Racial-religious extremism is ironically 'colour-blind'
There are always extremists in every society. How society and its law and guardians deal with such extremism would be the difference.

Killings done by Muslims are not acceptable because it is done in the name of religion while killings done by non-Muslims are necessary because it is done in the name of democracy, freedom, human rights and civil liberties and not in the name of religion.
Muslims target specific victims and is meant to terrorise the population and many non-combatants or innocent bystanders are intentionally killed in the process. Non-Muslims may also target specific victims and many non-combatants or innocent bystanders are also killed in the process but this in unintentional and merely collateral damage.
In short, we must condemn killings done by Muslims but have to accept those done by non-Muslims as a necessary evil in the fight to uphold democracy, freedom, human rights and civil liberties.

Race riots turn Sydney's suburbs into battleground
Gangs of youths carried out a series of hit and run revenge attacks across Sydney last night after a day of racial unrest turned a popular beachside suburb into a battleground. More than 20 people were injured and 16 arrested across the city in the worst race riots Australia has witnessed.
The day began as a show of solidarity, with up to 5,000 locals attending a rally to support two beach lifesavers who were attacked by a group of Lebanese men last weekend at North Cronulla beach, south of Sydney.
Draped in Australian flags and singing Waltzing Matilda, the alcohol-fuelled crowd attacked people of Middle Eastern appearance whom they blamed for an assault on their lifestyles.
A neo-Nazi group known as the Patriotic Youth League, which has links to the German-based skinhead group Volksfront and the British National party, also used the rally to promote white supremacism.
Police were forced to use pepper spray and batons in their battle to subdue the rioters, who pelted officers with bottles and stomped on patrol cars.
Kuranda Seyit, the director of the Forum on Australian-Islamic Relations, said he never imagined tensions would result in "horrible mob violence".
The violence sparked a series of apparent revenge attacks by members of Sydney's Muslim community as the racial tension spread to other suburbs last night.
A group of about 60 men converged on the eastern beachside suburb of Maroubra with baseball bats, smashing windows of parked cars and slashing tyres. The group then clashed with a local surf gang, the Bra Boys, outside the Maroubra Bay hotel.
What causes extremism
WAR!!! WAR!!!
Islam is a peaceful religion. It is Muslims who do not understand Islam who are violent.
Most Muslims are liberals, only a small minority are extremists.
Liberal Muslims who make up the silent majority should speak up against the extremists.
The apple never falls far from the tree.
The fruit of a poisonous tree is poisonous.
Yes, I am sure you have heard all those arguments before, plus many more. Basically, this is an attempt at trying to explain human behaviour, for or against as the case may be. But can human behaviour be explained? And is it so simple as to explain it by linking it to a misunderstanding or misinterpretation of certain religious teachings?
Islam is a belief system based on a certain doctrine. And the devotees of this belief system act in a certain way and hide behind this doctrine in doing so. Hence the blame would go to the belief system of those devotees and the doctrine would be faulted.
Many violent and cruel acts have been perpetuated through the ages since the beginning of time. Today, those acts are done in the name of Islam. In the past, they were done under the banner of so many other beliefs.
The Japanese invaded South East Asia based on the belief that that region needs to be freed from western domination and colonisation. Those who were opposed to western domination and colonisation supported the Japanese. In fact, many Malays who were anti-British supported the Japanese and collaborated with them.
Note that the word ‘collaborated’ is a negative word that denotes treason and is used here merely because the Japanese lost the war and the west considers the Japanese as baddies. If the Japanese had not lost the war then these ‘collaborators’ would be called patriots instead.
All over the world colonised people rose up in opposition to their colonial masters. Those that won and those that successfully forced the colonialists out of their country were called freedom fighters. Those that failed were called terrorists. It all depends on who won and who lost and who is writing those history books.
How would you view Alexander the Great? Was he really great or was he just another terrorist?

