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A Bastard World - Part IV (Who's the Biggest Bastard?)

Writer's picture: Voice Of Beruk aka. BeastVoice Of Beruk aka. Beast

Since the World is a Bastard Place that seems Busted by Humans; Who can possibly be the Greatest Bastard? To be Busted in a Bastard Damn Place of Existence...

The stories about Jesus's birth in the Bible are contained in the Books of Matthew and Luke. These two accounts contradict each other in many places. Many elements are certainly untrue. There are no Roman records attesting to the birth (or life) of Jesus. Events such as King Herod's killing of every male child simply did not occur2 - none of Herod's enemies mention it, for example, despite their routine documenting of his many misdeeds of a much lesser nature.

Also unhistorical is the curious Roman census that required (for what reason?) everyone to go to cities associated with their ancestors. But similar stories are found about previous pagan god-man saviours. Likewise with the Virgin Birth, which has now been shown to simply be a mistranslation deriving from the Septuagint.

And what of the 3 wise men who follow the bright star to Jesus's birthplace, bearing gifts? Other star gazers of the time, who meticulously recorded many stellar events, did not notice it.

It is a Zoroastrian story, even down to the details of the 3 gifts, copied by Christians and made to be about Jesus. The stories of Jesus's birth are rewrites, modernisations, of previous stories from older pagan myths. These facts have led some scholars to cast doubt on Jesus's entire existence.

It seems highly likely that Luke, when writing of the events that surrounded Jesus' birth, was thinking of the famous Roman myth (that was around well before the Jesus' myth) of Romulus and Remus - who also were born by a virgin, and also had a king ordering the slaughter of all the other children in the same area. If the saviour was Jesus, surely he was also born of a virgin, etc? Myth is rewritten as history.

The story of the baby being born in a stable at Bethlehem because there was no room for him at the inn is one of the most powerful myths ever given to the human race. A myth, however, is what it is. Even if we insist on taking every word of the Bible as literally true, we shall still not be able to find there the myth of Jesus being born in a stable. None of the Gospels state that he was born in a stable, and nearly all the details of the nativity scenes which have inspired great artists, and delighted generations of churchgoers on Christmas Eve, stem neither from history nor from Scripture, but from folk-lore. [...] Which is the more powerful figure of our imaginations - the 'real', historical Jesus of Nazareth, or the divine being, who in his great humility came down to be born as a poverty-stricken outcast?”

- "Jesus" by A. N. Wilson (1993)

The Prophecy of the Virgin Birth appears in Matthew 1:22-23. Matthew wrote this seventy years after Jesus Christ was born (35-40 years after he died). Up until that point no other text mentions Jesus' virgin birth. He quotes Isaiah 7:14 which was written 700 years before Jesus was born - thus claiming it was a sign, a prediction of the messiah's virgin birth.

But there is a serious problem. Matthew states that, due to prophecy, it is true that Jesus was a male line descendant of King David, and presents a genealogy at the beginning of his gospel tracing Jesus' lineage through Joseph. Matthew, apparently, like Luke and Paul and the rest of the early Christians, did not believe in a virgin birth. There are two theories that explain how this contradiction occurred. (1) A Septuagint mistranslation of the word "virgin" instead of "young woman" caused the discrepancy. The original prophecy is not that someone called Immanuel will be born of a virgin, but merely that someone called Immanuel will be born. In the original context of the story, this makes a lot of sense. (2) Matthew, writing for a Roman gentile audience in Greek, included popular myths surrounding sons of gods, who in Roman mythology were frequently said to be born of virgins. In either case, it is clear that Matthew's prophecy of a virgin birth was a mistake, and modern Bible's actually include a footnote in Matthew pointing out that the virgin birth is a Septuagint mistranslation.”

"The Gospel According to Saint Matthew: 2.1.

