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A Bastard World!!! - Part VIII (Who's the Biggest Bastard?)

Writer's picture: Voice Of Beruk aka. BeastVoice Of Beruk aka. Beast

And the angels, the children of the heaven, saw and lusted after them, and said to one another: ‘Come, let us choose us wives from among the children of men and beget us children.’

And Semjâzâ, who was their leader, said unto them: ‘I fear ye will not indeed agree to do this deed, and I alone shall have to pay the penalty of a great sin.’

And they all answered him and said: ‘Let us all swear an oath, and all bind ourselves by mutual imprecations not to abandon this plan but to do this thing.’

Impregnated by Angels / Aliens??

Then sware they all together and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it.And they were in all two hundred; who descended in the days of Jared on the summit of Mount Hermon, and they called it Mount Hermon, because they had sworn and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it. And these are the names of their leaders: Samlazaz, their leader, Araklba, Rameel, Kokablel, Tamlel, Ramlel, Danel, Ezeqeel, Baraqijal, Asael, Armaros, Batarel, Ananel, Zaqiel, Samsapeel, Satarel, Turel, Jomjael, Sariel. These are their chiefs of tens.And all the others together with them took unto themselves wives, and each chose for himself one, and they began to go in unto them and to defile themselves with them, and they taught them charms and enchantments, and the cutting of roots, and made them acquainted with plants. And they became pregnant, and they bare great giants, whose height was three thousand ells.

The Fall of Satan in the Book of Enoch

In the centuries just before Jesus, there was a theory of the fall of angels based on an Old Testament passage unrelated to Isaiah or Ezekiel: Genesis chapter 6.

The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.

Who is Enoch?

Enoch was the grandfather of Noah. The Book of Enoch chapter 68:1 “And after that my grandfather Enoch gave me all the secrets in the book and in the parables which had been given to him, and he put them together for me in the words of the book of the parables.”

This makes it possible for the Book to have survived the flood as its not too hard to accept that Noah would have taken his Great Grandfathers writings with him onto the ark.

Allah says in the Holy Qur’an:

“And mention Idris (Enoch) in the Book, surely he was a truthful man, a Prophet. And We raised him high in heaven." (19:57-58)

Angel of Death befriended a Prophet (Enoch / Idris)

It is narrated from ‘Abdullah Ibn Suhas that Idris (Enoch) used to travel from city to city and used to fast. When it was night, he used to halt and he was provided his sustenance at that very place. The angels used to take his good deeds to the skies like other people’s deeds. The Angel of Death wished to meet Idris (Enoch) and after getting permission he came to Idris (Enoch) and said, “I wish to be in your company.” Idris (Enoch) agreed. They became friends and were together for a long time. He would fast during the day and at night when he used to get sustenance, he used to eat. He used to invite the Angel of Death to eat with him but he said, “I don’t require food,” and remained busy in prayers. Idris (Enoch) used to sleep due to fatigue but the Angel of Death was neither lazy nor tired; neither did he sleep. In this manner some days passed until one day they passed by an orchard. The grapes were ripe. The Angel of Death asked Idris (Enoch) whether they should take some of the grapes and break their fast. Idris replied, “Glory be to Allah, I invited you to eat from my share of sustenance and you refused. You are now inviting me to eat other people’s grapes without their permission. You have recompensed my companionship in a nice way. Tell me who are you?” He replied, “I am the Angel of Death.” Idris (Enoch) said, “I have one request from you.” The Angel of Death asked him what it was. Idris (Enoch) said, “I wish you to take me up to the skies.” The Angel of Death took Allah’s permission, seated him on his wings and took him up to the skies.

The Fallen ONE!!!

Enoch ascended to Heaven alive; Upon tasting Death

Idris (Enoch) said, “I have one more desire. I have heard that death is very difficult so I wish to taste it so as to verify that it tastes as I have heard it.” The Angel of Death took Allah’s permission. Then he held the breath of Idris (Enoch) for sometime then removed his hand and asked Idris (Enoch) how found it? Idris (Enoch) replied, “Very severe, more severe than what I have heard.” Then Idris (Enoch) said, “I have one more desire. I want to see the fire of Hell.” The Angel of Death ordered the keeper of Hell to open the door. When Idris (Enoch) saw it, he swooned. When he regained consciousness he said, “I have one more request. I would like to see heaven.” The Angel of Death asked the permission of the keepers of Heaven and Idris (Enoch) entered it and said, “O Angel of Death now I will not come out of it. Allah has said every soul will have to taste death which I have tasted and Allah has said there is no one from you who will not come near Hell and I have seen it and about the heavens it is said that the people of heavens will remain in it forever.”

Fallen Angels, Jinns & Watchers (Interbreed of Humans and Jinns)

The book of Enoch is one of the Pseudepigrapha books and was apparently written during the first century before Jesus Christ. The book contains one hundred and eight chapters divided into five sections. The introductory chapters, 1-5, provide a short introduction of Enoch and speak to the major themes of rewards, punishment, the end of the world and final judgment. Book 1 includes chapters 6-36 and is primarily about angels, the Tree of Life, Jerusalem, and the universe. Book 2 includes chapters 37-71 and deals with the One, the Son of God, or the Messiah, resurrection, the flood, Noah, future judgment, and paradise. Book 3 (chap. 72-82) deals with stars, moon, astronomy, the universe, and Enoch’s mission. Book IV (chap. 83-90) presents predictions about the flood, a historical sketch, the future of Israel, and the messianic kingdom. Book V (chap. 91-105) addresses a variety of topics and the concluding chapters 106-108 end the book.

The first part of the Book of Enoch describes the fall of the Jinn who are called the Watchers which is descriptive name for them because they always accompany humans and watch them, Allah also referred to the Jinn as Angels in the Quran when He was honouring them before they lost their rank, the Jinn fathered the Nephilim which are Half Jinn Half Humans, many ahadith speak about such things and mentions that the Queen of Bilqis who went to the prophet Sulaiman (as) was a Nephalim. The remainder of the book describes Enoch’s (as) vision and visit to Space in the form of travels, visions, dreams, and revelations.

A missing Halo... A Fallen Angel In search for the missing Halo.

Because the Book wasn’t accepted by the Church every copy in Europe was burnt during it’s dark ages and it was thought lost until it was rediscovered in the 17th century. Many modern translations have been made but the earlier ones are clearly more superior, later translations suffer from the same fate as the NIV Bible, they seem to have been translated by an atheist who hadn’t grasped the idea that words must have meaning and are meant to say something, and so you can read entire passages that are mind numbing and whose meaning is lost because they are meant to be as “atheistically” neutral as possible since the translator was to afraid to admit the prophet (saws) could have said anything of scientific merit. When you compare the modern translation to the older one this becomes painfully clear.

Enoch in Outer Space knowing the Constellation Orion & Black Holes

Enoch (Idris (saws)) was one of the earliest prophets Allah sent to mankind before the prophet Nuh (saws), with Him Allah originated writing and other technical arts of civilization including the study of astronomical phenomena. The purpose of His journey was to teach him first hand the significance of the heavenly bodies for later generations, to inspire in them their study, He reported in detail about all the things He saw. His words where unique because they are not the words of someone on earth looking up at the stars wondering and guessing what it all means they are definite in their phrasing and to the point, spoken from a persons experience.

Here are three accounts of a Black Hole the prophet Idris (Enoch (saws) was shown, it should be remembered that no detailed concept of space existed in 300BC when the work is dated or even earlier when the Prophet (saws) actually lived, so the simple idea of traveling through space was alien to mankind let alone the fact there was a dark void beneath the earth. It required humanity to build the Hubbell telescope before we could see the accuracy of the prophets (saws) description.

