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In a Place Of Evil, Filth & Sin!!! A Land of Sodom...

Writer's picture: FND BeastFND Beast

Prophet Abraham peace be upon him left Egypt accompanied by his nephew Lut peace be upon him, who then went to the city of Sodom (Sadum), which was on the western shore of the Dead Sea.

This city was filled with evil. Its residents waylaid, robbed and killed travelers. Another common evil among them was that men had sex with men instead of with women. This unnatural act later became known as sodomy (after the city of Sodom). It was practiced openly and unashamedly.

It was at the height of these crimes and sins that Allah revealed to Prophet Lut peace be upon him that he should summon the people to give up their indecent behavior, but they were so deeply sunk in their immoral habits that they were deaf to Lot's preaching. Swamped in their unnatural desires, they refused to listen, even when Lot warned them of Allah's punishment. Instead, they threatened to drive him out of the city if he kept on preaching.

Sodom and Gomorrah (/ˈsɒd.əm/; /ɡə.ˈmɔːr.ə/[1]) were cities mentioned in the Book of Genesis[2] and throughout the Hebrew Bible,[3] the New Testament and in the deuterocanonical books, as well as in the Quran and the hadith.[4]

According to the Torah, the kingdoms of Sodom and Gomorrah were allied with the cities of Admah, Zeboim and Bela. These five cities, also known as the "cities of the plain", (from Genesis in the Authorized Version) were situated on the Jordan River plain in the southern region of the land of Canaan. The plain, which corresponds to the area just north of the modern-day Dead Sea,[5] was compared to the garden of Eden[Gen.13:10] as being a land well-watered and green, suitable for grazing livestock.

Divine judgment by God was then passed upon Sodom and Gomorrah and two neighboring cities, which were completely consumed by fire and brimstone. Neighboring Zoar (Bela) was the only city to be spared. In Abrahamic religions, Sodom and Gomorrah have become synonymous with impenitent sin, and their fall with a proverbial manifestation of divine retribution.[6][7][Jude 1:7] Sodom and Gomorrah have been used as metaphors for vice and homosexuality viewed as a deviation. The story has therefore given rise to words in several languages. These include the English word sodomy, used in sodomy laws to describe sexual "crime against natures", namely anal or oral sex (either homosexual or heterosexual), or bestiality.[8][9][10] Some Islamic societies incorporate punishments associated with Sodom and Gomorrah into sharia.[11]

When Abraham and his wife are visited by God in the guise of three men. Abraham and Sarah show extraordinary hospitality to their visitors, and are rewarded by the promise of a son. Two of the men then leave for Sodom, because “the outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is very great and their sin is very grave” and the Lord wishes to see whether the inhabitants are really so sinful. The two men (who are now referred to as “angels”) are offered hospitality yet again in Sodom, this time by Abraham’s nephew, Lot.

However, the men of Sodom surround Lot’s house and demand that the two visitors be handed over to them to be used sexually. The Christian churches have often claimed that it is because the men of Sodom desired to have sex with other men (they did not know that in fact these were angels, or even manifestations of God’s own Self) that they were destroyed. The very sin they sought to commit, the sexual penetration of other men, is named after their city: sodomy, the sin of Sodom. The Hebrew Bible has another reference to the sin of Sodom, in the book of the Prophet Ezekiel, 16:49, where God addresses Jerusalem thus: “Behold, this was the guilt of your sister Sodom: she and her daughters had pride, surfeit of food, and prosperous ease, but did not aid the poor and needy.”

The Hebrew Bible itself then reads the story of Sodom as that of the arrogance of the wealthy and their inhospitality to the stranger, the one in need. The men of Sodom were condemned by God because they violated the principle of generous hospitality to the stranger. Instead they sought to exploit their visitors by gang-raping them. It is instructive to see how Lot appeals to the principle of hospitality: he tells the men of Sodom not to do the deed because these men are his guests. There is no mention at all in the text of sexual acts between men being the offence in question. Lot then offers them his virgin daughters; by the reckoning of the time, the girls were his property to dispose of, and better to have them used and made worthless for marriage than that he should violate the principle of hospitality to the stranger. The story of Sodom bears no implications about the morality of homosexual acts. It is a story of attempted rape. There is a deliberate contrast in the narrative with the story of Abraham’s generous welcome and hospitality to the strangers in his midst, which is rewarded with the guarantee that his line will continue forever. The inhospitality of the men of Sodom and their attempt to abuse and humiliate the stranger in their midst results in their utter destruction.

To read the story of Sodom as a condemnation of homosexuality is to miss the point of the text completely. This misreading deprives our schooling in morality of a powerful tale about how sex, whether heterosexual or homosexual, should not be used as a weapon of domination. What is also lost by such a reading is the key notion of hospitality: that in generously honouring the strangers in our midst, and being humble before them, we unknowingly give honour to the Divine. Seeing in the text a condemnation of consensual homosexual acts also lends divine sanction to prejudice against homosexual persons. Wherever else one may seek for justification to label homosexual acts a sin, or a crime — and we should never confuse these two categories — the story of Sodom is not the place.

It's a Sin, It's a Sin, It's a Sin!!!

'An Ass Law so as to protect One's Arse ‘The law is an ass’.

Ass here means donkey, and not the American version of ass, which in English would be arse, behind, bum, buttocks, butt, backside, fanny, booty, rump, tush, bun, and about more than 50 terms in total.

No one knows where the phrase ‘the law is an ass’ originated from but it was made popular by Charles Dickens in 1838 in his book Oliver Twist (remember the part ‘please, sire, can I have some more?’, which got everyone’s knickers into a twist?).

Protecting the Ass is a Law to safeguard the shit hole... Poking in the mouth and butt is a crime. It is against the Law, both Man made laws as well as God's Law. Ass is a place of shit as such by having fun with shit is against the Law...

Consent is not an issue. The gender of the person you poked does not matter. And even if that person is your wife you can still go to jail. Poking your dick or pecker (another part of your anatomy that has more than 50 different names) into someone’s booty (I like that word better) or mouth a crime punishable up to 20 years in jail and whipping as well if the judge feels like it and if you are below 50 years of age.

