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The Overlord: A Ruler of Darkness & The Light!!!

Voice Of Beruk, FND Beast

Read in the name of thy Lord;

The Creator Of Things; The OverLord!!!

This is a story of friction for the purpose of ‘reading pleasure’. The event as follows never happened and any similarities or resemblance to people already dead, still alive, or about to die, is purely coincidental.

The Devil: So you would like to be the number one then, the paramount leader of your country?

The Candidate: Yes. In fact, I have been trying for the last thousand years but can’t seem to get even close to becoming the paramount leader. Seems to be a wasted time, a waste of time indeed!!!

The Devil: I know. We have been monitoring your career, or should I say failed career, for quite some time now and can see that you take one step forward only to take two steps backward soon after that.

The Candidate: I don’t know what is wrong. I am better, smarter, cleaner, more sincere, and so on, compared to all the others. In fact, most of the others are manipulative crooks and yet they make it while I do not.

The Devil: Maybe that is what is wrong.

The Candidate: I don’t understand what you mean. Please tell me more my majesty...

Bless those who Like; to ponder upon a condemn Existence To Be Created only to be curse for Eternity #love #hate #forgive #unforgiven #beast#eternity #fallenangel #curse #condemn #fallenone

Hmmm... Is Over Thinking an Act of Defiance? Is thinking too much an Evil Act?

The Devil: I mean maybe it is because you are good. You need to be bad, not good, to become the paramount leader. Have you not heard the saying ‘good girls go to heaven, bad girls have all the fun’? So, do you want to go to heaven or do you want to have all the fun?

The Candidate: I thought it was ‘good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere’, a quote by Mae West?

The Devil: I was quoting Marilyn Monroe’s version. And guess who taught her that.

The Candidate: You?

The Devil: Of course. And, boy, did she have lots of fun, and with no less than the President himself.

The Candidate: But wasn’t her life very tragic, which also ended tragically?

The Devil: Well, that is the price you pay for the deal you make with the devil, literally and figure of speech as well. So you need to enjoy the fun while it lasts and pay for it later, a heavy price indeed you need to pay.

The Candidate: I am not sure I am prepared to pay that heavy price.

The Devil: Well, then you will never become the paramount leader.

The Candidate: What will I have to do to become the paramount leader? I mean what compromises will I have to make?

The Devil: First of all, you cannot be idealistic or principled. No one who is idealistic and principled becomes a paramount leader.

The Candidate: I suppose I can compromise on my ideals and principles to become the paramount leader before I die. After all, I really do not have much time left in this world anyway and if I don’t make it now I will never make it.

The Devil: That’s the spirit. Next, we will guide you on what to do and you will need to listen to what we tell you. If not you will be heading for a nasty fall and you career, maybe even your life, will end tragically.

The Candidate: I suppose I would have no choice if that were the price I must pay to become the paramount leader.

The Devil: Exactly. Everyone who we make into a paramount leader pays this same price. Gandhi was not prepared to pay this price so he declined our offer to become the paramount leader. And see what happened to him in the end!

The Candidate: But wasn’t Gandhi a good man? He wanted to unite the Hindus and Muslims.

The Devil: We do not want to see unity. Unity does not serve our purpose. We need disunity, civil strife, chaos, turmoil, conflict, wars, and whatnot.

The Candidate: But isn’t all that bad for the country?

The Devil: Not necessarily. Sometimes it is also good for the country.

The Candidate: How can that be?

The Devil: Look at what happened to South East Asia during the Korean War. Many people may have died but the country became rich because the price of tin and rubber shot up and the country producing tin and rubber turns wealthy. During the political and racial turmoil in Indonesia, many people died but Singapore became rich because Indonesians shifted all their money to Singapore. Thailand became rich during the Vietnam War although many people died because the United States spent a lot of money in Thailand. We work on the concept that one person’s loss is another person’s gain. This is how disunity, civil strife, chaos, turmoil, conflict, wars, and whatnot will benefit you.

The Candidate: I see what you mean. So what you are saying is we need to prosper on the backs of the misery of others.

Price Tag:- Everybody look to their left, Everybody look to their right... Seems like everybody's got a price!!!

The Devil: Now you get it. How do you think the UK and the US prospered?

The Candidate: Because of the Industrial Revolution and the development of the railway?

The Devil: Nonsense. That is what the historians try to tell you. They are lying, of course. The UK and the US prospered because of the slave trade. The whites became rich on the misery of the blacks.

