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An Act of Deviance and of Defiance - Part VIIII (If Eve had not eaten the Apple) To Defy temptation.

Writer's picture: AdminAdmin

God had imposed certain rules on Adam and Eve and when they violated these rules they were sentenced to a life on earth that results in eventual death. So, when Adam and Eve came down to earth, they were already subjected to laws, God’s laws. Hence there was no real freedom or freewill from the very beginning. Humankind had to live by the will of God, which was full of rules and restrictions, from Day One.

What if both Adam & Eve had not defy God by lusting on the Serpent instead???

The Abrahamic faiths of Moses, Jesus and Muhammad, a.k.a. the Religions of the Book, are violent religions that place God above everything else. You serve God. You are God’s slave or creation. Your very existence is to obey God. Those who defy God must be exterminated. Those who violate God’s commands will be sent to Hell for eternity.

The entire focus of Judaism, Christianity and Islam is God and everything revolves around what God wants and what God does not want.

Buddha spent many long years traveling in poverty all over India and at one point even starved himself to near-death in search of the truth. Christianity has listed down the seven cardinal sins as pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath and sloth. Basically all these are sins involving emotions. After a long search for the truth Buddha finally came to the conclusion that the one sin that leads to man’s downfall is desire.

Like Father Like Son The Begotten son, the Holy 'One' For He who's Blood As a means to wash Away the sins of men!!! A Belief A faith A Return Someday in Time... A house of Pain indeed To be born only to be taken To be betrayed only To be Love by many...

In short, you can say that Buddha summed up Christianity’s seven sins into one, and that sin is desire.

You desire pleasure. You desire wealth. You desire revenge. You desire power. You desire position. You desire comfort. You desire food and drink. You desire respect. You desire recognition. You desire fame. You desire beautiful clothes. You desire an expensive car. You desire a big and lavish home. You desire leadership. You desire that people listen to you and obey you. You desire that your children succeed. You desire being idolised.

In short, name it and you desire it.

The Wants & The Needs... The Desire & The Lust...

But then you cannot get everything you desire (and you desire a hell of a lot). So this makes you unhappy and unsatisfied. You forgot that you already exist and that is a lot already. But being alive is not enough. You must also be alive and with all your desires fulfilled as well.

But then Buddha saw that some people have nothing and have to beg on the streets. Some do not have health and suffer from diseases. Some are dead and are being carried to the funeral pyre (or grave). You, however, do not live in poverty, or are lying sick in bed, or are dead, and yet you are unhappy because your desires are not fulfilled.

Buddha realised if you can suppress desire or live with absolutely no desire you will be very happy and will be very grateful and satisfied merely being alive and in good health. But all over the world mere humans are not happy because they desire more than just being alive and in good health.

They also desire the latest iPhone and a BMW and to holiday in the Swiss Alps this Christmas.

What is Creation without LUST?

In the beginning, upon creating on its image, the creator let the lonesome Adam lust on his own desires. With the power of the mind, with the help of the creator and with the dream that lasted in his mind a soulmate is born...

The Unimaginable Lust Of Men for the Love of Anime, a creation of its mind...

As we begin to search out the truth of God's creation, we look at His creation of the human race. Adam was the creation of man, and as God declared:

"So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them." Genesis 1:27

God created man, male and female from the same kind. And God gave man dominion over everything He had created.

God created a garden of paradise for man to live in. Man's total duty was to tend (take care of) the garden. Then God brought all the animals, birds, insects, and everything He had created to Adam to name. What a mind Adam (man) was given! Then came the time God decided man needed a help mate. So God did something that man has never figured out:

"And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;" Genesis 2:21

God caused a deep sleep to come upon Adam, and he slept. But the Word does not declare God ever woke Adam up from this sleep. God's creation man has been in this deep sleep ever since.

The Hebrew word for deep sleep is TARDEMA and means "a sleep caused by the intervention of God." Down through the centuries few men have aroused out of their deep sleep to do mighty works for God. Even when one awakes out of sleep, they still have what is called `sleep in their eyes'. So their vision is blurred, and they cannot see clearly. Another thing that goes to sleep is our hearing, and only a sharp noise will disturb this sleep. Jesus explained the condition man has fallen into, to His disciples:

"For this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them." Matthew 13:15

Man needs a great healing, both in his physical being and in his spiritual being. After God put Adam into a deep sleep, he could no longer see or hear God spiritually.

