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Of gods & Men (Part IV) (Magic, Miracles) The Mind sees, The Imaginary...

Writer's picture: IMAGE OF GODIMAGE OF GOD

It’s quite interesting that people see what they want to see. And what is even more interesting is that you can make them see what you want them to see. In the end, they do not actually see what they should but what you want them to for people have this herd mentality similar to any other creature, two- or four-legged. And herds can be led in any direction you want it to go.

Let's relate the story of Brian Epstein, the manager of The Beatles who turned this Liverpool quartet into one of the world’s greatest bands and who introduced the ‘Mersey Sound’ to the world. Brian, son of a Jewish furniture store proprietor, was the manager of a record shop who ‘discovered’ The Beatles. One day, some kids came into his record shop and asked whether they carried the record ‘My Bonnie’ (lies over the ocean) by The Beatles. The Beatles? No, they do not carry that record and neither has he ever heard of The Beatles.

Brian decided to find out who the hell The Beatles are and he discovered them playing at a tiny club called The Cavern. He immediately realised their potential and got them to agree that he manage them. The first concert that he organised, he planted some girls in the front row with instructions that as soon as The Beatles start singing they are to scream, swoon, go berserk, faint, etc. They did just that and the entire hall was soon caught up in a frenzy. Since then, no live concert is the same without the screaming, tearing at the singers’ clothes, fainting, crying, and all manner of emotion. Yes, Brian started this pop-rock ‘culture’ and it has remained ever since and is still part and parcel of a live show almost 50 years on.

In short, you can make people respond the way you would like them to, and if there are enough people acting in a certain manner, then others will follow suit: the ‘herd’ mentality syndrome. Yes, people are emotional, at least most people are, but you can control their emotions and make them do what you want them to and yet make them feel that they are doing what they have themselves chosen to do. People do not really have control over their emotions as much as they think they do.

Magicians can do what they do because the hand is quicker than the eye. As long as they can get you to concentrate on one hand, then the other hand is free to perform the tricks. And rest assured you will concentrate on what they want you to concentrate on. You know it’s a trick. You know that when they raise their right hand that is only because they are about to do something with their left hand. But you will still focus on the right hand that is meant to distract you rather than the left hand, which will be the hand performing the trick.

Some see or think of porn. Some see or think of racy/sexy pictures. Some see or think of art. Some see or think of a healer of souls. Some only see the pictures and never even noticed the hidden message in the picture. Some see insults to prostitutes.

Different people see different things. But most importantly, people see only what they wish to see. However, you can also make people see what you want them to see and they will not be any wiser and think that is what they really see rather than they have been made to see this.

The Lord Sees Everything...

The Lord Sees Everything...

How many people saw the ‘hidden’ message in that image? In the first place, do they even realise that there is a hidden message or did they take the entire image at face value humour? If they did see the hidden message, then what was this message? Was it about the divinity of girls virginity? Was it about becoming a healer of Men? Was it about condemning girls who become prostitutes? Was it about the miracle of Virgin Mary? Was it about revenge? Since Cain was not the true son of Adam as such the creator decide to heal the world true such miracle birth?

#billiejean not my #lover not my #son #MJ Billie Jean is not my lover She's just a girl who claims that I am the one But the kid is not my son Billie Jean is not my lover She's just a girl who claims that I am the one But the kid is not my son She says I am the one, but the kid is not my son...

Adam sees Eve in a Dream, before the coming, for only in a mind does ONE sees it All!!!

Adam's ribs for a Masterpiece!!!

My Oh My... It's Adam & Eve ain't Adam & Steve...


What is truth? Truth is different things to different people. Some say Jesus Christ was the Son of God. Others say he died on the cross. Yet others say that both these ‘truths’ are in fact false and the real truth is that Jesus was merely a Prophet and that there are 25 such Prophets mentioned by name in the Quran while there were 124,000 Prophets in all since the beginning of time. To these people, the truth is that Muhammad was the last of the Prophets but others say that this is false and that the last Prophet was actually Jesus Christ.

Is one or the other lying? Those who say that Jesus was the Son of God or that he died on the cross are lying in the eyes of those who say that Muhammad was the last Prophet. And those who swear that Muhammad was the last Prophet are also lying to those who view Jesus as the Son of God and believe that he died on the cross.

Actually, it is not about lying at all. Neither side is lying. They say what they say with full belief and commitment. They believe what they say to be the truth. And there are many amongst them who will kill or die to defend what they believe to be the truth.