The strange thing about these laws (depending on which section of the law you are charged under) is that the crime is for insertion. If you poke, you kena. Whether you cum (ejaculate) or not does not matter. And it also does not matter whether it was with consent or not. If with consent you will get charged and if with no consent you also get charged. And again, depending on which section of the law you are charged under, your partner can get charged as well or only the poker gets charged.

First of all, this law has nothing to do with homosexuality. Even if you poke a woman in the mouth or butt it is still a crime. And even if she is your wife it is still a crime.

Secondly, consent or non-consent is arguable. If that person you poked is underage then with consent is still a crime. And if you obtained consent under false pretences or through trickery then it can also be regarded as non-consent. For example, if you want your boss to approve your promotion and your boss promises you that if you bend over he will approve your promotion and after he pokes you he refuses to approve your promotion you can cry rape and will most likely win your case (especially if you still have the ‘evidence’ inside you and you go to the doctor to get examined, or you do what Monica Lewinsky did to President Bill Clinton).

So, if you are one who enjoys anal or oral sex, be very careful about saying no to your wife when she asks you for a Birkin handbag for her birthday.


Varieties Of Poking. (Poking the Dead, Poking Animals, Poking a minor, Poking Vegetables, Poking a Robot) & what does the Law states on such Poking Acts???

Necrophilia:- Sex with Dead Body...

Poking the Dead, Is it a Sin or a Crime?

Man ‘Had Sex With 100 Corpses’

A MORGUE attendant has admitted he may have had sex with as many as 100 female corpses.

Kenneth Douglas, from the city of Hamilton, Ohio, was arrested, charged and sentenced to three years in prison in 2008 after DNA from his semen was found inside the body of murder victim, 19-year-old Karen Range.

The crime only came to light after Range’s murderer David Steffen appealed his conviction for murder and rape. He admitted killing Range but denied raping her.

Douglas pleaded guilty in 2012 to having sex with 23-year-old Charlene Appling on the day she died after being strangled while six months pregnant and having sex with another woman April Hicks. Douglas was sentenced for a further three years on each of the offences.

Now he has admitted to having sex with up to 100 dead women between 1976 and 1992 while he worked the night shift.

Read More >>>> Sex with Corpses

'I have SEX with corpses': Morgue worker claims necrophilia is 'part of training' in TV interview

The man, who says he has since been sacked and is being hunted by cops, claims living women wouldn't date him because of his 'morbid' job.

Sharkur Lucas revealed that he was unable to get women to go out with him because of his 'morbid' job - so he had sex with the dead instead.

"I wanted to marry but the girl says I am a mortuary man," he told Ghana television station Adom TV.

"I can satisfy myself [at the mortuary] because girls don't want to [date] me outside."

Read More >>> Sex with Corpses II


Places Where Blowjobs Are Illegal But Necrophilia's Cool

Louisiana lawmakers defended their ban on consensual oral and anal sex today, even though it's unconstitutional. Weirdly, though, Louisiana has no problem with people fucking corpses. It turns out they're not alone.

A quick survey of nationwide laws on sodomy and necrophilia shows that there are four states that explicitly ban the former in some way, while remaining silent on the latter:

  • In Louisiana and North Carolina, two willing adults can't get no oral satisfaction, but they can diddle a dead person.

  • Oklahoma and Kansas are also cool with you banging the dearly departed, but they ban oral intercourse between consenting gay or lesbian partners.

  • For the record, several other states—Nebraska, New Mexico, and Vermont—also appear to allow necrophilia, but they're cool with sodomy, too, so at least they're consistent.

It turns out there's actually a fraught history behind necrophilia and the law; many of the states that think they've banned it actually have vague injunctions banning "crimes against nature," or they classify it as a sexual assault against a partner who can't give consent.

That leads to some trouble in the courts. In Wisconsin a few years back, three young men were arrested while trying to dig up a corpse for sex. Since the state didn't have an explicit necrophilia ban, they were charged with attempted sexual assault for their intent to have sex with an unwilling party. But an appeals court threw out their conviction, saying a corpse isn't a person under state law, and therefore consent isn't an issue. (The state Supreme Court, apparently afraid of suborning a corpse-banging epidemic, voted 5-2 to restore their conviction on shaky legal grounds.)

The problem is that "the dead body is a quasi-subject before the law," according to legal theorist John Troyer in his landmark 2008 journal article on the subject, and "the ambiguous juridical standing of the human corpse in necrophilia cases compounds the sexual monstrousness of the necrophiliac and of necrophilic acts."

In any case, it seems to offend our modern moral intuitions that any sex between consenting adults could be illegal, but sex with a dead person—can anyone be less willing than a corpse?—could be permissible.

Read More >>> Sex with Corpse


Beastiality - Sex with Animals

Our companions have said that if the penile head has penetrated a woman's anus, or a man's anus, or an animal's vagina or its anus then it is necessary to wash whether the one being penetrated is alive or dead, young or old, whether it was done intentionally or absentmindedly, whether it was done willfully or forcefully. This also applies if the woman places the male member inside her while the man is asleep, whether the penis is erect or not, whether the penis is circumcised or uncircumcised. All these situations require that the person committing the act and the one the act is committed on must wash themselves, unless the person committing the act or the person the act is committed on is a young male or female. In that case it cannot be said that the person must wash, for they do not have the responsibility, rather it is said that this person is in a state of impurity. If that person can discern (the sexual act) then his guardian can command him to wash just as he commands him to perform the ablution washing for prayers. For if he prays without washing, his prayer has not been performed correctly; likewise if he doesn’t wash after he reaches puberty he must be forced to wash. If he washed as a youth and then reaches puberty, then he does not have to repeat the washing.


(1)Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 7 years who commits bestiality.

(2)This offence is complete upon penetration.

Indecency with animal—

Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 years who commits any act of indecency with an animal.

Section 377 of the Penal Code deals with “unnatural offences”, which seem to refer only to sexual acts. (The word “unnatural” here is used technically, and derived from the doctrine of natural law, but it would take more space than is available here to explore the way natural law is misunderstood and misused by religious and civil authorities alike, or how “nature” usually becomes a code word to cover personal and societal prejudice.)

