In a place of made believe Is a mind to belief Of an everlasting perfect life A life in the Afterlife. .. In a place of thou shall Not do this and thou Shall not do that is a place Whereby everybody Needs Somebody...
But when One is a nobody To anyone for its a place And time to be in a state Of emptiness. A state of Nothingness... For before The Light, there is just Darkness A nobody don't really need anyone Is a place before Heaven and Hell!!!
Somebody & Nobody
Would a Somebody Die for a God? Would a Somebody Die for a Country or your own people? or Would a Somebody or anyone die for a family? What is worth dying for? What will be a noble cause for a Somebody to Die for? Will an act of suicide be an act of a Somebody or will it be an act of a Nobody? But in the name of God, to Die for a God is truly a Somebody for Not just anyone will die or sacrifice this temporary Earthly Life for a more permanent perfect After Life!!!
Well, when One is a Somebody truly it is worth Living for in a Life of a yet imperfect temporary place but when One is a Nobody it seems genius to think of a ever lasting life, a perfect permanent life of the After Life and as such it really seems to be logical on believing such act will be rewarded with a place in paradise!!!
“You can die for your country or your people or your family, but for a god you should live fully and busily, every day of a long life.” By - Terry Pratchett from his book Small Gods.
There is a clear distinction between suicides by those in mental anguish and those who willingly kill themselves in service of a cause or higher being.
In the context of suicide bombers, it is problematic. Islam, like Judaism and Christianity, is an Abrahamic faith. It is very clear from scripture that suicide is a sin. For a long time, churches would refuse to bury suicides, leaving their corpses to be buried in unconsecrated ground.
Yet some would argue that BIblical figures such as Samson and early Jewish zealots as well as Christian martyrs died for their faiths.
Dying for a place, Dying for a God...
The problem with god-related suicides or murders or wars is that you don’t really get God to officially confirm this was his intention.
Islam, like Judaism and Christianity, is an Abrahamic faith. It is very clear from scripture that suicide is a sin. For a long time, churches would refuse to bury suicides, leaving their corpses to be buried in unconsecrated ground.
Yet some would argue that BIblical figures such as Samson and early Jewish zealots as well as Christian martyrs died for their faiths.
The thing is, when Samson brought down the temple to kill the Pharisees, he quite literally had few other options. He was a prisoner, among his enemies, and the one way for him to bring them down would, unfortunately mean his own death. So Samson cannot really be considered a model for current modern-age suicide bombers.
Why is a suicide bombing different than say, an ordinary act of war? If a soldier with a gun is a living weapon, why can he not make himself a true weapon by blowing himself up?
Is a suicide bomber any different from the Japanese kamikaze warriors, going into battle with the expectation of dying? The thing about dying for a cause is deciding if the cause is worth it.
With the Abrahamic faiths, it feels unusual to commit a great sin in the hope of a great reward. For instance, the suicide bombings of schools. How can taking one own’s life as well as the life of innocents, and claim a higher power guided you?

Dying for 72 Virgins
There was once a time when God decide that there is a need for an intervention. A sacred and divine intervention where he decides to be involved with mankind; A time to intervene, so as to purify the earth and for the seeds to be pure and clean. But then the seed was not implanted due to mishaps and the plan was changed totally but surely in time the only seed will return… But till then it is just utter silence. For Silence is the language of God all else is poor translation. (Rumi).

A God only needs a Virgin ie. Virgin Mary but Man needs 72 Virgins to be with in the After Life. Or will it be a variety of virgins?
Special Prayers for God to hear...???
Hajat means need or wish. Based on the context of how the word hajat is used it can also mean intention or objective. Basically, solat hajat is the prayers you perform to call upon God or Allah for help in solving a problem, crisis or dilemma. Normally, people facing difficulties and whom needs God’s help to overcome this difficulty would ask for help by performing solat hajat.
While I am not trying to belittle or make fun of the faith of Muslims who perform solat hajat as a means to seek God’s help in overcoming a problem, is this really the way to go? I mean, isn't just praying is good enough?
The Christians would say, God helps those who help themselves. If you perform solat hajat and then jump off a building; I am sure God is not going to arrange a soft landing for you. You are going to break every bone in your body the instant you hit the ground. If you do nothing but just leave it to God to solve all your problems your problems are not going to go away, never mind how strong your faith may be.
How bout performing Special prayers before dying for God? Will the names of those Beauties be call upon? Will Ari, Paris, Jessis, Eve etc be those 72 virgins to be with in the After Life? Strange But True!!!