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Between Fake & Real - Of Myth, Reality & Truth

Writer's picture: FND BeastFND Beast

For Beauties does come in all shapes and sizes, of differences in cultures and belief systems and it does not matter if its Fake or Real for Beauty lies in the eyes of the Beholder; Truly, Madly, Deeply... Absurd!!!

To know the truth is to hear the truth and many does belief that the truth is to hear the truth by going to a place of worship; It could either be a church or a mosque or even a temple or just a chapel / "surau". In other words it is a place known as a "House of God" for God is the truth.

As such, people of the Book, knows what they have heard in church — just like Muslims know their religion based on what they have heard in the mosques. But then all these are mere stories that lack documentary evidence. And then they argue that there is evidence, which are the holy books.

Fine, the evidence that all these events did happen may be found in the holy books, as they argue. But where is the evidence that these books are holy, meaning that they came from God and not from man?

We must remember that the Old Testament Bible was still being written up to 200 years before the birth of Christ (meaning they were writing the history of humankind thousands of years after the event). But then where was this source of reference?

The only evidence that some of what they say happened actually did happen was not discovered until almost 2,000 years later between 1946 and 1956 in Qumran.And the evidence to all these events, the Dead Sea Scrolls, that was discovered just 50-60 years ago, not only confirms some of these stories but also points to some flaws in what we had believed for 2,000 years.

For Real Beauty does come at a cost and that cause is Wealth. As money turns the world go round. And whoever had so much of it shall be rewarded for the 'grand price' of Beauties. For Real Beauty really exist in reality in a place of wonderland.

Between Myth, Reality & The Truth

Man has certain God-given rights. And amongst those rights is the right or freedom to believe. The argument goes: if God did not want you to think, you would not have been given a more superior brain than other creations. You would act based on instinct, like animals, rather than based on rational, like humans are supposed to do.

Everyone demands this right, the right to believe. But not everyone respects that right, the right of others to also believe. As long as you believe what these people also believe, then no problem. But if your belief differs or contradicts what these people believe, then they turn adversary or antagonist.

Turning adversary or antagonist alone is not so bad. But then they believe that since they are your adversary or antagonist that gives them the right to no longer act civil towards you and that they now have the right to be rude and inconsiderate and vilify you.

Muslims believe that the Qur’an was inspired by God, who Muslims call Allah. Muslims also believe that Muhammad is the last Prophet of Allah and the only Prophet humankind should be following. Probably only 20% of humankind believes this while the other 80% believe this is nonsense. But does that give those who believe that Muhammad and the Qur’an are nonsense the right to say nasty things about Islam or Muslims? And does that also give Muslims the right to condemn and vilify all those who do not believe in Islam, Muhammad or the Qur’an?

The same goes for those who believe that Jesus is the Son of God or for those who believe in Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Taoism, kami-no-michi (the Shinto religion), Jainism, Zoroastrianism, or whatever. That does not give you the right to condemn and vilify other beliefs and neither does that give others the right to do the same to you.

Christians demand respect from Muslims, just as Muslims demand the same from non-Muslims. It is a matter of tolerance and to this matter who among the faithful shall be of tolerance?

The difference between Man and Animals is such that Men are given thoughts. A brain to think; to think what is supposed to be a myth, a truth or the reality and to differentiate those thoughts so as to adopt that thoughts as a belief. Once you belief your faith shall not be shaken by other thoughts or ideology.Who really shapes those puny thoughts in a Man’s brain? Is a belief based on facts or myths or is a belief a God-Will act?

For example, Let’s say once a baby is born you take the baby away from his/her parents and do not expose him/her to any religion. Then, once the child is, say 18, you send him/her back to his/her parents. The parents then start talking to this 18-year-old about God, Holy Books, Prophets, and so on.The 18-year-old who has never been exposed to religion since the day he/she was born would probably think that his/her parents are mad, totally bonkers.