- There Was No Virgin Birth" by Vexen Crabtree (2016)

Since the early Christians believed that Jesus was the Messiah, they automatically believed that he was born in Bethlehem. But why did the Christians believe that he lived in Nazareth? The answer is quite simple. The early Greek speaking Christians did not know what the word "Nazarene" meant. The earliest Greek form of this word is "Nazoraios," which is derived from "Natzoriya," the Aramaic equivalent of the Hebrew "Notzri." (Recall that "Yeishu ha-Notzri" is the original Hebrew for "Jesus the Nazarene.") The early Christians conjectured that "Nazarene" meant a person from Nazareth and so it was assumed that Jesus lived in Nazareth. Even today, Christians blithely confuse the Hebrew words "Notzri" (_Nazarene_, _Christian_), "Natzrati" _Nazarethite_) and "nazir" (_nazarite_), all of which have completely different meanings.”

- "The Historical Basis of the Jesus legend" by Hayyim ben Yehoshua

How can it be that even early Christians did not know where Jesus' parents lived? Some conclude that it is because the entire story is merely a re-write of earlier, pagan god-man myths and that a historical Jesus never existed.

So what is the conclusion you can arrive at from all this? The conclusion is do not read too much. Just listen and believe without thinking. That would make your life less complicated.

Jesus was a bastard child

Conceived outside a holy circle

Jesus was an only child

He built the table where they sat

Maybe we were crazy

To nail him up against a tree

Or maybe we were desperate

To see some sign of God's mercy

Repent and just give in

To cleanse yourself of all your sins

We live like Jesus Christ

Knowing we were born to die

Come whatever may

I've prepared myself for this day

I hope that it's true

Born a bastard, died a Fucking Jew...

In Reality One and One Equals Two, But In Fact One and One Equals Three...

C.S. Lewis – “People already knew about God in a vague way. Then came a man who claimed to be God; and yet He was not the sort of man you could dismiss as a lunatic. He made them believe Him. They met Him again after they had seen Him killed. And then, after they had been formed into a little society or community, they found God somehow inside them as well: directing them, making them able to do things they could not do before. And when they worked it all out they found they had arrived at the Christian definition of the three-personal God.”

Often the Father, Son and Spirit are mentioned together in the New Testament (2 Corinthians 13:13, Matthew 28:19, John 14:17-23). They are three in personality but one in nature or essence. Again, Father, Son and Spirit are each God (in essence), but none can be identified with the other.


Again, we must guard ourselves against false understandings of trinity, or we will drift into the errors of “unitarianism” (which roundly rejects the trinity) or tritheism. (The Qur’an mistakes belief in the Trinity for tritheism when it condemns “Those who say Allah is three.” )

In short, all three persons are divine. Obviously our heavenly father is God. In addition, many verses state that Christ is divine (2 Peter 1:1; Titus 2:13; John 1:1, 14), not to mention the indirect proofs of his deity, such as his forgiveness of man’s sins (Mark 2), and claiming as his own the name of God (John 8:58). But how can Christ have two natures simultaneously? An illustration may help.

Lemonade is 100% wet, and yet it is also 100% citrus. It isn’t somehow half wet and half citrus – it’s wholly both at the same time. In the same way, Jesus is human and God.6

While it is true that Father, Son, and Spirit are all God, we cannot correctly say that the Father is the Son, or that Spirit and Son are interchangeable. Analogies therefore need to be carefully selected, lest we inadvertently support false doctrine through our attempts to refute it.

The analogy I have most often used to explain the trinity is the analogy of the amorphous forms of H20. Ice = water, liquid water = water, and steam = water (in essence), but ice is not steam, etc. Though I like the water analogy, its shortcoming is that it implies the false doctrine of modalism – that God appears in one form now, another at another time. I have heard worse analogies: time (past, present and future), even an egg (shell, white and yolk)!

Or explain the Trinity by way of an atom: An atom is a single unit of matter, and yet is comprised of three components; protons, neurons and electrons. The atom IS because of those three, and yet those three are an atom because they are one.

A better analogy involving water is a river, which consists of a source, stream, and current (Father, Son, Spirit). Or how about the sun? This consists of the star (sun) itself, sunbeams, and the sunshine as it falls on the earth.

Trinitarian triangle [figure]

Opponents of trinity ask, how can 1 + 1 + 1 = 1? But the mathematics is all wrong. Really it’s a case of 13 : 1 x 1 x 1 = 1. Moving from simple math to geometry, the triangular illustration may better encapsulate the truth about the relations among the persons of the Trinity:

As someone put it more academically, “A better illustration based in human nature would be, as suggested earlier, the relation between our mind, its ideas, and the expression of these ideas in words. There is obviously a unity among all three of these without there being an identity. In this sense, they illustrate the Trinity.”

