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A Bastard World!!! - Part X (Who's the Biggest Bastard?)

In religion, in particular the Semitic religions, human rights and civil liberties do not exist. The only thing that exists is God’s command. When God created the world and humankind, God taught us that if you do what He says you get rewarded and if you go against what He wants you get punished. With God it is either black or white and there are no grey areas with 50 shades of grey.

Religions, in particular the Abrahamic faiths, work on the system of punishment and reward. The Bible and the Qur’an tell you that God will punish you or God will reward you based on what you do and whether you follow what God wants you to do and not do what God does not want you to do.

So you see, for those who believe in God, they admit that there is no higher power than God. God is fair, God is just, God is merciful, God is compassionate, and much more. Yet God is also jealous, vengeful, brutal, and will punish you for minor offences such as praying to statues, which many people do.

In a sense, God invented the concept of the carrot and the stick. When God created the world and humankind, God taught us that if you do what He says you get rewarded and if you go against what He wants you get punished. With God it is either black or white and there are no grey areas with 50 shades of grey.

Carrot and the stick concept.

If an organization has a carrot and stick approach or policy, they offer people things in order to persuade them to do something and punish them if they refuse to do it.

a. something offered as a lure or incentive

b. reward and punishment as methods of persuasion

We talk about human rights and civil liberties. We propagate freedom of choice, thought, expression, belief, association, etc. God, however, does not allow this. God has decided what we can and cannot believe, say and do. And if we violate these commands of God then we must be punished.

Indeed that God is correct and God's Law is divine as such heresy and apostasy are forbidden not only in Islam but in Judaism and Christianity as well. If you read the Scriptures of the Old Testament, it is very clear that God commanded that all non-believers (infidels), heretics, apostates, etc., must be killed. You not only kill these people but the entire community plus all the animals in that community must be exterminated. Basically, the Bible propagates ethnic cleansing and Moses was commanded to do so, and which he did. No doubt some Christians try to fool us by saying that this may have been true as far as the Old Testament is concerned but the New Testament no longer tells Christians to do this. They tell us that the New Testament teaches peace, love, tolerance and forgiveness, opposite to what the Old Testament teaches. But this is not true and those Christians who say this either do not know their own religion or are trying to kid themselves, or fool us. Jesus made it very clear that he did not come to introduce a new religion but to confirm the old laws. And this is exactly what Prophet Muhammad said as well. Hence both Christianity and Islam follow the Old Testament laws of death to infidels, heretics and apostates.

Christians still regarded Catholics as heretics and vice versa. The fact that they would say Christians and Catholics showed that non-Catholics did not regard Catholics as Christians (while Catholics also did not regard non-Catholics as Christians as well).

According to the Abrahamic faiths, you may not think anything opposite to what God says you must think. You may also not express these deviant thoughts. And even if you are thinking them without saying it, and the religious authorities suspect you are thinking the wrong thing, you can still be punished.

And any Jew, Christian or Muslim who tells you otherwise is either a liar or ignorant about his or her own religion. Hence if you wish to have independent thought you cannot believe in religion. If you believe in religion then you are not allowed independent thought but can only believe what God says you are allowed to believe. And if you believe otherwise you must be punished.

That is the true Abrahamic faith. Contrary to what Jews, Christians and Muslims may tell you, the Abrahamic faith is not about peace, love, tolerance and forgiveness. It is about compliance, submission and punishment for those who do not comply. It is about death to those who defy God. That is the true Abrahamic faith.

God's Will

Would earthquakes, tsunamis, etc., happen unless God wills it? And why does God take so many lives in all sorts of natural disasters and accidents? Can we curse God for His cruelty? What type of God is this that kills hundreds or thousands of people in just one incident? Is this the God you want to worship? Is this the God you want to love, a God that does not love us in return and brings disasters upon us?

No. That is not how we handle this. God knows what He is doing. God knows why hundreds or thousands of innocent people have to die in one go. This is God’s will. God is not cruel. This is God’s plan and we should not curse God and lament His actions because that would just make us kufur and is not the word kafir or infidel from the word kufur?

