topic of differences between Muslims and non-Muslims is not even a topic that’s open for discussion. It is a non-starter. It is a topic that only ‘deviant’ and ‘blasphemous Muslims of the worst kind’ would dare venture into. This is how Muslims perceive the topic of differences between Muslims and non-Muslims.
Whenever Muslims demonstrate differing views they will declare such Muslims as having insulted Islam and the Prophet. They will make police reports against that person for Muslims do not tolerate differing views. They will want to silence you. If you do not share their view then you are a deviant and a blasphemous Muslim of the worst kind. You are either with me or you are against me. That is the Muslim way.
Never mind Allah said in the Quran that He purposely created us different so that we may know one another. That is what Allah says. That is what the Quran says. But if you choose to be different then you are a deviant and a blasphemous Muslim of the worst kind.
When the Prophet died, the Muslims became embroiled in a power struggle over who should succeed him as the ruler of Medina. As the Prophet’s body lay unburied for three days, the Muslims argued over the succession plan. Finally, Abu Bakar was chosen as the First Caliph. Many refused to accept him as the Caliph and refused to pledge loyalty to him. Thus began the split that has perpetuated until today with the loss of millions of lives.
It is said that Abu Bakar was poisoned and died. This suspicion came about because just a day earlier he was eating with a comrade and the comrade told him to stop eating because he suspects the food may have been poisoned. That comrade also died the day Abu Bakar died. But Muslims would rather believe Abu Bakar died of natural causes. The next three Caliphs also died violent deaths.
During the reign of the Fourth Caliph, Ali, the War of the Camel erupted. Aisha, the Prophet’s widow, led an army from Mekah in an attempt to invade Medina and bring down Ali’s government. Aisha lost the war but Ali refused to punish her with the death sentence. He would not even confiscate her property, which is the tribal law of those days when someone wages war against the government. Ali just allowed Aisha to return to Mekah unpunished. And because of that they assassinated him.
After Ali died, power transferred to Muawiyah’s family in Baghdad. The pro-Ali camp (the Party of Ali), now known as the Shia (Shiatul Ali), wanted to oust Muawiyah’s family and restore the lost fortunes of Medina. They asked Ali’s son, Hassan, to lead the movement. Hassan was poisoned and died and the movement appealed to Hussein, Hassan’s brother, to take over the leadership of the movement.
Hussein was the ‘reluctant politician’. Nevertheless, he agreed to lead the army that was supposed to invade Baghdad. Hussein’s small army of 100 or so was massacred at Karbala by an army many times bigger. Hussein and his entire family, including his baby, were massacred. They cut off Hussien’s head and dragged it back to Baghdad like a dead dog where it was put on display till it rotted in the sun.
Yes, Muslims have been killing Muslims over the 1,400 years since Prophet Muhammad died. The Muslims have never been united and will never be till the end of time. That is the fate of Muslims. And why has Allah punished Muslims with such a fate? Islam is supposed to mean peace. Salam, which is from the same root word as Islam (S-L-M), means peace. But there is no peace amongst Muslims. Muslims are at war with one another. And no way can Muslims not be at war with non-Muslims when they can’t even stop fighting one another.

Muslims do not tolerate differing views. They will want to silence you. If you do not share their view then you are a deviant and a blasphemous Muslim of the worst kind. You are either with me or you are against me. That is the Muslim way.
Never mind Allah said in the Quran that He purposely created us different so that we may know one another. That is what Allah says. That is what the Quran says. But if you choose to be different then you are a deviant and a blasphemous Muslim of the worst kind.
Incidentally, Islam forbids detention without trial. Islam forbids anyone being punished until that person has been put on trial and is proven guilty in a fair and open court. To use a law that Islam forbids on the pretext of upholding Islam is like bathing in a septic tank. How clean can you get by bathing in shit water? How can you uphold the dignity of Islam by using laws that Islam forbids?