For Beauties are in the Eyes of the Beholder be it Real or Fake. As long as 'One' is happy to be living in a place of to be dead in a point in time. Fake Beauties are the future as Man creates Beauty for the needs to Lust so as to outlast it all till end of time; till death do us part.


Truth, in matters of religion, is simply the opinion that has survived — OSCAR WILDE.

Give me the child for his first seven years and I will give you the man —



Death comes to us All Till its time to be parted Till death do us part It be a time to be freed Leaving the body To do as it's please... Upon death the soul leaves To be on its own, Leaving its home Only in Death the home rots As the 'soul frees'.. Nothing ever last; For its not the Afterlife... To be happy in the next life Even in Death there'll be a few test "Mann Rabbuka?" Arabic: Who is Your Lord? And the reply should be "Allahhu Rabi". A quest, a journey, a test to a believer... And upon Death, there'll be no one To save your Life whereby In Death you will be on your own Facing the test of 'Soul' before reaching its next Home... It be a deathifying feat To be uncreated and created Without knowing when and where?

A Tale Of A Believer

The man loved his wife so much that when she died giving birth he thought of taking his own life and if not for his new baby daughter he would have probably done so. After he had buried his wife he took his baby daughter and walked for days deep into the forest until he reached a lovely open area beside the river.

For 35 years father and daughter lived there and survived off the land by growing crops, hunting and fishing. The only form of education the daughter received was his ‘philosophy’ that her father shared with her.

One day the father found it difficult to get out of bed and he knew that his time was up. He told his daughter he was dying and that when he does she should bury him behind their house and leave the forest and return to civilisation.

After she had buried her father, she sadly left their home and walked for days back to the village where she was born. When she arrived at the village she told the villagers who she is and many of the older villagers remembered the tragic incidence of the death of her mother and her father disappearing with his baby daughter the next day.

One family volunteered to give her shelter and said that the next day, a Sunday, they will bring her to church and introduce her to the rest of the village.

“What is a church?” she asked.

“A church is the place where you go to pray to God,” the surprised villagers told her.

“What is pray and who is God?” she asked.

By now it was apparent that her father had not only turned his back on humanity but also on God so they patiently explained religion, the Holy Books, and the entire history of the creation of humankind as told in the Holy Books to her.

After a concise three-hour crash course regarding the stories of the prophets right up to the virgin birth, crucifixion, resurrection, heaven, hell, and so on, the girl asked, “Are you saying you believe all these stories? There is absolutely no logic in what you say and no evidence that all these incidences actually happened.”

The shocked villagers did not know how to respond. “But you need faith to believe these stories,” they told her. “And the more unbelievable the stories are, the stronger your faith would be.”

As the Jesuits say, all you need is seven years to turn a child into a believer. And children will always believe what the grownups say never mind how illogical or improbable the stories may sound.

The Beauty of Creation

Jesus died on the cross and came back to life three days later while Muhammad flew up to heaven to meet Allah to receive the command for the five times a day prayers.

Hindus, while they pray to their ‘true’ god with the elephant’s head or the God with many hands (which the Christians and Muslims will laugh at), would say that both the Christians and Muslims suffer from delusion and need professional help.

The long and the short of it all is that it is all about faith. You believe not because it happens to be true, or because it can be proven to be true (in fact, nothing about religion can be proven), but because you have faith and you believe. I have said this many times before: faith is the word you use to explain lack of evidence.

Can you be put to death based on an allegation that you murdered someone but then there is no evidence that you did commit the murder? Of course not! But then you can be put to death for apostasy even though there is no evidence that God exists.

Now, don’t get me wrong. Very few Muslim countries still put you to death for apostasy or heresy like in the past (at least Malaysia does not) and in the Judeo-Christian world they no longer put you to death for apostasy (or even for heresy). But do not mistake practice from doctrine. For example, sodomy or homosexuality is still considered a sin for the Abrahamic faiths but they no longer kill you for that and even allow gay priests nowadays.

In fact, there are some laws not even mentioned in the Qur’an but are only in the Hadith. For example, the Qur’an does not say Muslims must pray five times a day. The Qur’an just talks about Prophet Muhammad’s night journey but it does not say Muslims must pray five times a day. So why pray five times a day if it is not in the Qur’an?