God made some of us Christians and some of us Muslims (as well as some of us Jews, Hindus, Buddhists and whatnot). And even those that God made Christians and Muslims, He divided us into many denominations and sub-groups. And because we are do divided into many groups and sub-groups we hate each other and kill each other. God is supposed to just say ‘be’ and it shall be. Nothing is supposed to happen unless God wills it. So, if we are divided into so many religious groups and sub-groups is this not what God wanted? If God did not want this would it have happened? All God has to do is say ‘be’ and we all would have been born into just one religion and not in so many religions.

When I hate you because you are of a different religion to mine am I, therefore, not hating God? You are what you are because of God. God made you into what you are. So, if I hate you because of what you are, that means I hate God as well. Why is God so silly for making you different from me and for making you believe differently from me? Does God not know this will only create bad-will on earth?

Why did God not create goodwill and peace amongst humankind by making sure we are all born into one single religion? Is this the mark of a wise and clever God? Just make sure we are all born as Hindus and no one would hate and kill each other.

The Crusades killed more Christians and Jews than it did Muslims (God's Will)???

If everyone believed in God but did not have any religion the world will be a far better and more peaceful place. It is because of religions we hate and kill one another. People have been killed in the name of God and religion long before recorded history. In fact, the Old Testament is a very violent book and is full of stories about killing infidels and disbelievers in the name of God. If you think Islam and Hudud are violent then read the books of the Old Testament and see what God really wants you to do…kill, kill and kill.

Realising this, Christians (or Christian apologists) try to convince us that Jesus came to change all this and that Christianity is a religion of peace and love, not of war and killings. But that is not true and Christians are living in denial.

In fact, Christianity itself is not an invention of Jesus. Jesus was a Jew and a reformist. His mission was to reform Judaism and restore the original teachings of Judaism where religious institutions and priesthoods do not exist. Jesus was opposed to the system and that was why the system wanted to get rid of him. He was a threat to the religious hierarchy that had taken over the religion and shaped it into the form where it could dominate and control the people.

In short, Judaism had become an oppressive and repressive system and the people in that system were slaves of the system. Judaism had become a form of slavery and Jesus wanted to free the Jews from the clutches of religion, meaning also from the clutches of the system or religious hierarchy.

More than ten million died in the ’30 Years War’ between Christian and Christian

More importantly, Jesus was not interested in spreading any religion. He just wanted to save the Jews from their own ignorance and deviation from the true teachings of Judaism. It was Saul who wanted to spread Christianity to the gentiles (non-Jews). And that was why Saul clashed with Peter and James who felt that Saul was deviating from what Jesus had intended (especially when Saul wanted to allow gentiles to become Christians without having to circumcise and still being allowed to eat pork).

The fact that Saul was a Roman citizen spared him or else they would have killed him. Even then Saul, who took up the ‘Christian’ name of Paul, had to run away to the safety of Rome or else he would have been killed. Later Paul was killed anyway, together with Peter who had also gone to Rome. Being a Roman citizen Paul was beheaded while Peter was crucified, a more painful way to die.

Logically, It seems that Paul and not Jesus who founded Christianity and that Peter and James were against it. But it was not until more than 300 years later that Christianity was institutionalised and became the official religion during the time of the Emperor Constantine who was a pagan and never became a Christian himself (although some say he converted to Christianity on his death bed).

For two thousand years Christians have been killing one another to claim the right to the title of the true teachings of Christ. But then the true teachings of Christ is Judaism and not Christianity. And that is also the same for Islam. Everyone claims they are following the true teachings of Prophet Muhammad. If so what are the true teachings of Muhammad?

Was Muhammad a Sunni or a Shia? Was he a Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi’i or Hanbali? Was he a Salafi or Wahhabi, the religion of his place of birth? Was Muhammad a secularist or a theologist?

Did Muhammad set up a theocracy or a democracy?Yes, Muslims claim they are loyal and obedient followers of Muhammad but they do not follow what Muhammad did. The day Muhammad died the Muslims started fighting amongst themselves. They quarrelled for three days about who should be the successor or Caliph before burying the Prophet’s body. And from that day Islam followed the path of Christianity by deviating from the true teachings of their prophet and by breaking up into many groups and by killing each other to claim they are the true followers.