No, I am not a deviant or a blasphemous Muslim of the worst kind. It is those in government who are. And I will uphold the true Islam and oppose these deviants till my last breath and the last drop of my blood.
Sure, punish me with laws that Islam forbids. Today, I will face you in a kangaroo court to face punishment under laws that Islam forbids. Tomorrow, I will be the witness in God’s court where you will then face trial for violating God’s laws. In God’s court, I will be assured justice denied me now. And the punishment you receive in God’s court will be many times worse than what you can do to me in this world.
And God will determine if I am a deviant and a blasphemous Muslim of the worst kind. That is not for you to say. God never appointed you His assistant here on earth. Instead, God said He knows what is in our hearts and only He will know. So, get out of my face and leave me alone. Don’t try to play God.
It took only 24 years after the death of the Prophet Muhammad for Muslims to engage in three civil wars over a period of another 24 years. And this is because the cause played second fiddle to everything else. Hence I am worried when people forget the cause and argue about movements and leaders. And when corruption was allowed to flourish, the period which came to be known as the Golden Age of Islam came to an end.
Today, the Sunnis label the Shias as deviants, heretics, apostates, etc., and vice versa. This is no different from Christendom, say, of 500 years ago, where Protestants and Catholics would slaughter each other for that same reason. Today, the Christians no longer slaughter each other but this does not mean that they agree with each others’ teachings. It is just that they no longer kill each other over these differences in dogma.
And why did this happen? Why do people who share the same God and the same Prophet slaughter each other? The fact that when the Saud-Wahhabi army swept across the Arabian Peninsular and parts of the Ottoman Empire — in the 1740s, in the early 1800s, and again after the First World War — and they butchered Muslims but spared the Jews and Christians gives an impression that fellow Muslims are the Muslims’ greatest enemy.

Is it not ironical that the Muslim army slaughtered fellow Muslims but spared the Jews and Christians? I suppose it would not be when you consider that the Muslims and Christians got along well with each other in Spain for nearly 800 years from the 700s to 1492 but Muslims slaughtered Muslims and Christians slaughtered Christians during that same era.
The reason for this is simple enough to analyse. Most people put their loyalty to the organisation or to their leader as paramount and above the cause. When movements or leaders override the cause then that is what happens. Muslims forget that they are brothers-of-the-faith and unite under the banner of a movement or a leader. Hence Islam saw three major civil wars that divided the Muslims forever.
It took only 24 years after the death of the Prophet Muhammad for Muslims to engage in three civil wars over a period of another 24 years. And this is because the cause played second fiddle to everything else. Hence I am worried when people forget the cause and argue about movements and leaders. And when corruption was allowed to flourish, the period which came to be known as the Golden Age of Islam came to an end.
Have we learned nothing from history? Why do we keep repeating the mistakes of history? And for that very reason I am not prepared to compromise the cause for the sake of any movement or leader or allow corruption to go unchallenged. I have learned from almost 1,500 years of Islamic history.
The First Islamic Civil War
The First Islamic Civil War (656–661), also called the First Fitna (Arabic: فتنة مقتل عثمان; Transliteration: Fitnat Maqtal Uthmān “The Fitna of the killing of Uthman”), was the first major civil war within the Islamic Caliphate. It arose as a result of the death of the previous Caliph Uthman.
The Fitna began as a series of revolts fought against first Imam of Shia’a and fourth and final of the Sunni Rightly Guided Caliphs Ali ibn Abi Talib, caused by the controversial assassination of his predecessor, Uthman Ibn Affan. It lasted for the entirety of Ali’s reign, and its end is marked by Muawiyah’s assumption of the caliphate (founding the Umayyad dynasty), and the subsequent recorded peace treaty between him and Hassan ibn Ali.
Uthman was besieged in his house by rebels and rioters, culminating in his assassination in July 656. Main reason for their dissatisfaction with Uthman was, his appointing family members as governors in key Islamic provinces. Ali ibn Abi Talib was then chosen by public as fourth Caliph.