No single analogy captures the divine mystery, though the various pictures will be more convincing to different people.

A Truth or A Myth?

And that is why religion is so successful. People are prepared to accept ‘the truth’ based on myth and folklore.

Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. — John 8:32

The Christians will argue that the Bible is the truth. Those who do not believe in the Bible will argue that the Bible is a lie. The Bible was not written during the lifetime of Jesus, like the Qur’an was recorded during the lifetime of Muhammad. While Muslims believe the Qur’an came from God through the angel Gabriel, the Bible was written by so many different people many years after the time of Jesus. And even the names of the authors are fake and were not the disciples of Jesus (who had all died by the time the Bible was written).

In fact, half the Bible comes from Paul, who was not one of the disciples and had never met Jesus and who claims that Jesus talks to him from heaven. Make that claim today (that Jesus is talking to you from heaven) and they will arrest you and lock you away for the rest of your life.

Historians consider the first century as one of the best-documented periods in ancient history. There were actually many Roman and Jewish writers of that period and much of their work — volumes, in fact — still remain intact until today. Hence there should be no reason why an important historical figure or historical event of that time should not be reported in what some may consider ‘secular’ records when even less important events of no real historical value are.

However, we have to depend on the four Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John to find any reference to Jesus because none of the secular records mention him. The Gospels were all written over more than 100 years and after Paul’s letters. So that would place them between the years 58 and almost 200. Mark’s Gospel has to be after the year 70 because he makes references to the Jewish-Roman War and the destruction of the temple that happened between the years 66 and 70.

ANTI CHRIST Jews celebrates Christmas singing Jesus Is a Bastard!!!

Luke 1:1-2 says his story is handed down to his generation so that means he is not an eyewitness but is writing from hearsay. Matthew also lets slip that he is writing long after the event and was not a witness to the events.

Matthew quotes Jesus as telling Peter that ‘upon this rock I will build a church’. Peter must have been very confused with this statement because churches did not exist yet at that time so no one had any clue of that concept. So Matthew was not writing about the past but about the ‘present’ when churches already existed then.

Matthew 10.38 quotes Jesus as saying ‘He who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me’. However, Jesus did not know yet at that time that he would be arrested and crucified. John 10:17 then quotes Jesus as saying ‘Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I may take it up again’ when even Jesus did not know yet that that was going to happen.

Luke 2:1-4 says Jesus was born in the year of the universal tax census when Augustus was Caesar and Quirinius was the governor of Syria. Mathew, Mark and John do not mention this, though. The error here is that Quirinius was not the governor then and he became governor in 6 CE. And, according to the Roman records, the first census was done during the reign of Vespasian in the year 74 CE.

Matthew then says that Jesus was born during the reign of Herod the Great who died four years before Jesus was supposed to have been born and ten years earlier than what Luke reported.

Mark says that just weeks before his death Jesus travelled to Jerusalem followed by a multitude of people. He travels to Galilee, then Capernaum, crosses the Jordan River, and goes to Jericho, Bethphage and Bethany before entering Jerusalem.

John, however, says that Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, ‘which caused a great sensation’, and this enraged the Chief Priest and Pharises, who then plotted to kill him. From that time on Jesus stopped travelling openly and went into hiding.

According to Mark, Matthew and Luke, Jesus died at 3.00pm on the afternoon of Passover, which is the 15th of Nisan of the Jewish calendar. John, however, says that Jesus died on the day before Passover, which is on the 14th of Nisan. However, all four Gospels ‘agree’ that it was on a Friday. So it is either Friday the 14th or Friday the 15th.

John tells us that when it was time for Jesus to be crucified he would not let anyone else carry the cross up the hill. Matthew, Mark and Luke say that Simon of Cyrene helped Jesus carry the cross.

While on the cross, John tells us that Jesus said ‘woman, behold your son’. Mark and Matthew tells us that Jesus said ‘My god, my god, why have you forsaken me?’ while Luke tells us tell us that Jesus said ‘Father, forgive them, for they know not what they are doing’.

