Deoxyribonucleic acid (/diˌɒksiˌraɪbɵ.njuːˌkleɪ.ɨk ˈæsɪd/, or DNA, is a nucleic acid that contains the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms. In other words, DNA test is irrefutable. It is provable, and is above all reproach. DNA is NOT a Religion. It is evidence. It is evidence which tells us beyond reproach that what is in our bodies. And how all living matter is closely related. DNA is NOT asking or begging one to “believe”. It is about rigorous-testing, and is cross-tested against sample after sample after sample. It is testable, and if found to be conclusive, is irrefutable. (Whether one chooses to believe it or not, becomes insignificant)
DNA tells us that we, humans are 98% similar to Chimpanzees. In fact, the average human IQ-score is 120, and a Chimpanzee’s is 100. Should anyone’s IQ Score fall below 100?

The DNA profile tells us that we, Homo Sapiens moved out of Africa at around 120 thousand years ago, migrated to India, past Malaya, and ended up in Australia, Papua, Fiji and the Oceanic Islands. These original Orang Asli’s are called Australo-Melanesians. Proof of this is in Archaeological Sites such as Perak Man, Niah Caves (40,000 yrs ago), Lake Mungo Australia (50,000 years ago) Pa Thaem (40,000yrs ago), and so on. Hundreds and hundreds of Sites dot the entire Landscape, and not one contradicts each other. Cambridge University has also embarked on mapping the human genome, and so have many other reputable Universities and Institutions, including the National Geographic Society. They have ALL reached the same conclusion. And that Conclusion is that all of mankind walked out of Africa circa 120,000 years ago. Underneath our skin, we are all African. Are we?

We were also told that our skins became lighter as Homo Sapiens stayed in cooler climates and their Melanin content became fairer and fairer. However, many people were skeptical, and even scientists were slightly apprehensive about this “lightening of skin” process, not because it could not happen, but that the time it took, was simply too short. I was always confused about this skin-lightening issue myself. Well, enter the Homo Neanderthalis.
Homo Neanderthalis inter-bred with the Homo Sapiens... People said that it was just not possible. Obviously, “Religious People” believe that Man, who is made in God’s image, was NOT to interbreed with ANY MONKEY! Right? Never had, and never will. And a term "Bestiality" just seems abhorrent!!
< Bestiality means man having sex with animals. >

The Homo Neanderthalis lived predominantly in Europe, stretching across till the southern tip of Siberia. They lived from 250,000 years ago till 35,000 years ago. They had a brief overlap with the Homo Sapiens in Europe for 5,000 years, from 35,000 till 30,000 years ago. That 5,000 years was simply crucial for this interbreeding to happen. Elsewhere in the Middle East and Ukraine, they had an even longer period of overlap. This also helps fill that “missing-link” space. The question was, why there was jump from Dark-Skins to Fair Skins in such a short period of time? The answer is so readily available (via DNA of course) that it was caused by the fact that Homo Neanderthalis is indeed Fair-skinned. If we look at the Australo Melanesians from this region, they stayed Dark-Skined throughout their 60,000 year stay in hotter climates. The Papuans, the Fijians, and even the Australian Aborigines stayed dark-skinned.