377a and b penalise “carnal intercourse against the order of nature”, defined as anal or oral penetration. Note that this law criminalises consensual sexual acts between adults. Anal or even oral sex between even husband and wife is covered by the Section,

377c provides for penalties against those who commit these “unnatural” sexual acts without the consent of the other person, but the penalties prescribed therein for anal or oral rape are no heavier than if those acts were consensual. In other words, the law does not care whether the anal or oral sex is consensual or forced: it carries exactly the same weight of criminality.

Even more amazing is 377e, which prescribes a far milder punishment for those who commit acts of gross indecency with children. The message is clear: The law regards the rape of a child to be less serious a crime than consensual sex between two men, just as it equates such consensual sex with oral or anal rape.

Religion Viewpoint on Sex with Corpses and Sex with Animals

If a woman inserts (in her vagina) an animal's penis she must wash, and if she inserts a detached penis (thakaran maktu-an, lit. “a severed male member”) there are two opinions; the most correct is that she must wash.


SEX Slaves: The believers and followers of the Abrahamic faiths worship and pray to this God that allows slavery. The believers and followers of the Abrahamic faiths worship and pray to this God that allows some people to get rich from the misery of others. What is wrong with the Jews, Christians and Muslims?

The Bible (both the Old and New Testaments) as well as the Qur’an and Hadith talk about slavery. And slavery is provided for in the Semitic religions. Islam believes there are 124,000 prophets since the beginning of time and 25 of those Prophets are mentioned by name in the Qur’an. And both the Bible and Qur’an testify that even the Prophets owned slaves.

Slaves are not only legal but you can also have sex with your slaves. That is not considered adultery and the Bible and Qur’an say so. And the common patriarch of the Abrahamic faiths, the Prophet Abraham, himself had sex with his wife’s slave who bore a child named Ishmael, or Ismail to the Muslims. And Ismail, the son of this slave, is the patriarch of Islam while his brother Isaac (Ishaq to the Muslims) is the patriarch of Judaism.

Jews, Christians and Muslims will tell us that their religions are religions of peace and love. At the same time, however, their holy books tell us that their Prophets declared war on the ‘enemies of God’ and they killed all the men they defeated (the prisoners of war) and took their women and children as slaves. And this, according to their religions, is the booty or profits of war.

Hence there is no Geneva Convention as far as the Semitic religions are concerned. Prisoners of war are butchered and their women and children are taken as profits of war and subjected to slavery. And this is not what I say. This is what their holy books say. I am just quoting what their holy books say.

Seen in the context of the time of Abraham, a slave is the property of the master and sex between master and slave is legal and hence the children would also be legal and not considered bastards or illegitimate.Today, slavery is not allowed. And if you have sex with your slave that would be sex out of wedlock and the children would be considered bastards. But that is today. We are talking about maybe 5,000 years or so ago.

Values and standards then were different from that of today.And this is where the divide between Judeo-Christianity and Islam begins. All three follow Abraham. But two follow one of the sons of Abraham and another the other son. And since the Bible tells one story and the Qur’an another, and since all consider their respective holy books the word of God, this matter can never be resolved till the end of time.

God loves you. God is compassionate. God is kind. God is forgiving. God is just. God is fair. You only need to accept and believe in Jesus to be saved and all your sins will be erased.

Is this the same God and the same Jesus that allows whites to enslave blacks? Where is the kindness in this? Where is the love in this? Where is the compassion in this? Where is the fairness in this? Where is the justice in this?

Slavery is worse than death. I would rather die than to be enslaved and treated worse than an animal. If I were to be captured as a slave I would kill myself than be subjected to a life of slavery. And yet God created some humans to be slaves of other humans. If that is the reason God created me then why create me in the first place?

We are told good people go to heaven and bad people go to hell. But then some people are sent to hell on earth just so that others may get rich from slave labour. What is wrong with this God? Is this the mark of a compassionate, kind, just, fair, loving, etc., God that they keep talking about? I do not see a God that allows slavery as being a good God that you tell me He is.

The believers and followers of the Abrahamic faiths worship and pray to this God that allows slavery. The believers and followers of the Abrahamic faiths worship and pray to this God that allows some people to get rich from the misery of others. What is wrong with the Jews, Christians and Muslims?


Adultery defined as voluntary sexual activity (as sexual intercourse) between a married man and someone other than his wife or between a married woman and someone other than her husband.

First of all, there is a difference between rape (which is a crime of violence) and zina or adultery (which is illicit but consensual sex). If you borrow money from a bank (which is consensual on the part of both parties — the lender and the borrower) and you do not pay back your loan, would you get arrested and charged for robbery (which is not consensual on the part of the bank but you took the money anyway)?

After all, in both cases you took the bank’s money and they lost this money. But in the second case it was by force and was not consensual. In short, you ‘raped’ the bank or took something by force (like you do to a woman you rape).

And thou shall not commit adultery is one of the Ten Commandments of the Jews, Christians and Muslims alike.

Adultery is one of three sins, along with idolatry and murder, which the Mishnah says must be resisted to the point of death.

“Behold, you are a dead man because of the woman whom you have taken, for she is a man’s wife.” — Genesis 20:3

“Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.” — 1 Corinthians 6:9-11

“Adultery is an injustice. He who commits adultery fails in his commitment. He does injury to the sign of the covenant which the marriage bond is, transgresses the rights of the other spouse, and undermines the institution of marriage by breaking the contract on which it is based. He compromises the good of human generation and the welfare of children who need their parents’ stable union.” — Catechism of the

Catholic Church, 2335

"You shall not commit adultery" (Exodus 20:14)

Sex with Minors (Paedophile) - In Islam, the ‘age of consent’ would be the age of puberty. For girls that would be once she gets her period and that could even be when she is nine years old. According to the Hadith Sahih al-Bukhari, the Prophet Muhammad married Aishah when she was six but did not ‘take her’ until she was nine. And aren’t Muslims supposed to believe in and strictly follow the Hadith and Sunnah or else they cease to be Muslims and would become kafir (infidels).