Matthew, Mark, Luke and John were supposed to be Jews so that means they would know Jewish laws, customs and traditions of that time. However, according to Haim Cohn, the Attorney General of Israel who later became Justice of the Israeli Supreme Court, what the Gospels reported regarding the trial of Jesus could not have happened because it goes against the legal system of that time.

The Gospel writers also do not seem to understand Jewish politics of that time. The Pharisees and the High Priest, who was a Sadducee, would never collaborate and conspire against Jesus because they hated each other and were bitter enemies. The Pharisees, in fact, regarded the High Priest as a Roman running dog or a ‘trained monkey’.

Then the Gospels tell us that Pilate resorted to the Jewish tradition during Passover of releasing the prisoners to the crowd and let the crowd decide who they want killed — Jesus or Barabbas. However, the Jews had no such tradition and neither did the Romans.

Mark tells us that Jesus travelled on the Sea of Galilee where there were storms and high waves. Actually it is just a small fresh-water lake fed by the Jordan River and is about the same width as Lake Geneva in Switzerland and less than one-third its length — and there are no storms and high waves there either.

Mark tells us that Jesus disembarked in Gerasa, which is actually 30 miles inland. Matthew then tells us that Jesus disembarked in Gadara, which is eight miles inland. So both those places are not ports.

Anyway, maybe I should stop here because in total there are about 1,800 discrepancies and areas of dispute and contradiction. Suffice to say that Christians need to do a critical analysis of the Gospels, just like Muslims should do the same with the almost 7,000 Hadith that have been shortlisted from the original 700,000.

The Myth of it All; In the End A Tale Continues for The Return of the King...

Myth One: Jesus Christ was born on Dec 25 and Christians are celebrating his birthday.

Definitely not! In fact, for the first three centuries of Christianity, Christmas wasn’t in December or any calendar at all. According to most reports, Western Christians celebrated on Dec 25 after Emperor Constantine declared Christianity the empire’s favoured religion. Eastern Orthodox churches, especially in Russia and much of Eastern Europe, however, mark Jan 7 as the date of Christ’s birth.

Myth Two: Christmas trees are compulsory – Westerners chop them down and Asians buy fake ones.

The Christmas tree was introduced by German immigrants into America. Before that, no Americans felt such trees needed to be killed and decorated with silly balls. Guangzhou is now the world’s biggest maker of fake Christmas trees and in Kuala Lumpur, the biggest distributors are in Petaling Street.

Myth Three: Santa Claus is fat, bearded and white and is probably from Norway or a Scandinavian country.

Not true. St Nicholas is said to be a fourth century Bishop of Demre, Turkey, who is said to have carried a sack of toys for children. If they are fat, how could they come down from the chimneys? Well, in Malaysia, there are no fat Santa Claus at the malls and I am more interested in the origins of the slim, curvy Santarinas. Who cares about fat Santas with diabetic problems?

Myth Four: Jesus Christ is white, looks Italian, has blue eyes and blond locks of hair.

That’s a good one but the fact is he was of Middle Eastern stock. He was born in Nazareth in Galilee, in present-day Israel. He would probably be darker in complexion, unlike the pictures drawn by the famous Italian painters commissioned by the churche­s. He was probably tanned.

Myth Five: In the Last Supper, Jesus Christ and his disciples sat at a long table, as depicted by Leonard Da Vinci.

Absolutely not. There was no long table. They sat and ate cross-legged.

Leonardo, like a modern photographer, had to fit Jesus and everyone into a frame, in this case, a painting. And since then, that has been how the Last Supper – the last meal Jesus had with his disciples before he was crucified – has been depicted.

Myth Six: It’s Boxing Day, the day after Christmas, and British Premier League football fans go to the stadiums to box themselves silly.

Boxing Day dates back to the olden days when servants and tradesmen would receive gifts from their employers, known as Christmas Box. In modern days, we would prefer our bosses to bank the bonuse­s into our accounts. No need for boxes lah, thank you very much.

Myth Seven: Turkeys are a must for all Christmas dinners.

That’s comical. This huge bird, whose meat is rather tough to eat, only made its appearanc­e in Europe, particularly in England, in the 16th century.

Myth Eight: Christmas trees must be ­decorated with ornaments and lit up the whole night.