Today, we can conclusively say, and with much confidence too, that the fairer one’s skin is, the more Neanderthal DNA we have (at least, at the Epidural Level). The Africans have ZERO Neanderthal DNA. and neither do the Orang Asli’s who never interbred with any of their Indonesian (Pendatang) Cousins. By this DNA discovery, not only are ANY fair-skinned person a Hybrid of the Homo Neanderthalis-Sapien, it means that ONLY the Africans are the ONLY True-Blue Homo Sapiens, aka HUMAN !! I am proud to announce that the Negritos, Fijians and Papuans are ALSO True Blue Homo Sapiens!
In a state of Out of Touch and to be Out of Time, the Truth is clouded as the journey is Lost for sure!!! (An Image of God or just A Replica of the Beast?)
Intelligent Being
The Neanderthals were known to bury their dead. Animals do not do that. Supposedly only because “Man is Superior” and has an understanding of the concept of the After-Life does Man decide to bury their dead. The Neanderthals buried their dead with Flowers, and Jewelry (just like the Egyptians but without the mummification).
And these sites are strewn all over Europe but have a higher concentration in Iran. Iran, Iraq peoples are and were Nomadic.
Abraham came from the Land of Ur, and the Land of Ur is in Iran. And from Abraham, came the Judaeo-Christian-Islamic Traditions. Hinduism came from Iran (8,000 years ago) Writing came from Iran, and Zorastarianism also came from Iran. (The Bahai, which is also from Iran, is but claiming that ALL Religions are correct, hence I cannot use this as a “Religion” in the true sense of the word) In fact, the Middle East had more than 6,000 Religions at that time. This started even before the Bronze-Age Religions which the Bahai’s claim to come from.
The Neanderthals had already been burying their dead from since (at least 150,000 years ago. This is 30,000 years older than the oldest known Homo Sapien Grave, of the 110,000 yrs in a cave in Southern Israel. Then why the Middle East? If you look back at the map above again, it would not be too hard to conclude that this was simply because it had the highest concentration of Neanderthals. If one also looks at the map more closely, you will notice that it more-or-less directly corresponds with the habitat of the Caucasoids as well. This also corresponds with the distribution of those found with Neanderthal DNA.
The Hyoid Bone is known as the “Voice-Box” in the common language. The Neanderthal’s Hyoid Bone was fully capable of speech, albeit with a lower voice. So perhaps the Jewish “censored” Lilith Story, which was the First and Original Wife of Adam had it’s truths? She did go east, to the Land of Nod to marry “Other Men”. Were these the Neanderthals? And the mark on Cain’s head was also to prevent “The other tribes” from harming him. Were these “Other Tribes” really just the Neanderthals?
The Bible, The Koran, and the Jewish Bibles speak a lot about “The Land of Giants” as well. Could these Giants be the Neanderthals as well? Science will allow us to move ahead, and make new discoveries. And it that process, probably rewrite the old proposals, or amend them. This has so clearly been the case since it’s original proposal at 150 years ago by Charles Darwin.
Regardless whether one chooses to “believe” in DNA or not, the truth of the matter is that the entire Human, and pre-human History is well recorded inside our bodies. We all had the same origins, whether we call them Adam & Eve or the “Eve Theory”, we are made from the same HydroCarbonSapiens are truly part of that Animal Kingdom ourselves. material as all other life on this planet. There is NO Dominion over all the animals. We, Homo Sapiens are truly part of that Animal Kingdom ourselves.
But I'm a Creep... And as DNA tells us, the fairer one is, the MORE Neanderthal DNA they have. There has always been a form of “racism” against dark-skinned people. Now we know why. It is the Neanderthal in them which is shouting “I WANT TO BE MY ORIGINAL WHITE SELF !!!”
When you were here before, Couldn't look you in the eye, You're just like an angel, Your skin makes me cry, You float like a feather, In a beautiful world, I wish I was special, [Album version:] You're so fucking special. [Clean version:] You're so very special. [Chorus:] But I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo, What the hell am I doing here? I don't belong here. I don't care if it hurts, I want to have control, I want a perfect body, I want a perfect soul, I want you to notice, When I'm not around, [Album version:] You're so fucking special, [Clean version:] You're so very special, I wish I was special. [Chorus:] But I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo, What the hell am I doing here? I don't belong here.
Am I White or Am I Dark?
What is God? Christianity tells you God is man, and so man is the metaphor for what God is in Christianity, because God became a man in the form of Jesus. How do you know, how do you define God? Think of the perfect man. God is infinitely good, infinitely caring, infinitely compassionate. God is all the greatest human attributes that you can imagine. That's what God is. It's a sort of a central metaphor.
(Bestiality means man having sex with animals whereby it's considered a divine entity on the miraculous virgin birth of a Begotten Son... Truly a Divine Creation as God acts onto its Creation for the future of Mankind)
In Every Action, there Is an equal and Opposite reaction... Put forth the Light For a Shadow to be form And a hidden Beast is Born!!! Between the Shadow and The Beast... Without Light there'll be no Shadow And without Darkness there'll be no Hidden Beast... A world of 2 forces coexist... In harmony and in rhythm truly.
I I was standing You were there Two worlds collided And they could never tear us Apart!!!