Hence if the girl is 13 and she already has her period, is she legally (in Islam, that is) a woman who can consent to sex or is she still a child? And hence, also, since she is a Muslim and ‘legally a woman’, is she accountable for her ‘crime’ of consenting to sex or is she blameless?

Now, who decides when we cease being a child and legally become an adult although at the age of nine we already discovered the difference between a boy and girl and knew what to do with that thing between our legs? Well, the Members of Parliament, of course. They pass all the laws and they have decided that only at age 17 we can drive and at age 18 we can have sex and at age 21 we can vote. But why at age 17, 18 and 21 respectively?

Queen Isabella of Valois married Richard II when she was 6 years, 11 months and 25 days old.

David II married Joan, the daughter of Edward II, when he was 4 years and 134 days old.

Louis XIV of France became King at age 5 and took over full control at 23.

Joan of Arc led the French against the English at age 17.

And of course we have that story regarding Aishah, the wife of Prophet Muhammad.

In those days, you married as soon as you legally became a woman, which was when you got your period, and would have been around age 9-11. At age 10-13 boys joined the army and fought and died for their country. These were ages when you were no longer children.

I know, times have changed and we no longer consider girls of 10 or boys of 13 as adults. That may be so when it comes to common law but not if we consider religion.

The law says that a girl of 13 cannot consent to sex. This is a law passed by Parliament, the body that can legally pass laws, which we all must follow.

Paedophile Legal? - According to God it is totally acceptable as advised by a Mufti of Islam...

Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 1, Number 298: Narrated 'Aisha: The Prophet and I used to take a bath from a single pot while we were Junub. During the menses, he used to order me to put on an Izar (dress worn below the waist) and used to fondle me. While in Itikaf, he used to bring his head near me and I would wash it while I used to be in my periods (menses)

Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 1, Number 233: Narrated 'Aisha: I used to wash the semen off the clothes of the Prophet and even then I used to notice one or more spots on them.

Read More >>> paedophile

Muhammad's wife Hafsa once caught him in her bed with another woman—his slave-girl, Mary the Copt. Seeking to avoid further conflict, Muhammad promised that he would stop having sex with Mary. Later, however, Muhammad received one of his infamous morally convenient revelations from Allah.

Qur'an 66:1-2—O Prophet! why do you forbid (yourself) that which Allah has made lawful for you; you seek to please your wives; and Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. Allah indeed has sanctioned for you the expiation of your oaths and Allah is your Protector, and He is the Knowing, the Wise.

Sunan An-Nasa'i 3411—It was narrated from Anas, that the Messenger of Allah had a female slave with whom he had intercourse, but Aishah and Hafsah would not leave him alone until he said that she was forbidden for him. Then Allah, the Mighty and Sublime, revealed: "O Prophet! Why do you forbid (for yourself) that which Allah has allowed to you" [66:1] until the end of the verse.

Since the Qur'an is supposedly Allah's eternal Word, our Muslim friends expect us to believe that, from eternity past, Allah had nothing better to do than compose verses giving Muhammad the right to break his oath to his wives so that he could continue having sex with his slave-girl.


Incest: Incest is sexual activity between family members or close relatives.[1][2] This typically includes sexual activity between people in a consanguineous relationship (blood relations), and sometimes those related by affinity, such as individuals of the same household, step relatives, those related by adoption or marriage, or members of the same clan or lineage.[3]

The story of Lot and his daughters is the culmination of a larger narrative cycle, spanning Gen 18 and Gen 19, in which Lot is contrasted with his uncle Abraham. Lot, like Abraham, is a gracious and considerate host, making the welfare of his guests a priority. However, unlike Abraham, Lot consistently displays poor judgment and a lack of consideration for his family. These personal flaws result in the desperate and unnecessary act of incest performed by Lot’s daughters in Gen 19:30-38.

Gen 19 opens with Lot generously inviting two visitors, angels in disguise, to stay with him in Sodom. But things go wrong when the men of the town demand to “know” Lot’s guests sexually. Appalled, Lot begs the Sodomites not to do such a terrible thing. He chooses what he sees as an appealing and hospitable alternative, offering his two virgin daughters to the mob to do with as they please. Although well intentioned, Lot’s disturbing offer demonstrates a shocking disregard for the welfare of his own daughters. The mob refuses this offer and grows more violent, now threatening Lot. The angels intervene, saving Lot and his family, though Lot’s wife is later turned into a pillar of salt, leaving Lot and his daughters as the city’s sole survivors.

Lot displays poor judgment again when he abandons the town of Zoar, where he and his daughters have taken refuge. Fearing that it will be destroyed—despite the angels’ assurances that it would be spared on his account—he takes his two daughters to live alone in a cave in the hills. Isolated in the cave with their father, the daughters mistakenly conclude that they are the last people left alive on the earth. If Lot knows that only a few cities were destroyed and that soon the family can go out and find a new place to settle, he surprisingly fails to share this information with his daughters. Lot’s daughters decide that their father must impregnate them to continue the human race. Assuming that their father would not knowingly participate in such behavior, they get him drunk and sleep with him on two successive nights. Both daughters conceive and eventually give birth to two sons, Moab and Ben-ammi—the eponymous ancestors of the Moabites and Ammonites. This account of incest plays on these two names, which in Hebrew can be interpreted etymologically as meaning “from [his] father” and “the son of my people.”

Scholars describe this story as an etiological myth: that is, it explains the origin of something—in this case of the Moabites and Ammonites, two of Israel’s neighbors. There are many examples of such accounts in the Hebrew Bible. As Israel had a long history of hostile relations with the Moabites and Ammonites, it is not surprising that some of the biblical authors would have wanted to take a jab at them by recounting their origins as incestuous.


Sex with Demons or Creatures of the 3rd Kind

According to some Hebrew and Islamic scholars, the reason Cain’s heart was not righteous was because of a woman: their sister, Awan. It is believed that Awan was intended for Abel, but Cain fell in love with her. This can be seen in the Book of Jubilees. Adam & Eve had nine (9) children. And this is where the story takes an interesting turn. Genesis, by the way, has no problems with incest, specifically brothers an sisters marrying. That is because there is no other option at this point. So, from this point of view, God has favored Abel in both marriage AND sacrifice. Moreover it was thought that Cain was the son of the Serpent aka Devil or Satan.

