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Act Of Man - Part VII (Swine, Swindle, Scandal, Songlap, Scam, Slander, Sinners, Smear)

Writer's picture: Voice Of Beruk aka. BeastVoice Of Beruk aka. Beast

Never fight with a pig.

You can’t win. You both get dirty.

And the Pig loves it.

-Pasquale Capozzi-

Pigs are intelligent animals and one of the earliest animals domesticated by man. Generally pigs don’t fight much and take fighting as a game or in play, they just loved to get dirty in the mud.

The negative aspect of a pig is overindulgence and in such a circumstance greed than set in, which could cause them to be very manipulative and cunning.

If a pig drank from a river…

Once upon a midnight dreary, a cute pinky-pie pig was taking a walk along a beautiful river that flowed through a beautiful tropical rain forest.

It was a nice night. Crickets were creaking, frogs were croaking, stars were shining, leaves were ruffling and the moonlight was casting beautiful pale blue shadows everywhere.

The cute pinky pie pig had recently eaten dinner. It was an over-ripe papaya that had fallen to the ground. It was just sweet and juicy enough for his liking.

With his plump and round belly now full, he had decided to take a stroll just to enjoy the night and also burn off a little bit of the calories he had consumed.

Every now and then, he would push his snout towards the ground as he took whiffs of the pleasant scents of the forest’s wildflowers that were growing all along the river bank.

The cute pinky pie pig had been walking without a care in the world for about 45 minutes when he started feeling a little bit tired. He plonked his round behind down by a tree stump and took a short rest. Soon, the gurgling of the river was too tempting and he lowered his mouth for a satisfying drink.

About 20 kilometres away, the river eventually turned in to a huge delta. That delta was the opening to a beautiful beach with fine white sand that felt like powder to the feet.

Now, that beach is actually a large ocean of which body of water washed to the shore of several continents, some very populated and some just so remote.

On the remotest of continents, there was a small village that had a group of isolated people who were officially practicing Muslims but had no contact with the rest of the Muslim world.

This village was deep in the heart of the mainland and was not near any seaside or beach. But, also being a tropical island, rainfall was quite high. As we all know, rain happens when water on the surface of the earth (could be a lake, river, stream or ocean) evaporates into the air and condenses before falling down as rain.

So, one fine weekend, the villagers were having a big wedding party, when it started to drizzle. Very quickly, that drizzle turned into a huge thunderstorm. Everyone ran as fast as they could for cover into their homes and under any shelter they could find. But they got wet anyway.

The next day, the father of the bride from the wedding felt a little icky. He couldn’t explain the feeling. He didn’t feel sick and physically, he was fine. He just felt really icky.

He told his wife who then told the rest of the family. The whole family started feeling icky. Then news spread and the whole village started feeling icky.

The village medicine man suddenly had a vision. With the superpowers bestowed upon him, he could see that several specks of pig saliva was in the rain water.

The entire village became hysterical. Some were crying, some were shouting, some were screaming, some were rolling on the ground. They were all definitely feeling very icky.

The village elders then sat down in a circle in the middle of the village discussing what they should do. It was quite a heated discussion, but they finally came to a conclusion.

A World Full Of Shit!!! Noah’s Ark was full of Shit!- LiterallyAnimals shit. That is a fact of nature. Some of them shit a lot. Many of us would argue that there had to be thousands of different types of animals on that ark, but some of the creationists like to get around the plethora of animals in existence by saying Noah only had to collect two of each kind. As in two generic elephants, not two Asian, two African etc. They justify this with Genesis 6:20 which says, "Of fowls after their kind, and of cattle after their kind, of every creeping thing of the earth after his kind, two of every sort shall come unto thee to keep them alive." Based on this they claim the ark could have had as few as 2000 different kinds of animals on it.

Ya know what, it's bullshit, but since this blog is about shit, we are going to go ahead and give them that one. We are going to base this blog on just 2000 kinds of animals.

Genesis 6:21 says he brought food for all those animals, so we have to assume they ate during their journey (we won't worry about where all that food was stored though, several hundred pounds a day just for the elephants, but we will assume there was room). We can also assume that if they were eating they must have been pissing and shitting. Have you ever been to a pet store or the zoo? Have you ever had a pet hamster or mouse? Kitty litter box? Shit smells bad when it is fresh, but it becomes downright toxic when it gets old. Now lets talk about the Ark itself. Ventilation? Genesis 6:16, "A window shalt thou make to the ark, and in a cubit shalt thou finish it above; and the door of the ark shalt thou set in the side thereof; with lower, second, and third stories shalt thou make it." One window. That is all the ventilation our animals get.