Hush hush, keep it down now, voices carry...

He said shut up - he said shut up

Oh God can't you keep it down

Voices carry Hush hush, voices carry

Lust is very important. Without lust we would all not exist. Lust is what drives us. Lust is both constructive and destructive. Lust builds plus it destroys. And lust is not only the foundation of humankind it is also the foundation of the Abrahamic faiths. Without lust we would not have ‘Religions of the Book’.

There are some who believe that God created Adam from dust or earth after first turning it into clay. Then God allowed this lifeless statue to set as the angels in Paradise all gathered around curiously watching God at work. God then blew a soul into this statue and it came to life.

God then instructed all the Angels to prostrate to Adam, who is going to be the Vicegerent on earth.

All the Angels complied except Iblis. Iblis saw how God had made Adam, who is merely from earth, while Iblis is made from fire. So how could a more superior being created from fire prostrate to an inferior being made from dirt?

Basically Iblis suffered from the lust of power and pride. Adam was a weak creation and hence did not possess much power. Adam had emotions, feelings, needs, and whatnot and hence was weak. Iblis was not weakened by all these human ‘failings’. Emotions, feelings, needs, and so on, are weaknesses, which Iblis did not possess. Furthermore, earth is weaker than fire. Hence no way would a more superior creation prostrate to a weaker creation.

Iblis’s defiance incurred the wrath of God. God then punished Iblis by evicting him from Paradise and by condemning him to an eternity in hell. Iblis then requested that God hold back sentencing until the end of time. Iblis told God he would in the meantime like to prove to God that Adam is weak and therefore Iblis was justified in not to prostrate to Adam.

God agreed with this proposal and challenged Iblis to prove it. Iblis has carte blanche to try to mislead Adam and prove that Adam is weak and can be misled. Of course, Iblis will eventually be sent to hell at the end of time. In the meantime Iblis can try to mislead Adam and try to bring him (Adam) to hell with him (Iblis).

Soon Adam became lonely and craved for a companion. God then created Adam’s companion, Eve, from Adam’s rib bone. Adam took one look at the sexy Eve and went “Woh!….Man!” and that was how Adam’s companion got the name woman (this part the holy books somehow did not record).

The Prophet’s Desire - Muhammad Marries Adopted Son’s Wife (Lusting Last)...

But thus far Iblis had not succeeded in misleading Adam and to get him condemned to hell. So Iblis tried to work on Eve instead and to use Eve to mislead Adam. We of course know the story about the forbidden fruit and how God angrily threw Adam and Eve out of Paradise for disobeying the instruction regarding the forbidden fruit and how Adam and Eve ended up on earth and soon bred like rabbits and today there are seven billion of us running around doing bad things to each other.

That is the story of the creation of humankind, as some ‘people of the Book’ believe happened. And since coming to earth, or rather since banishment to earth, humankind has been plagued with the disease of lust -- lust for power, lust for wealth, lust for domination, lust for a good life, lust for recognition, lust for victory, lust for success, lust for sex, and much more.

So this is what drives us, lust. This is what makes us succeed, lust. This is what makes us fail, lust. This is what makes us dominate others, lust. This is what triggers wars, lust. This is why we kill, lust. This is why we seek power, lust. This is why we persecute, lust. This is why we discriminate, lust. In short, all our strengths, weaknesses, successes and failures can be attributed to just one thing, lust. We never act unless guided by lust.

Of course, we will never admit this. We will hide behind all sorts of excuses to justify our actions. We will give all sorts of labels to our actions to present them with a noble image. Ultimately, however, it all boils down to just one word, lust.

Lust for God... The Truth and who holds it?

Several centuries ago, the Pope decreed that all the Jews had to convert to Catholicism or leave Italy. There was a huge outcry from the Jewish community, so the Pope offered a deal. He'd have a religious debate with the leader of the Jewish community...

