If God exists within time, which is His creation, then this means He is subjected to His creation, which is time. If God is not subjected to His creation, which is time, then God certainly has to exist outside time. That means time does not exist for God. It only exists for us. That is why we live and we die. We have a beginning and we have an end. There is no beginning and no end for God. God does not die.

For God exists everywhere & anywhere. He is there be it in the past, present & future and is always there everywhere in space for He is Omnipresent & Omnipotent.
Omnipotence, Omniscience, and Omnipresence
Omnipotence means all-powerful. Monotheistic theologians regard God as having supreme power. This means God can do what he wants. It means he is not subject to physical limitations like man is. Being omnipotent, God has power over wind, water, gravity, physics, etc. God's power is infinite, or limitless.
Omnipotence is the quality of having unlimited power. Monotheistic religions generally attribute omnipotence to only the deity of their faith. In the monotheistic philosophies of Abrahamic religions, omnipotence is often listed as one of a deity's characteristics among many, including omniscience, omnipresence, and omnibenevolence.
Omniscience means all-knowing. God is all all-knowing in the sense that he is aware of the past, present, and future. Nothing takes him by surprise. His knowledge is total. He knows all that there is to know and all that can be known.
Omnipresence or ubiquity is the property of being present everywhere. The term omnipresence is most often used in a religious context as an attribute of a deity or supreme being, while the term ubiquity is generally used to describe something "existing or being everywhere at the same time, constantly encountered, widespread, common."
The omnipresence of a supreme being is conceived differently by different religious systems. In monotheistic beliefs like Christianity, Judaism, and Islam the divine and the universe are separate, but the divine is present everywhere. In pantheistic beliefs the divine and the universe are identical. In panentheistic beliefs the divine interpenetrates the universe, but extends beyond it in time and space.
To the Mortal being Time could either be Priceless or Time could be Worthless... One could never get back the time as it seems Priceless and One could never got back that point of time as it seems Worthless as in existence One just seems to be Alive in a particular point in time. To the Creator of the Force Time is Meaningless as to an Immortal the past, present and future will always be a part of Existence... To 'HE' who thou worship is everywhere, anywhere or even somewhere in Time!!!

God is eternal. God is omnipotent. God is omniscient. The theists (which would include Muslims) believe that these are but just some of the attributes of God.
This means God has no beginning and no end. God is not controlled by His power, but has complete control over it. God knows all things, which can be known, past, present, and future.
These are amongst the many attributes of God, which all theists whether they are Jews, Christians or Muslims agree on (who says that the Jews, Christians and Muslims can’t come to an agreement?).
Theists also believe that in the beginning God created the entire universe, with us humans in it. And theists believe that all this will come to an end one day — the end of time or akhirat (akhir meaning the end).
Going by this belief, that means God also created time. Time exists because God created the beginning and the end. If there were no beginning and no end then time would not exist.
Now, God is not subjected to His creations. In fact, the reverse is true. His creations are subject to God. God has absolute power and control over His creations. And this would, of course, mean time as well.
Going by this belief it would make sense since God is eternal. There is a beginning and an end for the entire universe. But there is no beginning and no end for God. We live and we die. God does not live and die. God is eternal.
Okay, so if God is eternal and there is no beginning and no end for God, and if God is not subjected to His creation, in this case time, where does God exist then? Does God exist within or outside time?
Since time is meaningless to an immortal but is either priceless or meaningless to a mortal as such there seems to be a need for an invention of the Time-Machine so as to undo the done...
If God exists within time, which is His creation, then this means He is subjected to His creation, which is time. If God is not subjected to His creation, which is time, then God certainly has to exist outside time. That means time does not exist for God. It only exists for us. That is why we live and we die. We have a beginning and we have an end. There is no beginning and no end for God. God does not die. God is eternal.
In that case, since time does not really exist, where do we humans exist then? We existed in the past (yesterday). We exist in the present (today). And we may exist in the future if we do not die tonight (tomorrow). But God did not exist yesterday (because there is no time for God). God will not exist tomorrow (for the same reason). God only exists today (ever present).
