For Wars are indeed inevitable ever since the day of creation till its end times.
“The Messenger of Allah said: ‘After you, some days will come when knowledge and science will be removed and harj will increase!’“The Companions (may Allah be pleased with them) asked:‘O Messenger of Allah! What is harj?’“The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said:‘It is killing. It is killing. It is killing.’”3
The term ‘Last Day’ in reality stands for the ‘Last Age’, or the age which would culminate in the end of history—when the true Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary (not son of God), would return to rule the world from Jerusalem with justice and ‘eternal’ rule. It would be ‘eternal’ in the sense that history would end with that event. Life on earth beyond that event, and after Jesus dies a human death and is buried next to Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon them both) in Madinah, would not qualify as history.
The Beginning
God says to the angels in the Qur'an (2:30 - 33): “‘Verily, I am going to place mankind generations after generations on earth.’ They (the angels) said: ‘Will You place therein those who will make mischief therein and shed blood, while we (the angels) glorify You with praises and thanks and sanctify You.’ God said: ‘I know that which you do not know.’
Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. (Matthew 10:34 KJV).
Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. (Matthew 10:34 NIV)
As the Bible says, on the sixth day, God created man, and on the seventh day, God rested. And on the day that God rested man, out of boredom and with nothing else to do, created religions. And when God woke up on Monday he discovered man fighting each other!!!
The First War

Another famous story: Cain kills Abel, his own brother. Now, what would possess a man to do something as horrible as this? Cain didn't have a hungry family to feed. There wasn't some kind of war going on. As we recall, from Untold Garden of Eden, the serpent and Eve may have gone a little farther than just eating a piece of fruit. They may have done a little more than just talk. Their offspring, according to many ancient written sources, was actually Eve's firstborn son Cain.[1] The common term for fathering a child in the Bible is begat. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that Adam - Eve's husband - begat Cain! Plain as that. Although Cain was a child of Eve, could he possibly have had the genetic make up of someone else - an upset and complaining angelic being, now made human for his punishment? Could the Serpent actually be his father, resulting from this seduction of Eve? With all of the anger and resentment inside of this angelic being already, could it be that the Serpent would naturally pass these negative attributes on to whomever he sired? Could this have been a reason why Cain so easily could have committed murder?
The Serpent (Azazel, Nachash, etc.), as postulated in Untold Garden of Eden, may have used sex to seduce Eve. Through their fornication, she may have become pregnant. According to some sources, as a result, there may have been more than one child produced: they may have sired both Cain and Abel. Why both? Again, nowhere in the Bible does it say that either Cain nor Abel were Adam's son; nor were they listed in any of the genealogies of Adam! Yet, Cain, for example, was said to be, in the Bible, "of the wicked one" (I John 3:12). The Bible even says that the third-born son of Eve, Seth, was the first child born of her who actually resembled Adam, somewhat (Gen. 5:3)! Why? Could it be that the first two offspring of the Bible may have had the blood of someone else?
For Adam not knew; as it is kept away by Eve. Adam should have act earlier so as to protect his kingdom. Could this a betrayal of friendship for before Eve, the Fallen Angel was said to be closest to Him a trustworthy friend it may seems. For Adam had no bloodline and he not knew of the sins or the wrongdoings as it is just something new to him.

Could it be that 'Nudity' is the cause of the serpent to be tempted towards Eve's apple? If it is should Eve be covered and not to be glorified of its Beauty so as for Adam to protect his Kingdom...????
On the other hand Mary, the mother of Jesus was well covered but God had his act so as to create a Human God like figure on Earth. A Begotten Son to a certain group of believer.
To compete for Beauty is to act like Beast. (Between Beauty & Beast)
Ibn Abi Haatim narrated: It was forbidden for a woman to marry her twin brother, and he was commanded to give her in marriage to a brother from another pregnancy. And from each pregnancy one boy and one girl were born. Whilst they were like that, a beautiful girl was born to him, and another was born who was ugly. The twin brother of the ugly one said to his brother: Give me your twin sister in marriage and I will give you my twin sister in marriage. He said: I have more right to my twin sister. So they offered sacrifices, and the sacrifice of the one who offered a ram was accepted but the sacrifice of the one who offered crops was not accepted, so he killed him. Ibn Katheer (may Allah have mercy on him) said: Its isnaad is jayyid.