Who are we to say whether the Christians are lying or whether the Muslims are the ones who are lying instead? It all depends on your belief and ultimately only God would know which side is right. Christians would certainly consider Muslims, if not lying, at the very minimum are misguided or misinformed. And the same would apply when Muslims evaluate the Christian belief, which they would consider equally misguided or misinformed.

So, just like in the example of religion, spinning would all depend on which side of the political divide you happen to stand on. One man’s spin would be another man’s gospel.

The only thing we need remember is that we can’t please everyone. When we say white those who like black will not agree. And when we say black the white supporters get upset. And when we mix black and white and come out with grey then both sides would not be happy while those who like grey will suddenly come out in support. So believe what you want to believe and stop asking for ‘the truth’ because, to you, ‘the truth’ is what you believe to be ‘the truth’ and any explanation contrary to what you believe to be ‘the truth’ would be a lie as far as you are concerned. And that is why religion is so successful. People are prepared to accept ‘the truth’ based on myth and folklore.

The Chinese ‘discovered’ Christianity in the days when the Jesuits first went to China to set up missionary schools. It was not, however, until the Second Opium War in the late 1800s and after Nanjing and Shanghai were carved up by the Western powers that Christianity became ‘fashionable’.

Children of the prosperous and the elite were sent to missionary schools set up in the ‘foreign zones’ and then on to England, France or the United States for their tertiary education. They discarded their Chinese names in favour of western names and abandoned their Chinese attire for suits and dresses.

We must note, however, that only the boys were allowed this luxury of a higher education. Girls were only allowed primary education due to the Confucius belief that only ignorant girls can be virtuous. Hence educated girls were considered not virtuous so their prospects for marriage would be bleak if they became too educated.

And that is why girls who wanted to become doctors would run away from home to receive their education and would remain spinsters for the rest of their lives. And because of that these girls were considered lesbians for shunning marriage and for living amongst girls in schools run by nuns. The alternative would be they would be forced into marriage at age 15 or so.

It is said that the Shanghainese were already dancing the Charleston even before the whites in Chicago during the ‘Roaring 20s’ knew what that was. And, of course, every respectable Chinese would know ballroom dancing and would swing to the music of the big band during what was known as the ‘Swing Era’.

That was how ‘advanced’ the Chinese were in the 1800s. (At that time Malays were still wearing sarungs and did not know how to wear shirts and pants, let alone coats and ties). They were so advanced that they soon abandoned their Manchu hairstyle for Yardley and women unbound their feet so that they could grow their feet bigger and fit into sexy high heel shoes (before that small feet were considered beautiful).

However, in spite of how modern the Chinese had become with their western names and church-going on Sundays, they never totally discarded their old un-Christian beliefs. They still wailed at funerals and burned paper cars, paper mansions, fake money, and whatnot to ensure that the dearly departed could take all their wealth with them wherever they were going to after they died.

They still believed in feng shui and bad omens such as a child whose mother died during childbirth was cursed and hence treated as a second-class or pariah member of the family. Men still married main wives and secondary wives plus kept concubines who were to serve main wives as unpaid servants and slaves. And the children of secondary wives or concubines were confined to the servants’ quarters and not allowed entry into the living quarters of the ‘main family’.

Many Chinese Christians until today still believe that Jesus is a historical figure plus that the Bible is the word of God when many in the west (even members of the cloth) now believe that Jesus is more mythical than historical while the Bible did not really come from God but are stories fabricated by man and borrowed from pre-Christianity religious beliefs.

It took a 1000'god years for a Healer so call Saviour...

In fact, the virgin birth, the three-day death, the resurrection, the great flood, plus many more events that form the basis of the Christian doctrine are present in many other religions before Christianity, which is proof that Christianity is not original but a borrowed religion, which to some extent even so is Islam.

Even if I were to agree with what Han Xin wrote, this is certainly not a predicament unique to just the Muslims. The Christians are equally guilty of not having a liberated mind. The Christian mind, too, needs to be unlocked.

Han Xin write: To liberate the Muslim mind would require the re-opening the “Gates of Ijtihad” and encouraging the practice of “tajdid” or renewal. There must be freedom, freedom to explore new ideas, freedom to question old ones and freedom to innovate. This is difficult with conservatives who view each change an affront to “taqlid.”