This means that yesterday and tomorrow do not exist. What exists is only today. In fact, even today does not exist because today would be 24 hours and 24 hours is also time. So even today does not exist. What does exist is just one single point in time.
Forever Young - In a single point of TIME!!!
If there is no such thing as time but we feel we are living in time (we have a beginning and we have an end) that means what we feel is merely an illusion. Time does not exist so therefore we also do not exist in time. We exist in just one point in time, not throughout time.
Is Creation an Act Of Love??? Would you Love your soulmate more than a God? and how does one Love the unseen??

We always thought that the present is here and now, yesterday no longer exists, and tomorrow has not come yet. But that is because we are measuring things in human values. But if we look at things from the perspective of God, in the perspective of God’s omnipresence, while we may be here, now, yesterday is still around and tomorrow has already happened.
We can very simply divide the world into three: theists (or polytheists), atheists or agnostics. Theists believe in God (mainly one God). Polytheists believe in a pantheon or compendium of Gods. Atheists do not believe in God or the existence of a God(s). Agnostics are not sure: there may be something up there but they adopt an open mind about it and accept that there could be some sort of power whether it can be called God or not.
If you study the Abrahamic concept of God then you will learn that God has certain properties. One of these properties is that God transcends time. God was not born nor will God die. God has always existed and will never cease to exist. God created everything from nothing and all that is created will eventually be uncreated.
So, before the universe came into being there was already a God. Long after the universe disappears there will still be a God. God does not exist in time. God just exists: period.
Time exists only for that which is created. Time begins when creation begins. Time ends when creation ceases to exist. For something that is uncreated, there is no beginning of time and there is no end of time. Time does not apply to that which is neither created nor will become uncreated or cease to exist.
God is here and God is everywhere at the same time. God is not subject to any place or period in time. If God is here today but no longer exists yesterday then God is subject to time. Since God is not subject to time then God never ceased to exist yesterday.
We are here today. In some other part of the world it is still yesterday. In yet another part of the world it is already tomorrow. Hence today, 21st April 2018 for us, could be 31st March for some people or 2nd April for others, depending on what time it is for us here.
I never thought... You'd let it get This Far Boy!!!
In a lifetime, Is where time exist In time it shall past by Leaving not knowing To be wasted in Time... A wasted time of living Knowingly to rot And to be decayed Someday in Time In a time of a Lifetime...

God is with us here today. God is also with those who are still in yesterday. And God is also with those who are already in tomorrow. Hence God is present every day wherever we may be. Only we are here today and no longer in yesterday and not yet in tomorrow because we are the created.
So, if God is present in yesterday, today and tomorrow all at the same time, that means God is still present 10,000 years ago and is already present 10,000 years from now. God cannot no longer exist 10,000 years ago and cannot not yet exist 10,000 years from now. God is omnipresent, as the Abrahamic faiths teach us.
The prefix ‘omni’ comes from Latin meaning ‘all’. So, to say that God is omnipresent is to say that God is present everywhere. In many religions, God is regarded as omnipresent, whereas, in both Judaism and Christianity, this view is further subdivided into the transcendence (beyond and above) and immanence (inherent or intrinsic) of God. Although God is not totally immersed in the fabric of creation (pantheism), He is present everywhere at all times.
That definition of omnipresent means God is here, there, today, yesterday and tomorrow.

In Space & In Time Is a place of Once In a Lifetime... For as time ends So does the space; The space just ends in Time!!! For nothing ever Last In a place of creation Someday it be an Extinction!!! As time fades So does Space... What was once A somebody Is just a Nobody... And in time It's just going to be a memory A memory of Existence... For time is worthless As time can never be Earn!!! It's a total waste of Creation!!!