Tafseer Ibn Katheer, 3/83
To be charged on something you not knew. To be punish so as to be banish and to be cursed till After Life!!! For War is Inevitable and it is a way of life in a time of Existence upon creation before the Next Life to come...
Wars are easier to comprehend when it involves greed. It could either be greed for power or greed for wealth. When we say greed for power it would involve greed to dominate others, normally those weaker than us, and greed for wealth would involve greed for territory and natural resources.
And that, basically, is what colonisation is all about.
But when wars are fought in the name of religion this becomes a bit more complicating. This is not a war for worldly gains but a metaphysical war. It is not a war between peoples of different nations but a war between forces of light and forces of darkness.
It is a war in which both sides believe that God is on their side.
In this kind of war, butchers become soldiers of God. It justifies the most brutal and wanton killings plus utter destruction and turns them into acts of virtue, and death as noble sacrifices. Morality, justice and compassion have no place in a war commanded by God because these are virtues that God does not allow against His enemies.
In such a war there is only good and bad. We are good and you are bad. There is no middle ground. So everyone has to choose a side. If you are not with us then you are with them. So that means you are the enemy.
There can be no two ways about this. If we are on the side of good, and if there is no middle ground, then that can only mean you are on the side of bad. It cannot be any other way. So the blood of those not with us becomes kosher or halal.
In such a war there are no winners or losers. It is a war that no one wins. There are no compromises. There is no negotiation. Retreat or surrender cannot be considered or accepted. This is not the way of God.
Jews, Christians and Muslims say that their religion is the religion of peace. Their message is the message of love, tolerance and compassion. But none of their Holy Books demonstrate this. Their Holy Books talk about punishing and exterminating those perceived as enemies of God.
For more than 2,000 years we have been fed the fallacy that the message from God is the message of peace and love. But for more than 2,000 years since God’s message first came down to humankind the history of the world is a history of war, death and destruction.
If it is true that Satan refused to bow down to man because Satan believed that man is the most destructive and cruellest of God’s creations, then Satan was right beyond any shadow of doubt.
When people fight over power and wealth it is a war that is easy to comprehend, that is if wars are even comprehensible in the first place. But when it is a war of beliefs then it is beyond human comprehension since God and not man is the guiding light.
Religion is not about logic. Religion is about belief and the faith you hold to believe so. How does one measure faith? Faith is immeasurable. Faith cannot be explained. Faith is in the mind and in the heart. Hence a war based on faith and belief is something only God can fathom if, in the first place, this faith and belief did come from God.
Compromise would mean sharing and coexisting. But how do you share and coexist when there is only one God but of different in ways of worship?
In this type of struggle the one that gives in would be admitting defeat. And the word defeat is not in God’s vocabulary. God does not tolerate compromise because God does not accept defeat.
Compromising and admitting defeat is a gross violation of God’s rules.
As the Bible says, on the sixth day, God created man, and on the seventh day, God rested. And on the day that God rested man, out of boredom and with nothing else to do, created religions. And when God woke up on Monday he discovered man fighting over the right God.
And that was when God gave up and decided to go back to sleep.
In Emptiness of Space; In Nothingness it speaks... May it shine, may it last so as to outshine in time. For Diamonds last a lifetime may there be peace among mankind for the holy prediction really says otherwise. Truly Madly Deeply #Insanity
Muslims, just like the Christians, are very vague about the history of the Islamic and Christianity movements before the so-called religious scholars took over and reinterpreted Islam and Christianity. Their understanding of Islam and Christianity is based on what they have been told in the Hadith and the New Testament.
And that is why I equate the Muslim Hadith to the Christian New Testament. Both were written after Prophet Muhammad and Jesus Christ and both were written to ‘explain’ Islam and Christianity.
