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Dignity Of GOD (Followers & Worshipers) - PART 1

Writer's picture: IMAGE OF GODIMAGE OF GOD

Dignity – Worthy of Honour or Respect

  • God the immortal the ever knowing the perfect creator exists in the created realm as well as the uncreated realm likewise God is timeless for time is meaningless to God as God exist in the past, present and future and is forever in existence both within and outside of time and space as such time is timeless to God and space is spacious and infinite to the Creator.

  • God exist before Time, throughout Time and Had always and is always in existence be it the past, present and future for He who creates a being an image but in creation there can be non other similar or the same as or alike like 'The God' for He had always been alone and is Alone always... A God has no Father, no Mother, No Daughter but perhaps in some context just the only Begotten Son. To follow prophets or should One follow the God?

“Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created” (Revelation 4:11).

Exodus 20:4-5 New International Version (NIV) 4 “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,

Exodus 20:4-5 New International Version (NIV)

4 “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,








How we perceive things sometimes do not make sense to small minds that can think better than mature minds. Or at times what make seems logical to me is illogical to you, for in each mind is a world of its own. A world only known to the holder or creator of that mind.

There was once a time where lands are plentiful,

A time where lands are solely God's own...

For The earth is the LORD's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it...

If you talk to God that will be called ‘praying’ and you will be called ‘religious’. If God talks to you that will be called ‘crazy’ and you will be called ‘mad’. At least today.

The Jews believe that the last time God talked to humans was about 3,500 years ago. The Christians believe that the last time God talked to humans was about 2,000 years ago. The Muslims believe that the last time God talked to humans was about 1,400 years ago.

And thereafter the door to God’s discussion or conversation with humans was closed. Since then God does not want to talk to humans anymore, maybe because God realises that the more He talks to humans the more divided humans become and then they start forming new religions and start killing one another and will use His name to justify all these killings.

There's a place I like to hide A doorway that I run through in the night Relax child, you were there But only didn't realize and you were scared It's a place where you will learn To face your fears, retrace the tears And ride the whims of your mind Commanding in another world Suddenly, you hear and see This magic new dimension...

Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.

Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law, a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household. Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it.

Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.

“He is Light from Light, true God from true God, and begotten not made, of the same substance as the Father.” Jesus is literally the Son of God (as Paul said) and not allegorically the Son of God (as the Jesus Movement of Jerusalem said).

Paul wrote his first epistle in 48 and in 58 he wrote the final epistle. In 66 (some say in 64), Nero executed both Paul and Peter in Rome, the same year of the Jewish revolt.

In 70, the Romans totally destroyed Jerusalem and burned it to the ground so that nothing remains, the same year that the Gospel of Mark was written.

It was not until 30 years later that the Gospels of Matthew and Luke were written and 50 years later into the second century that the Gospel of John was written (almost 100 years after Jesus).

In other words, what the Christians call the New Testament was written after the destruction of the Jesus Movement as well as the Jerusalem Church. Furthermore, the New Testament breaks from what Christians call the Old Testament and effectively creates a new version of Christianity that departs from the Christianity of the Jesus Movement and the Jerusalem Church.

In 313, Emperor Constantine issued the Edict of Milan followed by the Nicaea Council in 325 in Turkey and the Council of Hippo Regius in 398 in Algeria.

Over the 300 years since the ascension of Jesus, the Christian world was in disarray. So, in 325, Constantine brought together 2,000 bishops from all over the world with instructions that they would not be allowed to go home until they resolve the issue of the nature of Jesus and his relationship to God.

The discord of the Christian world was whether Jesus was human or divine.

After months of quarrelling and arguing, the Council handed to Constantine what is now known as the Nicene Creed, outlining for the first time the official and sanctioned orthodox beliefs of the Christian Church.

“He is Light from Light, true God from true God, and begotten not made, of the same substance as the Father.” Jesus is literally the Son of God (as Paul said) and not allegorically the Son of God (as the Jesus Movement of Jerusalem said).

Basically, this doctrine is based on the Letters of Paul.

Those who disagreed with this Creed were immediately banished from the Christian Empire and some even put to death for the crime of heresy and/or blasphemy and their teachings banned.

In 398, another group of bishops assembled in Hippo Regius to canonise what Christians today call the New Testament. More than half the 27 books of the New Testament are either by Paul or about Paul.