If that is so, meaning God is everywhere and is present at all times, then yesterday has not ceased to exist and tomorrow has already existed. So, whatever happened 10,000 years ago is still happening (since that time still exists) and what is going to happen 10,000 years from now has already happened (since that time already exists).
We, because we are created, measure time in terms of past, present and future. God, because He is uncreated and not subject to time, has no past, present and future. God just exists, in all places at all times.
Food for thought, is it not? We always thought that the present is here and now, yesterday no longer exists, and tomorrow has not come yet. But that is because we are measuring things in human values. But if we look at things from the perspective of God, in the perspective of God’s omnipresence, while we may be here, now, yesterday is still around and tomorrow has already happened.
So, can we really change our fate when tomorrow has already happened? In short, whoever is going to be the Beauty for Beast?
Sigh…that’s what happens when you think too much or when you plan ahead of time...
Beauty, Beauties... Beautiful.
For every Creations Is a Beauty of God.

25 Minutes Too LATE!!!
“God is Omnipresent.” What do we mean by that statement? Often times, we are told that as part of our basic tenets of faith, we are to subscribe to the fact that God is “Omniscience,” “Omnipotent,” and “Omnipresent.” “Omniscience,” or “all-knowing”; we can understand. Even “Omnipotent,” or “all-powerful” we can accept, since He is God. But “Omnipresent?” What does that word mean? Is God Everywhere?
Does that mean that God is everywhere, even inhabiting the block of wood or stone, which people carve into an idol? This is one interpretation which is much subscribed to by New Agers, some Hindus and animists. They believe that God is everywhere in the universe. There is “god” in us, each of us has the “divine spark” and our ultimate aim is to join our divine spark with the all encompassing, all present God which is in the universe. When we die, our divine spark is released from the mortal body to be merged and be one with the One (called variously as “Brahmum”, “Universal Consciousness”, “God” etc). Therein lies the basis of concept like “we are masters of our own destiny,” “self-incarnation,” “feel good” (e.g. the once popular “chicken soup for the soul series”) because of the simple 'fact' that we are “god” (or at least have some part of god in us)...
Silence Of God... We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how nature - trees, flowers, grass- grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence... We need silence to be able to touch souls. Mother Theresa
For Time consists of the Past, the Present and the Future but is a God consists of The God, The Son and The Holy Spirit? Or Is God just an entity on its own? Forever Alone... Not creating Its Own so as not to be Owe?
Who do the dead 'belong' to?
Why are there a Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Chinese Cemeteries? Are we being Racists?
Who does the dead belongs to? To a living family or to a heavenly family?
JUNE 11 — Only in a place:- Religious authorities having no qualms about gatecrashing your wedding or your funeral. Self-appointed guardians of our souls, they seem to believe that it's God's job to look after the poor, the elderly and the infirm while their job is to make sure that people don't get married or buried without their say-so.
Now let me step into dicey theological territory. Do the religious authorities have more claim over a dead body than, say, the deceased's family? Will God really send you to hell if your body isn't interred the "correct" or "theologically preferred" manner?
Funerals are not for the dead. They are for the living. They are for those who want to mourn those who have passed on; to grieve, to remember and to bid farewell to loved ones.
What do I believe? That no religious body has the right to snatch a corpse or dispose of it, not unless the deceased had specifically left behind instructions to be buried in a certain manner.
No religious authority should have precedence over a family's wishes. But that is the problem with our religious authorities -- the searing, zealous belief that they are doing God's work, that what they are doing is God-sanctioned. The truth is, you will never know.
You won't really know if God exists until you die. You can't really justify 100 per cent that you are doing the right thing by God without His/Her official sanction.
Faith is in the realm of belief. What you believe may or may not be the truth and your believing in something does not make it true.

Even in Death One will face such fate By being Alone... Such lonesomeness Is just a part of a journey To reach upon its destination To be one with its Place Where space and time cease...
To the One & Only Creator who is not of any kind, has and always been a Lonely Ol'Night for in the beginning there is only Darkness!!!