Actually, this applies to the Christians as well. Once Christians can accept that there is much myth and legend in their beliefs and what they view as the ‘Holy Books’ are nothing but unproven stories and fairy tales then maybe the Christians, too, can unlock and liberate their minds, like what Han Xin suggests the Muslims do.

Han Xin is of the opinion that the Muslims are backward in their values and beliefs mainly because they are forbidden from re-interpreting Islam since more than 1,000 years ago. If Muslims are backward (because Islam is backward) it is only because the source of Islam (Judaism and Christianity) is backward.

Christians will argue that Christianity, unlike Islam, has already been ‘modernised’ by no other than Paul, the doctrine that was canonised 300 years after Christ.

Muslims and orthodox Christians do not think so. In fact, Christians would view ‘modern’ Christians as deviants and Catholicism as not even Christianity in the first place.

In short, what they are saying is, ‘modern’ Christians have abandoned the teachings of Jesus and have invented a new religion, which they mischievously call Christianity. Hence, Han Xin’s argument is Muslims, too, must become modern Muslims by abandoning true Islam and invent a new religion called ‘liberal Islam’.

But there is no such thing as liberal Islam. Liberalism is the opposite of Islam. It is the enemy of Islam just as the church views liberalism as the enemy of Christianity. Hence if you are a liberal Muslim then you are not a Muslim. You are a deviant.

And this is what people such as Han Xin and those of his ilk do not understand. And do you think Muslims can accept liberal Islam when they cannot even accept Shia Islam and they consider Shias as deviants who must be arrested and jailed?

Before we ask Muslims whether they are practising true Islam we must first ask Catholics whether they are practising true Christianity.

I will not disagree that we need to ask whether Islam has deviated from the proper Abrahamic faith. But an equally relevant question would be whether Christianity is really what Jesus taught us or is it a fabrication to steer the Jews away from Jesus.

I believe that Christianity is a fabrication just like much in Islam is as well, done in the days of the power struggles between various political groups after the death of Prophet Muhammad who re-invented Islam with an aim to hijack the religion for political gains.

Muhammad Meets Paul (Muhammad's Boom-Boom Room)

Adam's Virtual Reality:-

Adam was supposed to meditate under the Tree of Knowledge but instead Adam's been dreaming under the Tree of Knowledge so as to be Happy in his world of Electric Dream...


The Qur’an states that Allah deceived people into believing that Jesus had died on the cross. According to the Qur’an, Jesus was able to convert at least some Jews to Islam. But we know from history that Jesus’ early followers became convinced of his death and resurrection. Hence, the obvious reason that there were no Muslims after Jesus ascended into heaven is that all of Jesus’ followers came to believe that he died on the cross and rose from the dead. And where did they get this idea? According to Islam, the idea that Jesus died on the cross was started by Allah:

That they said (in boast), “We killed Christ Jesus The son of Mary, The Messenger of Allah”—But they killed him not, Nor crucified him, But so it was made To appear to them, And those who differ Therein are full of doubts, With no (certain) knowledge, But only conjecture to follow, For of a surety They killed him not—Nay, Allah raised him up Unto Himself; and Allah Is Exalted in Power, Wise.[14]

Even if we allow that Allah’s only goal was to deceive the people who wanted to kill Jesus, it is clear that the disciples also fell for Allah’s deception. So who is responsible for the Christian belief that Jesus died on the cross? If Islam is correct, God started this idea when he decided to trick Jesus’ enemies into thinking that they had killed Jesus. This leads to even more problems. If the deception of the disciples was unintentional, then we must conclude that God didn’t realize that he was about to start the largest false religion in the world. If it was intentional, then God is in the business of starting false religions. Therefore, the God of Islam is either dreadfully ignorant or maliciously deceptive.

Muhammad’s position also means that Jesus was the greatest failure in the history of the prophets. He spent 33 years preaching (again, he began preaching Islamic theology at birth), yet shortly after his death, the children of Israel were divided into two broad camps. Those who believed his message became Christians, all of whom were guilty of the worst sin imaginable (shirk[15]), while those who rejected his message were guilty of rejecting one of God’s greatest messengers. Thus, whether people believed in Jesus or rejected him, everyone would ultimately be condemned and cast into the hellfire. It’s strange, then, that Muslims consider Jesus to be one of the greatest prophets ever. It seems that he should have been able to win at least one lasting convert to Islam. But he didn’t. Further, a true prophet of Islam should have warned his followers not to turn away from Islam by falling for God’s deception. But Jesus never got that message across. Indeed, millions of people from around the world now refuse to accept Islam because they believe that Jesus died on the cross for their sins, a teaching that goes back to a deceptive God and an incompetent Messiah.