Cain kills Abel, his own brother. Now, what would possess a man to do something as horrible as this? Cain didn't have a hungry family to feed. There wasn't some kind of war going on. As we recall, from Untold Garden of Eden, the serpent and Eve may have gone a little farther than just eating a piece of fruit. They may have done a little more than just talk. Their offspring, according to many ancient written sources, was actually Eve's firstborn son Cain.[1] The common term for fathering a child in the Bible is begat. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that Adam - Eve's husband - begat Cain! Plain as that.

Although Cain was a child of Eve, could he possibly have had the genetic make up of someone else - an upset and complaining angelic being, now made human for his punishment? Could the Serpent actually be his father, resulting from this seduction of Eve? With all of the anger and resentment inside of this angelic being already, could it be that the Serpent would naturally pass these negative attributes on to whomever he sired? Could this have been a reason why Cain so easily could have committed murder? The Serpent (Azazel, Nachash, etc.), as postulated in Untold Garden of Eden, may have used sex to seduce Eve. Through their fornication, she may have become pregnant. According to some sources, as a result, there may have been more than one child produced: they may have sired both Cain and Abel. Why both? Again, nowhere in the Bible does it say that either Cain nor Abel were Adam's son; nor were they listed in any of the genealogies of Adam! Yet, Cain, for example, was said to be, in the Bible, "of the wicked one" (I John 3:12). The Bible even says that the third-born son of Eve, Seth, was the first child born of her who actually resembled Adam, somewhat (Gen. 5:3)! Why? Could it be that the first two offspring of the Bible may have had the blood of someone else?

ADAM & EVE (Under the section entitled “Demonology in the Kabbalah”)

Sexual activities between demons and humans are prominent. Demons cannot reproduce on their own. Through sex, demons can multiply and take on physical form. Adam spawned a hybrid human-demon race, which has continued on down through the ages through the sexual intercourse between humans and demons. Adam and Eve’s sons, Cain and Abel, were tainted with the impurity of the SERPENT who slept with Eve and spawned demonic children as well.

The hybrid demon-human children who continue to be born are banim shovavim (mischievous sons). When a man dies, they attend his funeral, lament him, and claim their inheritance. They will even injure the legitimate sons in order to get what they want

And also from that same book, under the entry for “Satanel”:

After Adam was created, Satanael created Eve with God’s help. He assumed the form of a serpent and had sexual intercourse with Eve with his tail, begetting the twins Cain and his sister Calamine. (Abel was conceived by Adam and Eve). God punished Satanael for defiling Eve by making him dark and ugly and taking away his power to create and his divine form. God left Satanael to have dominion over the world for seven ages.

Even further than that, more information about Cain & Abel can be found here: Dictionary of Deities and Demons in the Bible, by Karel van der Toorn, Bob Becking, Pieter W. van der Horst, ISBN 0-8028-2491-9, page 180:

Cain, Seed of the Serpent

And, as the rest of the verse states: Eve exclaims, "I have gotten a man from the LORD" (Gen. 4:1 KJV). According to the New Jerusalem Translation, however, the verse translates from the Hebrew just a little differently: ...I have gotten a man from an angel of the LORD. ..."an angel of the LORD"? We recall (from Untold Garden of Eden) that the surrounding terrestrial angels, soon after their fall, still maintained somewhat of a heavenly "shine" to them while on earth. A number of ancient texts actually stated that Cain was born with this same angelic shine! Could Eve have "gotten" Cain through one of these fallen angels of the garden, maybe - maybe even the Serpent? Even if Eve might have been claiming only that she had gotten a man "from the LORD," she apparently must have thought Cain was someone born of some very great circumstance, or was of some very special significance, to state that. As our story continues, we see that, after the fall of Adam and Eve, God was forced to deal out punishments to all of them - Adam, Eve, and the Serpent. Curiously enough, most of the punishments to Eve seemed to have some relation to pregnancy or childbirth. Why? Were they directly related to the act the serpent and Eve participated in, just before the fall? We see that the Serpent, too, had curses placed upon him by God, along these same lines: But He (God) turned to the serpent (in great wrath) and said: 'Since thou hast done this... There shall not be left thee ear, nor wing, nor one limb of all that with which thou did ensnare them in thy malice and causesdst them to be cast out of paradise... - Apocalypse of Moses 26:1-4

After Adam and his wife sinned, and the serpent had intercourse with Eve and injected filth into her, Eve bore Cain. He had the shape from above and from below (the earth)... Therefore, he was the first to bring death into the world, caused by his side, as he came from the filth of the serpent. The nature of the serpent is to lurk, so as to kill, and his issue, Cain, learned his ways. - Zohar Pekudei 21[5]

Sex with the Creator?

The Begotten Son of God

“(And mention) when the angels said, ‘O Mary, indeed God gives you the good news of a word from Him, whose name will be the Messiah Jesus, the son of Mary, held in honor in this world and in the Hereafter, and of those who are near to God.’ ‘He will speak to the people in the cradle, and in old age, and he will be of the righteous.’ She said, ‘My Lord, how can I have a son when no man has touched me.’ He said, ‘So (it will be,) for God creates what He wants. When He decides something, He only says to it, ‘Be,’ and it is. And He will teach him the Book and wisdom and the Torah and the Gospel. And (will make him) a messenger to the Children of Israel (saying), ‘Indeed I have come to you with a sign from your Lord. I make for you out of clay the likeness of a bird, then breathe into it, and it becomes a bird by the permission of God. And I heal the blind and the leper, and I bring the dead to life by the permission of God. And I inform you of what you eat and what you store in your houses. Surely, there is a sign for you in that, if you are believers. And (I have come) confirming the Torah that was (revealed) before me, and to allow you some of what was forbidden to you. And I have come to you with a proof from your Lord, so fear God and obey me. Indeed, God is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him. This is the straight path.” (Quran 3:45-51)

“And she who guarded her chastity, so We breathed (a spirit) into her through Our angel, and We made her and her son (Jesus) a sign for the worlds.”[3] (Quran 21:91)

The Accusation - Was Jesus Illegitimate? Insults Against Blessed Mary, Sanhedrin 106a . Says Jesus' mother was a whore: "She who was the descendant of princes and governors played the harlot with carpenters."