This account is taken from the book of Enoch 1 Chapter 1:

The Enoch; Prophet Idris (saws) said, “And i came to an empty place and i saw there neither a heaven above (no sky or atmosphere) or an earth below but a chaotic and terrible place (the black hole), and there i saw seven stars of heaven bound together in it like great mountains and burning with fire (He was no longer in our solar system, the passage is a description of the prophets nearness to a blackhole with stars trapped in orbit around it) at that moment i said (to the Angel) for which sin (fault) are they bound, for what reason where they cast in here, then one of the holy Angels Uriel who was with me guiding me spoke to me and said to me, Enoch for what reason are you asking and for what reason do you question and exhibit eagerness, these are among the stars of heaven which have transgressed the commandments of the lord (literally strayed from their path in space) and are bound in this place until the completion of 10 million years according to the number of their sins (the stars were circling the black hole because they strayed from their path), i then proceeded from that area to another place which is even more terrible (a larger black hole) and i saw a terrible thing a great fire that was burning and flaming the place had a cleavage which extended to the last sea, pouring out great pillars of fire, neither its extent nor its magnitude could i see nor was i able to estimate, what terrible opening is this place and a pain to look at”.

Hybrid of Aliens???? Bastard By Aliens???

Another account of this black hole is given in chapter 18 verses 10 -16:

The Enoch; prophet Idris (saws) said, A place beyond the great earth where the heavens come together (come together means there is no separation of mans view like the our sky and space, the heavens are endless here), and i saw a deep pit (the black hole) with heavenly fire on its pillars (the jets) and i saw inside them descending pillars of fire (jets on both sides) that where immeasurable in respect of altitude and depth, on top of that pit i saw a place without the heavenly firmament above it or earthly foundation under it (it was floating in endless space), or water, there was nothing on it not even birds but it was a desolate and terrible place and i saw there the seven stars which where like great burning mountains (encircling it) then the Angels said to me this place is the ultimate end of heaven and earth it is the prison house for the stars and the powers of heaven and the stars which role over upon the fire (get trapped in the black hole) they are the ones which have transgressed the commandments of God from the beginning of there rising (they followed a wrong path in space destined to doom them in the black hole from the beginning of the Universe) because they did not arrive punctually (they followed a delayed path) and He was wrath with them and He bound them until the time of the completion of their sin in the year of mystery (an unknown number of years).

A third account of the black hole is found in chapter 108 verse 336:

The prophet Idris (saws) said, For there is not ground there, as is upon the earth, i also saw something that is like an invisible cloud, and though i could see that it (the black hole) was completely dark yet i could see the flame of its fire because it was burning brightly (the fire was coming out of the darkness) and there where somethings like bright mountains which formed a ring around it and where sweeping to and fro then i asked one of the Angels who was with me saying to them what is this bright thing (the accretion disk) for it is not a heaven but merely the flame of a fire which is burning and a voice of weeping crying and lamenting as well as strong pain (the sound of stars being destroyed) and he said unto me this place which you see into it shall be taken the spirits of sinners blasphemers those who do evil and those who alter all the things (the books of revelation) the lord has done through the mouth of the prophets all of which have to be fulfilled (the black hole is Jahanam, Hell and souls of the evil are punished with it).

(Source: The following was taken in part from a documentary about the Book of Enoch, which uses an older translation of the work).

Son Of God

The Book of Enoch is divided into five basic parts, but it is the The Book of Parables (37-71) which gives scholars the most trouble for it is primarily concerned with a figure called “the messiah”; “the righteous one”; “the chosen one” and “the son of man.”

Chapter 46:1-2, There I beheld the Ancient of days whose head was like white wool, and with him another, whose countenance resembled that of a man. His countenance was full of grace, like that of one of the holy angels. Then I inquired of one of the angels, who went with me, and who showed me every secret thing, concerning this Son of man; who he was; whence he was; and why he accompanied the Ancient of days. He answered and said to me, This is the Son of man, to whom righteousness belongs; with whom righteousness has dwealt; and who will reveal all the treasures of that which is concealed: for the Lord of spirits has chosen him; and his portion has surpassed all before the Lord of spirits in everlasting uprightness.”

Western scholars currently assert that its older sections (mainly in the Book of the Watchers) date from about 300 BC and the latest part (Book of Parables) probably was composed at the end of the 1st century BC. However, Ethiopian scholars generally hold that Ge’ez is the language of the original from which the Greek and Aramaic copies were made, pointing out that it is the only language in which the complete text has yet been found.

The Book of Enoch was extant centuries before the birth of Christ and yet is considered by many to be more Christian in its theology than Jewish. It was considered scripture by many early Christians. The earliest literature of the so-called “Church Fathers” is filled with references to this mysterious book. The early second century “Epistle of Barnabus” makes much use of the Book of Enoch. Second and Third Century “Church Fathers” like Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Origin and Clement of Alexandria all make use of the Book of Enoch. Tertullian (160-230 C.E) even called the Book of Enoch “Holy Scripture”. The Ethiopic Church even added the Book of Enoch to its official canon. It was widely known and read the first three centuries after Christ.

Fallen Angel Falling To Pieces...

This and many other books became discredited after the Council of Laodicea. And being under ban of the authorities, afterwards it gradually passed out of circulation. At about the time of the Protestant Reformation, there came to be a renewed interest in the Book of Enoch which had long since been lost to the modern world. By the late 1400’s rumors began to spread that somewhere a copy of the long lost Book of Enoch might still exist. During this time many books arose claiming to be the long lost book and were later found to be forgeries. The return of the long lost Book of Enoch to the modern western world is credited to the famous explorer James Bruce, who in 1773 returned from six years in Abyssinia with three Ethiopic copies of the lost book. In 1821 Richard Laurence published the first English translation. The famous R.H. Charles edition was published in 1912. In the following years several portions of the Greek text surfaced. Then with the discovery of cave 4 of the Dead Sea Scrolls, seven fragmentary copies of the Aramaic text were discovered.

The opening verses of the Book of Enoch tell us that the revelations in this book were not meant for Enoch’s generation, rather a remote generation, and of course the book would make more sense to the generations after Christ. We know that the early Church made use of the Book of Enoch, but it was then all but lost, until recent times. Perhaps this book was meant for our generation, as it is widely available today after being concealed for over a millennia. (Enoch 1:1-3) The words of the blessing of Enoch, wherewith he blessed the elect and righteous, who will be living in the day of tribulation, when all the wicked and godless are to be removed. And he took up his parable and said -Enoch a righteous man, whose eyes were opened by God, saw the vision of the Holy One in the heavens, which the angels showed me, and from them I heard everything, and from them I understood as I saw, but not for this generation, but for a remote one which is for to come.

Story of Enoch

According to the Book of Genesis, Enoch (/ˈiːnək/; Hebrew: חֲנוֹך‎ Ḥanōḵ) was a son of Cain, grandson of Adam, and father of Irad. After Cain arrived in the Land of Nod, to which he was evicted by the Lord as his punishment for murdering his brother Abel, his wife became pregnant and bore Cain's first child, whom he named Enoch.

After the birth of Enoch, the Hebrew text of Genesis 4:17 is unclear. Either Cain built a city and named it after Enoch, or else Enoch built a city.[1]

According to Jubilees 4:9, Enoch's mother/aunt was named Awan.

This Enoch is not to be confused with Noah's ancestor Enoch.

Family Tree

Enoch (/ˈiːnək/; Hebrew: חֲנוֹךְ, Modern H̱anokh Tiberian Ḥănōḵ; Arabic: أَخْنُوخ‎ ʼAkhnūkh, [commonly in Qur'ānic literature]: إِدْرِيس ʼIdrīs) is a historical figure in Biblical literature. "In the seventh generation from Adam,"[2] he was considered the author of the Book of Enoch[3] and also called Enoch the scribe of judgment.[4] In addition to an appearance in the Book of Genesis of the Hebrew Bible, Enoch is the subject of many Jewish, Christian, and Muslim writings.

Enoch was the son of Jared (Genesis 5:19–21), the father of Methuselah, and the great-grandfather of Noah. At 65 years old,[a] he begot Methuselah.[6] Regim and Gaidad[7] are also mentioned as his sons according to 2 Enoch.

The Bible says that Enoch lived 365 years before he was taken by God. The text reads that Enoch "walked with God: and he was no more; for God took him" (Gen 5:21–24), which some Christians interpret as Enoch entering Heaven alive.

This Enoch is not to be confused with Cain's son Enoch (Genesis 4:17). The Christian New Testament has three references to Enoch from the lineage of Seth (Luke 3:37, Hebrews 11:5, Jude 1:14–15).