What about Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn Yūsuf ibn Ayyūb (Saladin), Richard the Lion Heart, Genghis Khan, Kublai Khan and the other great people of their time? Would they be considered terrorists?
By that same definition, Moses would be considered a terrorist if not for the fact that the Bible and the Qur’an revere him. But then to label Moses a terrorist would be considered an act of blasphemy according to Christianity and Islam.
Julius Caesar would then have to be considered a terrorist, as would William the Conqueror. But history calls them great men and not terrorists even though by definition they were terrorists.
Chin Peng is not called Chin Peng the Great but Chin Peng the Terrorist because he failed to kick out the British while his army is called CTs or Communist Terrorists. But then this is because the British wrote the history books.
Is Mustafa Kemal Atatürk the Father of Modern Turkey or an apostate, as some Muslims call him?
What about Omar Mukhtar? Was he really a terrorist as the Italians say he was or was he a noble freedom fighter?
Were Francis Drake, Walter Raleigh, Humphrey Gilbert, Ferdinand Magellan, Vasco da Gama, Christopher Columbus, Amerigo Vespucci, Bartolomeu Dias, Hernando de Soto, and many more great men of the 15-16th century pirates or patriots?
Today we have many freedom fighters that are just as brutal as those so many freedom fighters before them. The only thing is today they use Islam as their flag while the others before them used the flags of their church or their country. And they are all considered terrorists because they are on the wrong side of history.
The Cuban regime before Castro and the South Vietnamese regime before the fall of Saigon were terrorist regimes but they are not called terrorists because they were pro-America. They would only be called terrorists if they opposed the United States.
The Shah of Iran was not a terrorist while Ruhollah Mostafavi Moosavi Khomeini was because one was pro-America while the other was anti-America even though both were equally evil and killed many of their own people.
Saddam Hussein Abd al-Majid al-Tikriti became a terrorist only when he no longer listened to America. Before that, while he was opposed to Iran, he was a great man in spite of all the people he killed.
Today, all those who fight under the banner of Islam are terrorists. And they are terrorists because they kill people. And they are terrorists because the west says so.
Once upon a time George Washington was a terrorist. He, too, killed a lot of people. But he became a patriot when the Americans won the war against the English and then they named a city after him.
In academic circles, Judaism, Christianity and Islam are grouped under the Semitic religions or Abrahamic faiths. In short, they all share the same roots although the Christians now have the books of the New Testament and the Muslims the Qur’an and Hadith.
Nevertheless, Moses is still very much the Prophet of all three.
Now, what is a terrorist? According to the definition, a terrorist is someone (an individual or someone belonging to a body of persons) who terrorises others, mainly to force that person or persons into submission.
If that is the definition of a terrorist then God is a terrorist because, according to Exodus, God terrorised the Pharaoh and the Egyptians into submitting to Moses. And in this act of terrorism God brought down many plagues onto the Egyptians.
The Plague of Blood
The Plague of Frogs
The Plague of Gnats
The Plague of Flies
The Plague on Livestock
The Plague of Boils
The Plague of Hail
The Plague of Locusts
The Plague of Darkness
The Plague on the Firstborn
Eventually the Pharaoh and the Egyptians were terrorised into submission and they allowed Moses and his people to leave Egypt.
Then God terrorised Moses and his people with the punishment of wandering 40 years in the desert without a home. The Israelites, in turn, on God’s command, terrorised all the other communities they met along the way and launched their ethnic cleansing to exterminate all those who still insisted on praying to other Gods and who refused to accept the God of Moses.
Hence, in short, the book of Exodus is about terrorism and about how God was behind all these acts of terrorism. Hence also, in short, according to Exodus, God is a terrorist by definition.
And that was how the Nation of Israel was born, through terrorism. And from the Nation of Israel emerged the nations of Jesus Christ and Islam. And it has been terrorism for thousands of years until now.