Also in footnote #2 to Shabbath 104b it is stated that in the "uncensored" text of the Talmud it is written that Jesus mother, "Miriam the hairdresser," had sex with many men.

"Jesus was a bastard born of adultery." (Yebamoth 49b, p.324).

"Mary was a whore: Jesus (Balaam) was an evil man." (Sanhedrin 106a &b, p.725).

"Jesus was a magician and a fool. Mary was an adulteress". (Shabbath 104b, p.504).

Toledot Yeshu (The Life Story of Jesus) is almost certainly one of the most mysterious and controversial, yet exceedingly popular, books in the history of Hebrew literature. The book lays out for the reader the New Testament stories about the life of Jesus of Nazareth from a Jewish point of view. The Virgin Birth, the divinity and messiahship of Jesus, the betrayal by Judas Iscariot, the sentencing of Jesus before the Sanhedrin, his death, and his resurrection as Son of God are all replaced by a newly shaped narrative, what the late historian Amos Funkenstein termed “counterhistory,” that crudely derides the deepest principles of the Christian faith.

The accusation that Mary attempted to cover up her extramarital pregnancy by fabricating a story about a virgin birth is not a virgin contribution of Toledot Yeshu. Such reports were widespread in the earliest pagan polemics against nascent Christianity, and allusions to it can be found in Talmudic literature. Unlike mere rumor, however, Toledot Yeshu creates a complete narrative episode. It has lust for an innocent maiden, seduction, deception, a cuckolded husband, and a pregnancy concealed by the adulteress through great cunning, a tale surprisingly reminiscent of the novellas in Boccaccio’s Decameron yet predating them by centuries. Thus Jesus was reborn as a “bastard, son of a menstruant,” an epithet that has stuck ever since within the Jewish world.

Jesus is a Bastard!!!

While on the cross, John tells us that Jesus said ‘woman, behold your son’. Mark and Matthew tells us that Jesus said ‘My god, my god, why have you forsaken me?’ while Luke tells us tell us that Jesus said ‘Father, forgive them, for they know not what they are doing’.

Historians consider the first century as one of the best-documented periods in ancient history. There were actually many Roman and Jewish writers of that period and much of their work — volumes, in fact — still remain intact until today. Hence there should be no reason why an important historical figure or historical event of that time should not be reported in what some may consider ‘secular’ records when even less important events of no real historical value are.

However, we have to depend on the four Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John to find any reference to Jesus because none of the secular records mention him. The Gospels were all written over more than 100 years and after Paul’s letters. So that would place them between the years 58 and almost 200. Mark’s Gospel has to be after the year 70 because he makes references to the Jewish-Roman War and the destruction of the temple that happened between the years 66 and 70.

Luke 1:1-2 says his story is handed down to his generation so that means he is not an eyewitness but is writing from hearsay. Matthew also lets slip that he is writing long after the event and was not a witness to the events.

Matthew quotes Jesus as telling Peter that ‘upon this rock I will build a church’. Peter must have been very confused with this statement because churches did not exist yet at that time so no one had any clue of that concept. So Matthew was not writing about the past but about the ‘present’ when churches already existed then.

Matthew 10.38 quotes Jesus as saying ‘He who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me’. However, Jesus did not know yet at that time that he would be arrested and crucified. John 10:17 then quotes Jesus as saying ‘Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I may take it up again’ when even Jesus did not know yet that that was going to happen.

Luke 2:1-4 says Jesus was born in the year of the universal tax census when Augustus was Caesar and Quirinius was the governor of Syria. Mathew, Mark and John do not mention this, though. The error here is that Quirinius was not the governor then and he became governor in 6 CE. And, according to the Roman records, the first census was done during the reign of Vespasian in the year 74 CE.

Matthew then says that Jesus was born during the reign of Herod the Great who died four years before Jesus was supposed to have been born and ten years earlier than what Luke reported.

Mark says that just weeks before his death Jesus travelled to Jerusalem followed by a multitude of people. He travels to Galilee, then Capernaum, crosses the Jordan River, and goes to Jericho, Bethphage and Bethany before entering Jerusalem.

John, however, says that Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, ‘which caused a great sensation’, and this enraged the Chief Priest and Pharises, who then plotted to kill him. From that time on Jesus stopped travelling openly and went into hiding.

According to Mark, Matthew and Luke, Jesus died at 3.00pm on the afternoon of Passover, which is the 15th of Nisan of the Jewish calendar. John, however, says that Jesus died on the day before Passover, which is on the 14th of Nisan. However, all four Gospels ‘agree’ that it was on a Friday. So it is either Friday the 14th or Friday the 15th.

John tells us that when it was time for Jesus to be crucified he would not let anyone else carry the cross up the hill. Matthew, Mark and Luke say that Simon of Cyrene helped Jesus carry the cross.

While on the cross, John tells us that Jesus said ‘woman, behold your son’. Mark and Matthew tells us that Jesus said ‘My god, my god, why have you forsaken me?’ while Luke tells us tell us that Jesus said ‘Father, forgive them, for they know not what they are doing’.

Matthew, Mark, Luke and John were supposed to be Jews so that means they would know Jewish laws, customs and traditions of that time. However, according to Haim Cohn, the Attorney General of Israel who later became Justice of the Israeli Supreme Court, what the Gospels reported regarding the trial of Jesus could not have happened because it goes against the legal system of that time.

The Gospel writers also do not seem to understand Jewish politics of that time. The Pharisees and the High Priest, who was a Sadducee, would never collaborate and conspire against Jesus because they hated each other and were bitter enemies. The Pharisees, in fact, regarded the High Priest as a Roman running dog or a ‘trained monkey’.

Then the Gospels tell us that Pilate resorted to the Jewish tradition during Passover of releasing the prisoners to the crowd and let the crowd decide who they want killed — Jesus or Barabbas. However, the Jews had no such tradition and neither did the Romans.