The "real" boat didn't have these extra windows Elephants(2) shit 120lbs. per day for about 280lbs Rhinos(2) shit 110lbs. per day for about 220lbs. Hippos(2) and Giraffes(2) 100lbs. each for about 400lbs. Cows(2) and Pigs(2) 60lbs. each. each for about 240 lbs Horses(2), sheep(2) and goats(2) 25lbs. for about 150lbs Lions(2) and Tigers(2) and Bears(2) oh my, about 20lbs. of shit each for about 120lbsThat's 1410 pounds of shit per day with just 24 animals, and before you think I already named all the big ones, there are Water Buffalos, Komodo Dragons, Baboons, Koala Bears (they do not count as bears, that's just a name), Alligators, Crocodile, Chimpanzees, Deer, Moose, Ostriches, Wolverines, Badgers, Kangaroos… in other words a lot of really big friggin animals.

Can you imagine all those birds shitting all over the ark? By any conservative estimate you have to be looking at 4 tons of shit every single day, not too mention 100s of gallons of piss. Shit contains methane. Methane is poisonous especially when concentrated. Piss becomes toxic ammonia as it decomposes. Eight people working 24 hours a day could not have kept shoveled 4 tons of shit and cleaned up all that piss.

Depending on how you read Genesis chapter 7 it either rained for seven days, or it rained for the entire 40 days. Either way they could not open that window for at least 7 days. The build up of gases would have been toxic long before that. But Genesis 7:24 says they were in that boat 150 days! (actually, gotta admit, I am stunned… I forgot that until I just reread it 150 days! Rereading makes it clear, they were in the boat 7 days before the flood started, it rained 40 days and took 150 total days until the water receded. Anyone got a better explanation for the verses. Doesn't matter, they wouldn't have lasted a week in all that shit.)

So either Noah's ark was full of shit, or Noah's ark was FULL OF SHIT! Take your pick!

Lots of shit here - none of it good shit!

OMG!!! Who Scam Who???

In a world of existence is a world full of scammers, swindles, sickness, sabotages, scandals, shit, sinners...


From an economic perspective it is better to rear pigs than cows or goat. It is simply more profitable. The pregnancy duration is about 112-115 days compared to goat which is about 150 days or a cow 290 days. At the end of each pregnancy the pig produces between 12- 15 piglets, the goat about 1-2 kids and the cow 1 calf.

The religion perspective of pork.

From the bible

Both the Bible and the Quran prohibit the eating of pork. Muslims are aware of this prohibition and observe it strictly. However, most readers of the Bible say they do not know where they can find this in the Bible.

In the book of Leviticus, chapter 11, v. 7, it is recorded that God declares the pig to be unclean for believers. Then, in verse 8, God says: “You must not eat their meat or touch their carcasses; they are unclean for you”. This command is repeated in Deuteronomy 14:7-8. Then, in Isaiah 65:2-4, and 66:17, God issues a stern warning against those who eat pork.

Some Christians are aware of this prohibition from God, but they say that they can eat pork because St. Paul said that all food is clean in his letter to the Romans 14:20. St. Paul said this because he believed (as he wrote in his letter to the Ephesians 2:14-15) that Jesus had abolished the Law with all its commandments and regulations. He seems, however, to have misunderstood what he heard about Jesus.

In the Gospel According to Matthew 5:17-20, Jesus is reported to have said quite the contrary, as follows: “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law . . . .” Jesus then went on in that passage (in verse 19) to denounce anyone who would break the smallest commandment and teach others likewise. He also praised his true followers who will practice and teach even the smallest commandment. One of the commandments, as we have seen, is to stay away from pork.

This is why the true followers of Jesus, holding on to his teachings, did not let unclean food such as pork enter their mouths, so that Peter, the chief disciple, can say, “I have never eaten anything impure or unclean” (Acts of the Apostles, ch. 10, v. 14)

Five chapters later in the Acts of the Apostles, 15:29, we find that the original disciples still differentiate between clean and unclean foods, and this time Paul is in agreement with them. Six chapters later, in ch. 21, v. 25, their decision to impose food regulations on believers is mentioned without regret, and this time Paul is challenged to prove that he is in agreement with them; and he demonstrated his full agreement with them.

What remains, then, is that Jesus, on whom be peace, upheld the prohibition against pork. His disciples also upheld it, and so must all his followers. Those who fail to uphold it need to be informed and reminded of this rule from God. For the same argument many orthodox Jews don’t eat pork.

“…for you are a people holy to the LORD your God. Out of all the peoples on the face of the earth, the LORD has chosen you to be his treasured possession.” – Deuteronomy 14:2 (NIV)

God gave the laws to the Israelites because they were chosen by him to be set apart from the rest of the world – and thus they were to live differently to everyone else. Part of this affected what they ate.

A little later in chapter 14, after Moses begins outlining what God says they can and can’t eat, he says:

“The pig is also unclean; although it has a split hoof, it does not chew the cud. You are not to eat their meat or touch their carcasses.” – Deuteronomy 14:8 (NIV)

It seems pretty clear for the Israelites – bacon, pork and ham are off the menu.