From authentic books, it is narrated from Wahab that Idris was a well-built man with a broad chest. He had less hair on his body and more on his head. His one ear was bigger than the other. He had scanty hair on his chest and spoke in a low voice. While walking his feet used to come close to one another. He is known as Idris because he used to teach about the magnanimity of Allah and the excellence of Islam. He pondered about the majesty, grandiose and glory of Allah - that the sky, the earth, the sun, the moon, the stars and clouds and all other creations have a creator who by His power has created them, formed and arranged them.

Guilty is the one who does not worship Him Who has the right to be worshipped. With this in mind, he formed a private conference among his nation and advised, them remember Allah. He also warned them about His chastisement. He invited them towards His worship. Due to this propagation, the people started to join him. At first, they numbered seven, then reached seventy, then seven hundred, then one thousand people became his followers. Then he (Idris) said to them, “Let us select a hundred pious people.” So from the one thousand, seventy were selected, then from the seventy, ten were selected and from the ten, seven people were finally chosen.

Then he said, “Come, let the seven of us pray and all the others shall say ‘Amen’. Perhaps our Creator may guide us due to our prayers.” They placed their hands on the earth and prayed, but nothing happened. They raised their hands towards the sky and prayed. Allah revealed upon Idris and selected him as His Messenger. Allah guided him and his companions towards His Worship. So they were involved in the worship of Allah and did not associate with anyone so much so that Allah raised Idris to heaven. Except for a few, most of those who had believed in Enoch (Idris) deviated and there were disputes and differences among them. Nuh was appointed over them.

According to a hadith from Abu-Dharr, it is narrated that thirty books were revealed on Enoch (Idris) and other traditions state that he was the first person who had initiated writing with a pen. He also used to stitch clothes and wear them. Before this, the people used to cover their private parts with leaves. Idris used to stitch clothes and worship and praise Allah.

Diamonds In the Shy... A time and place where Humans, Angels, Satan, Djinns, God Interacts within Worlds.

Prophet Enoch (Idris) an Ancient Egyptian God?

Osiris - Osiris is an Egyptian god, identified as the god of the afterlife, the underworld, and the dead, but more appropriately as the god of transition, resurrection, and regeneration. Legends say that IDRIS IS OSIRIS THE HERO OF THE ANCIENT EGYPTIAN LEGEND.


Idris or IDREESA in Arabic, is the 4th Arabic word going from right to left with the !!! directly over it.

Wesir, also known as Ausar and the Greek Osiris, is the Kemetic Name of the Lord of the Dead. He is not to be confused with historical predecessors such as Wepwawet, Yinepu (Greek Anubis), Sokar or Sobek.

Wesir is the son of Geb and Nut. He is married to his sister Aset (Greek Isis) and they have a son Heru (Greek Horus). Much of what is commonly known about Wesir, Aset and Heru comes from the Greek myths of Isis and Osiris. In Kemetic text, Wesir's death is attributed to drowning, not the dismemberment myth created later by Plutarch. The dismemberment myth does not appear until a thousand years later and may not even be Kemetic in origin. Wesir, in fact, was never resurrected as many believe. Wesir is Lord of the Dead and dwells in the Blessed Fields of the Dead.

The ancient Egyptian god of the underworld. In Egyptian mythology the god who was ruler and judge in the underworld and the brother and consort of Isis. He is identified with the Nile, and his annual death and resurrection symbolized the self-renewing vitality and fertility of nature. (The Reader's Digest Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary, pg. 1203)

These two sources show that Idris, who is Arabic for Osiris is god of the underworld from Egypt!! They might differ on whether Osiris was resurrected but they both agree on the origin of Osiris.

The Koran declares that Idris, or Osiris, who was the ancient Egyptian god of the underworld, is:

... a man of truth [and sincerity], and a prophet. And We [Allah] raised him to lofty station. 19:56-57.

Is Osiris the god of the underworld, or a prophet? According to the Quran he is!!! Remember there is no evidence at all in Islamic history or the Quran to prove that Idris was Enoch. This idea came along later with Muslims who tried to equate Idris to Enoch. This is most embarrassing because it shows that the Quran has fictional characters (to make it even worse, pagan gods) as prophets!

It was narrated that Abu Dharr said: I said: O Messenger of Allah, how many Prophets were there? He said: “One hundred and twenty four thousand.” I said: O Messenger of Allah, how many of them were Messengers? He said: “Three hundred and thirteen, a good number.” I said: O Messenger of Allah, who was the first of them? He said: “Adam.” …

It was narrated that Abu Umaamah said: I said: O Prophet of Allah, how many Prophets were there? He said: “One hundred and twenty four thousand, of whom three hundred and fifteen were a good number.”

Narrated by Ibn Hibbaan in his Tafseer, 963

Osiris Ascended to Heaven after restoring order upon defeating a King of Egypt

Enoch VS King of Egypt

It is narrated from Imam Ja‘far as-Sadiq that at the early part of the Prophethood of Idris there lived a tyrant king. Once when he went out for a stroll and passed through a land rich in greenery, which belonged to a pious believer. This believer had abandoned all false religions and was disgusted with transgressors. He kept aloof from them. The king liked that piece of land for himself, so he inquired from his vizier regarding its owner it. The vizier replied that it belonged to a certain believer from their kingdom. The king called the believer and said that he wanted his piece of land. The believer replied that his family needed the plot of land more than the king. The king asked him to sell it to him but the believer was adamant which the angry and his facial expressions changed. In that very condition, he returned to his kingdom. The king had a wife from Iraq (Barak) whom he loved very much and whom he consulted frequently. On reaching his kingdom, he called her. She saw that he was in a very angry mood and inquired as to what had aroused his temper. He narrated the incident of the believer’s land.

She replied that only he gets angry who does not have the power to take revenge. “If you don’t want to execute or behead him without any excuse then I will show you a way to kill him by which the land will be yours and even his family members will not blame you for his death.” The king asked her what plan she had in mind. She replied that one of her group (from Azarak) will be sent to arrest him and he would testify that the person has turned away from the king’s religion. “In this way you can kill him and seize his land.” The king agreed to her suggestion. So groups from Iraq, who followed the queen’s religion and who considered lawful the slaughtering of a believer were called. They testified before the king that that man had turned away from the state religion. On hearing this, the king ordered his execution and captured his land.

Allah was angry at the believer’s murder and He revealed to Idris to go and tell the tyrant ruler, “Was he not content with killing the believer that he also usurped his land impoverishing family? I swear by My majesty and power that I will avenge his murder in the Resurrection Day and in this world, I will abolish your rulership. I will change your honor and status into humiliation and disgrace. And dogs will devour the flesh of your wife. Has My tolerance and endurance, which was supposed test you, made you arrogant?”

Idris addressed the king, “O tyrant ruler! I am the messenger of Allah!” and then narrated to him the divine message. The king ordered Idris to leave his court and warned him that he would not be able to save himself. The king told his wife about his discussion with Idris. She said, “Do not to fear the Messengership of Idris’s God. I will send someone to kill Idris so that the messengership of his God is nullified.” The king agreed to her suggestion and gave his consent.

Among the friends of Idris there were some who used to attend the royal court. Idris had informed them of the revelation to him and of his conveying the message to the king. They were fearful that Idris would be killed. The queen sent forty Iraqi men to kill Idris. They reached the place where Idris used to sit with his companions but did not find him there, so they returned. When his friends saw that they had come to kill Idris they dispersed and then met Idris. They informed him that forty men had come to kill him, so he should be cautious.

Idris prayed to Allah, “O my Sustainer! You sent me to that tyrant to deliver Your message to him. He threatened me and is after my blood. Allah revealed to Idris to keep away from the king. “I swear by My honor that I will enforce My law on him and prove your word and My messengership to be true.” Idris said, “O my Nourisher, I have a wish.” Allah said, “Ask me and I shall fulfill it.” Idris said, “Till such time as I allow, there should be no rains.” Allah said, “The country will be ruined and people will starve to death.” Idris said, “Whatever may happen, this is my wish.” Allah replied, “All right. I accept it, and until the time you pray I will not send rain. I am the most truthful to My promise.” Hearing this Idris briefed his companions about his discussion with Allah and said, “O my friends leave this country and go to some other place.” There were twenty of them and they spread out to different areas. The people came to know about the prayers of Idris.