The Qur’an states that Allah helped spread Christianity. Once God had caused belief in Jesus death and resurrection, he then worked diligently to aid the Christians in spreading their false message:

O you who believe! be helpers (in the cause) of Allah, as [Jesus] son of Marium said to (his) disciples: Who are my helpers in the cause of Allah? The disciples said: We are helpers (in the cause) of Allah. So a party of the children of Israel believed and another party disbelieved; then We aided those who believed against their enemy, and they became uppermost.[16]

This verse is extremely important, for it means that Allah helped the followers of Jesus against the Jews who rejected Jesus, and that these followers “became uppermost.” So who were these followers of Jesus who became stronger than the Jews? The only people in history who fit such a description are orthodox Christians, who believe in Jesus’ death, resurrection, and divinity. In other words, Muslims can’t claim here that Jesus’ message was corrupted and that the true Gospel was wiped out, because that clearly isn’t the group that the Qur’an refers to in this passage. Even if there was a group of first century Muslim-Christians, this group never gained an upper hand over anyone. Indeed, they must have been snuffed out immediately. The only group of Jesus’ followers that ever became strong enough to overshadow the Jews was composed of Christians, once Christianity had spread throughout the Roman Empire. These Christians believed in the foundational doctrines that Christians hold even today. Yet, according to the Qur’an, Allah helped these people rise to power!

How, then, did Christianity spread and become the dominant world religion? It spread by the power of Allah! And who started the Christian message about Jesus’ death on the cross? God invented this message! Even non-Christian historians are convinced that Jesus’ death is one of history’s best-established facts.[17] Where did historians get this idea? They got it from God, who tricked so many people into believing in Jesus’ death that we now have tons of historical evidence for this event. Since there are roughly two billion Christians on earth at the present moment, it seems that Jesus and God are responsible for starting the only religion in the world that overshadows Islam.

The Mind sees the Imaginary and that is the greatest magic to be considered A Miracle...

A believer wants Afterlife More than the Life here on Earth.

HUDUD: Muslim law: divine punishments; the category of crimes most egregious and therefore most severely punished.

The trouble is majority are looking at Hudud based on life on earth. Muslims look at Hudud based on the Afterlife in heaven. So you are not on the same wavelength here. And when you are not on the same wavelength it would be impossible to understand one another.

Muslims are irrational — as are Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Hindus and all the rest. In short, everyone who believes in a God and/or a religion has to be irrational. You cannot but not be irrational to believe — and die for, kill for, spend all your money for, etc., — for something that cannot be proven.

And that is why religions are called faiths. It is religious faith and not religious evidence that makes you believe. If you had to base your beliefs on evidence you would not believe. And you would be what many would call a faithless person. You lack faith or are devoid of faith.

Hence it is not wrong to say that Muslims, plus all those from the other religions as well, are irrational. You need to be irrational to have faith in something that you do not know whether is true or not. It is something that you heard about. Someone told you. It is absolutely hearsay, which in court would be rejected as evidence.

So, now, you want to debate with Muslims about why you cannot accept Hudud. And you present your case well. You use rational arguments to explain why you think Hudud is not suitable for a country like Malaysia, and in these modern times.

Very intelligent arguments, I must say. Extremely rational reasons! But how do you rationalise something irrational? How do you use rational arguments against an irrational belief?

If rational arguments can be applied in matters of religion then I can offer you many rational reasons as to why Jesus could not be the Son of God and could not have died and then came back to life three days later. Will Christians accept my very intelligent argument and leave Christianity by the hundreds of millions?

So stop trying to use intelligent and rational arguments in explaining to Muslims why you cannot accept Hudud. If you want to do that then you might as well try to convince Muslims that they need not pray five times a day — because the decree to pray five times a day came from God when Prophet Muhammad made an overnight trip to heaven on a winged horse where he also met all the other Prophets such as Moses, Jesus, etc.

Does that story sound rational to you? Muhammad flying to heaven on a winged horse to meet God where he received the decree that all Muslims must pray five times a day?

To you that story might sound silly. To Muslims, however, they believe this and that is why Muslims pray five times a day. To you, is this rational or irrational? And if you agree that this sounds very far fetched but yet you agree that you respect the right of Muslims to believe this then why can’t you also accept the right of Muslims to believe in God’s laws called the Sharia, Hudud being just one aspect of the Sharia?