The only difference is Islam, which was born 600 years after Jesus, still terrorises in the name of religion while the Jews and Christians no longer hide behind religion to terrorise others but use ‘modern values’ such as democracy, freedom, human rights and civil liberties.
Hence this makes Muslims bad terrorists and the non-Muslims good terrorists because non-Muslims do not use religion but use noble values to terrorise others.
Muslims kill because God commands it in certain situations against enemies of God and those who disobey God. Jews and Christians do not because they disobey God and are no longer good Jews or good Christians.
72 VIRGINS Awaiting in the Afterlife...
Exodus 12.15 says: Anyone who attacks their father or mother is to be put to death.
Exodus 12.17 says: Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death.
Exodus 12.16 says: Anyone who kidnaps someone is to be put to death, whether the victim has been sold or is still in the kidnapper’s possession.
Exodus 22.18 says: Do not allow a sorceress to live.
Exodus 22.19 says: Anyone who has sexual relations with an animal is to be put to death.
Exodus 22.20 says: Whoever sacrifices to any god other than the Lord must be destroyed.
Exodus 22.22-24 says: Do not take advantage of the widow or the fatherless. If you do and they cry out to me, I will certainly hear their cry. My anger will be aroused, and I will kill you with the sword; your wives will become widows and your children fatherless.
Exodus 22.28 says: Do not blaspheme God or curse the ruler of your people.
Those are just some of the laws but in the end it is all about if you do this or you do that you must be punished and in most cases the punishment is death.
According to the Muslim law of Hudud, if you steal your hand must be amputated. According to Exodus, if you cannot pay back what you stole you must be sold as a slave.
In Hinduism, Buddhism, etc., you suffer the law of karma. Hence, if you do bad you suffer bad, and if you do good you enjoy good. Christians and Muslims, however, are terrorised into submission. In fact, some interpret Islam to mean submission. And if you do not submit you will be tortured after you die.
Judaism, Christianity and Islam are not really religions of love and peace, as some argue. They are religions of war. It about obeying God or suffer the punishment. It is about defy God and suffer death. It is about you must resist, fight and kill those who will not bow to God and accept the one God and still insist on praying to other Gods.
The God of the Jews, Christians and Muslims is a jealous God who cannot accept other Gods. The God of the Jews, Christians and Muslims is a vengeful God who punishes you for disobedience. The God of the Jews, Christians and Muslims is a God who has human emotions of love, hate and anger. The God of the Jews, Christians and Muslims is a God you must never cross if you do not want to suffer punishment in this world and the next. The God of the Jews, Christians and Muslims is a terrorist who makes you tremble and obey out of fear.
Terrorists are not born. Terrorists are made. And it is you and me who turn these people into terrorists.
For example, when some people in Mekah chose to follow Prophet Muhammad they were terrorised by those who opposed Prophet Muhammad. So they were forced to leave Mekah and migrate to Medina and other places and soon banded together into a fighting force to return to Mekah to conquer it by military force.
If these people had just been allowed freedom of religion then the Muslims would not have turned militant and today Muslims would not have been groomed into becoming fighters.
The West tried to conquer Afghanistan since hundreds of years ago so the Afghans were forced to fight back. After centuries of fighting they became one of the best fighters in the world. And then they were called terrorists when in fact they were the ones being terrorised by the West.
Then Russia conquered Afghanistan and this, too, forced the Afghans to fight back. But they did not make much progress against the better-trained and better-equipped Russian military.
The United States then told Pakistan to help train and equip the Afghan students in Pakistan (Taliban means students) and then send them back to Afghanistan to fight the Russians. This time because of better training and more superior weapons the Afghan students won. Then we go and call these Afghan students a.k.a. Taliban terrorists. They were not terrorists. Instead they were being terrorised. The Russians were the terrorists.
So you see, when you persecute others you terrorise them and one day they will rise up and fight back. Then when they do you go and call them terrorists when it is you who is terrorising them.