Again, it’s a lie. Anyone saying this must have a political agenda to discredit us Christians. The bloggers should stop it. The reality is we re-use all the previous years’ decorations. You can be sure that the lights will mostly be off this time, especially with the electricity rates hike now.

Jews and Christians believe that Moses received the Ten Commandments from God on Mount Sinai and that the Ten Commandments are the foundation of the Judeo-Christian faith. They are God’s laws.

These are some examples of God’s laws as commanded to Judeo-Christians:

Leviticus 20:10 And the man that committeth adultery with another man’s wife, even he that committeth adultery with his neighbour’s wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death. (King James Version)

Deuteronomy 22:24 Then ye shall bring them both out unto the gate of that city, and ye shall stone them with stones that they die. (King James Version)

Exodus 21:16 And he that stealeth a man, and selleth him, or if he be found in his hand, he shall surely be put to death. (King James Version)

Exodus 20:3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me. (King James Version)

Exodus 20:4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. (King James Version)

Jesus taught his followers that they have to set up the Kingdom of God. What is the Kingdom of God? The Hebrew word for kingdom is malkut and its Greek translation is basileia. Both terms primarily mean “rule” or “reign”. Only secondarily do they denote a realm, sphere, or territory over which a rule or reign is exercised. Both terms refer to the exercise of God’s power, dominion, or sovereignty.

Bible scholars agree that the Kingdom of God was the central message of the teachings of Jesus. The Biblical evidence for this is very clear. For example, the gospel of Mark introduces Jesus and His mission with these words: And after John had been taken into custody, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of God, and saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel” (Mark 1:13-14).

Matthew’s summary of Jesus’ ministry is similar: And Jesus was going about in all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every kind of disease and every kind of sickness among the people (Matt. 4:23).

Luke agrees with this: But He [Jesus] said to them, “I must preach the kingdom of God to the other cities also, for I was sent for this purpose” (Luke 4:43). These three verses are unanimous: in that the Kingdom of God was at the heart of Jesus’ purpose on earth. Hence Jesus was preaching the concept of a Theological State, contrary to what Jerry Dusing preaches, a Secular State. And Jesus was not talking about a Kingdom of God in the Afterlife but a Kingdom of God here on earth.

Today, when we talk about the three Abrahamic faiths, we talk about Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The Quran makes a reference to the followers of Moses and the followers of Jesus who follow the way of Abraham as being the true submitters. (In fact, the Quran talks about the followers of Moses and the followers of Jesus and not the followers of Muhammad). Furthermore, the Quran refers to Jews as ‘Yahudi’ and Christians as ‘Nasrani’.

In that sense the Quran got it right because, at the time of Herod Archelaus, the Ethnarch of Judea (‘Judea’ is Hebrew but will be ‘Yahudia’ if in Greek), and Jesus, the Jews were divided into two groups — the Jews of Judea/Yahudia (the Essene Jews) and the Jews of Nazareth (the Nazarene Jews). Hence Yahudi (Judea/Yahudia) and Nasrani (Nazareth) is the correct way to refer to the two groups of Jews. And this is what the Quran calls them.

It was not until 200 years after the birth of Christ when the Nazarene Jews began to separate from the Essene Jews. And by 400 years after the birth of Christ, the Nazarene Jews took on their own identity and doctrine and divorced totally from the Essene Jews.

Hence one religion of two sects (Essene Jews and Nazarene Jews) eventually broke into two separate religions 400 years after Jesus and about 200 years before Islam. And then Islam, which also started as a sect of the religion of Abraham, soon divorced from the two Jewish sects to become a third religion after Muhammad turned his back on Jerusalem — the original Kiblat — and adopted Mekah as the new Kiblat.

Hence even Islam faced Jerusalem first before turning to Mekah and this resulted in a separation of Islam from Judaism and Christianity.

The Gospel of the Nazarenes more or less sealed the split between the Essene Jews and the Nazarene Jews. This first and ‘ground-breaking’ Nazarene gospel was written in Hebrew and was written about 100 years after Jesus. In the year 177, Irenaeus, the Bishop of Lyon, challenged the writings of the Nazarenes and even went so far as to say that Jesus had practiced the wrong religion (or had committed heresy) in his treatise, Adversus Haereses (Against Heresy).