So does the bible say not to eat pig products? Yes.

But … who exactly is God commanding not to eat pig products?

Islamic perspective

In Islam, the eating of swine is forbidden. This is clearly demonstrated in many verses of the Quran. Among others this includes:

[5:3] Prohibited for you are animals that die of themselves, blood, the meat of pigs,* and animals dedicated to other than GOD. (Animals that die of themselves include those) strangled, struck with an object, fallen from a height, gored, attacked by a wild animal - unless you save your animal before it dies - and animals sacrificed on altars. Also prohibited is dividing the meat through a game of chance; this is an abomination. Today, the disbelievers have given up concerning (the eradication of) your religion; do not fear them and fear Me instead. Today, I have completed your religion, perfected My blessing upon you, and I have decreed Submission as the religion for you. If one is forced by famine (to eat prohibited food), without being deliberately sinful, then GOD is Forgiver, Merciful.

[6:145] Say, "I do not find in the revelations given to me any food that is prohibited for any eater except: (1) carrion, (2) running blood, (3) the meat* of pigs, for it is contaminated, and (4) the meat of animals blasphemously dedicated to other than GOD." If one is forced (to eat these), without being deliberate or malicious, then your Lord is Forgiver, Most Merciful.

[16:114] Therefore, you shall eat from GOD's provisions everything that is lawful and good, and be appreciative of GOD's blessings, if you do worship Him alone.

Only Four Foods Prohibited

[16:115] He only prohibits for you dead animals, blood, the meat of pigs,* and food which is dedicated to other than GOD. If one is forced (to eat these), without being deliberate or malicious, then GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.

[2:168] O people, eat from the earth's products all that is lawful and good, and do not follow the steps of Satan; he is your most ardent enemy.

[2:169] He only commands you to commit evil and vice, and to say about GOD what you do not know.

Maintaining the Status Quo: A Human Tragedy

[2:170] When they are told, "Follow what GOD has revealed herein," they say, "We follow only what we found our parents doing." What if their parents did not understand, and were not guided?

[2:171] The example of such disbelievers is that of parrots who repeat what they hear of sounds and calls, without understanding. Deaf, dumb, and blind; they cannot understand.

Only Four Meats Prohibited*

[2:172] O you who believe, eat from the good things we provided for you, and be thankful to GOD, if you do worship Him alone.

[2:173] He only prohibits for you the eating of animals that die of themselves (without human interference), blood, the meat of pigs, and animals dedicated to other than GOD. If one is forced (to eat these), without being malicious or deliberate, he incurs no sin. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.

[3:93] All food used to be lawful for the Children of Israel, until Israel imposed certain prohibitions on themselves before the Torah was sent down. Say, "Bring the Torah and read it, if you are truthful."

[3:94] Those who fabricate false prohibitions after this, and attribute them to GOD, are truly wicked.

[6:119] Why should you not eat from that upon which GOD's name has been mentioned? He has detailed for you what is prohibited for you, unless you are forced. Indeed, many people mislead others with their personal opinions, without knowledge. Your Lord is fully aware of the transgressors.

[6:120] You shall avoid obvious sins, as well as the hidden ones. Those who have earned sins will surely pay for their transgressions.

[6:121] Do not eat from that upon which the name of GOD has not been mentioned, for it is an abomination. The devils inspire their allies to argue with you; if you obey them, you will be idol worshipers.*


[10:59] Say, "Did you note how GOD sends down to you all kinds of provisions, then you render some of them unlawful, and some lawful?" Say, "Did GOD give you permission to do this? Or, do you fabricate lies and attribute them to GOD?"

[5:90] O you who believe, intoxicants, and gambling, and the altars of idols, and the games of chance are abominations of the devil; you shall avoid them, that you may succeed.

[5:91] The devil wants to provoke animosity and hatred among you through intoxicants and gambling, and to distract you from remembering GOD, and from observing the Contact Prayers (Salat). Will you then refrain?

[5:92] You shall obey GOD, and you shall obey the messenger, and beware. If you turn away, then know that the sole duty of our messenger is to deliver the message efficiently.

[5:93] Those who believe and lead a righteous life bear no guilt by eating any food, so long as they observe the commandments, believe and lead a righteous life, then maintain their piety and faith, and continue to observe piety and righteousness. GOD loves the righteous.

The Scientific perspective

Dr. E. Kazim. M.D. in his article “Medical aspects of forbidden foods in Islam” (July 1981 issue of Muslim Journal has described diseases carried or caused by the flesh of the swine.

He wrote: The pig is a scavenger. It is an omnivorous animal. It eats everything. There are many diseases carried from swine to man, particularly parasite infestations. Lately extensive research has been focused on senility-old age is characterized by hardening of inner lining of the blood vessels of the heart; brain etc. a process called atherosclerosis. When a clot forms, it results in coronary thrombosis or a heart attack, cerebral thrombosis or stroke.

