Is what we do decided by God (the will of God) or is it based on freewill? If it is decided by God, or is God’s will, then how can we be guilty of any sin (or crime) and how can we be punished for what we do? It is God that decided what we do. We have no power over what we do. So how can we be punished for our acts? In other words are we being created for the purpose of fulfilling existence so as to be made a Robot?

However, if it is freewill, and hence we will be punished for what we do, then who are you to decide what we can and cannot do? Freewill means just that — freewill. We are free to decide on our actions because we, and not you, are going to face the punishment of our actions. By having freewill we are the ones to be responsible for every deeds and actions to be taken into consideration by a Creator not its creations. So is it OK or wise to judge a person? Are we "just" to judge others who is supposedly a creation of the Al Mighty?
Is a place on Earth a place of Happiness or a place of strive? Do we strive to please the God? To follow and complied with its commandments... "Thou shall not Steal!!!" But in such a world those who steals are considered to be a Hero just like Robin Hood; and there are varieties of ways to perform such act such as scamming, threatening, ransoming etc. which are the ways to go about robbing others so as to achieve one's needs.
MY Oh My Ohh MINE!!!!
Did the "Serpent" rob of Adam's seeds?
Freewill given unto Man as well as the Serpent aka. Devil. And upon the fall, a way out of the wrong doings is to go through death in order to be in the next cycle of life... 'The After Life'.
For only in the After Life would anyone and everyone be happy without the need to strive for no one or nobody will do the act of "robbing" as only in Heaven everyone seems to be please with what they owns and has. As such there will be no such thing as "Songlap"...
["Songlap is not a Malay word but is a slang which carries the meaning of ‘unlawful disappearance of money’"] OMG!!! Money Laundering? Hacker hacking online wallets?
A Way Of Life!!!
In a way of life, there are those who belief that in Life there are do's and dont's of living. Hence, there is a need to setup or implement such belief so as to be made a law in order to please the creator. We are told that if we believe in the wrong thing then God is going to punish us for these misguided beliefs.
But then, if it is us and not you who are going to face punishment, should it not be us who decides what we should believe?
Say, you tell me what I should believe and, say, I follow what you tell me and, say, you are wrong and hence I end up believing in the wrong thing. Would I then be free of blame and would I escape punishment or would I still face punishment anyway?
In short, even if it is not our fault that we followed the wrong teachings and the fault lies with the person who taught us the wrong teachings, we are still going to face punishment because we should not have blindly followed what people tell us. Hence we must be very careful about what others teach us because they may be wrong and we will end up being punished for this.
Those with religion always think that they are right and all others are wrong. And they will force others to comply with their beliefs and would condemn others if the beliefs happen to be opposite to theirs. And if we refuse to follow what they think is right they will say we are challenging them, insulting them, and whatnot.
If I am gay, will I be assured of going to hell? If I am straight as an arrow, will I be guaranteed of going to heaven? If I am not gay but am straight as an arrow but I screw around with many women will I be going to heaven?
If I am not gay but am straight as an arrow but I take bribes will I be going to heaven? If I am not gay but am straight as an arrow but I cheat by scamming others will I be going to heaven?
A Law of Heaven & Hell...
According to the law, homosexuality is against the norms of creation for God supposedly created Adam & Eve but not Adam & Steve.
Homosexuality is against the law. You quoted the section of the law regarding sodomy. It talks about sodomy, not about homosexuality. That section of the law does not say that homosexuality is a crime. It only says that sodomy is a crime.
Master: It is automatic. If it involves homosexuality then automatically it involves sodomy.
Thinker: But, Master, that section of the law also makes it a crime for a husband and wife to have anal sex. So heterosexual anal sex also attracts a 20-year jail sentence, even if it is between legally married couples. Why did Master not also stress on this fact: that husbands and wives can also get sent to jail, not just homosexuals?
Master: We are not concerned about married couples and what they do in the privacy of their bedrooms. We are only concerned about what homosexuals do in the privacy of their bedrooms.
Thinker: But that is beside the point, Master. It is still the law that married couples who indulge in anal sex can be sent to jail for 20 years, until such a time that this law is amended and stipulates that anal sex is a crime only for those who indulge in same-sex relationships.
Master: How can we control what married people do in their bedrooms? It is impossible to monitor what people do in the privacy of their bedrooms.
Thinker: Yet Master wants to monitor what non-married people or gay couples do in the privacy of their bedrooms. How are you going to do this?
Master: Well…I….I….
Thinker: Never mind, Master. Let’s move on. The law says that anal sex is a crime. It does not say that homosexuality is a crime. What happens if two people of the same sex live as husband and wife but they do not indulge in anal sex? How can you arrest and charge them?
Master: How can they live together but not have sex?
Thinker: They can always indulge in oral sex, Master.
Master: You mean they live together as a married couple and just talk about sex? I don’t believe that.
Thinker: No, Master, I don’t mean oral sex as in talking about sex. I mean….well, you know Master…..lick, lick, suck, suck.
Master: Oh, that oral sex! Oral sex is also a crime. It is also punishable by 20 years jail, even if between husbands and wives.

Thinker: Okay, Master, you may be thinking of homosexual relationships as just being between two men. What if the homosexual relationship is between two women? Are you still going to say that it is a crime since there is no sodomy or anal sex involved? And take note, Master, that section of the law you are talking about makes it a crime to indulge in anal sex, not to be a homosexual.
Master: Well, if it is two women, then they probably have oral sex. So that means it is also a crime.
Thinker: So, it is the sex act that is the crime then. Being homosexual or living as a gay couple is not a crime. Is that right, Master?
Master: Well….yes, that is right.
Thinker: So, Master, are you going to now issue a commandment stating that you made an error and that only anal and oral sex are crimes whereas gay relationships are not a crime? And if people live together as gay couples and only kiss, hug, touch, rub against each other, masturbate each other, but as long as there is no anal or oral sex, then there is nothing wrong with it?
Master: Well…I…..I….
Thinker: How bout someone who perform anal or oral sex on robots? Will that be considered a crime Master too?
Master: Well…Hmmm.... Interesting Future….
Everyone and everything seems to be crazy about something. For the world is full of craziness. Crazy sale, crazy deal, crazy for money, crazy for love... A world full of #craziness and tats fuc...!!! Insane. You are f@@!! crazy... #crazy #crazyworld

So why worry about whether a person is straight or gay? Straight Muslims are going to hell according to the Christians and straight Christians are going to hell according to the Muslims. Hence no one is going to heaven even if they are straight. So, if you are all going to hell anyway, what does it matter any longer if you are gay or straight?

Anti-gay laws are ‘wrong’, British PM tells ex-colonies, including Singapore and Malaysia
British Prime Minister Theresa May on Tuesday told former colonies anti-gay laws once imposed by her country “were wrong then, and they are wrong now”.
The premier raised discriminatory legislation affecting same-sex couples, women, and girls, in an address to Commonwealth leaders in London.
“I am all too aware that these laws were often put in place by my own country. They were wrong then, and they are wrong now,” she said in a speech to the biennial Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM).
“As the UK’s prime minister, I deeply regret both the fact that such laws were introduced, and the legacy of discrimination, violence and even death that persists today,” she added.
Same-sex marriage is legal in Britain, but many countries have held onto legislation imposed by their former colonial rulers.
Globally 72 countries criminalize same-sex relationships, according to a 2017 report by the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association.
The organization pinpoints British colonial-era legislation still being used in Commonwealth members including Uganda, Malaysia, and Singapore.
Read More >>> Anti-gay laws are ‘wrong’,