What then is the true path? And where did the ‘holy books’ such as the Gospels and Hadith come from? From God? How do we know? Can you prove that God wrote those books? Or are the Gospels and Hadith actually ‘Books of Hearsay’? Then we fight and kill one another over whether the Gospels or the Hadith are the true word of God.

I don’t think this God that we believe in, love, and worship, is too clever. All the problems we are facing could have been avoided if there were no races or religions ie. Malays, Chinese, Indians and other natives and no Muslims, Christians and whatnot. No, God is not silly, at least religionists who believe in the existence of God believe. God knows what He is doing. And everything that happens in this world happens only because God allows it or wills it. And we are born into different races and different religions because this is what God wants.

The only problem is we are not happy with God. We do not agree with what God did. And because of that we hate those who God made of different races and different religions. Hence we do not really believe in God. We cannot accept what God did because we cannot accept those who are of different races and of different religions. We reject God by rejecting God’s creations that are different from us and who believe differently from us.

If we really believe in God we would accept God’s action and decision. And we would embrace God’s creations never mind how different they may be from us because surely God did not play a sick joke on us by creating us just so that we can hate and kill each other.

When someone dies, Muslims are supposed to say, “From God we came and to God we return.” We do not say, “Fuck you God! How will I feed the children now that you have taken away the only breadwinner in the family?”

But when we deal with fellow humans of another race who has a different religious belief from us we say, “Fuck you God! Why did you allow the Chinese or Indian, Jewish or Arabs infidels to come to our country?” Well, maybe we did not quite say it exactly in those words but the hate in what we say means just that.

Is Creation an Act Of Love or Hate???

Christians and Muslims hate gays. Where did these gays come from? Well, they came from where we also came from, God. Why did God create gays? Surely God could have created us all ‘straight’? Did God make a mistake?

If so then God is not really as great as we thought. Or did God purposely create gays so that we can have someone to hate and put to death?

Christians and Muslims believe they know what the truth is while everyone else is in the dark and has not seen the light. And, because of this belief, Christians and Muslims are damn arrogant, condescending, self-righteous, and extremely judgemental. They believe they are the chosen ones while all others are condemned. And this is because they do not believe in God.

So there you have it. That is how true Muslims or Christians (Believer) are supposed to think. Only then will you be a true believer in God. You believe in God and you do not question God’s wisdom and you accept God’s decision however unfavourable it may appear because life and death is for God to decide and how and when we die is for God to determine and for us to accept.

Don’t Question Faith;

Blinded by Faith!!!

Faith is part of the human character. It is innate in humans. So is the search for answers and for knowledge. Both are innate in humans. So questioning the search for knowledge is the same as questioning man’s faith.

People just believe in God because they want to believe in God. They feel ‘comfortable’ believing in God. They are not comfortable feeling that they are going to die and when they die that is the end of everything, nothing more is going to happen. People need to believe that death is not final or the end but just the beginning. They might live for a few years on earth but after they die they will live on forever in a special place which is far better than this miserable place called earth (or get reincarnated as something or someone better). So, since birth, people have been indoctrinated into believing something that cannot be proven. And you believe what is comfortable to you, whether it is true or false. There are so many religions and if only one is the true religion that would mean all other religions are Fake Faith. Muslims insist that Muhammad is the last Prophet of God and that Islam is the true religion. That would mean all the other religions are the result of Fake Faith.

If what Muslims believe is true, and they insist it is, then Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, and many more are all Fake Faith. Christians, however, will insist their religion is true while all others, Islam included, are Fake Faith.

Abrahamic Faith believes that when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, it was from the tree of knowledge. The implication is that once Adam and Eve lost their innocence by gaining knowledge and started to question God, mankind was cursed. So it would seem that knowledge is ALSO a curse. This is part of the wisdom of the ancients. Some people say that knowledge itself is not bad, but it gives rise to arrogance and over-bloated ego which is the really bad thing since most people cannot stand others going against their opinion and are prepared to hurt and commit violence to keep others quiet. So now we have to differentiate knowledge from human arrogance.

