Mankind's perception on Life.... Your view does not make what you say become the truth. Truth is subjective. That these organisations exist is true. That they fight for a cause is true. Whether the cause is right is not the truth. And whether the cause is wrong is also not the truth. The truth and falsity depends on your beliefs. Beliefs would be what you perceive things to be. And what you have to say about what you believe are merely your opinions.

Is stupidity measured based on your religious belief? If it is then stupidity must certainly be relative. I mean, you may say you are clever and not stupid for supporting, the 'Flat Earth' theory. But then I can still say you are stupid for praying to statues and idols or for believing in the Trinity nonsense and for believing that Jesus is the Son of God and that he died and came back to life three days later. Is it stupid to believe in the After Life? Has anyone really return from the After Life so as to make that belief genuine?
The story of the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus is the foundation of Christianity. If it did not happen then there is no Christianity. If the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus is a lie then Christianity itself is a lie. Hence to dispute the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus is to dispute the existence of Christianity.And Islam disputes the story of the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus. In that same spirit, Prophet Muhammad’s Night Journey is crucial to Islam. That story, too, is crucial to the existence of Islam. If that story is disputed then it opens Islam itself to question. It is very important, therefore, that the Muslims defend the story of Prophet Muhammad’s Night Journey.

Basically, the earth is a flat disc protected by an invisible barrier called “the firmament,” a dome-like feature that also happens to be referenced in the Old Testament so you know it’s real. Copernicus, of course, fucked everything up by introducing his theory of heliocentrism. Flat Earthers acknowledge that while Copernicus’s math was right, he lacked the technology necessary to definitively prove his theory. Still, the idea took hold, governments started preaching it, and a centuries-long lie was born. As such, a couple of hundred years ago, those who thought that the earth revolved around the sun (and not the other way around) and those who thought that the earth was round (and not flat) were considered stupid. Also considered stupid were those who believed that the universe had existed for billions of years when the church had already ‘proven’ that the universe was created just 6,000 years ago.
Of course, today you would say that those who believed this nonsense 200 or 300 years ago were stupid. However, 200 or 300 years ago, the whites would say that you yellow, brown and black people were stupid instead. So, as I said, stupidity changes over time and place. In different places and different times different people would be regarded as the stupid ones. Hence stupidity is relative and not static.
Do we accept what was taught in school and do we accept the truth just based on stories? Or do we accept everything plainly and never ever thought of what is supposed to be the truth? If 1 + 1 equals 2 have you ever wonder why there is a possibility of 1 + 1 equals 3? In other words if God created Adam and Eve in a Flat world, why is the round world accepting Adam and Steve? Is there a flaw in God or are man playing God?

Read more of Flat Earth Theory and Society at >>>

It was not until 360 years later that the Church admitted it was wrong and Galileo was right. However, it took 360 years before the church would openly and publicly admit that earth revolves around the sun and not the other way around and that earth has been in existence for tens of billions of years. And that was only because Pope John Paul II was one of the more progressive church leaders.
The church wanted Galileo put to death for his heresy but because he had strong links with those who walk in the corridors of power they could only put him under house arrest. That probably saved him from being burned alive at the stake.
Some sects in Islam do not accept Hadith. Some sects do but only a few of the 7,000 or so Hadith that the Sunni Muslims consider authentic. Then again, some sects believe in different Hadith from those that the Sunni Muslims believe. So there is no real standardisation when it comes to Hadith. Different sects have different views regarding the matter.
The fact that originally there were about 700,000 Hadith and less than 1% (or less than 7,000) were classified as Sahih or authentic means that there is certainly grounds to ask for even the balance 1% be looked at again. In fact, if you were to delete the repetition or overlapping Hadith, you would be left with just 5,000 and not 7,000.
The orthodox or fundamentalist Muslims would defend the Hadith to the death. They would classify those who question or reject the Hadith as infidels or apostates. A true Muslim must believe in both the Qur’an and the Hadith. To only believe in the Qur’an but not the Hadith means you are not a Muslim but an apostate. And the punishment for the crime of apostasy is death, no two ways about it. This is the stand of the orthodox or fundamentalist Muslim.
So the question now is, Why do these ulama’ or mullah have so much power and authority to decide on what we can and cannot believe and what will happen to us if we believe the wrong thing? Who created this priesthood class and this religious hierarchy? And who gave them the power of life and death? All this was not there during the time of Prophet Muhammad. It was created many years later so that the power and authority over religion can be monopolised by a handful of ‘scholars’.

Religion is all about faith and you need faith to believe that Jesus died and came back to life three days later and that Muhammad flew 1,200 kilometres to Jerusalem and then up to heaven to meet God in just one night. And people who have faith and believe in this do not like those who do not to dispute what they believe and to suggest that what they believe may not be right.And this is why we live in perpetual ignorance. Once we believe we believe and we will refuse to listen to any contradictions to these beliefs. We only want to hear the truth, which means what we believe, and will reject lies, which means contradictions to these beliefs. And that is why propaganda works — because people are prepared to believe in God even though no one has thus far proven that God exists.

Why have limited desires when in the After Life there be 72 Virgins to lust upon...

The Qur’an without the Hadith is useless. It does not even teach you that Muslims must pray five times a day. You need the Hadith to teach you that. They will also tell you that if you read and understand the Qur’an then you will discover that Islam is not a religion of peace like Muslims claim but is actually a very violent religion.
It is said that the Qur’an is the true book of God and which came from God through the angel Gabriel and that the Bible is a distortion and has twisted the real teachings of Jesus. Christianity does not exist and is an invention of Paul after Jesus had gone up to heaven.
A believe that Jesus never died on the cross or came back to life three days later. There is no "Holy Trinity" because the Trinity is a hoax and was invented more than 300 years after Jesus by a pagan, Constantine, to mislead the followers of Jesus as such the Bible is utter nonsense and is full of contradictions.

A Reason to Believe
Is to have faith
For there is Hope
Cause the moments
Is just temporary, a memory
Its the Afterlife tat
Is a way to be...
A reason to be rebirth
In another time
Another place.