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Eye of The Beholder

Writer's picture: AdminAdmin

In the Eyes of the Beholder

In the eyes of the creator, All men are treated equal; In the eyes of the Angel Men are destructive creatures who wages war against each other.

In the eyes of the creator Men are created with multiple diversity and colours; whereby In the eyes of men only specific culture and race are of the supreme and divine or chosen ONE.

In the eyes of the Creator all object of creations is a Beauty whereby In the Eyes of Man Satan is just an Evil being unlike the Angels.

In the eyes of Man, Satan is a deceiver a pure Evil; In the Eyes of Satan Man is a destructive being that is a sworn enemy of its existence.

In the Eyes of Man, the Beauty of a woman does comes in all shapes and sizes; In the Eyes of Holy Man woman’s body is pure evil as that Beauty are to be conceal as it is the works of Satan.

In the Eyes of the Creator each variety of his inventions are pure and clean; In the Eyes of Men not all souls or its inventions are clean and pure.

In the Eyes of the Creator, Satan’s power comes from the will of his authorization; In the Eyes of Man Satan is powerful and can defeat and even kill the Creator.

In the Eyes of the Creator Man and Woman are supposed to be One; In the Eyes of Man it is otherwise.

In the Eyes of the Creator Woman is not the equal of Man; In the Eyes of Mankind, Woman and Man are supposed to be treated as equals.

In the eyes of a bee, flowers are to be pollinate; In the eyes of a flower the more the bees the merrier and grateful it be.

In the Eyes of the Creator Lands are supposed to be God’s owned; In the Eyes of Man Lands are supposed to be divided in terms of race, culture and belief system.

In the Eyes of the Lion King the bigger the pride the better is the survival chances termed as Super Pride; In the Eyes of Man only One Love is relevant whereby In the Eyes of certain Sect it stops at four brides.

In the Eyes of Man there can only be One true Creator; In the Eyes of the Creator there exist multiple Creator without his Will.

In the Eyes of the Man Heaven is a place where the Creator resides, In the Eyes of the Creator Heaven is just a place another of His great inventions.

In The Eyes of Man Hell is a place of the Infidels; In the Eyes of the Creator Hell is a place for the unjust and unrighteous being.

In the Eyes of the Creator no one are supposed to be judge; In the Eyes of Man a righteous being is to follow rules and dogmas within a believe system and are to be judge based on their actions and deeds.

Beauty lies In the Eyes of the Beholder

“‘Verily, I am going to place mankind generations after generations on earth.’ They said: ‘Will You place therein those who will make mischief therein and shed blood, while we glorify You with praises and thanks and sanctify You.’ God said: ‘I know that which you do not know.’” (Quran 2:30)

If it is true that Satan refused to bow down to man because Satan believed that man is the most destructive and cruelest of God’s creations, then Satan was right beyond any shadow of doubt.

As the Bible says, on the sixth day, God created man, and on the seventh day, God rested. And on the day that God rested man, out of boredom and with nothing else to do, created religions. And when God woke up on Monday he discovered man fighting one another.

And that was when God gave up and decided to go back to sleep.

“....Prostrate to Adam and they prostrated except Iblees (Satan)....” (Quran 7:11)

Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. (Matthew 10:34 KJV).

Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. (Matthew 10:34 NIV)

Wars are easier to comprehend when it involves greed. It could either be greed for power or greed for wealth. When we say greed for power it would involve greed to dominate others, normally those weaker than us, and greed for wealth would involve greed for territory and natural resources.

And that, basically, is what colonisation is all about.

But when wars are fought in the name of religion this becomes a bit more complicating. This is not a war for worldly gains but a metaphysical war. It is not a war between peoples of different nations but a war between forces of light and forces of darkness.

It is a war in which both sides believe that God is on their side.

In this kind of war, butchers become soldiers of God. It justifies the most brutal and wanton killings plus utter destruction and turns them into acts of virtue, and death as noble sacrifices. Morality, justice and compassion have no place in a war commanded by God because these are virtues that God does not allow against His enemies.

In such a war there is only good and bad. We are good and you are bad. There is no middle ground. So everyone has to choose a side. If you are not with us then you are with them. So that means you are the enemy.

There can be no two ways about this. If we are on the side of good, and if there is no middle ground, then that can only mean you are on the side of bad. It cannot be any other way. So the blood of those not with us becomes kosher or halal.

In such a war there are no winners or losers. It is a war that no one wins. There are no compromises. There is no negotiation. Retreat or surrender cannot be considered or accepted. This is not the way of God.

Jews, Christians and Muslims say that their religion is the religion of peace. Their message is the message of love, tolerance and compassion. But none of their Holy Books demonstrate this. Their Holy Books talk about punishing and exterminating those perceived as enemies of God.

For more than 2,000 years we have been fed the fallacy that the message from God is the message of peace and love. But for more than 2,000 years since God’s message first came down to humankind the history of the world is a history of war, death and destruction.

In the eyes of the creator, All men are treated equal; In the eyes of the Angel Men are destructive creatures who wages war against each other.


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  • I don’t need to know everything; I just need to know where to find it, when I need it.

  • Never keep anything in your mind that you can look up.

  • Never memorize what you can look up in books.


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By FND Beast

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