The Umayyad and Abbasid Caliphs reinterpreted Islam after the time of Muhammad while the Roman Emperor Constantine reinterpreted Christianity after the time of Jesus.
Hence the Islam and Christian teachings we see today are not the original teachings of Muhammad and Jesus. Hence, also, the secular belief of separation of church and state are foreign to both Islam and Christianity.
Islam and Christianity were originally movements. And this was what they were, movements. They were not religions per se. They were a complete way of life and a system.
The Qur’an calls Islam an adeen while the early Christians called theirs the Jesus Movement. The word Christianity was never used and it was about a movement regarding the reformation and restoration of the original Jewish faith.
Muhammad’s mission was to establish an Islamic system while Jesus’ mission was to establish a Jewish system. It was not just about doctrine, prayers and rituals but also about an administrative and political system.
Islam and Christianity were political movements. And that was why Muhammad and Jesus were both considered seditious and a danger to the ruling government of their days.
Mekah already had 360 Gods and religions. So one more made no difference to the Mekah authorities. Mekah also had three religions amongst those 360 that propagated the concept of the One God. Hence there was no problem with Muhammad talking about his One God.
But Muhammad was not just talking about a new religion of the One God. He was talking about changing the system, the administrative and political system. And this was the danger that Muhammad posed.
If Muhammad had just propagated his doctrine and rituals, that would have been quite acceptable to the Mekah authorities. What is one more religion when they already had 360? But to talk about changing the administrative system and the system of government was not something the Mekah authorities could ignore.
Hence Muhammad was forced to go into exile or suffer the consequences of a death sentence.
The same thing happened to Jesus. He was arrested for treason and the punishment for treason is crucifixion. Jesus was not just preaching a new religion. He was proposing a change of system. And that was why they took action against him and punished him according to how those guilty of treason would normally be punished in those days.
Both Muhammad and Jesus propagated war, war against the system. In fact, the Jews had been at war with the Romans for quite some time. But Jesus was not only at war with the Romans. He was at war with those who collaborated with the Romans as well, the lackey of the Romans in the Jewish hierarchy.
Paul, of course, disagreed with this. He was a Roman citizen so he felt that the church must work with the Romans. Others such as Peter, Paul, etc., disagreed. So there was a falling out between Paul and those from the original Jesus movement. Paul then moved to Rome to continue his compromising brand of Christianity, in opposition to Peter, who was also in Rome, who preached his more firebrand form of Christianity.
The same happened to Muhammad. The Mekah authorities negotiated with Muhammad for him to tone down a bit. They can allow a docile brand of a One God religion as long as this does not involve bringing down the government and changing the system.
But Muhammad was uncompromising so they planned to get rid of him and Muhammad had to leave Mekah and escape to Medina, what is known as the Hijrah.
Secularism was not acceptable to both Muhammad and Jesus. If Muhammad and Jesus had accepted the concept of separation of church and state the authorities would have left them alone. But Muhammad and Jesus disagreed that religion must be under the state and instead the state must be under religion.
A place of Paradise is to be In Heaven for in the After Life Good deeds are rewarded heavenly whereby Bad Deeds are to be punished in Hell!!!
The Hadith and the New Testament were created by the powers-that-be of their time. They were created after the time of Muhammad and Jesus. And this was so that the power over religion can be taken away from the anti-authority scholars and placed in the hands of the government of the day.
And that was why many Muslim and Christian scholars were put to death over the last 2,000 years. Those who were militant and preached a militant brand of Islam and Christianity were killed. And the state took over the powers of religion so that secularism could be propagated.
Could there be Unity? Could there be ONE?
How can believers of the three Abrahamic faiths or Semitic religions hate one another so much? They claim to all come from the same source, Abraham, and a long line down before Abraham, starting from Adam. And they all share the same doctrine of the One God who has no partners and has no beginning and no end and so on. Yet they have been killing one another from across faiths and within their own faiths for thousands of years and in the multi-millions.