Different dietary factors are responsible for atherosclerosis. Gross atheroma may be produced in rabbit by feeding it with cholesterol, but when you add lard (derived from hog fat) to the cholesterol, the incidence of atheroma is increased and thus you would produce coronary thrombosis, and myocardial infraction.

Besides, lard contains 2800 units of vitamin D per 100 grams and no vitamin A at all. Lately vitamin D has been held responsible for atheroma, by causing increased absorption of calcium in the blood vessels. In human beings, serum cholesterol is not dependent on the intake of cholesterol in the diet, but depends upon the proportion of animal fats in the diet, which elevates the beta-lipo protein level in the blood. Animal fats contain saturated fatty acids and these saturated fatty acids have been found to be as one of the causes of atheroma in man.

Medium fat bacon contains 25% proteins and 55% fat.

According to medical research, the fat content in pork is more than any other meat (beef, mutton etc.) and it takes longer to digest. Dr. M Jaffer in an article in the Islamic Review (London) of January 1997 issue has listed 16 kinds of harmful germs, which have been discovered in pork in modern researches and the diseases, which could be caused by them. The number of patients suffering from tapeworm disease is the highest in the world among pork eating nations.

Other diseases attributed to pigs are caused by tri-chinelia spirates and intestinal worms occupy first place among such nations too.

Dr. Glen Shepherd wrote the following on the dangers of eating pork in Washington Post (31 May 1952). “One in six people in USA and Canada have germs in their muscles – trichinosis 8 from eating pork infected with trichina worms. Many people who are infected shows no symptoms. Most of those, who do have, recover slowly. Some die; some are reduced to permanent invalids. All were careless pork caters”.

He continued “No one is immune from the disease and there is no cure. Neither antibiotics nor drugs or vaccines affect these tiny deadly worms. Preventing infection is the real answer.”

Several centuries ago, the Pope decreed that all Muslims had to convert to Catholicism or leave Italy. There was a huge outcry from the Muslim community, so the Pope offered a deal. He'd have a religious debate with the leader of the Muslim community. If the Muslims won, they could stay in Italy; and if the Pope won, they'd have to convert or leave. The Muslim people met and picked an aged and wise Mufti to represent them in the debate. However, as the Mufti spoke no Italian, and the Pope spoke no Arabic, they agreed that it would be a "silent" debate. On the chosen day the Pope and Mufti sat opposite each other. The Pope raised his hand and showed three fingers. The Mufti looked back and raised one finger. Next, the Pope waved his finger around his head. The Mufti pointed to the ground where he sat. The Pope brought out a communion wafer and a chalice of wine. The Mufti pulled out an apple.

With that, the Pope stood up and declared himself beaten and said that the Moulana was too clever. The Muslims could stay in Italy. Later the cardinals met with the Pope and asked him what had happened. The Pope said, "First I held up three fingers to represent the Trinity." He responded by holding up a single finger to remind me there is still only one God!" Then, I waved my finger around my head to show him that God was all around us." He responded by pointing to the ground to show that God was also right here with us." I pulled out the wine and wafer to show that God absolves us of all our sins." He pulled out an apple to remind me of the original sin." He beat me at every move and I could not continue!"

Meanwhile, the Muslim community gathered to ask the Mufti how he'd won." I haven't a clue," the Mufti said." First, he told me that we had three days to get out of Italy, so I gave him the finger." Then he tells me that the whole country would be cleared of Muslims and I told him that we were staying right here!" "And then what?" asked a woman."Who knows?" said the Mufti. "He took out his lunch so I took out mine."

In a world of existence is a world full of #slander #swine #scammers #scam #scandals #scamp #shammer #swindler #skunk Who Scam Who? Did Eve scam Adam or Is satan, serpent the true silent scammer? In time for a downfall... Yeah!!! Covered in sinners and dripping with guilt Making you money from slime and from filth!!!

If we try to be more religious, then there is another question that arise- If God would not have wanted any dirty creature to be alive in this world, why did he created this creature? If He would not have wanted any dirty creature in this world, he wouldn’t have created pigs in the first hand, isn’t it?

Scientific Reason why Pig is declared unclean: The basic idea of “pigs are unclean” in Abrahamic religions is because it has asked its followers not to eat “pig flesh”. Judaism, Islam and Christianity have one thing is common. Their early prophet is Abraham.

Taking from this source:- Geographic Origins of the Abrahamic Faiths

Abraham lived during the Iron Age sometime after 2000 B.C.E., in the city of Ur in Mesopotamia. Accounts of his life vary but all have two common threads:

  1. Abraham (or Abram) was called by God to take his family and migrate to another location.

  2. Abraham was the ancestor of many peoples. Most prominently were the Semitic people known as Jews and Arabs. Some of the Jews later became Christians.