Mark tells us that Jesus travelled on the Sea of Galilee where there were storms and high waves. Actually it is just a small fresh-water lake fed by the Jordan River and is about the same width as Lake Geneva in Switzerland and less than one-third its length — and there are no storms and high waves there either.

Mark tells us that Jesus disembarked in Gerasa, which is actually 30 miles inland. Matthew then tells us that Jesus disembarked in Gadara, which is eight miles inland. So both those places are not ports.

Paedophile is Legal in the Future!!!

Sex with a 12 year old / Minor will be legal in the Future...

In total there are about 1,800 discrepancies and areas of dispute and contradiction. Suffice to say that Christians need to do a critical analysis of the Gospels, just like Muslims should do the same with the almost 7,000 Hadith that have been shortlisted from the original 700,000. Both Christians and Muslims needs to do more academic research and not take what the priests and mullahs say at face value.

Who's screwing who???

There is much in the New Testament to cause one to question whether the Jesus story(s) of the Gospels ever really happened. For example, in several places in the Gospels Jesus is quoted as saying this or that, but he was alone at the time according to the text. So, how could anyone know he said those things? There are also all those conflicts in the resurrection story, like how many women went to Jesus’ tomb that Sunday, and how many men were in the tomb when the women arrived? The Gospels disagree on these and numerous other details. One of my own favorite sticky questions is why did all of Jesus’ disciples abandon him the night before his crucifixion? As far as I can see, this makes no sense at all in view of what they should have known about Jesus by that time. Consider that, according to the Gospels, these guys had followed Jesus around for 3 years. They had seen him perform dozens, perhaps hundreds of miracles; healing the sick and crippled with a touch, walking on water, changing water to wine, feeding thousands with a few fishes and loaves of bread, bringing the dead back to life, etc. Pretty amazing stuff, huh? That would have been more than enough to convince me that this guy was god, the son of god, or both. But that’s not all! Three of the apostles witnessed Jesus “transfiguration” on a mountain top. On the mountain, Jesus begins to shine with bright rays of light. Then the prophets Moses and Elijah appear next to him and he speaks with them. Jesus is then called "Son" by a voice in the sky. And that’s still not all! According to Matthew 10:1, when Jesus

“had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease.”

So, now the apostles also had miraculous powers. And, Acts 8:5-8 tells us that they actually used these special powers:

“Then Philip went down to the city of Samaria, and preached Christ unto them. And the people with one accord gave heed unto those things which Philip spake, hearing and seeing the miracles which he did. For unclean spirits, crying with loud voice, came out of many that were possessed with them: and many taken with palsies, and that were lame, were healed.”

Yet, after all this, on the night before his crucifixion, all of Jesus disciples abandoned him, denying they knew him and staying away. Contrast this with the Jim Jones of Guyana story where, according to numerous eyewitnesses, many of his followers willingly drank the Kool-Aid. They obviously believed Jones was a legitimate prophet who was in god’s inner circle. Yet, Jones never showed them any miracles, was never transfigured, and never passed on any special powers to his followers. How much more evidence did the apostles have of Jesus importance to the cosmos? Yet they still abandoned him.

So, why would the Gospel authors tell the Jesus story in this way? I suspect that Jesus’ abandonment by the apostles was merely a literary device to increase the readers’ sympathy for Jesus. This left Jesus truly alone in his darkest hour, deserted by even his closest friends. Yet, Jesus keeps faith with god. He becomes an even greater hero through this device; even more deserving of our admiration and worship. So, what’s my point? Well, my point is that this is one more reason to doubt the Jesus story as told by the Gospels. Given what they knew of Jesus, and their own powers given them by Jesus, there was every reason for them to stand by him in his darkest hour; more reason, by far, than Jim Jones followers had to stand by him. I think the Gospel writers seized on this literary device without thinking it through. By using this device they increased our sympathy for Jesus, yes, but they simultaneously cast a very deep shadow of doubt on the whole story – for those of us who actually bother to think about what the Bible says.

Extract From; Read More >>> Jesus abandoned by Diciples

The greatest motivator of man (meaning humankind and not gender) is hate and love. One or both drive you to do what you do. No doubt there are those who say Money Motivates Man (or MMM). Others say religion is the greatest motivator of all. That may be true but it is still love and hate that motivates or drives you.

For example, you may love being rich or you may hate being poor. Or you are just downright greedy. So money may motivate you but it is still love and hate that drive you — love of money and/or hate of poverty.

Religion may motivate you but people are prepared to die or embark on suicide missions because of the love for their own religion or the hatred for those perceived as enemies of their religion. So you kill and/or you die because of love (for your religion) and hate (for the enemies of the religion you love).

So do not underestimate the power of love, and the power of hate as well. People have done superhuman things due to one or the other. And they have even done inhuman things for the same reason. Ethnic cleansing, for example, is one product of hate.

How could decent Germans tolerate the extermination of six million Jews? Well, it was because of the hate that had been indoctrinated into the German people over the generations. Actually the hate-Jews doctrine had existed for more than 1,000 years but only the WWII holocaust is talked about. The Jews have always suffered persecution for a long, long time not only in Germany but all over Europe, England included.

So persecution due to race and/or religion has been going on for thousands of years and is still happening until today. Sometimes it is ethnic and sometimes religion. But what drives it is still hate and love.

I, too, am motivated by hate and love. Everyone is — you as well. You may say that you are motivated by principles and not by worldly gain. That may be true but what principles are those? You hate corruption? You love good governance? You love your country? You love your race? You love your religion? You love democracy? You hate dictators? You hate abuse of power? You hate discrimination? You love justice?

At the end of the day you may argue about why you support one and oppose the other, but it all boils down to love and hate.

Are these Christians and Muslims right in the way they look at things? There is no right and wrong. It is all about feelings and perception. To Muslims it is wrong to call Jesus the Son of God while to Christians only Jesus and not Muhammad is the true and final Prophet.

So what has right and wrong got to do with it? In fact, the Jews will say that both Christians and Muslims are equally wrong. So Christians and Muslims are stupid for quarrelling because this is a case of two wrong people quarrelling over some silly belief that cannot be proven anyway without realising that both are wrong.

