To have Hope is basically to have Faith and to have a faith is to belief that existence is the result of creation. How existence come to be and why we are here is to understand the concept of created and uncreated, as upon been created there'll be a point of time that it be uncreated so as to taste "Death!!!"
To have Hope is to belief that the dead will always be constantly around for the dead is the result of the soul leaving its body (the outer shell) to be freed to wherever it may roam ... Where is the Soul?
Upon knowing the concept of creations existence is based on fate and not base on luck for nothing ever happens by chance; as a believer on a particular faith everything is simply fated to be. To have faith is to belief in a set of values and customs term as Religion.
Religion is about faith. Hence religion is intangible since faith is intangible. Tangible is something you can see, smell, touch, hear, etc. Intangible is invisible. For instance, when you sell a business you calculate the tangible and intangible assets. Tangible assets are real assets, fixed and current. Intangible assets are things such as name, goodwill, reputation, and so on. These are the invisibles that you put a value to but which cannot really be measured, as you would, say, tables and chairs.
In a place of made belief is a place of multi belief system. With so many believe system or religion there seems to be a place of morals. For humans are moral beings and faith is considered the deciding factor of who is morally right or wrong.
Who is right and who is wrong? Herein lies the problem. How do you determine wrong from right if both are having differences in opinions regarding faith? Faith is faith. There is no right and wrong when it comes to matters of faith. Hence are there going to be any winners and losers in such a debate?
Both sides would not be able to prove their case. They can argue and argue till the cows come home but no way can they support their arguments with tangible evidence. At best they can ‘support’ their arguments with hearsay.
And by the rules of evidence hearsay is not evidence. So do we even need such a non-starter debate to begin with? What can you hope to achieve? Who can shout the loudest? Just because you can shout the loudest does not mean you are right and the other side is wrong.

And all religions does agree and belief in the same thing ie. "Man of Faith does belief that in Life there is indeed Death". And upon Death the soul is free leaving its Home to dwell to where ever it may roam... And upon Death there'll be a permanent place of existence to be created once more to be of existence in a perfect place in Heaven and that life is term as the After Life...
The Value Of Faith; The Do's and The Dont's: The Restriction!!!

Is it morally wrong to eat a fellow inhabitants??? (A Cruel Act?) (Do we evolve from Monkey aka. Ape?)
“That’s right. We clamp a live monkey in that hole in the middle of the table. Then we slice open the skull and pour brandy into the skull after which we light it up and fry the brain while the monkey struggles and squeals.
“Are you ready to order, sir?”
“Yes. What is the speciality of the house?”
“Our deep-fried roast pork skin is the talk of the town.”
“No, no pork. I am a Muslim. I don’t eat pork.”
“Okay. No pork then. Why not try our duck cooked in wine? That is also our speciality.”
“No, no wine also. Muslims can’t take liquor.”
“Well, the duck won’t taste as nice cooked in Coca-Cola. Okay, our other speciality is monkey brain. Ours is the best outside Hong Kong.”
“Monkey brain?”
“That’s right. We clamp a live monkey in that hole in the middle of the table. Then we slice open the skull and pour brandy into the skull after which we light it up and fry the brain while the monkey struggles and squeals. Oh, I forgot, you don’t take liquor.”
“It’s not only the liquor. I also don’t eat monkeys, especially the brains of live monkeys, fried or otherwise.”
“Alright. Do you eat dogs then?”
“No, no dogs.”
“Okay, then I take it you don’t eat cats either.”
“No cats.”
“Try our snake then. We slit the snake from head to tail and garnish it with a special…”
“No, no snake.”
“Anteater? No.”
“You said no pork. But now it looks like no pork and hundreds of other things as well. This is going to go on forever. Why not just tell me what you can eat. That would be easier and faster.”
“Okay. I can eat beef, lamb and chicken.”
“Alright. Our sizzling beef is the best in town. Or you can try our steamed chicken or charcoaled lamb. Or try all three.”
“I’ll try your streamed chicken.”
“Okay, half or quarter chicken?”
“Half should be okay. But is it halal chicken?”
“It is the normal chicken with wings and feathers.”
“No, I mean is it properly slaughtered?”
“Of course. We never cook the chicken while it is still alive. We kill it first.”
“I mean, how do you kill it?”
“We cut of its head with a chopper.”
“Is it done the Muslim way?”
“The Muslim way?”
“Yes, with prayers.”
“The chickens can’t pray.”
“Not the chickens, the person who kills the chickens. Do they pray as they kill the chicken?”
“I don’t think so. Most times they are listening to music on their iPod.”
“Oh, then it is not halal. I suppose the beef and lamb would be the same then. Maybe I will just order the fish.”
“Okay, the fish then. You have no problems how the fish is killed?”
“No, no problems. But hold on. How do you cook it?”
“Steamed, fried, any way you like.”
“No, I mean do you cook it in the same pots and pans that you cook the pork and all those other things.”
“You don’t have separate pots and pans for the fish?”
“Oh, then it would be contaminated by the pork.”
“If that is a problem I can always serve the fish raw, something like Japanese Sushi.”
“No, it won’t taste so nice. Maybe I will just have the vegetables, raw, not cooked.”
“Okay. But why did you not just go to the vegetarian restaurant next door then? It looks like it is not just no pork but no everything other than vegetables.”
“Yes, I suppose it is not so much what I don’t want but what I do want, which is almost nothing.”

Everything comes from God? as such all the wealth on the face of this earth is owned by God and God just temporarily allows us to ‘borrow’ them while we are still alive? A Man of Faith should believe that we are mere trustees of all this wealth who have been entrusted (amanah) by God to look after them — and that we must use them properly and not misuse them in any way? A believer does belief that we are all going to die one day and all the wealth we accumulate in our lifetime will be left behind when we go to our graves? We will bring nothing with us when we go to our graves.
So, according to such belief system, all the wealth on the face of this earth is owned by God and we are but mere ‘trustees’ of God — and God decides who He will appoint as this trustee to look after His wealth....
At the end of the day, everything is about faith and not about facts or historical records, whether it is in matters of religion or matters of politics. And because of your faith, you would believe in what someone you believe in says over what someone who you not believe in says.
Christians would believe that Jesus died on the cross and got resurrected. Muslims would believe that Muhammad flew up to heaven on a flying horse to meet God. And people of the Book beliefs that Adam are made of dust and clay... Of Dirt and Mud...
There is nothing you or I can say that is going to change this belief system. Such is the power of faith over facts. It turns intelligent people into idiots.
No one knows what it's like To be the bad man To be the sad man Behind blue eyes And no one knows What it's like to be hated To be fated to telling only lies [Chorus:] But my dreams they aren't as empty As my conscience seems to be I have hours, only lonely My love is vengeance That's never free!!!! Yeah!!! No one knows what its like To feel these feelings Like i do, and i blame you! No one bites back as hard On their anger None of my pain and woe Can show through No one knows what its like To be mistreated, to be defeated Behind blue eyes No one knows how to say That they're sorry and don't worry I'm not telling lies!!!