Backstabber, No One Knows for Only God Knows!!! In a world of existence nobody knows if a best friend will be a foe, a partner to be a betrayal, a blessing kiss to be a curse, a trusted one to be a backstabber foe, a somebody once to be a nobody forever...
That is because nobody or no one knows what the future will be for only God knows... The future is just how we wish it to be in accordance to a plan or of wishful thinking...
Not even Adam knows tat He was tempted by Eve in the Garden of Eden and not even Eve knew of the serpents plan so as to be outcast from Heaven.
Likewise for Virgin Mary who has no idea tat God will bear a gift for her to save the world for the sake of humanity...

For only God knows and nobody knows tat there'll be a great flood to wipe out mankind so as to only save the family of Noah. In a world of existence is a world of betrayal, fakers, hypocrites and back stabbers...
However in a future world is a world of wishful thinking whereby it is a perfect place known as Heaven, a world where everyone does anything without going through struggle or worries if there'll be any betrayal or back stabbers. In such a world there exist only joy and happiness. To the true believers to die for a god is to be rewarded with the blessing of 72 virgins. Only 72 and not 73 else it be Hell!!!
Just like the kingdom of a Lion, a mega or super pride works together in unity to be a force of Oneness in order to survive and outlive its land. But in tat world the Lion King needs to be very wary of its surroundings and environment as such at times the Lion King needs to roar to the world so as to made known of its existence tat I'm the King and this is my territory and the land tat it rules. "Roar" so as to talk to talk before it be a walk to walk situation.
Come as You Are As You Were As I want You To Be As a Friend, As an Old Enemy Memory , Memoria!!!

For only the fittest survive or should it be for only the most attractive survives? For to a god everyone and everybody is equal in the eyes of a god as such only God knows of whom shall be a betrayal, back stabber, a faker and only god knows if tat someone will either be in Heaven or Hell.... Hell Yeah!!!
For nobody knows as Only God knows. Yeah!!!

If I were asked what is the biggest flaw with humans I would most likely say humans are confused. Whether confusion can be regarded as a crime is debatable but certainly there is someone or some people guilty of this crime of confusing the humans. And you can detect this state of confusion in the way humans talk.
Are racism to be hated for this? I would say no, pitied maybe, but not hated, because it is not really their fault but the fault of those who have been indoctrinating and brainwashing the race. And the fault has to definitely lie with the faith in a Creator..
If you were to argue that racism is when you feel you are from a superior race then this would probably mean that humans are racists. Humans, of course, do not see themselves as racists because they do not really think they are superior. In fact, they feel they are handicapped and this is why many still cling to the right god to be worship.
But then, while the human race may feel they are weak and disadvantaged, and hence need to have faith they feel they are at an advantage because they are God’s chosen people. And is this not why many condemn the other races, because they think they are the chosen people? So what difference does this make the other races from the chosen race? And this is why the chosen race and superior race fight, because both feel they are God’s chosen people.
A Thousand Years More for the Return!!! Of Saviour, Humans, however, do not see it this way. humans see it that they are humans because they are chosen by God to behave humanely. To follow the teaching of god is to condemn disbelievers of a particular faith.. It is a privilege which God gave them and which God does not offer 80% of the other people on earth. Hence that makes them special. And until God opens the heart of the other 80% to also make them want to become racist but then these unfortunate people who are going to die as a non-believer and will suffer an eternity in hell because of it.

People are People
I am Right and You are Wrong!!! People of the Book.. I
A World full of Betrayals & Fakers!!!
Hence Racism are chosen people and privileged. And not every single human receives this same privilege or is chosen by God. And that is what makes a Racists special and above the rest.
On top of that, a Racists believe that God chose them to receive the ‘proper’ teachings of god. For there can only be One true teachings. Not all believer follow the proper teachings. Many follow the wrong teachings or are deviants. As such there are various branches of a particular faith.

If creation is based on Adam & Eve as oppose to Adam & Steve, wouldn't it be perfect if it be Adam & Gynoid? Will it be going against the teachings of the people of the book? My Ohh My Ohh Mine!!!
A gynoid, or fembot, is a humanoid robot that is gendered feminine.
I believe in woman, my oh my We all need someone to talk to my oh my We all need someone to talk to my oh my Ya need a shoulder to cry on, call me I'll be standing by We all need someone to talk to my oh my