Was Prophet Muhammad extreme and/or a fundamentalist or was he progressive and/or a moderate? In Islam there is only Islam. There is no extreme, fundamentalist, progressive or moderate Islam. It is like you cannot be a little bit pregnant. Either you are pregnant or you are not. No two ways about it. Or are you telling me that an extreme or fundamentalist Muslim is one who does not drink while a progressive or moderate Muslim is one who drinks?

In Islam a Muslim who drinks is not called a progressive or moderate Muslim. He or she is called Fasiq. So the correct Islamic terminology for a progressive or moderate Muslim (meaning one who drinks) is Fasiq. And no Muslim would like to be called Fasiq because that is an insult.

The feeling and the Needs is simply to hard to resists. Likewise why did Adam go against God? Did Adam loves God more or his partner more? Is Love to be prioritized? Should One Love God before Loving another Creation such as a Country or For Beauty?

The Truth

Genesis reports that humankind started 4,000 years before the birth of Christ. However, between Genesis and Exodus there is a gap of 400 years in the story of humankind. Then there is a further gap of 400 years between the end of the Bible’s story on humankind and the birth of Christ. So there is a total gap of 800 years in the 4,000 years history of humankind (400 years between Genesis and Exodus and 400 years before the birth of Christ).

Today, when we talk about the three Abrahamic faiths, we talk about Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The Quran makes a reference to the followers of Moses and the followers of Jesus who follow the way of Abraham as being the true submitters. (In fact, the Quran talks about the followers of Moses and the followers of Jesus and not the followers of Muhammad). Furthermore, the Quran refers to Jews as ‘Yahudi’ and Christians as ‘Nasrani’.

In that sense the Quran got it right because, at the time of Herod Archelaus, the Ethnarch of Judea (‘Judea’ is Hebrew but will be ‘Yahudia’ if in Greek), and Jesus, the Jews were divided into two groups — the Jews of Judea/Yahudia (the Essene Jews) and the Jews of Nazareth (the Nazarene Jews). Hence Yahudi (Judea/Yahudia) and Nasrani (Nazareth) is the correct way to refer to the two groups of Jews. And this is what the Quran calls them.

It was not until 200 years after the birth of Christ when the Nazarene Jews began to separate from the Essene Jews. And by 400 years after the birth of Christ, the Nazarene Jews took on their own identity and doctrine and divorced totally from the Essene Jews.

Hence one religion of two sects (Essene Jews and Nazarene Jews) eventually broke into two separate religions 400 years after Jesus and about 200 years before Islam. And then Islam, which also started as a sect of the religion of Abraham, soon divorced from the two Jewish sects to become a third religion after Muhammad turned his back on Jerusalem — the original Kiblat — and adopted Mekah as the new Kiblat.

Hence even Islam faced Jerusalem first before turning to Mekah and this resulted in a separation of Islam from Judaism and Christianity.

The Gospel of the Nazarenes more or less sealed the split between the Essene Jews and the Nazarene Jews. This first and ‘ground-breaking’ Nazarene gospel was written in Hebrew and was written about 100 years after Jesus. In the year 177, Irenaeus, the Bishop of Lyon, challenged the writings of the Nazarenes and even went so far as to say that Jesus had practiced the wrong religion (or had committed heresy) in his treatise, Adversus Haereses (Against Heresy).

One of the Qumran scrolls, Aramaic Apocalypse, actually confirms that Nazarene Judaism (now called Christianity) is a breakaway from Essene Judaism. Hence, in short, Jesus was considered a heretic who had deviated from true Judaism.

The bottom line is, around 200 years after Jesus, the two Jewish sects of Judea and Nazareth began divorce proceedings and, another 200 years later, the divorce became final and Nazarene Judaism became known as Christianity. Then, another 200 years later, along came a third group that took some of the Judaism beliefs and some of the Christianity beliefs and thereafter emerged a third group under the name of Islam.