And Atheists will say all religions, without exception, are Fake Faith and that God is as real as Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy. So, Fake Faith has created many fake religions but those who believe will insist their religion is not fake. In fact, they will insist their religion is true while all the others are Fake Faith. So you see, you do not need the Internet to disseminate Fake Faith. Of course, the Internet is faster so it helps in the dissemination of Fake Faith or so call Fake News. But people have been believing Fake News long before the Internet was invented. And that is why today we have so many different beliefs and religions. It is all because of Fake News. And because of the Fake News people who are believer may seems to be blinded by Faith resulting in Blind Faith fearing into question the truth.

I am a man who walks alone And when I'm walking a dark road At night or strolling through the park When the light begins to change I sometimes feel a little strange A little anxious when it's dark Fear of the dark, fear of the dark I have a constant fear that something's Always near Fear of the dark, fear of the dark I have a phobia that someone's Always there

The problem is with mere humans. For people will believe it because it is a belief, a faith, and to question one's belief is to shaken their own faith or Aqidah; against the free will — just like suicide bombers who believe that if they blow up a busload of schoolchildren of different faith, they will be rewarded with more virgins than they can handle and if they take one virgin a night to bed it will be more than two months before they can come back to the first one. Hence never trust gurus or simply belief in blind faith.

Trust your instincts and common sense. God gave you a brain for a reason: so that you can think. And you do not need any ‘holy book’ or religion to know right from wrong. Common sense can tell you that rape, robbery, stealing, hurting another person, murder, etc., are wrong even if you are an atheist and do not believe in God or any religion. Do you need a so-called guru to tell you that raping your own ten-year old stepdaughter is wrong?

One favourite word Muslims are so fond of using is Aqidah. That has been loosely translated to mean many things such as ‘faith’, ‘that which binds you’ (such as a rope), ‘covenant’ (‘contract’, ‘pledge’ or ‘agreement’: in this case with God). This can actually be interpreted as your Shahada (creed or declaration of the oneness of God and the acceptance of Muhammad as God’s prophet). To become a Muslim you must accept or utter the Shahada and that binds you like a rope to your pledge or declaration. Hence you are said to have Aqidah and if you violate this you have lost your Aqidah (and one without Aqidah is not a Muslim). It sounds very simple, does it not? You make your pledge (the Shahada) and once you have done that you have Aqidah and hence you are a Muslim and if you break your covenant you cease to be a Muslim. In practice, however, it is more complicated than that.

So, the next question to ask now is, why are you a Christian or Muslim? Is it because you are following the true path? How do you know it is the true path? Is it because you have been brainwashed since childhood into believing that your religion is the true religion? If you had not been born into a Christian or Muslim family but instead were born into a Hindu family would you be a Christian/Muslim or a Hindu? Have any children of Hindu parents gown up as Christians or Muslims, say since the age of five? Yes, the only reason you believe is because you have been brainwashed.

In Persia, there is a Ka’bah in one of the oldest Zoroastrian temples very similar to the Ka’bah in Mekah. The question that many scholars ask is are Hinduism and Islam ‘sister’ religions that have its roots in Zoroastrianism? Can both Hinduism and Islam be traced back to Zoroastrianism 4,000 years ago?

House Of God

Naqsh-E Rostam – Ka’bah of Zoroaster – Necropolis, Iran, built 3,000 years ago

House Of Pain!!!

The first word in the Qur’an is supposed to be Iqraq (‘read’). That is the consensus of most scholars although some say it should be translated as ‘recite’ and others say ‘proclaim’.

According to Aishah, as reported by Imam Ahmad, “This continued until the revelation suddenly came to him while he was in the cave of Hira’. The angel came to him while he was in the cave and said, “Read!” The Messenger of Allah said, (“I replied: ‘I am not one who reads’.”). Then he said, “So he (the angel) seized me and pressed me until I could no longer bear it. Then he released me and said: ‘Read!’.” So I replied: I am not one who reads.’ So, he pressed me a second time until I could no longer bear it. Then he released me and said: ‘Read in the Name of your Lord who has created’.”