The problem is simple. The Jews stop at Moses. The Christians stop at Jesus. And the Muslims stop at Muhammad whom they believe to be the final prophet and no other prophet will come after that. The Muslims accept Moses and Jesus. The Christians accept Moses but not Muhammad. And the Jews reject both Jesus and Muhammad.
That is more or less the long and short of it all and appears to be very simple. But it is really not that simple. It is more complex than that. Hence while the Jews know why they reject Jesus and Muhammad, the Christians and Muslims only know they reject each other (plus the Jews, of course) but not why they reject each other.
Yes, that is very true. The Christians reject Muhammad because the Muslims reject Christianity. Let me repeat that. The Muslims reject Christianity. They do not reject Jesus. They accept Jesus. They just do not accept Christianity.
Now, Christians just cannot understand how the Muslims can accept Jesus but reject Christianity. How can you accept the Prophet but reject this Prophet’s teachings? That is a most intriguing question and we shall look at the answer after this.
What is even more interesting is the issue of the Muslims accepting Jesus but not the teachings of Jesus. Most Muslims know they have to accept Jesus, so they do. And they accept Jesus while they reject Christianity. However, while they may reject Christianity, most do not understand why they have to reject Christianity. And to both Christians as well as Muslims who know that Muslims accept Jesus but reject Christianity, allow me to explain why.
And that explanation can be summed up in just one word: the Trinity (okay, so that’s two words).
Verse 171, chapter 4 of the Qur’an talks about Jesus and has this to say:
O People of the Scripture, do not commit excess in your religion or say about Allah except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, was but a messenger of Allah and His word which He directed to Mary and a soul [created at a command] from Him. So believe in Allah and His messengers. And do not say, “Three”; desist – it is better for you. Indeed, Allah is but one God. Exalted is He above having a son. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs.
So there you have it. Islam regards Jesus to be of virgin birth. However, Islam regards Jesus as merely a messenger of God and it flatly rejects the Trinity. No two ways about it and no compromise on the matter. And those Christians who also reject the Trinity are People of the Book as far as Muslims are concerned while those who uphold the Trinity are not followers of Christ but deviants and heretics who are apostates in the Muslim perspective.
That is Islam’s position on the Trinity.
Early Christianity was divided into two sects (just like what happened to Islam soon after the death of Prophet Muhammad). There were the Unitarian Christians of James, Peter and the other Apostles, and the Trinitarian Christians of Paul. And (just like what happened to Islam as well) the Unitarian Christians and the Trinitarian Christians fought it out for more than 300 years about whether Unitarian Christianity or Trinitarian Christianity is the correct version of Christianity.
Where do we belong?
Actually, while Paul may have insisted that Jesus was divine and was the Son of God, the Trinity itself was not introduced by Paul. That came in the year 220 when Tertullian first coined the term from the Latin word Trinitas and who argued that Jesus shared divinity with God — the Lord, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
It was not until another 100 years during the Council of Nicaea in 325 that the Trinity was properly formalised. However, this was strongly opposed by the Unitarian Christians who regarded the Trinitarian Christians as deviants who believed in heresy. Constantine, who himself was not a Christian, expelled those Bishops who opposed the Trinity and the Trinitarian Christians won the fight.
It took another 56 years during the Council of Constantinople in 381 before the church ratified the Nicene Creed. By then, over those 56 years since 325, all the opponents of the Trinity had been exterminated through persecution and genocide.
Anyway, by then all those who had participated in the 325 Council had already died. Most were in their 50s, 60s and 70s in 325 and some were in wheelchairs and could hardly walk so by 381 they could not possibly have still been alive. Hence, even if they had not been killed, they would have died natural deaths anyway.
Now, why did Emperor Constantine who was not even a Christian take so much trouble to interfere in Christianity and decide what form Christianity should take? In fact, it was Constantine who called for the Conference and who took charge of the proceedings.
The reason was because the Roman Empire was so badly weakened due to religious conflict and would collapse if he did not unite the Unitarian Christians and the Trinitarian Christians — or at least get rid of one in favour of the other. And Constantine decided that he would support the Trinitarian Christians and eliminate Unitarian Christianity by killing off all the Unitarian Christians.
