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Between Fate & Destiny

Writer's picture: AdminAdmin

Are we destined for a path by design? Or do we control our own destiny? Is it out of fate that things happens?

Do we control our destiny? Do we have the powers to do it so? Or is Life just based on a designated path ? Whereby only God knows but we ar not knowing it... Is it fated that Adam and Eve are descend from Heaven? Is it fated that drives Adam and Eve to be kick out from the Garden of Eve. Is it a destiny to be in Heaven? And is it a sin to choose God over Heaven instead? I don't know!!!

Do we control our destiny? Do we have the powers to do it so? Or is Life just based on a designated path ? Whereby only God knows but we are not knowing it...

Is it fated that Adam and Eve are descend from Heaven? Is it fated that drives Adam and Eve to be kick out from the Garden of Eve. Is it a destiny to be in Heaven? And is it a sin to choose God over Heaven instead? I don't know!!!

In Every Action there is an Equal and Opposite Reactions

In Every Action there is an Equal and Opposite Reactions

Are 2 people simply meant to be? When there is a saying in Malay:- ‘Jodoh tangan Tuhan’.

And what that means it states that between two partners or soulmates; It is up to God to decide because only God Has the authority to control it.

Cassius:- "The fault dear Brutus, Is not in our stars, But In ourselves, that we are underlings" In Newton’s third Law... It literally means: If you do good to me, I be good to you... And the same goes otherwise. Do not do unto others what You Don’t want others to do unto You.

Cassius:- "The fault dear Brutus, Is not in our stars, But In ourselves, that we are underlings"

In Newton’s third Law... It literally means: If you do good to me, I be good to you... And the same goes otherwise. Do not do unto others what You Don’t want others to do unto You.

Formally stated, Newton's third law is: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. The statement means that in every interaction, there is a pair of forces acting on the two interacting objects. The size of the forces on the first object equals the size of the force on the second object.

“As a Rule, Men worry more about ... What they can’t see than about what they can.” - Julius Caesar

Thou should do this and Thee shall not do tat... To believe is to obey never question, the mind of the Creator...

American King James Version But of the fruit of the tree which is in the middle of the garden, God has said, You shall not eat of it, neither shall you touch it, lest you die.

In a Land of Made Believe

More than half the world believes in God or more than half the world believes that some sort of God exists.

Some may ask, “What the difference?” Actually there is a difference. Believing in God and believing that some sort of God exists are two different things.

When you believe in God that means you not only believe that a Creator exists but you also put full faith and trust in that Creator. And since He, She or It is the Creator that makes you the creation. And since you are the creation then the Creator owns you. You are the Creator’s possession.

You do not own anything. In fact, you do not even own yourself. Instead you are owned. So that makes you nothing.

Someone who believes that a God exists but does not believe in God would not accept nothingness. You would feel that you are somebody. You would feel that you own your being. Your position, status, power, family, wealth, etc., are all yours. You worked hard for it. You fought for it. Hence it all belongs to you.

It is very hard for a person who just believes that a God exists but does not believe in God to accept that nothing belongs to you. Your car belongs to God so if someone wishes to steal it then that is God’s wish. After all, that car belongs to God and not to you. In the first place it was God’s money and not your money that you used to buy the car. So if God wants to take it back and give it to someone else that is God’s wish.

When you believe in God and you have full faith and trust in God you would leave it to God to decide whether you should be driving a car or whether someone takes it away from you. That person may be a car thief but would he be a car thief if God did not wish it and could he have stolen your car if God did not allow it? So it was God and not the ‘thief’ who took your car.

Your life belongs to God. God gave you life and God has every right to take back that life. You have full faith and trust in God to decide when to give you life and when to take back that life. And if someone shoots you dead then that would be what God wants and that person who kills you would have no power to not kill you if God wants it to happen.

Yes, that is the most difficult concept about believing in God for most people to accept. Many believe that a God exists but cannot bring themselves to believing in God to the point of allowing and accepting someone to kill you as God’s wish and something that you or your killer cannot avoid.

How Ideas affect Actions

"Men freely believe that which they desire". - Gaius Julius Caesar

Seems in Life everything is destined for which is in accordance to fate tat is because a believer of God means you not only believe that a Creator exists but you also put full faith and trust in that Creator. And since He or She is the Creator that makes you the creation as such since you are the creation then the Creator owns you. You are His or Her possession. Out of that faith, Your Life belongs to God. God gave you life and God has every right to take back that life. The Rights to take it Back!!!

And when ONE is Lost, Can it ever be Found? No One knows? Cause only God knows... And I still haven't found what I'm looking for... Amen.

Saying that you believe in God is easy. Practicing what you say you believe is not. And this is what separates those who believe that God exists from those who believe in God.

The problem is most people believe in the God that religion says exist. Hence your belief in God is contaminated by religion. Yes, that’s right, religion is contaminating. Religion contaminates your belief in God due to the fact that religion weakens your belief in God and reduces you to just believing in the existence of God.

Religion is about dogma and rituals. You are so bogged down by dogma and rituals that you forget to elevate yourself from the lower level of believing in the existence of God to the higher level of believing in God.

Religion also divides us and makes us fight — hence making us forget that everything in this universe is owned by God and therefore there is really nothing to fight about since we own nothing.


Social Animal

  • I don’t need to know everything; I just need to know where to find it, when I need it.

  • Never keep anything in your mind that you can look up.

  • Never memorize what you can look up in books.


Sociable Voice onto the Wall Media



By FND Beast

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