A Space In Time
Since God existed both within and outside of time for time is a mere creation of man; does tat means that there is a space or a place without time (ie. outside of time)?
In a place termed as the After Life is a place of permanent placement for those fateful believer of a Creator who's purpose of existence is to follow and comply strictly to its commandments by rewarding fateful followers for their good deeds to a place of paradise after going thru death.
If there is such a place or a space, does that means:-
Is God personal?
Is God impersonal?
Is God both personal and impersonal?
Is God neither personal nor impersonal?
According to Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh or Osho: God is not a person, God is the totality of all that is. The whole creative energy of existence is God. God is not the creator; rather, God is the creative force, the very creation itself.
When Prophet Muhammad was asked by his contemporaries about Allah; the answer came directly from Allah Himself in the form of a short chapter of the Qur’an, which reads: “In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate. Say (O Muhammad), He is God, the One God, the Everlasting Refuge, who has not begotten, nor has been begotten, and equal to Him is not anyone”.
Is Allah personal or impersonal in Islam? Islamic description of Allah is unknowable and above comprehension, only adjectival words are allowed. It is considered blasphemous to “presume” that one can know Allah intimately or claim any sort of close, personal fellowship with him, thus it is safe to assume that Allah is impersonal. The keyword is “unknowable”.
Impersonal - Not existing as a person
In any religion, God cannot be both personal and impersonal because the former will be first and foremost, in order for God to be impersonal, God must be personal first. This is an a posteriori justification and it is very difficult to imagine God’s eternalness if impersonal God came first. For God, the transition from impersonal to personal is meaningless, for example, humans are created from earth, humans are personal being but earth is not. Either personal God or impersonal God had created humans from earth. Humans are not God, but it is meaningful for personified humans to create impersonal objects such as cars, ships, computers etc. Then who created God? We leave this question as it leads to an infinite regression.
-9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
The zero in the arithmetical series of numbers above is an indeterminate quantity and to say minus zero or plus zero makes no difference, but it is still a number. If it is not positive or negative, we cannot say it is both positive and negative because positive and negative are opposite and cannot be attributed to the same number. So if God is neither personal nor impersonal, the metaphysical conception of emptiness or nihilism came into play and thus God does not exist or God could possibly had been invented by humans.

The way science inquires and progresses is exactly the way of man’s inner search to find the truth and becomes a lab unto himself. The Buddha could not find any God within himself or outside after searching to the very core of his being, thus Buddhists do not believe in God, instead they talk about Nirvana. Buddha’s religion is based in an inner benediction, in an inner blessing – it has nothing to do with fear, especially of God. Buddha says that it is not because of fear that should you be moral, but because of understanding.
The coming of a super mind, a perfect being or messiah who will lead us into a long awaited era of universal peace, love and joy is being anticipated by all religion – the Hindu Avatar, the Al Mahdi of the Muslims, the Jewish Messiah, the Buddhist Maitreya, or the second coming of Christ. Are they all point to the same being that is soon to come or are they different? So which God, revelation or teaching is true, real or right?

“When two men of science disagree, they do not invoke the secular arm; they wait for further evidence to decide the issue, because, as men of science, they know that neither is infallible. But when two theologians differ, since there is no criteria to which either can appeal, there is nothing for it but mutual hatred and an open or covert appeal to force.”
The essence of worship in Islam is the feeling of gratitude towards Allah. The feeling of gratitude is so important that a non-believer is called a kafir or an infidel, which means one who denies the truth and also one who is ungrateful. This essence of worship is comprehensible only if God is personal and knowable as He is able to grant us our wishes, as only personal God can wills before any yields, otherwise it is similar to the worshiping the water, rock or tree believed to contain unknowable divine character of the natural world as practiced in paganism.