Idris himself sought refuge on a hill. Allah appointed an Angel who used to bring food to him every evening. Idris fasted during the day and broke his fast in the evening when the Angel brought food to him. Allah destroyed the kingdom of the tyrant king. The king was killed, his kingdom destroyed and the flesh of his wife was eaten by dogs due to their transgression against a believer.

Comparative Mythology: Jesus, Mithras and Osiris

Another unjust tyrant oppressor occupied the throne. Twenty years passed without a drop of rain. The people were in severe hardships and difficulties and their condition deteriorated. They used to bring food supplies from far off countries. When their condition turned from bad to worse they discussed among themselves that this calamity was due to the prayer of Idris who had asked Allah that until the time he allowed there should be no rains. “We are not aware of his whereabouts because he has concealed himself from us.” They decided that as Allah is more Merciful than Idris prays to Him and repents so that it rains on their land and in the neighboring areas. So they wore coarse clothes and applied mud on their head and standing on the earth they wailed, cried and repented to Allah. Allah felt pity on them and revealed upon Idris that, “Your people are repenting, wailing and weeping and I am God the Beneficent and Merciful and the one who accepts repentance and forgive sins. I have mercy on them and wish to fulfill their desire for rains. I have no obstruction save that you had requested me not to send rains until you pray for it. Therefore, O Idris you pray to me that I may send rains for them.”

Idris said, “O my Nourisher, I will not pray for rains.” Allah once again revealed on Idris to pray for rains. Idris again refused. So Allah recalled the Angel who was appointed to bring food for Idris. When it was evening and the food did not arrive Idris became restless but waited patiently. The second day when again the food did not arrive his restlessness increased. On the third day he lost his patience and appealed to Allah, “O my Nourisher before taking my soul, you have discontinued my sustenance?” Allah revealed, “O Idris! You are complaining in three days but you are not concerned about your nation that has suffered for twenty years? I informed you that they were suffering, and I was merciful on them and I wished that you pray for rain so that I send rain. But you abstained from it, so I wanted you to know what hunger is and you lost your patience and complained. Now come out of the cave and search for your sustenance. I have left you on your own.”

Hearing this Idris came down from the hill to procure food. When he came near the town he saw smoke coming out from a house. An old lady had made two chapattis and was roasting them on the fire. He requested her to give him something to eat, as he was very weak and restless due to hunger. She said that due to the curse of Idris, Allah has not given left them anything that they can feed anyone, and swore that except for the two chapattis there was nothing in the house. She told him to leave the city and go somewhere else for food. Idris requested that at least give me one chapatti so that I can save my life and can start walking. She said I have only these two chapattis, one for me and the other for my son. If I give you my chapatti, I will die and if I give you my child’s he would die. I don’t have anything else to give you.”

Idris said, “Your son is young, half a chapatti will suffice him and half will help me to live.” The woman ate her share and distributed the other one between Idris and her son. When the child saw Idris eating from his share of the chapatti, he started crying and was so disturbed that he died. The woman shouted out, “Stranger! you have killed my child.” Idris said, “Do not fear, by the order of Allah I will make him alive.” Saying this he kept his hands on the shoulder of the boy and said, “O soul who has left the body of this child, by the order of Allah return to his body again. I am Idris the Messenger of Allah.” The boy was alive once more. The woman saw this and said, “I witness that you are Prophet Idris.” And she ran out shouting, “O people! Congratulations to you and glad tidings that we will be relieved of our troubles and sufferings as Idris has returned to our city.” Idris came out and reached the palace of the first tyrant king, which was on a hill. A group of people came and complained, “O Idris! In these twenty years, you did not have any mercy on us. We were involved in such difficulties and miseries and many of us starved to death. We request you now pray to Allah for rains.” Idris replied, “I will not pray until the time this tyrant king and the people of your city come to me walking, barefoot and request me.” When the king heard this, he sent forty people to kill Idris. When they reached near Idris, he cursed them and they all died. When the king heard this, he sent 500 people to arrest him. They came to Idris and said, “We have come to take you to the king.” Idris replied, “Look at these forty men (who had come before you to take me); see how they are lying dead. If you all do not go back you too will meet the same fate.”

They said, “O Idris, you have involved us in hunger for twenty years and now you are cursing us. Is there no mercy in your heart?” Idris replied, “I will not go to that tyrant nor will I pray for the rains until that tyrant and all the people don’t come to me walking barefoot.” Hearing this, the people returned to the king and repeated the statement of Idris. So the King together with the people came to Idris and all stood helplessly before him and requested him to pray for rain. Idris prayed. That very same moment clouds gathered in the sky, there was thunder and lightening and it started raining. It rained so much that they feared they would drown. Finally, they all returned home.1

Horus / Osiris VS Seth

Bastard by Aliens or Invisible Beings...

The story of Enoch reads like that of a god, angel, or one who came here to teach humanity.

The Watchers and Angels were Aliens.

Enoch was in fact an alien, or he couldn't have lived as long as he did - 366 years (3284-3017 BC.) - and impacted on the human consciousness hologram to help humanity evolve within that timeline. They had devices which gave the powers of communication, teleportation, and the understanding we seek today about the truth of our creation and where it is all headed now in the second decade of the 21st century. It's all myth, math, and metaphor, brought forth into our timeline to understand the nature of Reality.

Enoch was also Thoth, Hermes, Zoroaster, Metatron, among others who wrote books about the Sacred Knowledge of Creation.

In the Qur'an, Enoch is called Idris. In the bible he is sometimes called Akhnookh.

As with all of these enigmatic teachers, the real truth remains hidden within the illusion of reality, soon to be discovered.

Enoch is a figure in the Generations of Adam. Enoch is described as Adam's greatx4 grandson (through Seth), the son of Jared, the father of Methuselah, and the great-grandfather of Noah. The text reads - uniquely in the Generations - that Enoch "walked with God: and he was not; for God took him," (Genesis 5:22-29) suggesting he did not experience the mortal death ascribed to Adam's other descendants.

Despite the brief descriptions of him, Enoch is one of the main two focal points for much of the 1st millennium BC Jewish mysticism, notably in the Book of Enoch. Additionally, Enoch is important in some Christian denominations: He is commemorated as one of the Holy Forefathers in the Calendar of Saints of the Armenian Apostolic Church and the Armenian Catholic Church on July 26. He also features in the Latter Day Saint movement.

Enoch appears in Genesis as the seventh of the ten pre-Deluge Patriarchs. The function of the Patriarchs is primarily to mark the passage of immense periods of time: each lives for several centuries, has a son, lives more centuries, and dies. Enoch is unique in the series on two counts: his life-span of 365 years is extremely short in the context of his long-lived peers, and he does not die, the Bible noting rather that "he was not, for God took him." (Genesis 5:22-29).

In the Septuagint the phrase "God took him" is rendered with the Greek verb metatithemi a common Greek verb for moving from one place to another.

Sirach 44:16 states, "Enoch pleased God and was translated into paradise that he may give repentance to the nations."

In classical Rabbinical literature, there are divergent opinions of Enoch. After Christianity and Judaism had separated, the prevailing view regarding Enoch was that of Targum Pseudo-Jonathan, which thought of Enoch as a pious man, taken to Heaven, and receiving the title of Safra rabba (Great scribe).

However, while Christianity was separating from Judaism, the Jewish view of Enoch was he was the only pious man of his time and was taken away before he would become corrupted.

According to Rashi [from Genesis Rabba], Enoch was a righteous man, but he could easily be swayed to return to do evil. Therefore, the Holy One, blessed be He, hastened and took him away and caused him to die before his time. For this reason, Scripture changed the wording in the account of his demise and wrote, and he was no longer in the world to complete his years.