The Candidate: I see what you mean. If not the UK and the US would be nothing today.

The Devil: Exactly. So misery is not always bad. It is good when you capitalise on it and make money from the misery of others. Why do you think the West needs wars in the Middle East? It is so that the West can prosper from the misery of the people in the Middle East.

The Candidate: So, as the paramount leader, I will need to see how to create misery then. Is that what you are saying?

The Devil: That is exactly what I am saying.

The Candidate: And how would I do that in my country? Would I need to declare war on our neighbours?

The Devil: No. Your country will be wiped out in merely three days. You are not strong enough to win a war with your neighbours. Let your neighbours declare war on each other. You just get ready to make plenty of money from this war once it breaks out. And it will break out, soon, because the South China Sea is going to be the venue for the Third World War. You watch.

The Candidate: So what must I do to fulfil your, I mean, our agenda?

The Devil: All you need to do is to make sure that there is no unity in your country. The thing we fear most is unity. Unity may be good for the human race but it disrupts our agenda.

The Candidate: And what agenda would that be?

The Devil: Basically, our agenda is to give God a massive headache.

The Candidate: Oh…and what would give God a massive headache?

The Devil: God would get a massive headache when the people are divided by race and religion. Since the beginning of time, humans have been fighting over race, religion, nationalism and domination. So, whomsoever we support to become the paramount leader, he or she must perpetuate these ‘ideals’ of ours.

The Candidate: I suppose that is not too difficult in my country. Our people are already divided by race and religion with one race dominating the others.

The Devil: Yes, but there are some idealistic, principled and sincere leaders who are talking about national reconciliation and religious tolerance and all that nonsense. And this frightens us. If that happens then this will be bad news for us. This must stop. Racism and religious intolerance must not only be maintained but they must in fact be increased. And we must never end the domination of one race over the others. That is what we taught Abraham and Moses as well, in case you did not notice. I mean, just read what the ‘holy books’ say. And if we decide to make you the paramount leader this is what we will expect from you. Can you deliver that?

The Candidate: I suppose I will have to say yes if I want to become the paramount leader.

The Devil: That’s the spirit!

The Candidate: But how are you going to make it happen?

The Devil: Leave that to us. We have many ways to make it happen. In fact, if you can remember, we did make it happen many times in the past but you were just too dumb to notice. You did not grab the opportunity we gave you. So you got left behind.

The Candidate: Hmm…when was that? I was not aware that you offered me the opportunity to rise.

The Devil: No? Remember the car crash 40 years ago? If that chap had not died would you have come up so fast?

The Candidate: Oh! That incident! I see what you mean.

The Devil: Then your career shot up very fast after that and the opportunity for you to become the paramount leader offered itself when the second person died soon after that.

The Candidate: Yes, I remember that as well.

The Devil: But did you take over? No! You were too principled, dedicated and sincere. You did not want to take over because you wanted to focus on serving the country. You said you had so much unfinished business, which you cannot finish as the number two. So you forfeited your turn and allowed someone else to take over instead. Then what happened to you after that?

The Candidate: My career went downhill.

The Devil: Exactly. And the man you stepped aside for did what we wanted and see where your country is today.

The Candidate: It is in an absolute mess.

The Devil: Right! And do you think we will allow you to take over if you want to take over just so that you can address this mess?

The Candidate: I suppose not.

The Devil: Right again. So, if we allow you to take over, it has to be so that you can make this mess even worse.

The Candidate: Okay. I understand. But what if I don’t agree?

FREEDOM!!!! - Freedom of thoughts, Freedom of speech, Freedom of Rights, Freedom of Beliefs... Freedom to Act!!!

The Devil: Then you will never become the paramount leader. And we do have some other candidate in mind if you do not agree to our terms.

The Candidate: You mean…

The Devil: Yes, that is exactly who we mean. So you decide.

The Candidate: My God!

The Devil: Hey! Leave God out of this. We, and not God, decide what happens.


Reading the Holy Book and treat it well for it is the word of God

Some Muslims believe that you must never touch the Qur’an (Muslim Holy Book) unless you first take your ablution (wuduk). It is haram to touch a Quran when you have not been purified by your ablution (some call it prayer water or air sembahyang). Ask ten Malay-Muslims and probably nine will say that this is true. This is what they have been taught and surely their ustaz (religious teacher) is not wrong. (I have personally seen Qur’ans with ‘warning notices’ printed on the inside cover that you must have ablution before touching a Qur’an). Invariably, this means, therefore, that non-Muslims cannot touch a Qur’an. It is taboo for them to touch a Qur’an since they are not Muslims and, therefore, would not be purified with ablution. Again, nine out of ten Malay-Muslims you ask will say this is true because that is what they have been taught.