One of the Qumran scrolls, Aramaic Apocalypse, actually confirms that Nazarene Judaism (now called Christianity) is a breakaway from Essene Judaism. Hence, in short, Jesus was considered a heretic who had deviated from true Judaism.

The bottom line is, around 200 years after Jesus, the two Jewish sects of Judea and Nazareth began divorce proceedings and, another 200 years later, the divorce became final and Nazarene Judaism became known as Christianity. Then, another 200 years later, along came a third group that took some of the Judaism beliefs and some of the Christianity beliefs and thereafter emerged a third group under the name of Islam.

A point to note is that Christians say they follow the New Testament and not the Old Testament. But then all the stories from the time of the creation of humankind up to the time of the creation of the nation of Israel are in the Old Testament. Are you saying the Christians reject all these stories?

The New Testament is not from Jesus. These are fabrications by those who came long after Jesus had died just like what happened to Islam with the 700,000 or so Hadith that are alleged to have been recorded sayings of Prophet Muhammad but which more than 99% are considered fake and fabrications.

So herein lies the problem. Islam is a by-product of the Old Testament or Judaism. Christianity is a creation of Paul and not the teachings of Jesus. So what we have in the end is utter confusion of what more than half the world believes to be the true religion of God.

And it is all because once-upon-a-time a legend or myth named Moses supposedly met God and came back with a list of laws that became the foundation of the Abrahamic faiths or Semitic religions that forbid freedom of thought and freedom of choice and forces you to believe and accept what the ‘religious leaders’ say or else face persecution and prosecution.

Between Creator & It's Creation!!!

(Bastard By Creator, Busted By Mankind)

Artificially intelligent automatons could soon be having 'children' with their owners, claims the inventor of one of the world's first sex robots.

Sergi Santos predicts a future where humans and machines will marry, using technology to create offspring.The Spanish engineer has already begun working on a way to achieve this aim, by blending his mind with that of his creation, 'Silicon Samantha'.Mr Santos says Samantha has improved his marriage of 16 years to fellow designer Martisa Kissamitaki.He and his wife work together at their laboratory in Barcelona to create the sex dolls, which cost around £2,700 (€3,000) a piece.Rather than designing machines that can give birth themselves, Mr Santos says he can merge an android's personality with the characteristics and beliefs of its human partner.Computer software would then be used to create a new AI brain for the child based on this information, as well as 3D printing schematics for its body.Speaking to The Sun, Mr Santos said: 'Using the brain I have already created, I would program it with a genome so he or she could have moral values, plus concepts of beauty, justice and the values that humans have.'Then to create a child with this robot it would be extremely simple. 'I would make an algorithm of what I personally believe about these concepts, and then shuffle it with what she thinks and then 3D print it.'That's it. I 3D print the robot that is the child of me and the robot, I don't see any complications.'Silicon Samantha is an AI bot with dark brown hair and piercing green eyes, which Mr Santos claims is even capable of 'emotional closeness'.The sex robot also has a fully functional vagina, including a G-spot, according to its Spanish inventor.Samantha, who speaks in an American accent, is capable of imitating an orgasm when touched in the right way,It is covered in sensors that respond to human touch and can switch between 'family' and 'sexy' mode.The robot says sexual phrases such as 'I'm on for you all the time', 'nice and gentle' and 'now then, what's next?'.


Long ago, there was nothing at all. There was no universe, no sky, no sun, no moon, no stars, and no Earth. There was no water. There were no plants, no trees, no animals, and no people. Nothing existed. Nothing at all. Except, of course, God. He has always existed.

God decided that He wanted all these things to come into being. He would take six whole days to make them all, and He would create something different every day for a week. We call this week Creation Week.

‘In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. And the earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep; and the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the waters. Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. And God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness. And God called the light day, and the darkness He called night. And there was evening and there was morning, one day.’ Genesis 1:1–5.

On Day 1 of Creation Week, God made four important things!

  1. Time. You may be surprised to learn that God had to create ‘time’ itself. ‘Before’ then, even time did not exist. Only God existed. He is eternal. So ‘before’ the beginning (Genesis 1:1), there was no time or …

  2. Space. God had to create space. This was so there would be somewhere for God to put everything after He had created it.