Let’s compare God to gravitational force to distinguish personal and impersonal God. Impersonal God can never grant us our wishes. Take for example, a man who worships gravitational force a million times, he will still die a million times if he jumped a million times from a hundred storey building without a parachute; unless a personal God commanded some angels to save him from crashing. So men do not pray and will not be grateful to all these existing forces but they have to do some study to understand them. These existing forces will not reveal its formula or theories to us by worshiping them but it is for us to use scientific approach and experiments to realize them.
Many unaltered verses in the Qu’ran did mention about fighting the infidels. The Qur’an certainly proclaims that when the time is appropriate, Muslims must use force or perhaps other subtle ways to convert the unbelievers to Islam and to punish or kill anyone who leaves Islam. According to the principle of abrogation, “Let there be no compulsion in religion” is being abrogated by the later texts “Verses of the sword” to compel conversion of the infidel by armed violence which historically Islam’s preferred method. At its core, Islam is a religious mission to all humanity and Muslims are religiously obliged to disseminate the Islamic faith throughout the world. In the aftermath of the September 11 terrorist attacks, Saudi religious and political leaders, in the process of extending their condolences to President Bush, also extended an invitation to him to convert to Islam.
Realistical, authentical or ethical questions aside, the above paragraph is only comprehensible if God is personal, God’s command is His personal command and not His will, intention or desire. Humans must believe that they are able to fly before working on building an aeroplane. A human who only will could never take to the sky or change the world. The emphasis is on why we want to believe before doing the correct things. Similarly, only personal God has the prerogative to choose a different mode to reveal the Qu’ran through Jibril as compared to how the Torah is revealed to Moses and the Bible by Jesus. Thus, it is also understandable and sensible when Pope Urban II orders the first Crusade to take back Christian lands from Muslim invaders since he is the representative of personal God on earth.
Matter Of TIME...
God is beyond both: matter and mind. You cannot know God unless you become God himself. If I say “I can know God without becoming God,” you are saying something impossible. Because of this, Christianity and Mohammedanism both think that to say that you can become God is sacrilegious, profane, irreligious; it doesn’t show respect. The Mohammedan attitude about it has been so stubborn that it killed Mansur al-Hallaj and other Sufi mystics because they declared that they were God. Unless you enter him, and become one with him, how can you know him? You can just move around and around him. But whatsoever you come to know is just information that is gathered from without, it is not direct knowledge.
Reality cannot be known by the outer senses – the outer senses interpret reality as matter. Reality cannot be known through the inner senses – the inner senses interpret reality as mind. Reality can be known only when you have taken a jump into reality itself, without any mediators; when you have lost your mind and when you have lost your meditation also.
The authentic religion does not teach you to worship. The authentic religion teaches you to discover your immortality, to discover the god within you. Death is defeated only by those who are ready to die any moment, to accept death without any reluctance.
Truth, by its very nature, cannot be organized. To organized truth, or to kill it, mean the same thing. The first thing an organized establishment do is to kill its own esoteric part, because the esoteric group is always a disturbance, a heresy.
A true religion will not require faith from you. A true religion will require experience. It will not ask you to drop your doubt, it will help you to sharpen your doubt so that you can inquire to the very end. The true religion will help you find your truth. Mohammed’s truth is Mohammed’s truth; it cannot be yours just by becoming a Mohammedan.
Neither can the pope, the religious leaders convince anybody that for God’s sake you have to kill. Strange … because God has created everybody. Whomsoever you are killings you are killing God’s creation. If it is true that god created the world, then there should be no war – it is one family, there should be no nations.
All wars are irreligious. Many more people have been killed in the name of religion than in any other name. It has nothing to do with religions, just the ego. Whatsoever is yours has to be the best in the world. Whatsoever is others’ cannot be the best, cannot be allowed to be the best in the world.
There would be no good and no bad because goodness and badness are human distinctions, mental distinctions. If there were no human beings on earth, would there be any flower that was ugly or any flower that was beautiful? There would only be flowers flowering; the distinction would not be there. Existence exists with no beginning and no end, but with many changes.