Those in the religious authority believed what they believed. And they believed that non-Muslims must never be allowed to touch a Qur’an, or even Muslims who do not have ablution.

Muslims are also told you must read the Qur’an in its original form since these are holy words from God and that you must not read translated versions of the Qur’an since those are not the words of God. That means almost all Muslims can read the Qur’an but very few Muslims understand what they read.

How then do Muslims understand Islam? This is why they need to go to religious classes like Christians go to Sunday school. The ustaz (teacher) will explain Islam to the students. Hence you do not learn Islam by reading the Qur’an. You learn Islam from a teacher. This teacher will interpret Islam and will explain what he interprets to his student.

In fact, Muslims are not encouraged to learn Islam from books. If Muslims learn Islam from books then Satan becomes your teacher, is the common belief. But how can you be sure that the teacher has interpreted Islam correctly and is teaching you the right thing? You don’t. You do not even know if the teacher is a high quality or low quality teacher.

Bible Oaths Could Be Axed In Courts In England And Wales

Queries have been raised over whether the Bible is a necessity when asking people to being honest in court.

Magistrates are to debate whether to do away with the swearing of oaths on the Bible and other holy books in courts in England and Wales.

The move would see the end of the familiar sentence: “I swear by Almighty God, to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.”

Instead there would be a statement in which people would promise “very sincerely” to tell the truth.

Experts will discuss whether the current oath and affirmation are “fit for purpose” during the Magistrates’ Association annual conference in Cardiff today.

Witnesses currently have the option of swearing an oath on a Bible or other holy book, or making a non-religious affirmation before a judge.

Other faiths can take the oath on their own holy books, for example, Muslims on the Koran and Jews on the Old Testament.

But now the Magistrates’ Association is to debate whether the holy books hold any moral force in modern society.

The plan has been put forward by a Bristol magistrate, Ian Abrahams, who argues people are no more likely to tell the truth by using the Bible.

He believes what is needed is a greater sense of how seriously lying in court is treated, the BBC reported.

He told the Daily Mail: “More and more I see people shrug their shoulders or say ‘whatever’ when asked to take it.

“Instead, people will have to show they understand they could be sent to prison if they don’t tell the truth,” he said.

But critics point out non-believers already have the option of promising to tell the truth without any reference to a sacred text, and that the change would further erode Britain’s Christian heritage.

Rt Rev Michael Nazir-Ali, former Bishop of Rochester, said: “This could be the slippery slope towards the increasing secularisation of society.

“Where will it end – with the Coronation Oath? The Bible is bound up with the constitution, institutions and history of this country,” he told the Bristol Post.

“It is right for people to have a choice of oath, a religious or non-religious one.

“But we are being urged, in the name of tolerance and secularisation, to restrict that choice.”

The practice is so old that it is not clear whether it is simply custom or if the move to alter it would require a change in the law. — The Huffington Post UK, 19 October 2013

The Messenger & The Message (We are All Children of Abraham)

Deviants’ are all those who believe something that I do not believe in. Since my beliefs are correct, that makes every other belief wrong, and therefore they are deviants.

In the old days, anyone who believed that the world is round and not flat and that the sun revolves around the earth, and not the other way around, were put to death. Anyone who had ‘extra’ knowledge, which means knowledge that I too do not possess, must be witches and were also put to death. The knowledge that I possess is the correct version of facts. Anything beyond that is the work of the devil and these devil-worshippers must die.

The fact that the first word in the first verse of the Quran revealed to Prophet Muhammad is ‘read’ seems to escape most Muslims. Muslims do not want to read, in particular what the Quran has to say. The fact that the Quran was supposed to be for entire mankind and not just for Prophet Muhammad also seems to escape most Muslims.

Was God ‘talking’ to just Prophet Muhammad or was God talking to entire mankind through Prophet Muhammad? Was God addressing the verses of the Quran to only the Muslims or to Jews, Christians and Pagans as well?

There were no Muslims yet when the Quran was first revealed to Prophet Muhammad. So God could not have been addressing the Muslims. God was in fact addressing the non-Muslims, Prophet Muhammad included in the days before the revelation of the Quran.