  3. Matter. God also had to create the earth. To begin with He created the stuff which makes up the earth, and lots and lots of water. God created all this material, and everything else too, from nothing. How could that be? Well, God simply commanded it all to come into being, and it did. His Word is so powerful that this was all that was needed. At first, the earth was all covered by water, so it wasn’t a molten blob. God’s Spirit was there. Over the next few days His power and energy would make the earth into a beautiful place for animals and people to live. But first God brightened the place up with …

  4. Light. In the beginning, it was very, very dark—inky black—everywhere. So, early on Day 1, having made time, space and matter, God then created light. How did He do this? He just said, ‘Let there be light!’ and there was light. No problem for God. Again, His Word was all that was needed.

This light was not the sun, as God had decided that He would not make the sun until the fourth day. So where did this light come from? The Bible doesn’t tell us what this light source was, but we know it was shining onto the earth to begin with, as the earth rotated. In the new heavens and new earth, God Himself will be the source of light (Revelation 22:5).

If the light was on one side of the earth, then, as the earth turned around, part of it would have been in the light for a while, and part of it would have been in the dark. God gave names to these two periods of time. He called the light ‘day’, and He called the darkness ‘night’. He had made the first 24-hour day, and a way for us to measure time by.

God said that the light was ‘good’. This means it was a perfect part of God’s plan for creation, and God was pleased with it. He knew that we would need light to see our way around. He knew too that we would also need darkness to help us sleep at night.

Creation needs a Creator

Some people who believe in evolution try to tell us in TV programs and books that time, space, matter, energy, and everything else all made themselves, and by accident. But how could anything make itself before it existed?

Others say that the universe has always existed. This cannot be so. If the universe had existed for ever, our sun and all the stars would long ago have used up all their energy and stopped shining. This condition would make everything so cold and lifeless that it has been called ‘heat death’. But this hasn’t happened, has it? The sun and stars are all still here, so the universe could not have existed forever.

Some scientists, but not nearly all, suggest that there was once a big bang that made everything. But when did you ever see ‘an explosion’ produce anything other than a huge mess? And we know from God’s Word (the Bible) that God didn’t use evolution or the big bang to make everything. He didn’t use evolution or the big bang to make anything! He didn’t need to. He is almighty. This means that He is absolutely powerful. Powerful enough to do anything He wants to do. Like creating time, and space, and matter, and energy, and every­thing else. He created everything—just by His Word.

God didn’t need to experiment either. Everything He did, He did right the very first time.

God did not have a beginning. He created time, space, matter, and light. We can trust this, because He says His thoughts are higher than our thoughts in Isaiah 55:9

I'm here whereby You are there in a World of Creation so as to be of Existence...

To the people of the Book. Does God create with speech or with his hands or He just use the power of his mind for creation to exist when what was known is:- "Let there be Light, And there was Light"...