So, the first word in the Qur’an is not ‘sit crossed-legged in front of a human and learn’ but ‘read’. So that is what you must do, read. If you sit crossed-legged in front of a human to learn and if that person teaches you the wrong thing, according to Islam, you are responsible for your actions because if your guru goes to hell then you also will follow your guru to hell. And you cannot argue with hell’s ‘gatekeeper’ later and say that it is not your fault but the fault of your guru who taught you the wrong thing.

Islam emerged only about 1,400 years ago but Hinduism come to India 4,000 years ago. The Indian religion (I would not call it ‘Hinduism’ yet because it was a different religion when it first came to India) was brought down into the Indus Plain by the Aryans from the north which today can be said to be part of Iran. The Aryans are in essence Indo-Iranians who around that time were Zoroastrians (a religion said to have emerged also around 4,000 years ago).

It was not until 1,500 years later that a Hindu prince named Siddhārtha Gautama Buddha decided to abandon his comfortable life and seek the true religion of God. This was precisely what a man named Muhammad did about 1,000 years later.

For seven years Buddha traveled all over India in poverty and at one stage even starved himself to the point of death. And like Muhammad he meditated and contemplated and finally found the truth.

Buddha wanted to find out how to break the continuous cycle of birth and rebirth (reincarnation or Samsara), which in essence is your soul forever wandering and never finding liberation or salvation (Nirvana). This can happen millions of times and your next life will depend on how you conduct yourself in this life. So your next life can be better or worse depending on what you do in this life (called Karma).

Christians and Muslims do not believe in reincarnation but do believe in the next life or Afterlife and the next life will be in God’s ‘Kingdom’. And you either go to heaven or hell. Whether you go to heaven or hell depends on whether you accept Jesus, say the Christians, while for Muslims it is not only acceptance of the Shahada but the balancing of your accounts (all your good deeds on one side and your bad deeds on the opposite side and see whether the bottom line is black or red).

The Aryan hierarchy system and outside that system are the untouchables

Hindus do not get to go to heaven or hell in God’s ‘Kingdom’. Their hell is the next life they are born into. And they can break Samsara and achieve Nirvana if they can find the way to do that, as Buddha tried to do. Buddha was not a God. He did not ask anyone to pray to him. Buddha was not even a Buddhist. He was a Hindu seeking Nirvana by trying to break the endless cycle of Samsara by having good Karma.

Now, Hinduism has its roots in the Aryan migration to the south and those people were basically Zoroastrians. Zoroastrians also perform the seven times circumambulation around the fire (a Latin word meaning the act of moving around a sacred object and in Sanskrit called pradakśina or pradakshinaṇā), which Hindus also do.

In Persia, there is a Ka’bah in one of the oldest Zoroastrian temples very similar to the Ka’bah in Mekah. The question that many scholars ask is are Hinduism and Islam ‘sister’ religions that have its roots in Zoroastrianism? Can both Hinduism and Islam be traced back to Zoroastrianism 4,000 years ago?

We must remember that the ritual of circumambulating around the Ka’bah in Mekah was supposed to have been a belief and ritual that is pre-Islamic and was supposed to have started around the time of Abraham. So that did not start from Muhammad but started around the time that the Aryans moved south into India.

So, yes, God said ‘read’. God did not say ‘sit crossed-legged in front of a human and learn’. So read and you may yet become enlightened like Buddha and Muhammad were. And you may also yet break the cycle of ignorance or Samsara that humankind have subjected themselves to and finally reach Nirvana.

Cursing & Swearing

‘Allah’ means ‘Curse’ in Hebrew… Just a Coincidence?

אלה, the Hebrew word for “curse” – it is pronounced “alah”, same as Allah, ‘God’ in Arabic. I did some further digging and compared the Hebrew letters of the words “alah” and the Arabic letters of Allah; they are exactly the same, except for some diacritic/pronunciation marks above the main letters and an extra “L”, as follows:

אלה, alah (“curse” in Hebrew) and الله‎ , Allah (“God” in Arabic), where:

א = aleph (Heb) is equivalent to ا = alif (Arab), or “A” in English

ל = lamed (Heb) is equivalent to ل = lam (Arab), or “L” in English; “Allah” has two “L”s in Arabic

ה = heh (Heb) is equivalent to ه = ha (Arab), or “H” in English

Quite amazing – the Hebrew word “curse” and the Arabic word “Allah” don’t just sound the same, with the exception of an extra “L”, THEY ARE THE SAME.