If the Jews won, they could stay in Italy; if the Pope won, they'd have to convert or leave.

The Jewish people met and picked an aged and wise Rabbi to represent them in the debate.

However, as the Rabbi spoke no Italian, and the Pope spoke no Hebrew, they agreed that it would be a 'silent' debate.

On the chosen day, the Pope and the Rabbi sat opposite each other.

The Pope raised his hand and showed three fingers.

The Rabbi looked back and raised one finger.

Next, the Pope waved his finger around his head.

The Rabbi pointed to the ground where he sat.

The Pope brought out a communion wafer and a chalice of wine.

The Rabbi pulled out an apple.

With that, the Pope stood up and declared himself beaten and said that the Rabbi was too clever.

The Jews could stay in Italy!

Later the cardinals met with the Pope and asked him what had happened.

Adam saves Eve from the Serpent...

The Pope said, "First I held up three fingers to represent the Trinity. He responded by holding up a single finger to remind me there is still only one God common to both our beliefs. Then, I waved my finger around my head to show him that God was all around us. He responded by pointing to the ground to show that God was also right here with us. Finally, I pulled out the wine and wafer to show that God absolves us of all our sins. He pulled out an apple to remind me of the original sin. He bested me at every move and I could not continue!"

Meanwhile, the Jewish community gathered to ask the Rabbi how he had won.

"I don't have a clue!!!" the Rabbi said.

"First, he told me that we had three days to get out of Italy, so I gave him the finger. Then he tells me that the whole country would be cleared of Jews, so I told him that we were staying right here."

"And then what?" asked a woman.

"Who knows!!" said the Rabbi. "He took out his lunch, so I took out mine!"

The Afterlife - Paradise...

Paradise City... Take me down to tat City. Yeah!!!

Like any other religions, Islam does have the belief in afterlife. The belief in afterlife and also other aspect of the religious belief have been weakening in all major religions such as Christianity and Judaism especially in the more advance countries in Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand (Fulcher & Scott, 2011).

The British Broadcasting Corporation in its report, under the title The Vicars Who Do Not Believe in God reported that many vicars and priests did not believe in the existence of god (Note 1). David Jenkins, the former bishop of Durham for example was one of the vicars who did not believe the physical resurrection of Jesus and the virgin birth.

According to the news portal, a group known as Sea of Faith claimed to have up to 50 vicars and

some Roman Catholic priests claimed that they did not believe in the existence of god. The phenomenon may be pertinent to Christianity in the west because the western society is very much influenced by empiricism, the philosophy which claims that any knowledge which is not derived from science is unreliable (Dixon, 1999).

In Judaism, afterlife is an important eschatological concept which was present in the pre-modern Jewish belief. However, the modern Judaism has now lost touch with the whole motion of life after death (Raphael, 2009).

Most of the American Christians of all denominations continue to assent to a belief in resurrection but closer scrutiny shows that many do not believe that the physical body will be resurrected (Bartalos, 2008).

The concept of afterlife which is found in three Abrahamic faiths, namely Islam, Christianity and Judaism are important basis for the good and virtuous life. Death is depicted as settling accounts in which the action of one’s life would be evaluated and one would be punished or rewarded accordingly (Baumeister, 1991)

The Muslims of South East Asia are among the most devoted Muslim in the world (Rane, 2014). According the Wall Strait Journal, research conducted by Pew Research Centre which study the values, rituals and life styles of 35,000 people around the world, including 5,000 respondents in Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand, 98% of Indonesian, 93% of the Malaysian and 90% of Thai Muslims pay the zakah which is the third pillar of Islam. Moreover, 99% of Malaysian and Indonesian in the survey said they fasted during the month of Ramadan, and all the Thai Muslim said they fasted in the month of Ramadhan. In addition, 72% of the Indonesian attended the mosques at least once a week, 57% in Malaysia, 61% in Egypt and 44% in Turkey. The main factor that encouraged the Muslims to practice the Islamic teaching is none other than the belief in the Islamic eschatology such as reward and punishment, hell and heaven (Prieto, 2014).