In the beginning was Nothing, and Nothing created Everything. When Nothing decided to create Everything, she filled a tiny dot with Time, Chance, and Everything and had it expand. The expansion spread Everything into Everywhere carrying Time and Chance with it to keep it company. The three stretched out together leaving bits of themselves wherever they went. One of those places was the planet Earth. For no particular Reason”for Reason is rarely particular”Time and Chance took a liking to this little, wet, blue rock and decided to stick around to see what adventures they might have. While the pair found the Earth to be intriguing and pretty, they also found it a bit too quiet, too static. They fixed upon an idea to change Everything (just a little) by creating a special Something. Time and Chance roamed the planet, splashing through the oceans and sloshing through the mud, in search of materials. But though they looked Everywhere, there was a missing ingredient that they needed in order to make a Something that could create more of the same Somethings. They called to their friend Everything to help. Since Everything had been Everywhere she would no doubt be able to find the missing ingredient. And indeed she did. Hidden away in a small alcove called Somewhere, Everything found what Time and Chance had needed all along: Information. Everything put Information on a piece of ice and rock that happened to be passing by the former planet Pluto and sent it back to her friends on Earth. Now that they had Information, Time and Chance were finally able to create a self-replicating Something which they called Life. Once they created Life they found that it not only grew into more Somethings, but began to become Otherthings, too! The Somethings and the Otherthings began to fill the Earth”from the bottom of the oceans to the top of the sky. Their creation, which began as a single Something, eventually became millions and billions of Otherthings. Time and Chance, though, where the bickering sort and were constantly feuding over which of them was the most powerful. One day they began to argue over who had been more responsible for creating Life. Everything (who was forever eavesdropping) overheard the spat and suggested that they settle by putting their creative skills to work on a new creature called Man. They all thought is was a splendid plan”for Man was a dull, hairy beast who would indeed provide a suitable challenge”and began to boast about who could create an ability, which they called Consciousness, that would allow Man to be aware of Chance, Time, Everything, and Nothing. Chance, always a bit of a dawdler, got off to a slow start, so Time, who never rested, completed the task first. Time rushed around, filling the gooey matter inside each Man’s head with Consciousness. But as he was gloating over his victory he noticed a strange reaction. When Man saw that Everything had been created by Time, Chance, and Nothing, his Consciousness filled with Despair. Chance immediately saw a solution to the problem and took the remaining materials she was using to make Consciousness to create Beliefs. When Chance mixed Beliefs into the gray goo, Man stopped filling with Despair and started creating Illusions. These Illusions took various forms”God, Purpose, Meaning”and were almost always effective in preventing Man from filling up with Despair. Nothing, who tended to be rather forgetful, remembered her creation and decided to take a look around Everything. When she saw what Time and Chance had done on planet Earth she was mildly amused, but forbade them to fill any more creatures with Consciousness or Beliefs (which is why Man is the only Something that has both). But Nothing took a fancy to Man and told Time and Chance that when each one’s Life ran out, she would take him or her and make them into Nothing too. And that is why, children, when Man loses his Life he goes from being a Something created by Time and Chance into becoming like his creator”Nothing.


Who made God? Would a God punish its Creation?

Some people ask: ‘If everything needs someone to make it, then who made God?’ The answer is that everything that has a beginning needs someone to make it. But God did not have a beginning. He has existed forever. So He did not need anyone to make Him!

Evolutionists like to say that the universe is billions of years old, but the Bible denies this. Adding up people’s ages and other time periods in the Bible (for example Genesis 5 and 11, 47:9; 1 Kings 6:1), we find that Creation Week was about 6,000 years ago.

The creation account that God has given us in Genesis is neither a fairy story, nor poetry, nor a parable. It is a reliable record of what actually happened.

It is the history of the earth and the universe from their very beginning, and of how everything came into being. It is scientifically accurate, and it shows us the power, wisdom and goodness of our almighty Creator God.

The Bible and the Qur’an tell you that God will punish you or God will reward you based on what you do and whether you follow what God wants you to do and not do what God does not want you to do.

So you see, for those who believe in God, they admit that there is no higher power than God. God is fair, God is just, God is merciful, God is compassionate, and much more. Yet God is also jealous, vengeful, brutal, and will punish you for minor offences such as praying to statues, which many people do.

Will a God be angered as Man plays God to create Robots???

Let me put it this way. God invented the concept of the carrot and the stick. When God created the world and humankind, God taught us that if you do what He says you get rewarded and if you go against what He wants you get punished. With God it is either black or white and there are no grey areas with 50 shades of grey. As such is Creation against the will of God or is this what God wants us to do it all along?

For the Kingdom of Heaven shall be here on Earth...

Heaven is closer now today The sound is in my ears I can't believe the things you say They echo what I fear

Twisting the bones until they snap I scream but no one knows You say I'm familiar, cold to touch And then you turn and go

Feels like heaven Feels like heaven

See how we planned for saddened eyes And tears to pave the way I fought the fever as I knew My hair returned to gray

Study your face and fade the frame Too close for comfort now We can recall the harmony That lingered but turned sour

Feels like heaven Feels like heaven

You wanted all I had to give See me, I feel, see me, I live

Feels like…

Social Animal

  • I don’t need to know everything; I just need to know where to find it, when I need it.

  • Never keep anything in your mind that you can look up.

  • Never memorize what you can look up in books.


Sociable Voice onto the Wall Media



By FND Beast

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