And that is the ‘beauty’ about love and hate. You need not be right. You need not even prove you are right. As long as that is how you feel then it becomes right. And if you are right then it can only mean that the other side is wrong. The other side is wrong not because you have proven them wrong but because you feel you are right and therefore the opposite to that has to be wrong.

Do you get the logic in that argument? And do you also see that when it comes to love and hate it defies all logic and hence logic should never be applied to matters involving belief and feelings? But we still have people posting comments saying that I am not speaking logically. How can we even apply logic to something such as belief and feeling that are not based on logic but based on emotions?

And the fact that you question my logic when in the first place hate and love defy logic show that the majority of Malaysians are illogical and confuse feelings such as hate and love as something tangible whereas it is actually inexplainable.

I mean how do you explain someone loving death in the cause of his or her religion? Is the love of death a sign of the hate for life? I mean since love and hate are direct opposites, would not the existence of one mean the absence of the other? So that would mean if I love death then I hate life.

It does not quite work that way. If you love one it does not mean you hate the other — or else that would mean if I love Singapore then I hate Malaysia. For example, you love your life but you love your religion even more. So you love death because you love your religion and you would sacrifice the life you love for an even greater love of your religion.

This is Not Your Land!!! Go Off... Jesus Bastard!!!

To Be With or To Be Without!!!! To Love or To Hate!!!! Is this One in the Same??? To Love is to Hate whereby To Hate is also to Love... Between Love and Hate and before Light and Darkness it is just a Nothingness an Emptiness.

Sex with Robots

Rise of the Machines!!! If the Doll makes you happy, That's All there Is!!!

Totally Legal and is not against any kind of Law be it God or Man made laws. Totally safe and anything goes... Cum in the mouth, Cum in the arse. It's all Good to go, it's all abount being Happy truly. Yeah!!!

Sex robots with fully functioning genitalia are set to hit the market next year and will cost up to £12,000.

The next generation of dolls are likely to be hyper realistic with features never seen before.

They will have built-in heaters which so they have genuine body warmth and sensors that can react to touch. RealDoll is made by Abyss Creations, a company based in California.

Founder Matt McMullen said: “I want to have people actually develop an emotional attachment to not only the robot but the actual character behind it – to develop some kind of love for this being."

I had billions of other ‘brothers’ and ‘sisters’ swimming for survival but I happen to be the only one that made it. It could have been any one of the other billions but I was the one that somehow won the swimming contest. And that is why I am here today. So, again, was it by grand design that only I out of billions succeeded or was it merely the luck of the draw?

Yes, considering the very stiff competition, I was either blessed or lucky, or maybe I was the chosen one if you believe in the intervention of a higher power. Nevertheless, even though I did not make that decision to be born and was not instrumental in deciding where, how or when to be born, now that I am here, whether by choice or not, I shall try to make the best of it and will try also to stay as long as I possibly can.

In a way we all have a price. Someone once said (I can’t quite remember whom), “Everyone has a price. The only thing is whether we can afford to pay that price.” But then when we say price this does not always mean money. The price could be something else altogether and nothing at all to do with money.If your country was under attack and the danger of you and/or your family getting killed in the crossfire is very real, would you still stay for patriotic reasons or would you seek the safety of another country if given the chance?Hence you have ‘betrayed’ your country. Your betrayal is in deserting your country. Hence you, too, have a price. And your price is your life and that of your family. Why should you stay and die even if just to demonstrate patriotism? So you sold out just for the price of staying alive.

Even religionists have a price. Their price is heaven and to avoid punishment in the Afterlife. If there is no difference between being good and being bad, and we all go to the same place after we die, or nothing happens after we die, how many good people would remain good when nothing can be achieved by being good?And you dare say you do not have a price? Everyone has a price. It is just that you live in denial and think that you do not.

Jihad is your personal war. It is a war against your own heart. It is a war to resist all forms of temptation. It is a war to evict ego, lust, greed, envy, jealousy, vanity and all forms of diseases of the heart. It is a war very few win. The ‘war’ against oneself. “Get thee behind me Satan,” some would say. The three ‘religions of the book’ believe that when Satan was evicted from Heaven, he made a ‘deal’ with God that he would mislead mankind to prove that humans, who are made from clay, are weak compared to Satan, who is made from fire. God agreed and challenged Satan to do his worst.

Since that day on, Satan has been attempting to inflict mankind with the ‘disease’ of greed, lust, vanity, jealousy, and much more. And this is the greatest penyakit (sickness) facing mankind. And God wants mankind to fight all forms of temptation that lurk in our heart.

Bearing arms in defence of God, King and Country is easy. Defending your life, family and property is also not that difficult when push comes to shove. But fighting against oneself is the true test of the pudding. We all have egos. We all feel lust. We all suffer from greed. Everyone is vain to a certain extent. And who does not get jealous? In some countries, crimes of passion are not a crime since it is very difficult to fight emotions, in particular jealousy.

So the greatest jihad is the war against your own heart. Some say that this is the only ‘war’ while others says that this is the greater jihad and armed conflict the smaller jihad. Nevertheless, this is the most difficult jihad and many lose this war, miserably.

No Pain, No Gain!!!! A never ending war on oneself, To be Fated in a House of Pain!!!

In the Beginning, Before the creation of Light, there seems to be Darkness.

In Darkness out of Emptiness, what seems to be Nothingness there lies a Hidden Beast. A place and time of the beginning where it all ever existed is a spacious destination that branches out to multiple beliefs and faith that leads to just One final destination term as Heaven. For a follower of God shall be One with its creation but not its Creator!!!

In a darkened room Beyond the reach of God's faith Lies the wounded, the shattered remains of love betrayed And the innocense of a child is bought and sold In the name of the damned The rage of the angels left silent and cold Forgive me please for I know not what I do How can I keep inside the hurt I know is true Tell me when the kiss of love becomes a lie That bears the scar of sin too deep To hide behind this fear of running unto you Please let there be light In a darkened room!!!


Social Animal

  • I don’t need to know everything; I just need to know where to find it, when I need it.

  • Never keep anything in your mind that you can look up.

  • Never memorize what you can look up in books.


Sociable Voice onto the Wall Media



By FND Beast

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