It must also be noted that there was serious conflict between Paul and the Jesus Movement of Jerusalem regarding other matters of doctrine. The Jesus Movement argued that Jesus came to fulfil the Laws of Moses, not to abolish them like what Paul argued. And to become a Christian you must get circumcised and you are not exempted from circumcision like Paul said, who himself was circumcised.

In 57, James and the apostles demanded that Paul come to Jerusalem to face the Apostolic Council to answer to the charge of deviant teachings. In Paul’s own account of the meeting in a letter to the Galatians soon after that, Paul said that he was ‘ambushed by false believers’. Paul, who was clearly upset and at odds with the Council, left Jerusalem for Rome after that to continue with his own church that was considered a breakaway church from the Church of Jerusalem.

James and the Apostolic Council insisted that Jesus was human and not divine and to say otherwise is blasphemous.


The New Testament is not from Jesus. These are fabrications by those who came long after Jesus had died just like what happened to Islam with the 700,000 or so Hadith that are alleged to have been recorded sayings of Prophet Muhammad but which more than 99% are considered fake and fabrications.

So herein lies the problem. Islam is a by-product of the Old Testament or Judaism. Christianity is a creation of Paul and not the teachings of Jesus. So what we have in the end is utter confusion of what more than half the world believes to be the true religion of God.

And it is all because once-upon-a-time a legend or myth named Moses supposedly met God and came back with a list of laws that became the foundation of the Abrahamic faiths or Semitic religions that forbid freedom of thought and freedom of choice and forces you to believe and accept what the ‘religious leaders’ say or else face persecution and prosecution.

It is because of Moses we have religions called Judaism, Christianity and Islam. And these religions are intolerant of ‘deviant ideas’. These religions punish you for thinking ‘other thoughts’.

Today, if I were to say that God speaks to me I would never be able to form a new religion and my ‘holy book’ would not be accepted as the word of God. I would need to have been born 1,000 or so years ago before I can succeed in convincing humans that God spoke to me and that this is the message that God gave me and so on.

1,000 or 2,000 years ago humans were ignorant and superstitious. If you suffered a headache, that was because the devil had entered your head. If your chickens died, that was because someone had used black magic and had put a spell on them.

They would believe anything you told them if you looked like a prophet and sounded like a prophet. And how do they know you look like a prophet? Well, prophets have long hair, beards, and wear long white robes with sandals on their feet. They speak in riddles that no one can quite understand but certainly sounds most impressive indeed. In fact, the more people cannot understand what you say the more you sound impressive and the more they would believe in you.

From the time of Jesus all the way down to Muhammad, and even after Muhammad’s death, many people came along who all claimed to be prophets. Jesus was not the only miracle worker of his time. There were many miracle workers before and after Jesus as well as during the time of Jesus who travelled all over the region to preach the ‘word of God’ and performed miracles.

You see, in those days, miracles were evidence that you are special and have been chosen by God. Hence to convince people you must be able to perform miracles. And that was why Jesus had to perform miracles or else no one would believe him. Miracles were mandatory to be accepted as a prophet of God in those days.

For there can only be One and Only God consisting of multiple followers of different faith group or sect performing worship onto a Wall of Hope... (You're Not The Only ONE!!! A variety of ways and tributes that leads to the same destination...

In Arabia, during the time of Muhammad, poetry was revered and those who could recite wonderful verses were placed very highly in society. Men admired them and women swooned and fell in love with them. And that was why the early Qur’anic verses were very poetic and wonderful to hear when properly recited in a very melodious manner.

It is actually like the entertainers of today, those singers, actors, actresses, and so on. If you are a good singer or actor/actress, people would idolise you and you became their idol and you will have many followers and make plenty of money.

So, prophets also needed to ‘sing the right note’ and ‘act in an entertaining way’ to be able to win over the crowd. A boring prophet would not attract any followers. You must know what the market demands and satisfy the market’s needs. In the end it all boils down to good marketing and promotion, just like in any venture that you would like to see succeed.


Faith is a strange thing. It not only allows you to believe in what cannot be proven but it also helps you to hate one another. And we hate because we have faith — we have faith that we are right and that everyone else is wrong. If we did not have faith there would be very little reason to hate and kill one another. And faith is what religion says we must have.