There is an idea called “the law of first occurrence” (probably more like a principle) whereby if one locates the first occurrence of a word in scripture it can provide guidance as to how the word or concept is defined in the rest of God’s Word. Its instructive, for instance, to learn how the first ‘tree’ or ‘serpent’ is developed in scripture, and allow this to influence our understanding of how trees or serpents are used subsequently. Oftentimes this provides a key to a cryptic scripture that would otherwise be baffling. This is a variant on the notion of allowing the Word to interpret the Word.

In examining ‘curse’ (אלה , alah), it first use appears in Numbers 5 in ‘the adultery test’, the Mosaic methodology for determining the faithfulness of a wife to her husband. If the man suspects adultery, the wife is made by the priest to drink bitter water. If she’s innocent, she will be immune, but if guilty, the “water that brings a curse shall go into your stomach, and make your abdomen swell and your thigh waste away.” (Num 5:21)

There is a word thought by scholars to be a related form of the word ‘curse’ (arar) used in v19: “If no man has lain with you and if you have not gone astray into uncleanness, being under the authority of your husband, be immune to this water of bitterness that brings a curse“. I think its more than a coincidence to see that first use of the word “alah” and its older form “arar” in scripture is in connection with an unfaithful woman – is this not perhaps a foreshadowing of the Revelation Harlot riding the Beast?

For In Existence that there seems to be Cursing & Swearing!!! Blessing & Condemnation...

It's been a long year

Since you've been gone I've been alone here, I've grown old Fall to pieces, I'm falling Fell to pieces and I'm still falling

Every time I'm falling down All alone I fall to pieces

I keep a journal of memories I'm feeling lonely, I can't breathe

Fall to pieces, I'm falling Fell to pieces and I'm still falling Every time I'm falling down All alone I fall to pieces

Would a Loving GOD curses its' Creations???

The older form of the word ‘curse’ is first used in the garden in Genesis 3, verses 14 and 15:

The LORD God said to the serpent,

“Because you have done this,

Cursed are you more than all cattle,

And more than every beast of the field;

On your belly you will go,

And dust you will eat

All the days of your life;

And I will put enmity

Between you and the woman,

And between your seed and her seed;

He shall bruise you on the head,

And you shall bruise him on the heel.”

The very first use of ‘curse’ is toward the serpent Satan; perhaps its a stretch, but if Allah means ‘curse’ in Hebrew, I believe that understanding can be extended to the older form of the word as well. Note too that ‘the woman’ is again caught up in this mess.

The Cursed ONE!!!

A Missing Halo!!! For An Angel tat turns into a Devil for being made a Cursed!!!

A cursing God??

God, the Abrahamic God at least, is supposed to be perfect, clever, all knowing, etc., in short, all-everything with no defects whatsoever. Okay, none of us dispute that, right?

According to the ‘story’, after God created Adam from earth and blew (breathed) life into this lifeless clay statue, Iblis, the angel made from fire (there were many types of angels that God created), refused to kowtow (bow) to Adam like God ordered because Adam (humankind) is so weak, ambitious, egoistic, selfish, greedy, lustful, jealous of others, cruel, defiant, and much more.

And Iblis did not possess any of these weaknesses that humankind possesses (we are told). Iblis was very perfect. So for sure a perfect Iblis should not be made to bow to a weak human, not even by God. (Hmm….Iblis has an ego and was jealous of Adam so maybe he does have some weaknesses after all).

This, according to the story, angered God.

Okay, so Iblis’s defiance angered God, so say the ‘Holy Books’ of the three Abrahamic faiths. But then did God not know this was going to happen (meaning Iblis was going to defy God) since God is all-knowing, even about the future? Furthermore, anger is a human weakness and would not God be exempted from human weaknesses like anger?

So, did God not know that Iblis was going to defy Him, or did God already know it was going to happen (as any God would most certainly know) and hence is just playing games with Iblis? And why would God want to play mind games with Iblis when God could, as the Holy Books say, just utter ‘Be!’ and it will automatically happen?