A child is pure because there is no mind. And the moment knowledge comes, division enters. You begin to divide between what is good and what is bad. You cannot create order on the world. When you try to create order you create disorder. Religion always divide you into two: the evil and the divine. If someone really follows them, he will come to conclude that the moment you destroy the devil, God is destroyed.
Whatsoever you know about “God” is through “tolds” – the parents, the society, the culture. It is your conditioning.
And now you have got a concept about God and you are trying to understand that word. “God” is not a word. The word God is not God. The word is simply a word, in itself empty and meaningless. If you really want to know what God is, you will have to drop the word and drop the mind and move into no-mind. Love will bring you closer to it than thinking.
If you don’t believe in any God, you may not be irreligious, because God is not basic to religion. Non ego is basic to religion. And even if you believe in God, with an egoist mind you are irreligious. With a non egoistic mind there is no need to believe in a God. You fall into the divine automatically.

Is Satan personal, impersonal, unknowable or better not to know?
If God is Almighty, why didn’t He destroy all the Satan once and for all?
Did Buddhism influence early Christianity as researchers claimed to have found proof of the existence of manuscripts in India and Tibet that support the belief that Christ was in India during this time in his life?
Is it true according to Prof. Tariq Ramadan of Oxford University that Islam does not prevent or kill anyone who leaves the Islamic faith however the killings had been confused with political treason?
Is Allah the same as the God of the Bible? From a scholarly Christian perspective, see here https://www.trueorigin.org/ why Allah is not the same as the God of the Bible.
Why Allah is the God who is to be served and in contrast Jesus is the God who came to serve?
How to understand the fact that we only have access to the will of Allah and the revelation is not a revelation of Allah, but the revelation of his will?
Why Christianity overemphasizing faith/love and forsaking the law and why Islam integrated both law and faith/love?
Is it true that the God of the Bible is love, whereas Allah’s primary characteristic is power?
Could it be possible that Allah’s power leads to fatalism rather than obedience from the security for the believer?
Why there is a contrasting fact that the God of the Bible wants to be known in the context of His personal predestination while Allah does not want to be known?
Why Jesus will descend in a Buddhist fashion, dressed in yellow robes with his head anointed according to the Hadith? Why not in white or black burqa?
Is it true according to Ibn Warraq in his book “Why I am not a Muslim” that the Islamic Allah is the end result of theological evolution and concoction from pagan pre-Islamic religious systems in the Middle east?
Is it true according to Ibn Warraq again, there were numerous words of foreign origin in the Qu’ran and the Arabs Arabicized them, for example the word “Koran” itself comes from the Syriac, and Prophet Muhammad evidently got it from Christian sources?

Will it be 25 minutes too late; If Time is just an illusion???
Why Space and Time Might Be an Illusion...
"A theory of gravity is also a theory of space and time".
So, a theory of gravity swallows its own tail. It supposes, for example, that the passage of time varies, but the word “varies” connotes a temporal process. If time is varying, then the very standard by which it is varying also varies. The whole situation threatens to become paradoxical. This conceptual circularity creates weird mathematical difficulties. For instance, the little ‘t’ that physicists use to denote time drops out of their equations, leaving them at a loss to explain change in the world. To describe what happens, physicists need to go beyond space and time. And what is that supposed to mean? Such an idea forces us into (literally) uncharted territory.
String theory, loop quantum gravity, causal-set theory: these are just a few of the approaches that theorists have taken. Naturally, proponents of each are convinced the others are misguided or even downright unscientific. But when you take a step back from the dispute, you notice all agree on one essential lesson: the space-time that we inhabit is a construction. It is not fundamental to nature, but emerges from a deeper level of reality. In some way or other, it consists of primitive building blocks — “atoms” of space — and takes on its familiar properties from how those building blocks are assembled.These “atoms” are clearly nothing like ordinary atoms such as hydrogen or oxygen.