If Constantine had chosen the other way around instead, today, the Vatican would be the Unitarian Church and not the Trinitarian Church and Muslims and Christians need not have killed each other for 1,400 years and fight in Malaysia about who gets the right to use the word ‘Allah’ — since Jesus would not be the Son of Allah.
Ironic is it not that one man by the name of Constantine made a decision that would result in millions of deaths over more than 1,400 years, and most of these deaths the result of Christians killing Christians, the worse being during the 1600s 30 years war in Europe where half the population of some countries was exterminated?
For it is All Just Another Bricks In the Wall!!!
MisGod’ed: A Roadmap of Guidance and Misguidance in the Abrahamic Religions, by Dr. Laurence B. Brown
That the Catholic Church was so effective in eliminating their opposition is of no surprise to those who study their methodology. Their degree of savagery did not even spare their own people, at times sacrificing members of the orthodoxy to insure complete elimination of the Unitarians.
For example, the mixed population of Catholics and Unitarians of the people of Beziers, in the South of France, were attacked mercilessly. In his History of The Inquisition of The Middle Ages, Henry Charles Lea brings the full horror of the invaders’ overzealousness into sharp focus:
From infancy in arms to tottering age, not one was spared—seven thousand, it is said, were slaughtered in the Church of Mary Magdalen to which they had fled for asylum—and the total number of slain is set down by the legates at nearly twenty thousand….
A fervent Cistercian contemporary informs us that when Arnaud was asked whether the Catholics should be spared, he feared the heretics would escape by feigning orthodoxy, and fiercely replied, “Kill them all, for God knows his own!”
In the mad carnage and pillage the town was set on fire, and the sun of that awful July day closed on a mass of smouldering ruins and blackened corpses—a holocaust to a deity of mercy and love whom the Cathari might well be pardoned for regarding as the Principle of Evil.
The inquisitors’ use of torture was equally horrific, for it did not end at confession. Once they procured a confession, they began torture anew to extract names of associates until the last drop of information was squeezed from the mangled husk of what had once been a human being.
Once accused, the pitiful defendant was guaranteed to suffer. Torture yielded the required confession—if not out of truth, then out of the victim’s desperation to bring an end to the pain. Horrifically, protestations of innocence and even the oath of orthodoxy did not bring relief, for suspects professing orthodox belief were committed to a test of faith, and here the church demonstrated the full measure of its creativity.
Trials by water and fire were popularized and sanctioned by the Catholic Church for the testing of faith by way of Judicium Dei—Judgment of God, a concept based upon superstition. It was believed that the purity of water would not accept a guilty body into its midst, and so floaters were judged guilty and executed, sinkers were considered innocent, and if rescued before drowning, spared. It was believed that earthly fire, like the flames of Hell, would not harm those who were (in their view) the faithful Christians bearing the promise of paradise.
The “hot iron test” was the most commonly employed, as it was simple and readily available. In this test, the accused was required to carry a redhot piece of iron for a certain number of steps, usually nine. Judgment was offered either at the time of the test (those burned were judged guilty) or several days later (those whose wounds were healing were declared innocent, whereas those whose wounds became infected were deemed guilty).
Other variations existed, such as determining whether or not a person suffered a burn when an arm was immersed up to the elbow in boiling water or boiling oil.
Lest a person presume such insane methods were rarely employed, the Council of Rheims in 1157 ordered “trials by ordeal” to satisfy all cases of suspected heresy.
Now, why all this discussion about what are now littleknown and dead sects? Well, the intent is neither to glorify them beyond the merits of their ideology, nor to evoke sympathy for their cause, but rather to draw attention to the alternate Christian ideologies that have become obscure in the shadow of prevailing Trinitarianism.
The Corinthians, the Basilidians, the Paulicians, the Cathari and the Carpocratians may be littleknown today, but they were dynamic Christian ideologies that shared a significant place in history. But history, as the saying goes, is written by the victors. “Moreover,” writes Ehrman, “the victors in the struggles to establish Christian orthodoxy not only won their theological battles, they also rewrote the history of the conflict …”
The Catholic Church attempted to systematically erase the memory of all other sects and scriptures contrary to their own, and at this, they were largely successful. Given their vicious methodology, we should not be surprised.