Some say that Hudud is not in the Qur’an. True! In fact, the Sharia is also not in the Qur’an if you wish to go down that road. And for that matter, the decree to pray five times a day and the manner in which these prayers are to be performed are also not in the Qur’an.

The Qur’an only states that you must pray when the sun rises, at noon, and when the sun sets. That makes only three times a day. And the Qur’an just says pray. It does not say how and what you utter during these prayers. Muslims, however, pray five times a day and strictly follow a set of rituals and verses in which they must recite. If not the prayers are nullified.

Hence Muslims do not just follow the Qur’an. They also follow the Hadith, Sunnah and opinions of scholars, the itjihad ulama’.

Ijtihad (Arabic اجتهاد) is a technical term of Islamic law that describes the process of making a legal decision by independent interpretation of the legal sources, the Qur’an and the Sunnah.

tempted by the serpent

Why do Muslims pray five times a day never mind where they happen to be in spite of the effort required to perform this your whole life? Because they want to avoid the wrath of God and to be rewarded with a perpetual life in heaven after they die.

And that is the same reason why Muslims do not do many forbidden things and perform all those mandatory things — to avoid the wrath of God and to be rewarded with a perpetual life in heaven after they die.

So, last question, why do Muslims want to implement Hudud? Well, for the same reason, of course. Because Muslims believe that this is God’s decree and mandatory upon Muslims and they want to do what God demands to avoid the wrath of God and to be rewarded with a perpetual life in heaven after they die.

But is this not cruel? Is not cutting off the hands of thieves or stoning an adulteress to death barbaric?

Maybe it would be ‘yes’ if you are not a Muslim but the answer would be ‘no’ to a Muslim. If the offender were not punished here on earth then the offender would suffer a punishment in hell once that person dies. And the punishment in hell is far worse than the punishment on earth. But if that person were already punished on earth then he or she would escape punishment in hell and instead receive his or her reward in heaven.

Adam & Eve doing the Walk of Life... In a place of Do's & Dont's...

So how can Hudud be considered cruel or barbaric? Because you are subjected to Hudud you can now go to heaven. But if you were not subjected to Hudud you would go to hell. And hell would certainly be very cruel and barbaric whereas amputation or stoning to death is far better than going to hell. Nothing on earth, however bad, can compare to hell.

Does this sound rational or irrational? Of course it sounds irrational because religion itself is irrational. You cannot rationalise religion. You need to just believe. And you need to believe based on faith.

I mean would Muslim suicide bombers blow themselves up if they did not think they were going to heaven and that heaven is far better than earth and worth dying for?

Could Heaven be a Place on Earth???

The trouble is the unbeliever are looking at Hudud based on life on earth whereby Muslims look at Hudud based on the Afterlife in heaven. So you are not on the same wavelength here. And when you are not on the same wavelength it would be impossible to understand one another.

Joseph was given the gift of dreams. And yes, this story is not far from every one of us. I believe all of us are born as dreamers, which dreams are softly whispered by our Dream Giver (God) before they came to be. (Acts 2:17, Joel 2:28)

Joseph was given the dream that the sun, the moon, and eleven stars, which represented his widowed father and brothers, will bow down to him. (Gen 37:9) His future was bright and assured.

But his brothers wanted to destroy him with his dreams by selling him as a slave. Such unity of the brothers showed us that Joseph must have received multiple gestures of favoritism from his father Jacob, one that we know was the multi-colored coat (or a custom-made jacket in the play). (Gen 37:3)

Joseph was given a dream but it was destroyed by the fallen nature of people – his own pride, Jacob’s favoritism, and his brothers’ jealousy.

Yet, albeit men’s fallen nature, God’s given dream prevailed. His Words remained indestructible. (Matthew 24:35) We know later, Joseph said, “As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive.” (Gen 50:20)

All my life Is changing every day In every possible way... In all my dreams It's never quite as it seems Never quite as it seems I know I've felt like this before

But now I'm feeling it even more

Because it came from you

Then I open up and see

The person falling here is me

A different way to be...

Social Animal

  • I don’t need to know everything; I just need to know where to find it, when I need it.

  • Never keep anything in your mind that you can look up.

  • Never memorize what you can look up in books.


Sociable Voice onto the Wall Media



By FND Beast

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