The stronger the belief in afterlife, the more obedient they are (Penguin, 2010). However, this belief cannot be proven and as such it is quite difficult for the people to fully believe and convinced with them. The strength of belief in religion in the western religion i.e. Christianity has been the subject of the book written by Wuthnow (1988) who argued that in the seventies of the twentieth century, belief among college students had declined more dramatically than the less educated people.

The belief in afterlife had also been the main issues debated by the ancient Islamic scholars of the Mutazilites and the Asharites, which among other debated whether the soul perished or not when a person died, whether the world was temporary or everlasting.

Another issue which was debated between the two schools of thoughts was whether the Qur’an was the God’s word or the created being (Naseem, 2001).

If Eve had not defy God's command... There wouldn't be an Apple to eat... For the root cause seems to be the Apple... But then, somehow there will never be a miracle in life since to enter creation a god needs to perform miracle through a virgin birth as oppose to a Man-God the Pharoah who self claimed that he is the god to be serve... A self proclaimed god to be the Master... Yeah!!!

The Saviour, The Messiah for Mankind for the Sin of "The Father"... The sin of the father shall also be a sin to the son to bare the deeds... Miracles happen in Creations...

Many Christian churches use a lectionary, a table which lists passages of scripture to be read on each day. On Sundays, preachers usually speak from one of the listed passages.

One of the passages is called John 9:1-42. The passage describes a miracle performed by the virgin-born Jesus, the Carpenter whom Christians recognize as the Messiah.

A man born blind was healed by the Carpenter on a Saturday, a day on which Jews were not permitted to do any work. The healed man and his family were investigated by the Jewish religious authorities.

The “problem” wasn’t just the fact of healing – an activity which established, learned and esteemed religious leaders couldn’t do. The problem was also the manner of healing.

The inspired author records that the Carpenter ordered the man-born-blind to go to the river, wash in it, and be healed. He went; he washed; he was healed.

Every Biblically educated reader knows the author intends for us to recall that in that culture walking and washing on a Saturday was not permitted: it was work on a rest day.

The neighbours and others who recognized the man didn’t celebrate the miracle. In their culture you gained social points by pointing out the ‘wrongs’ done by others. They brought the now-seeing-man before the Jewish religious leaders for grilling.

Some of the grillers believed a man who was a sinner (one who works on a Saturday) cannot work miracles, therefore the Carpenter couldn’t be the healer.

Some of the grillers said since the Carpenter performed the ‘impossible’ healing of the man-born-blind, therefore the Carpenter wasn’t a sinner.

The grillers wished for a simple solution: just ‘prove’ the now-seeing-man wasn’t the man-born-blind, and the whole case goes away.

So the grillers called the parents of the man-born-blind to testify.The parents said the man-born-blind was indeed their son; now he could see; they didn’t know how the change came about.

No Magic could happen to me Unless it's a miracle... For No trickery, No sorcery No Jedi mind trick... There shall be no magic No Beauty charm No magic spell Tat shall rule the mind Of the One... for it Be a miracle to happens.

They answered as they did because if they had called their leaders silly, they would have been cut off from their own community.

The grillers re-called the now-seeing-man. They told him they knew the Carpenter was a sinner. They told the now-seeing-man to tell the truth: Did the sinner perform a miracle?

Do you see? The religious leaders had already decided the Carpenter was a ‘sinner’ because he did not obey the law: he did not refrain from ‘working’ or telling others to ‘work’ on a Saturday, even ‘good work.’ Since he was a sinner, he couldn’t perform miracles. Anyone who said otherwise had to be punished for defying authority.

The grillers kicked out the now-seeing-man from the community. This man was no longer blind. He could now see. Therefore, he was happy to be kicked out of the community.

If I could fly... Like the king of the sky... Could not tumble nor fall, I would picture it all... If I could fly... See the world through my eyes... Would not stumble nor fail; To the heavens I sail!!!

Social Animal

  • I don’t need to know everything; I just need to know where to find it, when I need it.

  • Never keep anything in your mind that you can look up.

  • Never memorize what you can look up in books.


Sociable Voice onto the Wall Media



By FND Beast

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