Christians say they follow the New Testament and not the Old Testament. But then all the stories from the time of the creation of humankind up to the time of the creation of the nation of Israel are in the Old Testament. Are you saying the Christians reject all these stories?

CINTA PALSU - Fake Love. Is there such a thing as Love? Is love just fake? If the future of Man is to Love His Creation a Robot Beauty, is that love considered fake? In the Beginning before the Light Is a place of Emptiness, a place of Nothingness and in such a place is what is also term as Nirvana.

Muhammad’s Night Journey to Jerusalem

Muhammad’s Night Journey is the story of the prophet’s transportation from Mecca to Jerusalem, and his ascension to heaven. According to the Quran, he was escorted on this journey by the angel Jibreel (Gabriel).

Muhammad’s Night Journey, an important part of the Islamic tradition, relays the story of the prophet’s transportation from Mecca to “the farthest mosque”, which is believed to be the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. Following prayers, the Lailat al Miraj took place, which led to Muhammad’s ascension to heaven.

The story begins with the Jibreel appearing to Muhammad and taking him to white beast, probably similar to a horse. This same beast was used by other prophets before him, including Abraham (Ibrahim). Leading Muhammad to Jerusalem, the prophet met with other important Islamic figures from the past, leading them in prayer. At this point, Muhammad chose to drink milk over wine, leading to Jibreel’s decree that wine would lead the Muslims to lose the righteous path of Allah.

Continuing from Jerusalem, Muhammad and Jibreel flew on the beast, rising through the first gate of heaven and continuing on to the seventh heaven. Along the way, he encountered many important figures from the history of Islam, including Adam, Isa, John, and Joseph son of Jacob. He passed through the great flood, then encountered Harun and Moses (Musa). Jibreel and Muhammad continued past the gates of Paradise, where he met God and spoke to Him.

God ordered Muhammad and the Islamic faithful to pray 50 times a day, and after returning to ask again, Muhammad had the number reduced to ten, then five. Upon returning from Paradise, Muhammad came back to Mecca, where he described his journey to his followers. Muhammad described Jerusalem to Abu Bakr, who had been there, and he agreed that the description was accurate.

The Lailat al Miraj, the Night Journey, is still widely celebrated in some Muslim countries. It includes several special prayers, celebrations and offerings and lighting candles and lights.

Due to the importance of this story in Islam, the Al Aqsa Mosque and the city of Jerusalem have become an integral part of the Muslim faith. The mosque is considered holy by nearly all sects of Islam, and many faithful believers make the journey to visit the site.

While some believe that the journey was physical and Muhammad was actually transported to Jerusalem, and others claim that the journey was spiritual and his body remained where it was – all agree that the importance of Jerusalem in the story of Lailat al Miraj makes it a holy city in Islam. Thus, they join Christians and Jews in this belief, and the city of Jerusalem is holy to all three faiths. With its long Islamic history dating back centuries, it continues to play a major role in the Islamic tradition.

Is everything just a wishful thinking or is life based on a pre-written story? Is there a future in life since the ends is always Death. Is the future suppose to end here or does it ends in the Afterlife? The Afterlife is a place for immortal to either be punish or to be rewarded. Since there is such a place, shouldn't a mortal being behaves rather than disbehave? If there is such a place Wat will a mortal being invest it in so as not to be punish forever in the Afterlife... And upon the wall a wishful thoughts a form of recite tat goes:- So as to wish ourselves away. Wouldn't it be good to be in your shoes Even if it was for just one day Wouldn't it be good if we could wish ourselves away, Yeah!!!! Aaaarrgggghhhh!!!! Wouldn't it be good to be on your side The grass is always greener over there And wouldn't it be good if we could live without a care!!! #wish #wishful #afterlife #heaven #hell


Social Animal

  • I don’t need to know everything; I just need to know where to find it, when I need it.

  • Never keep anything in your mind that you can look up.

  • Never memorize what you can look up in books.


Sociable Voice onto the Wall Media



By FND Beast

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