The land where Abraham and his descendants settled became known as the Holy Land. The region includes the eastern Mediterranean coast between Mesopotamia and Egypt, and the desert toward its south. Today, that land includes all or part of several modern-day countries. They include: Israel, Palestine, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and parts of Egypt, Iraq, and Syria.

If we observe, the regions described in the excerpt are dry. They are mostly desert. That means, water is scarce over there.

We all know how pig dwells in mud, how they eat mud.

During those days, there weren’t much advanced sanitized process of cooking like we have in this 21st century. Cooking meat in sanitized way needed to cleaning the meat thoroughly with lots of water. Since pig eats mud and dwells in mud, their flesh needed to be washed with lots of water. It was considered that washing pig flesh would need more water as compared to other livestock animals.

A place where people could manage drinking water with much difficulty, how could they afford the luxury of wasting extra water to clean a specific type of meat to cook it and consume?

On other hand, if they don’t clean it properly and consume, then they would develop disease.

So better declare “pig meat” unclean and ask followers not to eat it.

That’s why pig has been declared unclean. If Abrahamic religion would have generated from a geographical region where there had been abundant or sufficient water, I believe pigs would not have been declared “prohibited”. Jews and Muslims don’t consume pig meat. However, some Christians do (in India, many Christians consume pig).The Old Testament has considered pig “unclean” and thus called it “prohibited”.

However, pig meat consumption has been allowed in News Testament.New Testament contains description about Jesus’ life. That means, New Testament was written after Jesus was born. As I have heard, some years in Jesus’ life is totally hidden from people. I think Jesus ventured to different distant lands and empires. In these distant lands he might have seen people of other community consuming pig meat with ease. He must have seen people cooking pig meat in sanitized method. He must have seen pig meat is easily eaten in places where water is abundant. Thus he later declared pig meat “clean”.

#CRAZY: Bring It Down; You're Fucking Crazy!!!

From the book Noah’s Ark and the Universal Deluge:

‘Pig did not exist before the deluge, but Allah created the pig in the Ark because the Ark was filled with filth and human excrements that pervaded and unbearable stink. The people of the Ark could no longer bore the bad smell, so they complained to Prophet Noah (May peace be upon him). Therefore, Noah passed his hand on the back of the elephant and lo! The pig came out from the anus of the elephant. The pig complied with the Instructions of Allah, it consumed all the filth and the human excrements within the Ark and the stink disappeared.’

This is why we are forbidden to eat the meat of the pig as it is unclean for us. 4 verses in the Quran and Bible mentioned about prohibition of eating pork and touching them.

Who Scam Who????

Who Swine Who???

Fornication - Eve & the Serpent

Things were about to become a lot more complex. The Serpent wanted to seduce Eve, and do it in any way possible. We will now see the other reason for his passion, besides envy, jealousy, and anger: He saw Adam and Eve, in blissful ignorance of shame, happy in their love, and he became jealous and envious… (A) main purpose, however, of the Serpent is not the death of Adam, but the possession of his widow Eve. Because he saw their joys of love, he lusted after Eve. (Jung, 1974, p. 68-69)[1] There was no doubt about it: the Serpent was male; and Satan knew it. According to ancient sources, this angel-turned-human now began to have human passions.[2] Satan could have finalized the contract between himself and the Serpent by allowing him an opportunity for the richest, most luscious “food” in the garden: Eve herself![3] (The historian) Philo regards the serpent as a symbol of pleasure, including sexual lust. (McClausland, 1872, p. 130)[4] There was, now, another factor of life this Serpent (and other fallen angels) had to deal with: members of the opposite sex. Interestingly, we see in the Bible the Serpent was mentioned right after the verse: “And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed (Genesis 2:25).” Could the Serpent have noticed Adam and Eve in their nakedness, and began to desire her as well? If the Serpent was only an animal - an ordinary reptile - he would not have had any sexual desire for Eve. Only a man, or humanoid being, would have sexual desires for those of the opposite sex.[5] All of these suggestions might, at first, sound contrary to Biblical teaching, but, as we’ll see, the Bible itself might even hint towards this! Layered within the verses of Genesis and Revelation are a number of obscure bits of information which might possibly allude to these alternative interpretations. This one missing element is really important to Mystery Babylon. It allows us to discover that there could be a lot more to the temptation of Eve than most people have ever assumed. Since Satan knew the Serpent was male, he also probably knew that sexual tension could have sprouted between the two.

…And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat. - Gen. 3:13 (KJV)

GIRL, You Really Got Me NOW!!!!