Ali was first opposed by a faction led by Talhah, Al-Zubayr and Muhammad’s wife, Aisha bint Abu Bakr. First they gathered in Mecca then moved to Basra with the expectation of finding the necessary forces and resources to mobilize people in what is now Iraq. The opposers encamped close to Basra, and the subsequent heated exchange & protests during the parley turned from words to blows, leading to loss of life on both sides. When Ali asked them for obedience and a pledge of allegiance, they refused. Ali tried to negotiate with Aisha considering her the venerated wife of Muhammad (S.A.W), but she refused. At last,the two parties met at the Battle of Bassorah (Battle of the Camel) in 656, where Ali emerged victorious.
Battle of the Camel
Aisha had long hated Ali, and wished that, when the aged Uthman died, her own kinsman, Zubayr, should become caliph. When Uthman was assassinated, she was not in Medina, having gone to Mecca a few weeks previously to perform the pilgrimage. The news of Uthman’s murder reached her when she was on the way back. She returned immediately to Mecca and incited the citizens against Ali. The fiery address set a match to the smouldering fire of discontent. The first to respond to Aisha’s call was Abdullah bin Amur, the Uthmanid governor of Mecca. Those Umayyads who had fled from Medina after the ghastly murder of Uthman now also joined Aisha, and when Talha and Zubayr came over to Aisha, many more of the Qoraish clamoured to join in the rebellion. Aisha advocated march on Basra. Throwing off the veil ordained, Aisha now took command of the army. The money to equip it came from Yamen treasury, brought to Mecca by the governor whom Ali had deposed. It is however clear from the sources that in the battle between Ali and Aisha, the triumvirate was fighting for personal reason rather than for the blood of Uthman, which was a timely and convenient pretext for them.

Battle of Karbalāʾ
The Battle of Karbalāʾ,(Oct. 10, 680 -10th of Muharram, ah 61]), was a brief military engagement in which a small party led by al-Ḥusayn ibn ʿAlī, grandson of the Prophet Muhammad and son of ʿAlī, the fourth caliph, was defeated and massacred by an army sent by the Umayyad caliph Yazīd I. The battle helped secure the position of the Umayyad dynasty, but among Shīʿite Muslims (followers of al-Ḥusayn) the 10th of Muharram (or ʿĀshūrāʾ) became an annual holy day of public mourning.
The main issue we need to worry about is how to stop Muslims from becoming extremists, terrorists, killers and suicide bombers? The answer is actually very simple. Stop teaching Islam to children who are still too young to think. Wait until they are, say, 16 or 18 before you teach them religion.

Anyway, why do these terrorists do what they do? Why are educated and intelligent Muslims, some from well-to-do or elite families, getting sucked in to terrorist organisations and are prepared to die as suicide bombers? Do they really believe that a 72-year-old virgin is waiting for them in heaven (or was it 72 virgins)?
The problem actually lies with their parents. Even before they start school the parents send these kids to religious and Qur’an classes. So before they can even think properly they are already getting indoctrinated and brainwashed and are raised believing in Allah, the Qur’an, Prophet Muhammad, Angels, Satan, the Afterlife, Judgement Day, Heaven, Hell, etc.
Of course, the standard argument is that Islam is a religion of peace, Islam does not allow terrorism, Islam does not allow you to persecute and declare war on non-Muslims, Islam treats every human being as equal, wars can only be fought in defence and not an as act of aggression, what these extremists and terrorists are doing is not Islam and has nothing to do with Islam, and so on.
But then if Islam is what the apologists say it is, then why do Muslims (and educated/intelligent Muslims from well-to-do and elite families on top of that) become terrorists and blow themselves up? Why do they kill innocent people who did them no harm and, say, were just enjoying their beer in a pub? If what they do is not Islam then what is it?