The whites decide on our behalf what is good and what is bad and what is allowed and what is not. The whites lay down the laws and rules and the moral code we should live by. And if we do not listen to what they say and do not adopt their rules and regulations, they will boycott us and impose embargoes on us and ruin our economy so that our people will die of hunger and disease. Sometimes they will even send their army to shoot our people and send their planes to bomb our cities so that the government collapses and a new government that is white-friendly takes over.
Muhammad Meets a Klansman (Muhammad's Boom-Boom Room) - White Supremacy!!!
In the early days, the bigger and stronger tribes would attack the smaller and weaker tribes and take those still alive as slaves (and leave the dead bodies as food for the dogs and vultures). As time went on and tribes became nations, the bigger and stronger nations would attack the smaller and weaker nations and take its people as slaves.
Of course, once in a while, leaders such as Spartacus, Moses, and so on, came along to lead their people out of slavery. Or people like Abraham Lincoln would emerge to champion an end to slavery.
But the general rule of thumb would be that the strong would always try to enslave the weak and exploit the weak for economic benefits. There were also instances when two groups went to war and the losers in that war would be captured and turned into slaves. Invariably, if they served no economic purpose then they would be exterminated. But if they were useful as slaves then they would be captured alive.
Such are the ways of humankind. It is basically a case of the strong exploiting the weak so that the strong becomes stronger and the weak becomes weaker. And that too is basically what politics is all about. It is a game of the strong taking power so that they can rule over the weak.
Eventually, slavery, in the form that we knew, ended. But slavery per se never ended. It just transformed into a more sophisticated form. It transformed into mental and economic slavery. No longer did strong nations attack weaker nations with swords or guns. They attacked weaker nations economically and with ideas and concepts.
The current economic system is a creation of the stronger nations. Today, the weaker nations are slaves of this system and there is no breaking out of the system. Either you play according to the system or you do not play at all. And any country that does not practice a system of government that the stronger nations regard as ‘acceptable’ are punished until they abandon their unacceptable system and adopt the western interpretation of governance.
How many times in our youth back in the 1950 and 1960s did we cheer and whistle when the Cowboys won against the Red Indians (now called ‘Native Americans’; the politically correct term)? Was not John Wayne the hero and our idol and the Apaches the baddies? That was the ‘power’ Hollywood had over us. It did not occur to us then that America belonged to the Red Indians while the Orang Puteh (pale face) were the aggressors and robbers of Red Indian land.
Yes, the white skins decide the system and the rules. The red skins, black skins, yellow skins, brown skins, and whatnot, either comply with the system decided by the white skins or else they are the baddies. White is good. ‘Off-white’ is bad. That is the rule of the game.
Racism is usually defined as views, practices and actions reflecting the belief that humanity is divided into distinct biological groups called races and that members of a certain race share certain attributes which make that group as a whole less desirable, more desirable, inferior or superior.
Many people are confused about the meaning of racism (the belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others — or discrimination/prejudice based on race), parochialism (narrowly restricted in scope or outlook such as provincial) and nationalism (devotion to the interests or culture of one’s nation).
For example, during World War II, the Americans thought that Japanese pilots would never be able to beat American pilots because of the way the Japanese are ‘built’. Due to their short body and slit eyes, they make poor pilots. Or so the Americans thought until the Japanese whacked them good and proper.
This would be racism. The Americans considered the Japanese inferior to the ‘whites’ because the Japanese were not built like the ‘whites’.
Is God a Racist? Israelites - People of God?
For a long time, the European Christians (plus the Vatican) considered the natives of the Americas, in particular those of Latin America, as not human — a sort of animal on two legs that could talk. Hence it was not wrong to kill the Native Americans (or what they used to call the American Indians) because these people, just like animals, do not have a soul.