Assuming you have never come into contact with any of the Abrahamic faiths or Semitic religions and you have never read a single of the many ‘holy books’ (say, because you were living on another planet and just came down to earth very recently) and you open one of these books and read it, what would be your opinion of the God of Abraham?

Your first opinion would be that the God of Abraham is a very jealous God. He would not tolerate you worshipping or believing in any other God other than Him, the God of Abraham. And if you do believe in or worship any other God, you will be punished and sentenced to an eternity in the fires of hell after you die.

Then you will probably think that since God created us and programmed us very specifically, why did He not also program us to believe in just Him and not to believe in anyone else?

How we think and what we believe is all up to God. There are many natural things that we have been programmed with. Sex, for example, is something that we have been programmed with. Sex is natural. It is what we were born with. Why can’t we have been born to naturally accept the one God as well?

Then there is legal sex and there is illegal sex. While we have been programmed to want sex we were never programmed as to what is the right sex and what is the wrong sex. I am not sure whether animals are gay but male dogs always seek out female dogs. Do male dogs look for male dogs?

Dogs are programmed as to what is right sex. But God did not program humans the same way. And then because we were not properly programmed the way dogs are programmed God punishes humans for wanting the wrong sex.

Were dogs created perfect and humans not created perfect? Why are there so many flaws in humans? God is supposed to be perfect and does not make mistakes. But then there are so many mistakes with humans.

We are heartless, cruel, greedy, selfish, arrogant, egoistical, lustful, power-crazy, self-centred, inconsiderate, and much more. Even animals are not like this. Hence humans are worse than animals. And humans are supposed to be the vicegerent on earth. Yet humans are the worst of God’s creations.

And a God is forever alone surrounded by Angels for the Angels are the creation of fateful and faithful followers; except One ie. The Fallen Angel a.k.a Iblis, Satan for being too arrogant for posting questions that leads to a downfall and to be forever cursed in Hell!!!

Then God realised he made a mistake and was regretful and decided to wipe out every living thing on earth and start again. So God chose Noah and his family as the new experiment where the old experiment had failed and the whole world was flooded and everything and everyone other than what was in the Ark died.

Why did God have to kill everything on earth just to punish some wrongdoers? With the power available to God could He not just send a disease to wipe out the bad people or only wipe out humans while leaving the animals and plants that did no wrong unpunished?

By now that person who was living on another planet and who just came down to earth and opened one of the holy books to read would begin to wonder who in heaven’s name wrote all these stories? They sound so incredible and do not paint a good picture of this God of Abraham.

There are so much inconsistencies and it appears like this God blundered all along the way and had to keep correcting His mistakes. He did not program humans properly and had to keep sending prophets to teach humans how to behave (124,000 prophets in total according to Islam).

And yet even after all these prophets, 124,000 according to Islam, humans still deviate from God’s commands and defy God. Humans then create thousands of religions that contradict each other and then kill each other because they disagree with what is the true religion.

This person who was living on another planet and who just came down to earth and opened one of the holy books to read would probably come to a conclusion that if God really does exist then he certainly made a mess out of his creation called humans. This person who was living on another planet and who just came down to earth and opened one of the holy books to read would then jump back into his spaceship and go back to his planet where there is no jealous God, no thousands of religions, no hundreds of holy books, and where people live in peace and harmony with love for fellow creations.

Yes, faith is a strange thing. It not only allows you to believe in what cannot be proven but it also helps you to hate one another. And we hate because we have faith — we have faith that we are right and that everyone else is wrong. If we did not have faith there would be very little reason to hate and kill one another. And faith is what religion says we must have.

Yeah it really does sounds creepy indeed… I'm just a Creep and I don't belong here...

Hoping and wondering when’s the next spaceship leaving earth?

In a place of 'Thou' Is a place of Do's and Don'ts In a place of made Believe Is a place of Good vs Evil... In a place of Right and Wrong Is a place of Morals and Immorals It's kind of Creepy I don't belong here...


Social Animal

  • I don’t need to know everything; I just need to know where to find it, when I need it.

  • Never keep anything in your mind that you can look up.

  • Never memorize what you can look up in books.


Sociable Voice onto the Wall Media



By FND Beast

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