The main issue we need to worry about is how to stop Muslims from becoming extremists, terrorists, killers and suicide bombers? The answer is actually very simple. Stop teaching Islam to children who are still too young to think. Wait until they are, say, 16 or 18 before you teach them religion.
By the time they are 16 or 18 they can already think properly and will not accept everything without question like five or six year olds do. The chances of 16 or 18 year olds believing in the reward of the 72-year-old virgin if you blow yourself up together with a busload of school children would be quite slim.

The concept of a "virgin" is grounded in Quranic texts which describe a sensual Paradise where men are promised someone with physical and sexual attributes such as "full grown" breasts, "hairless," and "untouched."
However, Tawhidi asserted that "there is no verse in the Quran indicating such a reward," in a statement to StepFeed.
"God does promise 'women' in paradise, but he also promised 'lads' for females. The details of 'large breasts' and 'hairless bodies' with 'amazing scents' comes from the unauthentic Hadith," he explained.
However, there is no mention anywhere in the Quran of the actual number of virgins. There is also no mention of virgins being rewarded only to martyrs.
But, there is a mention of "72 wives" - not virgins - in one of the six major Hadith (a collection of reports describing the life of the Prophet Mohammed) entitled Sunan Ibn Majah.
It states that "every male admitted into Paradise will be given eternal erections and wed to 72 wives."
However, the hadith is considered to be weak and unreliable.
"These are fabricated scriptures used to attract a sexually hungry society, providing them with empty hope. In return, they fight till death for their religious leaders," Tawhidi said.
Actually, if you were to look back to the 1800s, you will see that the Christian world then was just like the Muslim world today. Then, 200 years ago, Napoléon Bonaparte conquered Europe right up to Russia soon after the collapse of the Hapsburg and Holy Roman Empires.
Napoléon then introduced Secularism and the separation of church and state to Europe. He also abolished the monopoly the church had over education and set up public schools with a non-religious based education.
Today, in France, you can insult Jesus Christ, Prophet Muhammad, Christianity, Islam, the Bible, the Quran, etc., and have gay marriages and multiple sex partners and you will not get arrested (or put to death) like in the past. That is the advancement that Napoléon introduced to France and the whole of Europe.
And that is what we must do in the Muslim world, in particular in Malaysia. Stop forcing religious education on young children of the age of five or six. Religion is too important to be entrusted on underage children who are not old enough to think and whom you are turning into zombies. If they want to learn about religion they will have to wait until they are 16 or 18.
Of course, the same applies to Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc., as well. All the other religions are equally silly and they turn clever people into stupid people. And the non-Muslims have already said that they oppose the Syariah (and Hudud) because they do not agree that there is one system or rules for Muslims and another for non-Muslims. They want everyone to be treated equal.

So all forms of religious education should be banned. And it should be a crime for parents to brainwash and indoctrinate their children with silly religious teachings. There should be a sign on all places of worship that children below 16 or below 18 should not be allowed into those places and if you break this law you can get sent to jail for up to ten years and/or a fined no less than RM100,000.
By the year 2100 there will no longer be any extremists and terrorists. In fact, only 2% of the population will still go to church/mosque while less than 40% will believe in God like in the UK. And that is why the only terrorism you fear in the UK is getting beaten up when you wear a Liverpool F. C. T-shirt in a Manchester pub on a Friday night.
Yes, the British religion is football and Manchester United fans will kill you Liverpool Kafir if you make the mistake of straying into their territory. And if you don’t think so then view the video below.
(ST) – Indonesian extremists are holding back attacks during the coronavirus outbreak to stay at home and wait for the end of the world as foretold in Islamic prophecies – and, perhaps, score a chance to die as martyrs and enter paradise.
According to an April 2 report by the Jakarta-based Institute for Policy Analysis of Conflict (IPAC), some supporters of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, or ISIS, terror group consider the pandemic as the ta’un, or plague in Arabic, cited in various hadith, or the words and practices of Prophet Muhammad.