Hence God could have ‘programmed’ or created Iblis to obey every command of His instead of allowing Iblis to defy Him. And if God already knew that Iblis was going to defy Him (as a God should know) why create Adam just to cause friction and trigger a crisis?

An all-knowing God would know about an impending crisis before it happens and could have made sure that the crisis is averted before it happens. Either do not create humankind or create an angel called Iblis that will never defy or disobey God under any and all circumstances.

Hence God failed in His creation of Iblis. He created an Iblis who fought back and refused to obey His command. Or maybe God was caught off-guard and was not aware beforehand that by creating humankind one of His angels, Iblis, would cross over to the dark side and turn rebel.

Whatever the reason may be, either way God made a strategic blunder. By creating humankind God lost one of his most valuable and powerful angels who now joined the opposition and is actively and fiercely campaigning against Him.

God then charged Iblis with treason and sentenced him to an eternity of condemnation in the fires of Hell. Iblis did not contest the charge but appealed a stay of serving the sentence, which God agreed. Hence serving of the sentence would start only once the world ends.

Iblis then made a bet with God and God took the bet.

So now God is a gambler as well.

Need All the Luck to be a good gambler...

The bet that Iblis made with God is that he (Iblis, that is) would attempt to mislead humankind to prove to God that He is wrong about humankind and that humankind is weak, selfish, ambitious, egoistic, greedy, lustful, jealous of others, cruel, defiant, and much, much more.

God found the bet interesting and very challenging and He agreed to take on the bet. God then gave Iblis total authority, freedom, and carte blanche (blank check) to do his worst. Try to mislead humankind, God told Iblis, and let us see who is going to win this bet.

Fated To Be Fade To Black!!!

Not only is God a bad gambler but God also misjudged Iblis’s sharp political skills. God did not realise that Iblis was more powerful and cleverer than Him and that Iblis’s opposition Party of Hell was going to gain more members than God’s Party of Heaven. (Hmm…so God can’t see into the future after all).

So now those who follow Iblis is many times more than those who follow God. Hence Iblis appears to be winning the battle of the hearts and minds of the people compared to God, who is on a losing streak.

And Iblis is very smart. Instead of using the strategy of trying to convince humankind that God does not exist, which means Iblis might lose the propaganda war, Iblis convinces us that God does exist and that we must fight in defence of God and his true and perfect religion.

So, with the help of Iblis, humankind starts creating religion, many religions in fact. And Iblis convinces humankind that only their respective religion is the true religion while all other religions are false and should be wiped out.

Therefore, since the beginning of time, humankind began creating religion after religion and started killing each other in the name of their respective religions. And the beautiful thing about Iblis’s brilliant strategy is that humankind kills each other not in the name of Iblis but in the name of God. So people kill and die thinking that they are doing this for God and not for Iblis.

And every time this happens, Iblis gains more and more members for his Party of Hell while God loses more and more members from His Party of Heaven.

Eventually, because of the violence and evil done in the name of God, humankind begin to not believe in God and become Atheists (or at the very least Agnostics). And Iblis wins even more converts to his cause because of this.

It appears God, in spite of being more powerful than Iblis, is losing the battle of trying to win the hearts and minds of the people.

God probably did not realise (even though as God He should have known this would happen before it happened) that Iblis’s brilliant strategy of not trying to convince humankind to follow him (as many would probably not want to do that) but to follow God (which many people are more prepared to do) is a far better strategy than God’s strategy of trying to convince the people to follow Him and to reject Iblis.

Now, if God was actually aware of Iblis’s reverse-psychology strategy all along and He pretended that He is not aware of it and intentionally allowed Iblis to win, then God must be quite cruel to allow Iblis to deceive humankind and to win the battle of the hearts and minds of the people and then punish humankind by throwing us into hell when it is not our fault we were deceived but it was Iblis’s fault this happened, and worse, with the permission of God on top of that.

There's nothin' where we used to lie

Conversation has run dry

That's what's going on

Nothing's fine I'm torn

I'm all out of faith

This is how I feel...

I'm already Torn!!!

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