Additionally, historical attempts to vilify all other religions or Christian sects prejudiced the minds of the populace. So successful were these efforts that the records and holy books of those who appear to have been closest to the teachings of the apostolic fathers have been largely lost.
The End Times, For In The End >>> Like both Christianity and Judaism, Islam has a point when history is brought to a conclusion -- the final hour or the end times. In Islam, Christianity and Judaism, this end time is a conflict between nations and God’s Messiah. Both Christianity and Islam, see Jesus as the Messiah, while Judaism rejects Jesus as Messiah. Judaism however, looks to the coming of their Messiah at the end of days. All three faiths see the coming of an antichrist. Although the term used might differ in each, they see an end times world leader who opposes God and his rule. The Muslims call him, Dajjal; in Judaism he is called Armilus;[3] while in Christianity he is known as the Antichrist or the Beast[4].
In all three faiths, the Messiah defeats this end times world leader, who opposes God’s law. God's law for the Muslims is the Quran. Also, playing a prominent role in end times events for all three faiths, is the appearance of Gog and Magog. These nations are mentioned in the Old Testament (Ezekiel 38 & 39), in the book of Revelation (Chapter 20) and in the Quran (Surah 18:94,97, 21:96). Gog and Magog head a group of nations opposed to God in the end of days.Another character playing a prominent role in Islam, especially in the Shia sect is the Mahdi. Mahdi comes either before or with the return of Jesus, to set things in order. There is dispute within Islam regarding his nature and function. The Shia sect views this individual as the 12th Imam, hidden until the time when he should appear.
A Walk of Life to Be Alive for a co-existence with multiple faith & belief system...
“Fight in the way of Allah those who fight you but do not transgress. Indeed, Allah does not like transgressors. (2.190) And kill them wherever you overtake them and expel them from wherever they have expelled you, and fitnah is worse than killing. And do not fight them at al-Masjid al- Haram until they fight you there. But if they fight you, then kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers. (2.191) And if they cease, then indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. (2.192) Fight them until there is no [more] fitnah and [until] worship is [acknowledged to be] for Allah . But if they cease, then there is to be no aggression except against the oppressors. (2.193) [Fighting in] the sacred month is for [aggression committed in] the sacred month, and for [all] violations is legal retribution. So whoever has assaulted you, then assault him in the same way that he has assaulted you. And fear Allah and know that Allah is with those who fear Him”. (2.194)
Qur’an. [5:51] O ye who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians for friends. They are friends one to another. And whoso among you takes them for friends is indeed one of them. Verily, Allah guides not the unjust people.
Civil War - A War in the End of Time where Humans will be at war with a Human Like Creature. An Image of Men vs An Image of God.

An Image Like Man term as Cyborg.
Instead of Hasta La Vista Baby!!!
There can be a code to program a virus so as to infect the system tat states "God is Greater, The Creator of Man!!!"
Gods Of War
Jews, Christians and Muslims say that their religion is the religion of peace. Their message is the message of love, tolerance and compassion. But none of their Holy Books demonstrate this. Their Holy Books talk about punishing and exterminating those perceived as enemies of God.
For more than 2,000 years we have been fed the fallacy that the message from God is the message of peace and love. But for more than 2,000 years since God’s message first came down to humankind the history of the world is a history of war, death and destruction.
If Jews, Christians and Muslims want to be true to their religion then admit that your religion is not a religion of peace but a religion of war. God hates those who reject Him. And these people must be put to death, or at the very least conquered and forced to submit to God.
If it is true that Satan refused to bow down to man because Satan believed that man is the most destructive and cruellest of God’s creations, then Satan was right beyond any shadow of doubt.
Could Satan be the culprit to all those differences in faith? Could a Man Like creature be the future for the future to Come? Will The Messiah chooses a Soul Mate who is a mixture of God and Man's creation so as to perfect the imperfect world?