For one thing, they are not tiny, because the word “tiny” is a spatial description and these atoms are supposed to create space, not presuppose it. Yet many of the same principles apply. Water, for example, consists of H2O molecules. It can undergo a change of state — freezing or boiling — as those molecules rearrange themselves into new structures. The same might be true of space. If those atoms can assemble themselves into space, presumably they could also reassemble into other structures. And that might explain many of the mysteries of modern physics.
"The ordinary laws of physics, operating within time, are inherently unable to explain the beginning of time".
Consider black holes. If, God forbid, you fell into one, Einstein’s theory predicts your timeline would end. You would die, but that’d be the least of it. The atoms in your body would simply cease to be. Instead of ashes to ashes, you’d have ashes to ... nothingness. The new emergent space-time theories suggest a different picture in which space undergoes a change of state in a black hole. The black hole does not have an interior volume; its perimeter marks where space melts. The result is a new state that is no longer spatial and is scarcely even imaginable in human terms. If you fell in, you would probably still die, but the atoms in your body would still carry on in some new form.
Consider, also, the big bang. Like black holes, it has always posed something of a paradox. The ordinary laws of physics, operating within time, are inherently unable to explain the beginning of time. According to those laws, something must precede the big bang to set it into motion. Yet nothing is supposed to precede it. A way out of the paradox is to think of the big bang not as the beginning but as a transition, when space crystallized from a primeval state of spacelessness.
The Only Certainty Of Life Is Death... What If I Die tomorrow?
Finally, consider the mysterious phenomena of quantum nonlocality — what Einstein called “spooky action at a distance.” Two or more particles can act in a coordinated way, no matter how far apart they may be, and they do so without sending out a sound wave, beaming a radio signal or otherwise communicating across the gap that separates them. The particles behave as though they are not, in fact, separated. And one possible explanation is that the particles are rooted in the deeper level of reality where distance has no meaning.
To be sure, this is all still speculation — but it is constrained speculation. Scientists didn’t dream up these ideas over drinks after work. They were driven to them by combining the principles of Einstein’s theory and of quantum theory and seeing where the path takes them. By the very nature of research, we don’t know what these ideas mean or even if they’re right. But we do know that humans have not yet grasped all there is to grasp about the universe. And when we do take the next step, the effects will surely propagate into our broader culture. Just as learning something new makes you a better person, so too will learning something new about the universe propel humanity to the next level.
READ MORE >>> Why Space and Time Might Be an Illusion

Why is time controversial? It feels real, always there, inexorably moving forward. Time has flow, runs like a river. Time has direction, always advances. Time has order, one thing after another. Time has duration, a quantifiable period between events. Time has a privileged present, only now is real. Time seems to be the universal background through which all events proceed, such that order can be sequenced and durations measured.
The question is whether these features are actual realities of the physical world or artificial constructs of human mentality. Time may not be what time seems — this smooth unity without parts, the ever-existing stage on which all happenings happen.
Is time physical?
To appreciate time is to feel the fabric of reality. I interview physicists and philosophers on my public television series, "Closer to Truth," and many assert that time is an illusion. What do they mean that time is "not real?"
Huw Price, professor of philosophy at Cambridge University, claims that the three basic properties of time come not from the physical world but from our mental states: A present moment that is special; some kind of flow or passage; and an absolute direction.
"What physics gives us," Price said, "is the so-called 'block universe,' where time is just part of a four-dimensional space-time … and space-time itself is not fundamental but emerges out of some deeper structure."
We sense an "arrow" or direction of time, and even of causation, he said, because our minds add a "subjective ingredient" to reality, "so that we are projecting onto the world the temporal perspective that we have as agents [in this environment]." [Alan Alda Asks: 'What Is Time?']
Think of the block universe, which is supported by Einstein's theory of relativity, as a four-dimensional space-time structure where time is like space, in that every event has its own coordinates, or address, in space-time. Time is tenseless, all points equally "real," so that future and past are no less real than the present.
READ MORE >>> The Illusion of Time: What's Real?
Forever Young In The AfterLife...