Did the Bible leave out an important part of this story, here, or did it provide hints that something else might have occurred? What does the word beguiled mean in this verse; could it mean more than just verbal seduction? Let’s look at the Bible, and we see how beguiled might be implied in this instance: …for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present [you as] a chaste virgin to Christ. But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. - II Cor. 11:1-3 (KJV) Paul, the narrator of this verse, wanted people to come to Christ as untainted as a virgin. The Serpent, on the contrary, tainted Eve. Could this mean that Eve assuredly was no longer a virgin after her exchange with the Serpent? Could he have beguiled (i.e. wholly seduced) her? …the serpent had intercourse with Eve and injected filth into her… - Zohar Pekudei 21[10]

At the same time the Serpent seduced Eve with subtle words, he could have seduced her - on an en- tirely different level! He caressed her, touched her in some specific areas, and ultimately began to provide her with more knowledge about her body than she ever had. Engaged in their newfound sexual frenzy, Eve probably gave in, and agreed to eat fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. To fulfill her pact with the Serpent, Eve followed up on her promise: to give the fruit to Adam. The Serpent got what he wanted, on, oh, so many levels. After she ate the fruit, she instantly realized she made an error. Death now entered into her world, destroyed her authority over other people and animals alike. Eventually, this act enacted the rest of the world to go down the same pathway.

(Eve speaking) … (and) he went and poured upon the fruit the poison of his wickedness, which is lust, the root and beginning of every sin, and he bent the branch on the earth and I took of the fruit and I ate. - Apocalypse of Moses / Apocalypsis Mosis 19:3[11]

Because of acquiring this newfound lust (via the Serpent) Eve did not want to go down alone. Eve tear- fully pleaded with Adam; she could have even seduced him sexually, the same way the Serpent did to her. In the end, Adam gave in: “Eve, I love you. I would rather die with you than outlive you… God could never console me with another woman equaling your loveliness!” He gave in, and ate the forbidden fruit. This sounds noble by today’s standards, but it was truly disobedient. He should have obeyed God, and not have done what sounded good at the time. He was just as wrong as Eve. This may have been the original meaning of the word fornication. We have an interesting quote on fornication:

That tree was from the tree of knowledge of good and evil (Gen. 2:9,17). Upon eating from the tree, Eve was aware of what she had done. She now had the knowledge of evil and she was aware that she had sinned against God. In that knowledge, and having fallen, she then offered the fruit from the tree to Adam… Adam elected to eat the fruit, knowing what he was doing. His love for Eve (whom he knew had sinned) was greater than his love of God. This is a tactic used time and again by Satan. The down- fall of God’s people is frequently through the temptations of godless women (see Numbers 25:1-9)… The same basic scenario is being repeated after the Garden of Eden, only on a larger scale. There is a wholesale abandonment of God and his righteous ways for women known to be in sin. This is what God calls fornication, not referring only to a sexual sin, but the sin of mixing the righteous with the wicked, truth with evil. (“There Were Giants on the earth… The Nephilim”, n. d., p. 2)[12]

You're a Little Late!!! I'm already TORN!!! #torn

Fornication wasn’t only associated with women, here - the Serpent seduced her in the same way. The import- ant thing to take from this is that fornication, actually, goes way beyond the meaning of, “sex outside marr- iage;” it also relates to intent. In this case, it relates to Eve’s seduction of Adam through, in part, sexual action. Fornication was committed in both cases because the participants went beyond their innate and occasional desires; sex was used as a means to an end. Eve (and the Serpent) mixed its original purpose with something evil (or deceptive).

Regardless of who seduced whom, the time of Adam’s dominion had come and gone. Adam would have been God’s representative to the entire world if he only would have resisted. When they fell, everyoneand everything around him fell. The whole organized world, epitomized in the Garden of Eden, wouldnever be the same. Now he, Eve, and every other person on earth would become familiar with the con-cept of death.[13] Adam’s power and authority over other people, the angels, and the Garden as a whole disappeared.[14] The world was no longer very good - battles for superiority and survival began.

God was extremely angry about it all. The time had come for all involved to pay the price; and punish- ments were dealt out. Adam was cursed, not only because he ate of the fruit, but also because he trusted Eve, rather than God; a byproduct of fornication. Eve was punished, as well:

Thereupon God imposed punishment on Adam for yielding to a woman's counsel... Eve He punished by childbirth and its attendant pains, because she had deluded (deceived) Adam, even as the serpent had beguiled her.- Josephus Jewish Antiquities 1:45-50[15]

Interestingly, we see that most of her punishments were associated with sex - probably an ironic response to the act she participated in - with the Serpent. In the Bible, we have these curses placed upon Eve (Gen. 3:16 KJV):

- a greatly multiplied sorrow when she experiences pregnancy - sorrow when she brings forth children

Once, she wanted to be fruitful in many ways (including childbearing) by the eating of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, now she’ll suffer in her fruitfulness because of it.

