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Somewhere Before Time and Space

Writer's picture: AdminAdmin

To create Something; Out of Nothing... Tat's the will of God When One is Making Love, Out of Nothing At All... From Emptiness to Fullfillness... Be, It shall Be!!! Allah Wa Alam.

In the beginning somewhere before time and place Is a space of Emptiness, A place of Nothingness...

Nothing seems to exists, Just as it is a vacuum

In the absence of light, In the absence of Dark

Before Time and Space co-exists;

Somewhere before Creation and Existence...

God is eternal. God is omnipotent. God is omniscient. The theists (which would include Muslims) believe that these are but just some of the attributes of God.

This means God has no beginning and no end. God is not controlled by His power, but has complete control over it. God knows all things, which can be known, past, present, and future.

These are amongst the many attributes of God, which all theists whether they are Jews, Christians or Muslims agree on (who says that the Jews, Christians and Muslims can’t come to an agreement?).

Theists also believe that in the beginning God created the entire universe, with us humans in it. And theists believe that all this will come to an end one day — the end of time or akhirat (akhir meaning the end).

Going by this belief, that means God also created time. Time exists because God created the beginning and the end. If there were no beginning and no end then time would not exist.

Now, God is not subjected to His creations. In fact, the reverse is true. His creations are subject to God. God has absolute power and control over His creations. And this would, of course, mean time as well.

Going by this belief it would make sense since God is eternal. There is a beginning and an end for the entire universe. But there is no beginning and no end for God. We live and we die. God does not live and die. God is eternal.

Okay, so if God is eternal and there is no beginning and no end for God, and if God is not subjected to His creation, in this case time, where does God exist then? Does God exist within or outside time?

If God exists within time, which is His creation, then this means He is subjected to His creation, which is time. If God is not subjected to His creation, which is time, then God certainly has to exist outside time. That means time does not exist for God. It only exists for us. That is why we live and we die. We have a beginning and we have an end. There is no beginning and no end for God. God does not die. God is eternal.

In that case, since time does not really exist, where do we humans exist then? We existed in the past (yesterday). We exist in the present (today). And we may exist in the future if we do not die tonight (tomorrow). But God did not exist yesterday (because there is no time for God). God will not exist tomorrow (for the same reason). God only exists today (ever present).

This means that yesterday and tomorrow do not exist. What exists is only today. In fact, even today does not exist because today would be 24 hours and 24 hours is also time. So even today does not exist. What does exist is just one single point in time.

If there is no such thing as time but we feel we are living in time (we have a beginning and we have an end) that means what we feel is merely an illusion. Time does not exist so therefore we also do not exist in time. We exist in just one point in time, not throughout time.


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  • I don’t need to know everything; I just need to know where to find it, when I need it.

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