“When the plague comes, according to these hadith, Muslims must stay at home and be patient. If a Muslim does this and then dies, he will still be considered a martyr,” the report said.
“ISIS supporters who take this view tend to choose to stay at home and not undertake jihad operations (amaliyah) – especially if they get the same heavenly reward by doing so,” it added.
Some also view the health crisis as a “dress rehearsal” for a dukhon, an occurrence of a hot cloud that will cover parts of the earth for 40 days and 40 nights, before the appearance of the promised Islamic messiah, known as Imam Mahdi, ahead of the Day of Judgement.
This group of supporters also preferred to stay at home to train their family members to prepare for the end of time, which they believe is imminent, the report said.
Preparations include teaching them to chant and pray, rely less on gadgets, and adopt survival skills such as lighting a fire using flint, making a wooden shelter and finding fresh water from the trunks of banana trees, according to one post by an ISIS supporter cited in a report by The Stabilisation Network (TSN), a Dubai-based consultancy on global violent extremism research.
Another post, also cited in the TSN report, said: “Lockdowns for now are uncomfortable, boring, isolating and restrict your freedom. But remember, this is only a simulation of The Darkening.”
Terror experts and law enforcement officials interviewed by The Straits Times echoed the views in the reports, saying this could be a reason for fewer attacks and arrests during the current period.
Some 23 terror suspects have been arrested in the first quarter of this year compared to 68 arrested and indicted between last October and December. None of this year’s cases, however, appeared to be plots linked to the coronavirus.
But dangers continue to lurk, experts say. With Indonesian cities grappling with the rapid spread of the virus and adopting strict social distancing measures, extremists were likely using the time to boost recruitment, raise funds, consolidate support and even plot future terror attacks, they said.
Dr Noor Huda Ismail, a deradicalisation expert and visiting fellow at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies in Singapore, told ST: “Some of them really want to use this pandemic as an opportunity to launch attacks.
“It’s important to note that ISIS (supporters) in Indonesia are never a cohesive organisation.”

The IPAC said some ISIS supporters felt the pandemic presented the “best opportunity” to strike, with the government preoccupied in containing the disease.
A possible method of attack would be for virus-strickened militants to deliberately infect those they consider their enemies, such as the police, the report added.
Terror analyst Adhe Bhakti from the Jakarta-based Centre for Radicalism and Deradicalisation Studies, said some ISIS supporters were collecting funds to buy basic essentials such as rice and sugar to distribute among themselves, as well as the public affected by the pandemic.
“This social activity will not only strengthen the loyalty of their existing members, but also draw new members,” he told ST.
Against this backdrop, law enforcement agencies such as the Indonesian Counter-Terrorism Agency, or BNPT, continue to be vigilant in monitoring militant groups.
Andhika Chrisnayudhanto, BNPT’s deputy for international cooperation, told ST: “Those who ascribe to the end of the world view may be radical, but they are staying at home and not doing anything. Who we must be careful of are those who are urging for terror actions.”
Regionally and internationally, anti-terror officials are holding video conferences to share notes on how to prevent terror attacks, he added.
Andhika also said efforts were being channelled to quash conspiracy theories spread by the extremists to gain support.
“The ISIS supporters say the Westerners (affected) by the coronavirus are being taught a lesson by God, and that the Chinese were also being punished by God for what they had done to Uighur Muslims,” he said.
“This is dangerous. We try to change the narratives and explain that this is a pandemic. Nobody wants it to happen… and it has nothing to do with God’s punishment.”
God Is A Terrorist... And that was how the Nation of Israel was born, through terrorism. And from the Nation of Israel emerged the nations of Jesus Christ and Islam. And it has been terrorism for thousands of years until now.

In academic circles, Judaism, Christianity and Islam are grouped under the Semitic religions or Abrahamic faiths. In short, they all share the same roots although the Christians now have the books of the New Testament and the Muslims the Qur’an and Hadith. Nevertheless, Moses is still very much the Prophet of all three.