Among the minor Midrashim, esoteric attributes of Enoch are expanded upon. In the Sefer Hekalot, Rabbi Ishmael is described as having visited the 7th Heaven, where he meets Enoch, who claims that earth had, in his time, been corrupted by the demons Shammazai, and Azazel, and so Enoch was taken to Heaven to prove that God was not cruel. Similar traditions are recorded in Sirach. Later elaborations of this interpretation treated Enoch as having been a pious ascetic, who, called to mix with others, preached repentance, and gathered (despite the small number of people on Earth) a vast collection of disciples, to the extent that he was proclaimed king. Under his wisdom, peace is said to have reigned on earth, to the extent that he is summoned to Heaven to rule over the sons of God. In a parallel with Elijah, in sight of a vast crowd begging him to stay, he ascends to Heaven on a horse.

Enoch is often confused with Enos. However, Enos is grandson to Adam (Genesis 5:5-6), and great-great-grandfather of Enoch (Genesis 5:9-18).

The New Testament contains 3 references to Enoch. The first is a brief mention in Luke's genealogy of the ancestors of Jesus (Luke 3:37).

The second mention is where the author of the Epistle to the Hebrews writes, "By faith Enoch was transferred, that he should not see death, and was not found, because God had transferred him; for before his transference he had the witness that he had pleased God well." (Hebrews 11:5)

The third mention is in the Epistle of Jude (1:14-15) where the author attributes to "Enoch, the Seventh from Adam" a passage unknown in the Old Testament. The quotation is believed by most modern scholars to be taken from 1 Enoch 1:9 which exists in Greek, in Ethiopic, as part of the Ethiopian Orthodox canon, and also in Aramaic among the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Though the same scholars recognize that 1 Enoch 1:9 itself is a midrash of the words of Moses "he came from the ten thousands of holy ones" from Deuteronomy 33:2. The introductory phrase "Enoch, the Seventh from Adam" is also found in 1 Enoch (1 En. 60:8), though not in the Old Testament. In the New Testament this Enoch prophesies "to" ungodly men, that God shall come with His holy ones to judge and convict them (Jude 1:14-15).

Early Christianity contains various traditions concerning the "translation" of Enoch. Regarding the quotation in Jude, most of early Christianity considered it an independent quotation pre-dating the flood. Regarding the Book of Enoch itself Origen, Jerome and Augustin mention it, but as of no authority. Justin, Athenagoras, Irenaeus, Clemens Alexandrinus, Lactantius, and others borrowed an opinion out of this book of Enoch, that the angels had connection with the daughters of men, of whom they had offspring ('the giants of the past'). Tertullian, in several places, speaks of this book with esteem; and would persuade us, that it was preserved by Noah during the deluge.

According to the Figurists (a group of Jesuit missionaries mainly led by Joachim Bouvet into China at the end of the 17th and the beginning of the 18th century and based on ideas of Matteo Ricci 1552 to 1610), Fu Xi in China's ancient history is actually Enoch.

Enoch is not counted as a saint in Roman Catholic tradition, though Enoch has a saints day, July 26, in the Armenian Apostolic Church. The "St. Enoch" in the place name St. Enoch's Square, Glasgow, is a corruption from the site of a medieval chapel to Saint Teneu, the legendary mother of Saint Mungo, and unconnected with Enoch.

Enoch is revered in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, and the Enochic texts Jubilees and 1 Enoch regarded as the 13th and 14th books, respectively, of the Tewahedo Old Testament canon. Most churches, including the Catholic, Greek Orthodox, and Protestant churches, do not accept the books. Some Evangelical commentators consider Enoch to be one of the Two Witnesses in the Book of Revelation due to the fact that he did not die according to Genesis 5:24. Two televangelists holding this view, for example, are Pastor John Hagee of Christians United for Israel and Hebrew Roots Bible teacher Perry Stone.

Among the Latter Day Saint movement and particularly in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Enoch is viewed as having founded an exceptionally righteous city, named Zion, in the midst of an otherwise wicked world. This view is encountered in the Mormon scripture (see Standard Works), the Pearl of Great Price and the Doctrine and Covenants, which states that not only Enoch, but the entire peoples of the city of Zion, were taken off this earth without death, because of their piety.

(Zion is defined as "the pure in heart" and this city of Zion will return to the earth at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.) The Doctrine and Covenants further states that Enoch prophesied that one of his descendants, Noah, and his family, would survive a Great Flood and thus carry on the human race and preserve the Gospel.

The Book of Moses in the Pearl of Great Price has several chapters that give an account of Enoch's preaching, visions and conversations with God. In these same chapters are details concerning the wars, violence and natural disasters in Enoch's day, and notable miracles performed by Enoch.

The Book of Moses is itself an excerpt from Joseph Smith's translation of the Bible, which is published in full, complete with these chapters concerning Enoch, by Community of Christ, as the Holy Scriptures/Inspired Version of the Bible, where it appears as part of the Book of Genesis. D&C 104:24 (CofC) / 107:48-49 (LDS) states that Adam ordained Enoch to the higher priesthood (now called the Melchizedek, after the great high priest) at age 25, that he was 65 when Adam blessed him, and he lived 365 years after that until he was translated, so making him 430 years old when that occurred.

Additionally in LDS theology, Enoch is implied to be the scribe who recorded Adam's blessings and prophecies at Adam-ondi-Ahman, as recorded in D&C 107:53-57 (LDS) / D&C 104:29b (CofC).

Enoch called the people back to his forefathers' religion, but only a few listened to him, while the majority turned away. According to the Talmud Selections (pp. 18-21) when the people went astray, Enoch who lived a pious life in seclusion was given prophethood. He came among the people and by his sermons and speeches made the people give up the idolatry and obey the Command of God. Enoch ruled them and during his reign there was peace and justice. Enoch and his followers left Babylon for Egypt. There he carried on his mission, calling people to what is just and fair, teaching them certain prayers and instructing them to fast on certain days and to give a portion of their wealth to the poor.

Enoch allegedly taught the sons of men the art of building cities, and enacted some admirable laws. He discovered the knowledge of the Zodiac, and the course of the Planets; and he pointed out to the sons of men, that they should worship God, that they should fast, that they should pray, that they should give alms, votive offerings, and tenths. He reprobated abominable foods and drunkenness, and appointed festivals for sacrifices to the Sun, at each of the Zodiacal Signs.

Enoch's name signified in the Hebrew, Initiate or Initiator. The legend of the columns, of granite and brass or bronze, erected by him, is probably symbolical. That of bronze, which survived the flood, is supposed to symbolize the mysteries, of which Masonry is the legitimate successor from the earliest times the custodian and depository of the great philosophical and religious truths, unknown to the world at large, and handed down from age to age by an unbroken current of tradition, embodied in symbols, emblems, and allegories.

His teachings had a substantial Zoroastrian influence on Judaism when Jewish exiles were exposed to the Persian religion during the Babylonian captivity. Some Jews adopted Enochian tradition in Babylon during the Exile and brought it back to Canaan when Cyrus gave them leave to Return. The Enochian Jews were detested by the priesthood in Jerusalem, and they were forced to flee into the desert before 300 BCE. Naturally, they supported the Maccabees during the uprising of 165 BCE. The Enochians at Qumran updated the text to include Judah the Hammer in the big story.

The last of the Essene stragglers buried the secret book in Cave IV at Qumran c.70 CE. The urban Christians and Jews of the Near East rejected it. The authors of the Apocalypse rewrote and retitled it, but they didn't understand the heptadic structure of the original lines, the arrangement of sevens. Only the students of the Merkabah in Babylonia possessed the key to the Enochian mystery.

Is the story of Prophet Idris/Enoch based on ancient Egyptian Believes?

Astronomy confirms the accuracy of the Book of Enoch Read More >>> Extra Terrestrials Bastard Mankind...

Ancient Scriptures = Ancient Religions??

Many religionists do not understand their own religion let alone the religion of others. It is even worse for Muslims because they have been taught not to become too familiar with non-Islamic religions lest they get influenced or become ‘misled’ by ‘false teachings’, which may result in them becoming apostates, or at the very least ‘confused’.

Hence Muslims will insulate and isolate themselves from the other religions and will, for sure, not want to research into the non-Islamic religions even for academic purposes. They would rather remain ignorant than become enlightened and maybe violate Islam in any way, unwittingly or otherwise. Most Muslims would be of the opinion that by reading up on the other religions this may expose you to the danger of allowing Satan to mislead you. In fact, the Muslims believe you should not even be reading up on your own religion and if you want to learn then go seek out a guru, Mahaguru or Ustaz (Religious Teacher) and to learn from him.