Since thou hast hearkened to the serpent… thou shalt be in throes of travail and intolerable agonies; thou shalt bear children in much trembling and in one hour thou shalt come to the birth… But thou shalt confess and say: “Lord, Lord, save me, I will turn no more to the sin of the flesh.” And on this account, from thine own words I will judge thee, by reason of the enmity which the enemy has planted in thee. - Apocalypse of Moses / Apocalypsis Mosis 25:1-4[16]

My Oh My!!!

Apparently, menstrual and other pains will become a side effect of her sin at the Garden, not only to Eve, but all her female descendants after her. There could have been one more outcome of her transgression with the Serpent, another consequence that would plague Adamites and pre-Adamites until the end of our age. What if something resulted from the sexual union of Eve and the Serpent; how this would complicate her whole world? What if she acquired a little more than those feelings of lust? What if she was pregnant? If the Serpent was actually the father of Eve’s up-and-coming child, then what affect would this have on Adam, and her world?

(God, speaking to the serpent)… And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed... - Gen. 3:15 (KJV)

“Thy seed?” God was talking to the Serpent in this particular case. Are we talking about the descendants of Eve being at enmity with baby snakes? How could a little fear and antagonism between women and serpents be of such importance, here? There are a lot of animals that scare people, but this prophecy seems to be something monumental; enough for it to be mentionable, here. Just who were these “seeds” the verse is referring to? As we recall, God said this right after the possible copulation between Eve and the Serpent. Maybe this would set the stage for two separate bloodlines to be born - the human descendants of Adam and Eve and the human descendants of Eve and the Serpent! This above verse, as we’ll see, will actually be a focal point of so much in the Bible, and in this website! It is openly possible the Serpent could have spawned human offspring. According to many ancient sources, this was actually what happened: two separate bloodlines were set in place. The other angels, now possessing the same “estate” as human beings, could participate in this sexual activity. It would be through these pregnancies that entire groups of people (known in some circles as the mixed multitudes) would arise. The patriarch of one such group - an offspring direct from the Serpent and Eve - would go on to launch one of the most important struggles of our time![17] This man, and his descendants, would indeed show enmity to those sired wholly by Adam and Eve. Just who this offspring was, and what affect this particular offspring had on everyone around him, would become extremely relevant to this website. The first part of the above verse, as we know, relates to seeds of the Serpent and seeds of Adam and Eve. The second part deals with what will be the result of this prophecy: a savior would eventually come into the world, and:

…it (the savior) shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. - Gen. 3:15 (KJV)

The savior would eventually solve this whole problem of death, and the mix-up in the Garden. This savior, as most of us know, would be Jesus Christ:[18]

(God talking to the Serpent)… let the precious cross which my Son will take upon the earth condemn you because of the deceit by which you deceived Adam. But may you again be crushed and broken because of the evil of your heart. - Book of Adam [44]26.3-4[19]

In the process of saving the world, this individual would have his own “heel’ bruised, which refers to Jesus’ death. He would rise again, however, and crush the power (or “head”) of the Serpent - the hold this Serpent (and Satan), as well as his descendants, would have over the world.[20] The descendants of the Serpent, throughout history, would try to destroy/compromise Adam’s seed line, with hopes of stopping Christ from coming into existence. In the end, however, the savior would be born, and the serpent-seeds would be defeated. We now see the Bible is truly the story of one particular man: Adam, and his family bloodline; all the way down to the savior - Jesus. The male seed now becomes important for this reason. An uncorrupted and unadulterated pure seed has to flow, from Adam, all the way through his descendants, to fulfill this Genesis 3:15 Prophecy!

After the punishments of Adam and Eve, the time had come for them to leave the Garden.[21] The seed-line foundations were set in place. When God makes a pro- phecy it, simply, has to come true - that’s just the way a perfect God works. Eve may have already had an idea what was going on with her, and that she was with child! To Adam’s surprise, he also may have realized she was pregnant, and what it all meant to their world. Let’s look at some of reasons Adam and Eve both could have believed her child wasn’t really Adam’s child:

And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived… - Gen. 4:1 (KJV)

Lord, Here I Come Again!!!