Now, what is a terrorist? According to the definition, a terrorist is someone (an individual or someone belonging to a body of persons) who terrorises others, mainly to force that person or persons into submission.
If that is the definition of a terrorist then God is a terrorist because, according to Exodus, God terrorised the Pharaoh and the Egyptians into submitting to Moses. And in this act of terrorism God brought down many plagues onto the Egyptians.
The Plague of Blood
The Plague of Frogs
The Plague of Gnats
The Plague of Flies
The Plague on Livestock
The Plague of Boils
The Plague of Hail
The Plague of Locusts
The Plague of Darkness
The Plague on the Firstborn
Eventually the Pharaoh and the Egyptians were terrorised into submission and they allowed Moses and his people to leave Egypt.
Then God terrorised Moses and his people with the punishment of wandering 40 years in the desert without a home. The Israelites, in turn, on God’s command, terrorised all the other communities they met along the way and launched their ethnic cleansing to exterminate all those who still insisted on praying to other Gods and who refused to accept the God of Moses.
Hence, in short, the book of Exodus is about terrorism and about how God was behind all these acts of terrorism. Hence also, in short, according to Exodus, God is a terrorist by definition.
And that was how the Nation of Israel was born, through terrorism. And from the Nation of Israel emerged the nations of Jesus Christ and Islam. And it has been terrorism for thousands of years until now.
The only difference is Islam, which was born 600 years after Jesus, still terrorises in the name of religion while the Jews and Christians no longer hide behind religion to terrorise others but use ‘modern values’ such as democracy, freedom, human rights and civil liberties.
Hence this makes Muslims bad terrorists and the non-Muslims good terrorists because non-Muslims do not use religion but use noble values to terrorise others.
Muslims kill because God commands it in certain situations against enemies of God and those who disobey God. Jews and Christians do not because they disobey God and are no longer good Jews or good Christians.
Exodus 12.15 says: Anyone who attacks their father or mother is to be put to death.
Exodus 12.17 says: Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death.
Exodus 12.16 says: Anyone who kidnaps someone is to be put to death, whether the victim has been sold or is still in the kidnapper’s possession.
Exodus 22.18 says: Do not allow a sorceress to live.
Exodus 22.19 says: Anyone who has sexual relations with an animal is to be put to death.
Exodus 22.20 says: Whoever sacrifices to any god other than the Lord must be destroyed.
Exodus 22.22-24 says: Do not take advantage of the widow or the fatherless. If you do and they cry out to me, I will certainly hear their cry. My anger will be aroused, and I will kill you with the sword; your wives will become widows and your children fatherless.
Exodus 22.28 says: Do not blaspheme God or curse the ruler of your people.
Those are just some of the laws but in the end it is all about if you do this or you do that you must be punished and in most cases the punishment is death.
According to the Muslim law of Hudud, if you steal your hand must be amputated. According to Exodus, if you cannot pay back what you stole you must be sold as a slave.
In Hinduism, Buddhism, etc., you suffer the law of karma. Hence, if you do bad you suffer bad, and if you do good you enjoy good. Christians and Muslims, however, are terrorised into submission. In fact, some interpret Islam to mean submission. And if you do not submit you will be tortured after you die.
Judaism, Christianity and Islam are not really religions of love and peace, as some argue. They are religions of war. It about obeying God or suffer the punishment. It is about defy God and suffer death. It is about you must resist, fight and kill those who will not bow to God and accept the one God and still insist on praying to other Gods.
The God of the Jews, Christians and Muslims is a jealous God who cannot accept other Gods. The God of the Jews, Christians and Muslims is a vengeful God who punishes you for disobedience. The God of the Jews, Christians and Muslims is a God who has human emotions of love, hate and anger. The God of the Jews, Christians and Muslims is a God you must never cross if you do not want to suffer punishment in this world and the next. The God of the Jews, Christians and Muslims is a terrorist who makes you tremble and obey out of fear.