Books, Internet Sources, or Religious or Scientific Blogs must never be your teacher, they will argue. If you depend on those sources for knowledge, then Satan, aka Devil will become your teacher. Hence you must learn from a human teacher to avoid Satan aka. Devil from becoming your teacher when you attempt to learn from books minus a human teacher.

Muslims are also of the opinion that everything comes under theology. Even the history about religions is considered theology. But theology is about dogma while history is about events. And while dogma deals with faith, history deals with events. So why can’t theology and history be separated?The danger with lumping history under theology would be that history might be tailored or doctored to fit into the dogma. Hence history may need to be ‘adjusted’ so that it does not contradict dogma. In other words, whenever dogma and history disagree, dogma would override history. History would have to be ‘rewritten’ to support dogma.This is not a problem just with Muslims but with all religionists. They fear looking at history independently of dogma lest that raises questions as to the accuracy of certain dogmatic teachings. Ignorance is bliss, as they say, so they rather remain in ignorance than open up a can of worms that may shake their faith. Better we not know than we know and start doubting.

Lakum dinukum waliya din!!!

"To you be your religion, and to me my religion (Islamic Monotheism)." - It's My Life!!!

To Be with Master or To Be Without!!!

The Roots or Origins

Religion did not fall from the sky. Religion evolved and transformed. And this is a point that many religionists find hard to accept. If religion fell from the sky then it clearly came from God. If religion evolved and transformed then there has to be a history and this would mean there also has to be roots or origins.

The largest religious grouping in the world would be the Abrahamic faiths. Islam calls them the People of the Book (Ahl al-Kitāb in Arabic), a term used to designate non-Muslims to whom the scriptures have been revealed. The three types of adherents to faiths that the Qur’an mentions as People of the Book are the Jews, Sabians and Christians and Islam recognises all three of these religions. There are many references in the Qur’an regarding the People of the Book.

Let us, however, rewind or review to earlier religions, which some scholars consider the roots or origins of the Abrahamic faiths.

Mithraism was a religion popular with the Roman military and was the religion that was brought to Britain before the birth of Christ. Eventually, the Britons and Saxons embraced Mithraism although there was a tug-of-war later between paganism and Christianity after the Romans left and Christianity began to take root in Britain.

It was mainly a contest between the druids and the priests and of course Christianity won when the kings embraced Christianity because the king had the power to impose the death sentence on pagans who refused to convert to Christianity. Hence it was not dogma but the sword that won the day.

However, Mithraism itself was not originally a Roman religion. It was a Persian religion that was later adopted by the Greeks and even later by the Romans. We must remember that Persia was already an empire much earlier but was later replaced by the Greek Empire and after that by the Roman Empire.

One interesting point to note, though, is that Mitra is a Sanskrit word, which is found in the Rig Veda and means friend or friendship and is inscribed in the peace treaty between the Hittites and the kingdom of Mitanni at about 1400 BC.

One very important ritual in Mithraism is the sacrifice of the bull, which was also a ritual of the old pre-Islamic Arabic religion. The slaying of the bull is celebrated as the Mithraic New Year on 25th December, which was also the birthday of Mithras, the offspring of the sun. December 25th is also considered the birthday of Christ and the birth of Christ is also beginning of the Christian year.

Some scholars have identified the ancient Aryan deity, who appears in Persian literature as Mithras, as the Hindu god Mitra of the Vedic hymns. Others say that the Graeco-Roman representation of the slaying of the bull is also an event in Zoroastrian cosmogony described in the Zoroastrian text.

Hence there appears to be many overlaps between these various pre-Christianity and pre-Islamic religions. Some studies even suggest that Mithras was of a virgin birth, although there is no text to support this argument, plus Mithraism also has the communion, the taking of the consecrated bread and wine.

Zoroastrianism emerged out of a common prehistoric Indo-Iranian religious system dating back to early 2,000 BC. Most scholars believe that the key concepts of Zoroastrian eschatology and demonology influenced the Abrahamic religions. On the other hand, Zoroastrianism itself inherited ideas from other belief systems. Hence Zoroastrianism, which is the root of the Arabic religious belief, is itself not original.

How Mitra became Mithras

Seema Anand tells the story of the Sun God Mitra, and how he came to be known as Mithras.

Iran - People of the Flames Zoroastrians

In search of the Zoroastrians an ancient people who have tended a holy flame for the last 2500 years.

That, in a nutshell, is what some scholars view as the origins of the various modern-day religions. And they hold the view that none of today’s religions are original but evolved, transformed or mutated from earlier religions. But this would be true only if your take into consideration their history minus the dogma. Religionists, however, would disagree with this view and will insist that their religion is unique and came directly from God and that nothing was borrowed from earlier religions.

The Dawn of Religion : Documentary on the First Beliefs of Ancient Peoples

You're not the only One!!!

Evolution of Religion? MITHRAS = CHRISTIANITY? (The Missing Link)

This religion, cloaked in mystery and secrecy, has captivated the imaginations of scholars for generations. Many facts discovered sheds vital light on the cultural dynamics that led to the rise of Christianity. The National Geographic Society’s book “Great Religions of the World,” page 309 writes; “By Jesus’ time, East and West had mingled here for three centuries. Down columns of boulevards walked Roman soldiers loyal to the Persian god Mithras.” Mithras was a Persian deity. He was also the most widely venerated god in the Roman Empire at the time of Jesus. The Catholic Encyclopedia as well as the early Church Fathers found this religion of Mithras very disturbing, as there are so many similarities between the two religions, as follows:

1) Hundreds of years before Jesus, according to the Mithraic religion, three Wise Men of Persia came to visit the baby savior-god Mithra, bring him gifts of gold, myrrh and frankincense.

2) Mithra was born on December 25 as told in the “Great Religions of the World”, page 330; “…it was the winter solstice celebrated by ancients as the birthday of Mithraism’s sun god”.

3) According to Mithraism, before Mithra died on a cross, he celebrated a “Last Supper with his twelve disciples, who represented the twelve signs of the zodiac.

4) After the death of Mithra, his body was laid to rest in a rock tomb.

5) Mithra had a celibate priesthood.

6) Mithra ascended into heaven during the spring (Passover) equinox (the time when the sun crosses the equator making night and day of equal length).

As you can now see, Christianity derived many of its essential elements from the ancient religion of Mithraism. Mithraism became intertwined with the cult of Jesus to form what is known today as “Christianity.” Although literary sources on this religion are sparse, an abundance of material evidence exists in the many Mithraic temples and artifacts that archaeologists have found scattered throughout the Roman Empire, from England in the north and west to Palestine in the south and east. The temples were usually built underground in caves, which are filled with an extremely elaborate iconography (illustrating by pictures, figures and images). There were many hundreds of Mithraic temples in the Roman Empire, the greatest concentrations have been found in the city of Rome itself.

We often hear about how many of the traditions, rites and symbols of modern day "Christian" holidays have their roots in paganism. Have you ever wondered why December 25th was chosen to celebrate the birth of Jesus? Could it only be a consequence that ancient paganism and the story of Mithras' birth coincides with the Yule/Christmas season? If the accounts in the Bible are correct, the time of Jesus birth would have been closer to mid-summer, for this is when shepherds would have been "tending their flocks in the field " and the new lambs were born. Strange enough, the ancient pagan religion, Mithraism, which dates back over 4,000 years, also celebrated the birth of their "saviour" on December 25th. Franz Cumont, who is consider by many to be the leading research authority on Roman Paganism, explained the ancient religion called Mithraism.

Then Mithras returned to the earth to teach humanity His commandments and begin Mysteries and Rites which would help humans remember His acts on our behalf. Because of His actions, we can choose good without the overwhelming power of evil, even though evil's influence can still seem powerful because our minds believe it is. Because of His teachings, we know that the purpose of our lives is to serve others in the name of Mithras. The followers refer to Him as the "Light of the World" a phrase often used also in Christian faith when referring to Jesus.

This son of a god born of a virgin, was so commonly spread in those days that Philo of Alexandria (30 BCE - 45 CE), warned against this widespread superstitious belief in unions between male gods and human females. The offspring’s are known as demigods.