When one reads this verse, it seems obvious Adam knew his wife (or had sex with his wife), and their first offspring was Cain. To many, this is proof-positive Adam was the father of Cain, right? Maybe not. We have a number of interesting thoughts that surround this verse. Many have assumed the word knew means “to have sex with.” It actually does. We also know the original language of the Bible was Hebrew, and the people who translated the words of Scripture did so according to what they assumed were correct. The English word knew, in this verse, comes from two Hebrew words: yada and eth.[22] The word yada means, “to know (a person carnally);” but, more often than not, it means to “recognize,” “discern,” or “acknowledge.” The word eth is untranslatable in English, but is rooted in a word meaning “sign,” “distinguishing mark,” or “omen.” Put them all together, and we have another meaning for this verse:

And Adam eventually acknowledged the distinguishing sign that had come upon Eve… - Gen. 4:1 (in retranslation)

On top of this, the Hebrew word for conceived, in the above verse, could also mean to be “with child.” Put them together, and we have another wording for the verse:

And Adam eventually acknowledged the distinguishing sign that had come upon Eve; that she was with child, and realized she was about to give birth… - Gen. 4:1 (in retranslation)

Could the Serpent, then, be the actual father of Cain?[23]

And Adam knew his wife, who had conceived by the angel Sammael, was pregnant… (Eisenmenger, 1748, p. 198)[24]

(Cain)… who, on account of the foulness of the murder which he had committed, has nothing in him resembling his father (or Adam, his presumptive father), either in body or soul. - Philo Judaeus Questions and Answers on Genesis 1, 81[25]

Eyeing Eyes!!! I'll be Watching You!!!

Maybe the reason Cain did not resemble Adam was because Adam wasn’t his father! Here is how the Bible portrays it all:

Gen. 4: 1 And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from an angel of the LORD. 2 And she again bare his brother Abel. - The Jerusalem Translation

Eve probably knew what angels looked like, and how they had shining exteriors. It’s easy to see, here, how she could have convinced herself it was an angel who planted seed in her - thus the reason for her above exclamation.[26] She thought she conceived Cain through an angel of the Lord (i.e. the Serpent), not Adam; just by looking at him. Many ancient texts reported that Cain did have a “shining,” angelic-like countenance; which gives us further credence that Cain’s birth was very telling, and shocking to Adam and Eve. We can also see, along with the above, the reason Eve called her baby a “man,” not a child:

…this divinely begotten child could appropriately be called a man (rather than a “baby”) because angels are frequently called “man” in the Bible (see Gen. 18:2, 32:24, and elsewhere). Thus, some ancient interpreters concluded that Cain had in fact been half-human, half-angelic creature begotten by the devil. (Kugel, 1997, p. 87)[27]

There is another Biblical “proof” of Cain, and his being patriarch of the Serpent’s seed line. When we look at the genealogy of Christ in the Bible we see words such as, “so-and-so” begat “so-and-so.” The word begat is simply defined as: “one male produced a son of his own seed.” The Bible states things in this way to assure there could be no doubt to one’s own origins! Interestingly enough, the word begat was first mentioned in the Bible, not with Cain or Abel, but with another son of Adam: Seth (Genesis 5:3)! Nowhere in Scripture does it state that Adam begat Cain or Abel! Adam’s son Seth was the first who, according to the Bible, also looked similar to Adam at birth (Genesis 5:3)! This could easily lead us to believe Cain and Abel were not begat by Adam - even according to the Bible!

These folk recount another tale, according to which, they say, the devil came to Eve and united with her as a man with a woman and begot on her Cain and Abel… For, they say, they were physically begotten from the devil’s sperm… - The Archontics According to St. Epiphanius 40.5.3-4[28]

Tale That Wasn't Right!!!

From this, we’ll see that the Serpent could have sired both Abel and Cain, as twins.[29]

No wonder that Abel… meant “serpent shining”… Abel resolves into Ab (Snake) and El (God/shining)… (Gardiner, 2006, p. 18)[30]

We will also discover that, according to the Bible, it was in the process of time that Cain and Abel were required to give God an offering (Genesis 4:3). Cain and Abel were to give offerings once they reached a certain age, and the Bible infers they gave sacrifices on the same day![31] Again, if they were born on the same day they would “come to age” on the same day! An interesting note on Abel: we will also see that Abel chose to do right. As we’ll also see, he may have even been a son of the Serpent himself (just like Cain), but this one chose to give God a sacrifice in the proper way. Abel honored and followed God. This is proof-positive that, no matter who you are - even a child of the Serpent himself - you can do right if you want to. It’s all about free will.

Cain, on the other extreme, would maintain a bad attitude in life. He wanted out from the presence of the Lord - literally and symbolically. Not only was Cain physically different than Adam and the pre- Adamites, he was different in thought, attitude, and his ways of life. Cain seemed to have inherited the similar personality traits as his father. The Serpent was cocky, imprudent, and self-absorbed; Cain would act the same way. These inherited tendencies allowed for the ease of Cain to act on any im- proper thoughts that might go on in his head. Cain really pushed the limits of his behavior, and take it to the extreme - on his own brother. In Cain's Sacrifice and Aftermath, we will see how, and what it all means to our whole scheme of things.

I Want Out!!! To Live My Life & To Be Free!!!

Social Animal

  • I don’t need to know everything; I just need to know where to find it, when I need it.

  • Never keep anything in your mind that you can look up.

  • Never memorize what you can look up in books.


Sociable Voice onto the Wall Media



By FND Beast

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