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The Will Of God

Writer's picture: Voice Of Beruk aka. BeastVoice Of Beruk aka. Beast

For everything or anything does not happen except on God’s willing. For the Will Of God does things happen. It is a way of the Creator. For He who Creates and dictates the future of Its Creation. For this is a Muslim’s believes also term as ‘takdir tuhan’ and they accept takdir tuhan. Those who lament over takdir tuhan are considered kufur because you just do not lament or question God’s will. In fact, Islam does not even allow you to wail during funerals because death is takdir tuhan and to wail over a death means you are displeased with God taking that life. At least this is what true Muslims believe.

Why do mankind goes to war against one another? Is this considered God's Willing? If it is so, is the term 'Holy War' or to die for God considered a valid act? Since everything and anything does not happen by God's will, Will a God be happy to see an act of war or killing by its creations among their own kind as a way to amuse and pleased the Creator? Is the story of Cain killing Abel an act of an individual or is it a way of God to teach mankind that killing is a crime and is considered a Sin?

Adam, Eve and Satan or the Fallen Angel is banish from the Garden of Eden so as to punish them ie. (Adam. Eve, Satan) for going against God's commandment to Man and to Satan for not prostrate to Adam and for deceiving Eve. Such is the Way!!!

It's My Way, Or the Highway!!!

You are my fire The one desire Believe when I say I want it that way

But we are two worlds apart Can't reach to your heart When you say That I want it that way!!!

Abrahamic Faith on what is the right and wrong way into believing the True God

Both Christians and Muslims or even Jews believe they know what the truth is while everyone else is in the dark and has not seen the light. And, because of this belief, Christians, Muslims or even Jews are acting arrogantly, condescending, self-righteous, and extremely judgemental. They believe they are the chosen ones while all others are condemned. And this is because they do not believe in God.

I am Right!!! And you are Wrong!!! For there can only be One True God!!! Yeah!!!

Most Christians and Muslims believe in God (meaning in the existence of God) but do not believe in God (meaning having faith in God). And the irony of this whole thing is they do not even realise they do not believe in God.

What is the punishment for converting from Islam to Christianity and vise versa? Is giving up in a particular faith to be in another faith considered a Sin or a crime that needs to be punish? Or is this a will of God?

Can that happen unless God wills it? I mean, all God (meaning Allah) has to do is say ‘be’ and it shall be. That is what Islam tells us. Hence if Muslims read the Bible and convert to Christianity is this not what God wants?

You may say this is not what God wants. How do you know? Did you ask God? Did God tell you this? You are just guessing. If God does not want Muslims converting to Christianity then God has enough power to make sure this does not happen. And if it does happen then it can only happen with the will of God. Nothing happens unless God wills it.

Would earthquakes, tsunamis, etc., happen unless God wills it? And why does God take so many lives in all sorts of natural disasters and accidents? Can we curse God for His cruelty? What type of God is this that kills hundreds or thousands of people in just one incident? Is this the God you want to worship? Is this the God you want to love, a God that does not love us in return and brings disasters upon us? To hell with that type of God!

No. That is not how we handle this. God knows what He is doing. God knows why hundreds or thousands of innocent people have to die in one go. This is God’s will. God is not cruel. This is God’s plan and we should not curse God and lament His actions because that would just make us kufur and is not the word kafir or infidel from the word kufur?

Likewise in finding a partner. It is said that 'Jodoh Tangan Tuhan' and it literally means One's Soulmate is in the Hands of God. So what it means is that:-

What Is to Be will Definitely Be!!! One just have to rely on faith and pray harder to God to be with that Soulmate of Yours.

CINTA PALSU - One's SoulMate Is in The Hands Of God

Cinta kasih dan sayang Menjadi impian Impian tidak tercapai Putus di tengah jalan Ku sangka panas sampai ke petang Rupanya hujan di tengahari Aku karam di lautan cinta Sedikit tidak ku sangka Kau kini berubah Di manakah sumpah setia Kau noda cinta kita

A true believer shall not question on God's nature or on why things are to be. A true believer and a true follower should accept the teachings and to accept it without hesitation or doubt. That is what a true believer should be. Only then will you be a true believer in God. You believe in God and you do not question God’s wisdom and you accept God’s decision however unfavourable it may appear because life and death is for God to decide and how and when we die is for God to determine and for us to accept.

God made some of us Christians and some of us Muslims (as well as some of us Jews, Hindus, Buddhists and whatnot). And even those that God made Christians and Muslims, He divided us into many denominations and sub-groups. And because we are do divided into many groups and sub-groups we hate each other and kill each other.

God is supposed to just say ‘be’ and it shall be. Nothing is supposed to happen unless God wills it. So, if we are divided into so many religious groups and sub-groups is this not what God wanted? If God did not want this would it have happened? All God has to do is say ‘be’ and we all would have been born into just one religion and not in so many religions.

When I hate you because you are of a different religion to mine am I, therefore, not hating God? You are what you are because of God. God made you into what you are. So, if I hate you because of what you are, that means I hate God as well.

Why is God so silly for making you different from me and for making you believe differently from me? Does God not know this will only create bad-will on earth? Why did God not create goodwill and peace amongst humankind by making sure we are all born into one single religion? Is this the mark of a wise and clever God? Just make sure we are all born as Hindus and no one would hate and kill each other.

I don’t think this God that we believe in, love, and worship, is too clever. All the problems we are facing could have been avoided if there were no Malays, Chinese, Indians and other natives and no Muslims, Christians and whatnot.

No, God is not silly, at least religionists who believe in the existence of God believe. God knows what He is doing. And everything that happens in this world happens only because God allows it or wills it. And we are born into different races and different religions because this is what God wants. The only problem is we are not happy with God. We do not agree with what God did. And because of that we hate those who God made of different races and different religions.

Hence we do not really believe in God. We cannot accept what God did because we cannot accept those who are of different races and of different religions. We reject God by rejecting God’s creations that are different from us and who believe differently from us.

If we really believe in God we would accept God’s action and decision. And we would embrace God’s creations never mind how different they may be from us because surely God did not play a sick joke on us by creating us just so that we can hate and kill each other.

When someone dies, Muslims are supposed to say, “From God we came and to God we return.” We do not say, “Fuck you God! How will I feed the children now that you have taken away the only breadwinner in the family?”

But when we deal with fellow humans of another race who has a different religious belief from us we say, “Fuck you God! Why did you allow the Chinese and Indian infidels to come to our country?” Well, maybe we did not quite say it exactly in those words but the hate in what we say means just that.

People Are People, What Should It Be???

So we're different colours And we're different creeds And different people have different needs It's obvious you hate me Though I've done nothing wrong I never even met you So what could I have done

I can't understand What makes a man Hate another man Help me understand

Christians and Muslims hate gays. Where did these gays come from? Well, they came from where we also came from, God. Why did God create gays? Surely God could have created us all ‘straight’? Did God make a mistake? If so then God is not really as great as we thought. Or did God purposely create gays so that we can have someone to hate and put to death?

Christians and Muslims believe they know what the truth is while everyone else is in the dark and has not seen the light. And, because of this belief, Christians and Muslims are damn arrogant, condescending, self-righteous, and extremely judgemental. They believe they are the chosen ones while all others are condemned. And this is because they do not believe in God.


Social Animal

  • I don’t need to know everything; I just need to know where to find it, when I need it.

  • Never keep anything in your mind that you can look up.

  • Never memorize what you can look up in books.


Sociable Voice onto the Wall Media



By FND Beast

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