Tammuz, who was incorporated also into Attis and Mithras, and they stood model for the story in the NT, because they were deities who all are supposed to have died and resurrected. Tammuz was always called Adon, meaning Lord. (the Greek Adonis, was based on him). Actually all these deities were based on the first deity to have died and resurrected, the Egyptian deity Osiris. So there is absolutely nothing unique about Jesus. In fact he is copyright due to Osiris.

Of the following (semi) deities, legends went around that they were born of a virgin:

Augustus (his father was the god Apollo) Agdistis Attis Adonis Buddha Dionysus Korybas Krishna Mithras Osirus Perseus Romulus & Remus Tammuz Zoroaster Jesus

So basically, all the pagan religions were alike, including Christianity. It just happens that one of them got the ascendancy, and became the most powerful, and did its best to wipe out all the others. In addition to a lack of historical support, many characteristics of Jesus, which Christians today believe in, are undeniably similar or identical to religious trends and beliefs that preceded Christianity. There are tens of accounts of pagan gods of many different cultures who were said to have the same attributes as those that Christians claim Jesus had. A brief review of some of these may lead to some interesting questions concerning the originality of the Christian claim:

ATTIS - Phrygia: Born of the virgin Nana on December 25. He was both the Father and the Divine Son. He was a savior crucified on a tree for the salvation of mankind. He was buried but on the third day the priests found the tomb empty -- He had arisen from the dead (on March 25th). He followers were baptized in blood, thereby washing away their sins -- after which they declared themselves "born again." His followers ate a sacred meal of bread, which they believed became the body of the savoir.

BUDDIAH – INDIA: Born of the Virgin Maya on December 25th. He was announced by a star and attended by wise men presenting costly gifts. At birth angles sing heavenly songs. He taught in temple at age 12. Tempted by Mara, the Evil One (Satan), while fasting. He was baptized in water with the Spirit of God present. Buddiah healed the sick and fed 500 from a small basket of cakes and even walked on water. He came to fulfill the law and preached the establishment of a kingdom of righteousness and obliged followers to poverty and to renounce the world. He transfigured on a mount. Died (on a cross, in some traditions), buried but arose again after tomb opened by supernatural powers. Ascended into heaven (Nirvana). Will return in later days to judge the dead. Buddiah was called: "Good Shepherd," "Carpenter," "Alpha and Omega," "Sin Bearer," "Master," "Light of the World," "Redeemer," etc.

DIONYSUS - GREECE: Born of a Virgin on December 25th, placed in a manger. He was a traveling teacher who performed many miracles. Turned water into wine. Followers ate sacred meal that became the body of the god. He rose from the dead March 25th. Identified with the ram and lamb's and was called "King of Kings," "Only Begotten Son," "Savior," "Redeemer," "Sin bearer," "Anointed One," the "Alpha and Omega."

HERACLES – GREECE: Born at the winter equinox of a virgin who refrained from sex with her until her god-begotten child was born and was sacrificed at the spring equinox. He too, was called "Savior," "Only begotten," "Prince of Peace," "Son of Righteousness."

KRISHNA - INDIA: Krishna was born while his foster-father Nanda was in the city to pay his tax to the king. His nativity heralded by a star, Krishna was born of the virgin Devaki in a cave, which at the time of his birth was miraculously illuminated. The cow-herds adored his birth. King Kansa sought the life of the Indian Christ by ordering the massacre of all male children born during the same night at He. Krishna traveled widely, performing miracles -- raising the dead, healing lepers, the deaf and the blind. The crucified Krishna is pictured on the cross with arms extended. Pierced by an arrow while hanging on the cross, Krishna died, but descended into Hell from which He rose again on the third day and ascended into Heaven. (The Gospel of Nicodemus tell of Jesus' descent into Hell.) He will return on the last day to judge the quick and the dead. Krishna is the second person of the Hindu trinity.

OSIRIS – EGYPT: He came to fulfill the law. Called "KRST," the "Anointed One." Born of the virgin Isis-Meri on December 25th in a cave / manger, with his birth announced by a star and attended by three wise men. Earthly father named "Seb" (translates to "Joseph.") At age 12 he was a child teacher in the Temple and at 30 he was baptized, having disappeared for 18 years. Osiris was baptized in the river Iarutana -- the river Jordan -- by "Anup the Baptizer," who was beheaded. (Anup translates to John.) He performed miracles, exorcised demons, raised El-Osiris from the dead. Walked on water and was betrayed by Typhon, crucified between two thieves on the 17th day of the month of Athyr. Buried in a tomb from which he arose on the third day (19th Athyr) and was resurrected. His suffering, death, and resurrection celebrated each year by His disciples on the Vernal Equinox -- Easter. Called "The Way, the Truth, the Light," "Messiah," "god's Anointed Son,' the "Son of Man," the "Word made Flesh," the "word of truth." Expected to reign a thousand years.

Do they know it's Christmas

NOTE 1: Persian legends of Mithras says that He was born of the Sun God and a virgin mother, called "the Mother of God", on December 25th. They saw him as a symbol of justice, truth, and loyalty. He was considered the saviour of humankind, and stories abound of His healing the sick, raising the dead, and performing miracles (making the blind see and the lame walk). Throughout His lifetime, He was seen as a protector of human souls, a mediator between "heaven" and "earth" and was even associated with a "holy trinity". He remained celibate, until the ripe old age of 64, throughout his life and preached the virtues of ethics, moral behavior, and good will. Does this sound familiar? Sure sounds like Jesus.

NOTE 2: Ancient Persians believed in a "celestial heaven" and hell. They believed that they would be judged by their god and granted justice of" eternal salvation. On judgement day, the faithful dead would be resurrected and light would triumph over darkness.

NOTE 3: They took part in ritual purification or baptism, held Sundays sacred, drank wine and ate bread as a symbol of the body and blood and even took part in ritualistic purging (purification rites such as flagellation).

NOTE 4: In their legends, Mithras had an "earthly mission' to accomplish. He then was put to death on a cross and buried in a cave (some legends have Him held in a cave to be reborn once a year).

NOTE 5: He then "rose from the dead" and took part in a last supper with his 12 disciples (often associated with the 12 signs of the zodiac) and then ascended to the heavens to watch over His "flock" from above.

Jingle Bells

As a footnote to all this: The World Book Encyclopedia tells that Mithras was an angel of light who fought on the side against the forces of evil. In the Zoroastrian religion of ancient Persia Mithras was called “the Heavenly Light.” This belief carried to Assyria and Asia Minor where many people identified him with the sun. Mithraism came into the ancient Roman world about 75 BCE., and ranked as a principal competitor of Christianity for 200 years. In addition to a lack of historical support, many characteristics of Jesus, which Christians today believe in, are undeniably similar or identical to religious trends and beliefs that preceded Christianity. There are tens of accounts of pagan gods of many different cultures who were said to have the same attributes as those that Christians claim Jesus had.

Trinity―Trinities were popular in pagan sects before Christianity was introduced to the world. Some of the more well known trinity gods included Mithra-Vohu Mana-Rashnu, Amen-Mut-Khonsu, and Osiris-Isis-Horus. Virgin Birth―Among the pagan cultures that preceded Christianity, virgin birth stories abounded. The long list of pagan gods born of virgins includes: Romulus and Remus, Zoroaster, Buddha, Mithras, Chrishna, Osiris-Aion, Agdistis, Attis, Tammuz, Adonis, Korybas, Perseus, and Dionysus. Disciples―In the following 'saviors' cases, a grouping of disciples was present, just as they were present in Jesus' story: Horus, Buddha, Chrishna, Dionysus, Mithra. Interestingly enough, in the case of Dionysus, his disciple Acoetes was a boatman, just as Jesus' disciple Peter. And just as Peter was freed from jail when the doors miraculously flew open, so was Dionysus' disciple Acoetes. In Budda's case, he, like Jesus, demanded that his disciples renounce all worldly possessions. Yet another instance of similarity is that the disciples of both Jesus and Buddha were said to have been arrested for preaching, as well as witnessed to have "walked on water." Miracles―Among those 'saviors' who, like Jesus, performed countless miracles include: Horus, Chrishna, Buddha, Dionysus, Mithra, Osirus, and Adonis. Horus was said to have walked on water, just as Jesus did. In addition, Horus raised one man, El-Azarus, from the dead in front of countless witnesses. In the case of Buddha, it was told that he fed five hundred men with one loaf of bread, that he cured lepers, and that he caused the blind to see. Dionysus rescued a person from dying when the person was utterly desolate and placed them among the stars. And he gave food and drink, herbs and berries, to the starving people -- not to mention turning water into wine. The Sun―Here is another common theory, quoted from S. Acharya's "The Origins of Christianity and the Quest for the Historical Jesus:" "The reason why all these pagan narratives are so similar to a "god-man" is that these stories were based on the movements of the sun through the heavens, an astrotheological development that can be found throughout the planet because the sun and the 12 zodiac signs can be observed around the globe.