According to the Muslim belief, and undisputed by all sects of Islam, Prophet Muhammad at first did not even realise that God was talking to him through the Angel Gabriel. Prophet Muhammad at first thought that maybe he had been confronted by the devil. He ran home shivering and sought the solace of his wife, Khatijah, who went to meet her Christian cousin to seek advice. Her cousin speculated that it was God addressing Prophet Muhammad and that Khatijah’s husband was destined to become a Prophet of the Arabs.

It took a Christian to tell Khatijah that Muhammad was tipped to become a Prophet when the Prophet himself thought that some evil forces were at play.Only then did Islam gain its first ‘convert’, the Prophet’s wife, Khatijah, followed by Ali, the Prophet’s cousin, who some Muslims believe to be the second ‘convert’. I say ‘some’ because there are some Muslims who dispute this belief and say that Ali was the third convert.Nevertheless, the point is that the Quran was not meant for just the Muslims — seeing that there were no Muslims yet at that time. In fact, many verses of the Quran actually address the non-Muslims — Jews, Christians and Pagans alike.

So, does the Quran belong to only the Muslims or is it the ‘property’ of entire mankind? And therefore is Allah, as mentioned in the Quran, the God of only the Muslims or the God of entire mankind? If the Muslims believe that there is only one God, then Allah should be the God of all mankind, not the God of only the Muslims — or else there would be many Gods, one for each religion.

The Quran addresses the followers of Moses and the followers of Jesus and talks about those who follow the adeen (way) of Abraham as being the true submitters – submitters meaning Muslim. Can the Quran be wrong in that the followers of Moses and Jesus who follow the way of Abraham are Muslims when Malays believe that Muslims are only the followers of Muhammad while all others are infidels?

The Quran acknowledges those who follow Abraham, such as the followers of Moses and Jesus, as being the People of the Book. In fact, the Quran even goes further than that. It also acknowledges the Sabeans and Zoroastrians as also being People of the Book. And Muslims are allowed to eat the meat from an animal slaughtered by the People of the Book — even though the animal was not slaughtered by a Muslim or a follower of Prophet Muhammad.Prophet Muhammad did not practice miracles like the other Prophets before him. He did not part the Red Sea or walk on water or raise the dead or turn a stick into a snake or feed a multitude of people on a very tight food budget.

But Prophet Muhammad did have his own miracle, claim the Muslims. And this miracle is the Quran.

So Prophet Muhammad’s miracle is the Quran, claim the Muslims. But is the Quran meant only for recital and for giving prizes to whomsoever can recite it in the most melodious manner or is it meant as a guide for entire mankind, not just for a handful of people?

The Quran does not say, “Hey Muslims!” The Quran ‘talks’ to the non-Muslims. So the Quran was revealed as a guide for all mankind, not a guide for only the Muslims. So would Allah in the Quran be for all mankind or just for the then non-existent Muslims (other than the two or three ‘converts’)?

Allah existed before the Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad. The Christians, Jews and Pagans used to make their annual pilgrimage to Mekkah to pray in front of the Kaabah to Allah and the pantheon of 360 Gods that was housed in the Kaabah — Mary and Jesus included. But the Chief God was Allah, Al-ilah or The God, who had three daughters, the minor Gods.Prophet Muhammad did not claim to be introducing a new religion.

He in fact claimed that God had sent down the Torah and Gospel before this and that the Quran was merely to confirm what was revealed before it. In other words, the Quran is not a new Holy Book. The Quran is a Holy Book to confirm the Holy Books of the Jews and Christians that came earlier. And even though the Sabeans and Zoroastrians did not quite receive Holy Books such as the Torah and the Gospel, nevertheless they are also considered People of the Book.

And that is why the Quran cautions mankind about dividing ourselves into various sects and religions, which mankind has done, resulting in this great division along religious lines.As Kofi Anan said in his address to the United Nations, “We are all children of Abraham.” And that makes Kofi Anan more a Muslim (submitter to God) than most of us.

Everythings happen due to reasons. Is to be Fallen and to be outcast a valid reason? Is the purpose of existence so as to be made an eternal mortal enemy of mankind throughout eternity a just reason?#reason#satan #fallen #devil #outcast


Social Animal

  • I don’t need to know everything; I just need to know where to find it, when I need it.

  • Never keep anything in your mind that you can look up.

  • Never memorize what you can look up in books.


Sociable Voice onto the Wall Media



By FND Beast

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