You only need to look into the eyes of the American Indian to know that they do not have a soul, said the Pope in Rome. And this, too, was why it was considered okay to capture and sell the black Africans as slaves and kill them like pigs if they resisted or tried to escape. It is because they are not white so that would mean they are not really human beings.
But how can people be of “Different Races” if everyone was to come from the same parents? Would anyone in his right mind call his cousin a different race, or a different Tribe? Would Adam have called his grandchildren or even great-great-great- grandchildren spawns of a different race?
The Superior Race.
Racism is usually defined as views, practices and actions reflecting the belief that humanity is divided into distinct biological groups called races and that members of a certain race share certain attributes which make that group as a whole less desirable, more desirable, inferior or superior.

The exact definition of racism is controversial both because there is little scholarly agreement about the meaning of the concept “race”, and because there is also little agreement about what does and doesn’t constitute discrimination. Critics argue that the term is applied differentially, with a focus on such prejudices by whites, and defining mere observations of racial differences as racism. Some definitions would have it that any assumption that a person’s behaviour would be influenced by their racial categorization is racist, regardless of whether the action is intentionally harmful or pejorative. Other definitions only include consciously malignant forms of discrimination.
Among the questions about how to define racism are the question of whether to include forms of discrimination that are unintentional, such as making assumptions about preferences or abilities of others based on racial stereotypes, whether to include symbolic or institutionalized forms of discrimination such as the circulation of ethnic stereotypes through the media, and whether to include the socio-political dynamics of social stratification that sometimes have a racial component. Some definitions of racism also include discriminatory behaviours and beliefs based on cultural, national, ethnic, caste, or religious stereotypes.
Racism and racial discrimination are often used to describe discrimination on an ethnic or cultural basis, independent of whether these differences are described as racial. According to the United Nations convention, there is no distinction between the terms racial discrimination and ethnic discrimination, and superiority based on racial differentiation is scientifically false, morally condemnable, socially unjust and dangerous, and that there is no justification for racial discrimination, in theory or in practice, anywhere.

In history, racism has been a major part of the political and ideological under-pinning of genocides such as The Holocaust, but also in colonial contexts such as the rubber booms in South America and the Congo, and in the European conquest of the Americas and colonization of Africa, Asia and Australia. It was also a driving force behind the transatlantic slave trade, and behind states based on racial segregation such as the USA in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and South Africa under apartheid. Practices and ideologies of racism are universally condemned by the United Nations in the Declaration of Human Rights.

I've got a bad disease But from my brain is where I bleed. Insanity it seems Has got me by my soul to squeeze.
Well all the love from thee With all the dying trees I scream. The angels in my dreams (yeah) Have turned to demons of greed that's mean.
Religion: Djinns / Iblis was supposedly to be of the Superior Race...
Adam opened his eyes and saw all the Angels prostrating before him except for one creature that was standing at a distance. Iblis refused to prostrate to Adam because he regarded Adam, who was made from mere earth, as weaker and therefore inferior to Jinns, who were made from fire. In his vanity and belief that he was better than Adam, Iblis dared defy Allah.
Though Iblis was not one of the Angels but a Jinn, Allah brought him into Paradise and put him at par with the Angels. Iblis was then given a choice to bow to Adam and therefore maintain his status in Paradise. Iblis, of course, tried to explain or justify his disobedience as the following verse of the Quran reveals:
(God) said: What prevented thee from bowing down when I commanded thee?” He said: “I am better than he: Thou didst create me from fire, and him from clay.” (Al A’raf, chapter 7 verse 12)
Iblis debated with Allah and tried to defend his actions, how misguided they may have been which is what man do most times. Iblis explained that man, who was created from clay, is inferior to Iblis, who was created from fire. Basically, Iblis was arrogant and guided by vanity his belief in his superiority over man. For that Allah punished Iblis and evicted him from Paradise.
Man divided the 'ONE World order' so as to divide it into border and named each sector or region by defining it as either First World or Third World Country so as to compete with one another!!!