What Happen Today!!!!

Paul was supposedly born and raised in the city of Tarsus, a region in SE Asia-Minor (now called Turkey) where Mithras was well known. Biblical scholars are now saying that Paul, the alleged author of 13 out of the 27 (maybe more) books of the New Testament, may have been influenced in his writings by this strong religion of Mithraism. We can see a profound kinship between Mithraism and Christianity.

In-as-much as Mithraism was so popular in Rome, it is no wonder why the pagan Emperor Constantine, who believed in the sun god, Mithras, designated a certain day of the week to him, Sunday, which means, “the day of the sun.”

The original "Christian" faith became a mix of pagan, Mithramic, Jeudeo/Christian teaching. This lead to the confusing mix of theology that we have today within the "Christian" community. This apostacy from the original simple and plain teachings of Christ was accelerated by the persecutions and killings of any who tried to support the "old" ways. Maybe this solves the mystery of the “ungodly” marriage between Mithraism and the cult of Jesus. As it turns out, it was all for political convenience! But, Christians think they are better than that today. In short: The "Christianity" they have today has almost no relationship, in doctrine or in way of life, to the "the original teachings of Jesus."

In my mind, there are two Jesus' teachings. Jesus the Jew and Jesus the Gentile, which by the way is really Paul's Jesus. And guess which one Christians follow? The ex-pagan Constantine liked Paul's Jesus over Jesus the Jew. Jesus and all the others upon whom this character is predicated are personifications of the sun, and the Gospel fable is merely a rehash of a mythological formula revolving around the movements of the sun through the heavens. For instance, many of the world's crucified "god-men" have their traditional birthday on December 25. This is because the ancients recognized that (from an earth-centric perspective) the sun makes an annual descent southward until December 21 or 22, the winter solstice, when it stops moving southerly for three days and then starts to move northward again. During this time, the ancients declared that "God's sun" had "died" for three days and was "born again" on December 25. The ancients realized quite abundantly that they needed the sun to return every day and that they would be in big trouble if the sun continued to move southward and did not stop and reverse its direction. Thus, these many different cultures celebrated the "sun of God's" birthday on December 25th. The following are the characteristics of the "sun" of God:

a. The sun "dies" for three days on December 22, the winter solstice, when it stops in its movement south, to be born again or resurrected on December 25, it resumes its movement north. b. In some areas, the calendar originally began in the constellation of Virgo, and the sun would therefore be "born of a Virgin." c. The sun is the "Light of the World." d. The sun "cometh on clouds, and every eye shall see him." e. The sun rising in the morning is the "Savior of mankind." f. The sun wears a corona ("crown of thorns") or a halo. g. The sun "walks on water." h. The sun's "followers" or "disciples" are the 12 months and the 12 signs of the Zodiac, through which the sun must pass. i. The sun is "crucified," which represents it's passing through the equinoxes, the vernal equinox being Easter, at which time it is then resurrected.

My Oh My Ohh MY Oh Mine!!!

If Adam is the Root, the Saviour Jesus is from It's Source!!! But to only knew tat a Virgin Birth is not a miracle anymore as it is common to most Religion. My Oh My Oh Myyy....Oh Mine!!!

In addition, all over the world are sites where this "god" or that allegedly was born, walked, suffered, died, etc., a common occurrence that is not monopolized by, and did not originate with, Christianity. An early Christian Syrian writer (quoted in Credner's "De Natalitorium Christi Origine") wrote the following concerning the December 25 hoax: "The reason why the Church fathers transferred the celebration from January 6 to December 25, was that it was the custom of the pagans to celebrate on the same December 25 the birthday of the sun, at which time they lit lights in token of festivity, and in these rites and festivals the Christians also took part. Accordingly, when the doctors of the Church perceived that the Christians had a liking for this festival, they resolved that the true nativity should be commemorated on that day." When the Christ myth was new Mithras and Mithraism were already ancient. Worshiped for centuries as God's Messenger of Truth, Mithras was long revered by the Persians and the Indians (Zoroastrianism) before his faith found it's way to Rome where His mysteries flourished in the second century AD. Every year in Rome, in the middle of winter, the Son of God was born one more, putting an end to darkness. Every year at first minute of December 25th the temple of Mithras was lit with candles, priests in in white garments celebrated the birth of the Son of God and boys burned incense. Mithras was born in a cave, on December 25th, of a virgin mother. He came from heaven to be born as a man, to redeem men from their sin. He was know as "Savior," "Son of God," "Redeemer," and "Lamb of God." With twelve disciples he traveled far and wide as a teacher and illuminator of men. He was buried in a tomb from which he rose again from the dead -- an event celebrated yearly with much rejoicing. His followers kept the Sabbath holy, holding sacramental feasts in remembrance of Him. The sacred meal of bread and water, or bread and wine, was symbolic of the body and blood of the sacred bull.

Baptism in the blood of the bull (taurobolum) – early Baptism "washed in the blood of the Lamb" – late Baptism by water [recorded by the Christian author Tertullian Mithraic rituals brought about the transformation and Salvation of His adherents --an ascent of the soul of the adherent into the realm of the divine.

All over the world are sites where this "god" or that allegedly was born, walked, suffered, died, etc., a common occurrence that is not monopolized by, and did not originate with, Christianity. At the time of Jesus, as for centuries before, the Mediterranean world roiled with a wide diversity of mythical creeds and rituals. Details varied according to location and culture, but the general outlines of these faiths were astonishingly similar. Simply put, the ancients' gods:

a. Were born on or very near our Christmas Day

b. Were born of a Virgin-Mother

c. Were born in a Cave or Underground Chamber.

d. Led a life of toil for Mankind.

e. Were called by the names of Light-bringer, Healer, Mediator, Savior, Deliverer.

f. Were however vanquished by the Powers of Darkness.

g. And descended into Hell or the Underworld.

h. Rose again from the dead, and became the pioneers of mankind to the Heavenly world.

i. Founded Communions of Saints, and Churches into which disciples were received by Baptism.

j. Were commemorated by Eucharistic meals.

Whatever & Ever!!!

Many professors of modern and past times cannot help but conclude that Jesus is based on mythical deities of old. Among these scholars number individuals such as Porphry (3rd Century), Max Muller, Ernest de Bunsen, Joseph Wheless, Albert Churchward (all of the 19th Century), and T.W. Doane (20th Century). Even Pope Leo X, privy to the truth because of his high rank, made this curious declaration, "It was well known how profitable this fable of Christ has been to us" ("The Diegesis" by Rev. Robert Taylor, footnote, p. 35).

I Found A Saviour; Its in the Forehead...For I Found Myself!!!

Somebody love me Somebody care Somebody hold me When I am scared Somebody reach out and hold my hand Somebody somewhere must understand I found you You wanted me too Somebody touch me Somebody give Give me a reason I wanna live Oh, I don't ask for much All I want darling is a little trust I found you You wanted me too I found you You wanted me too Somebody trust me, Somebody care I ain't got much, girl But I'm willing to share Oh it's hard, this world can be so cold We all need a little love It's what makes us whole I found you You wanted me too

Social Animal

  • I don’t need to know everything; I just need to know where to find it, when I need it.

  • Never keep anything in your mind that you can look up.

  • Never memorize what you can look up in books.


Sociable Voice onto the Wall Media



By FND Beast

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