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An Act of Deviance and of Defiance - Part VIII (Submit, Submission, Obey Thy Master!!!)

Voice Of Beruk, FND Beast

In A World Of Creation...

It is said that Creation is an act of Love, for only In Love is there the creation for an existence as all things are supposedly created by a creator. In every creations is a Beauty of its designer for all creations is the work of the Creator...

Submit To The Will Of God...

King David had one consuming desire. He wanted to continually dwell in God’s presence and gaze upon God’s beauty.

“One thing have I asked of the Lord, that will I seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in his temple.”

(Psalm 27:4)

What exactly is the “beauty of the Lord”?

Beauty, Beauties On The Wall....

Truly Beautiful Of Them All??? #beautiful

Since God is invisible, what can we possibly appreciate when we “gaze upon His beauty”? Is there such a thing as “beauty of the Lord” in the first place?

If anything, God is not beautiful, judging by externals. The prophet Isaiah described Jesus as having “no form or majesty that we should look at Him and no beauty that we should desire Him” (Isaiah 53:2b).

If Jesus were to present Himself before us today, He would not appear rugged, macho, handsome or dashing. He will not make heads turn. The ladies, especially, would not be going gaga after Him.

What then is so beautiful about God?

When we consider God’s wondrous creation in nature, we are simply awestruck by its beauty—whether it is the sun setting on the horizon or the majesty of the Iguazu Falls.

Beauty Beauties On The Wall...

Who's the Most Beautiful Of Them All??? #beautiful

Captivated / Mesmerize by His Beauty...

Should it be a He? A She? or an It? To known or not to know....

1. Beauty Of God - A Personal God...

The Christian God is a personal God. This does not mean that God is a human being, but that God has “personality” and the capability of both relationships with other personal beings. In his debate with Father Copleston, Bertrand Russell accepted this definition although his position is that of agnosticism. The keyword is “personal being”.

2. Beauty Of God - Creative Force...

According to Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh or Osho: God is not a person, God is the totality of all that is. The whole creative energy of existence is God. God is not the creator; rather, God is the creative force, the very creation itself.

For the New Age Movement (NAM), the second meaning of God is more appropriate. New Agers practice a non-judgmental attitude toward error and falsehood. They believe that everyone’s path is their own choosing and that it is all from God. So they could never say someone or something was wrong. Nature is indifferent to our values, and can only be understood by ignoring our notions of good and bad. Thus it is appropriate to assume that God is impersonal. The keyword is “creative force”.

3. Beauty Of God - Submit To Master, the Unknown Creator...

Third meaning, when Prophet Muhammad was asked by his contemporaries about Allah; the answer came directly from Allah Himself in the form of a short chapter of the Qur’an, which reads: “In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate. Say (O Muhammad), He is God, the One God, the Everlasting Refuge, who has not begotten, nor has been begotten, and equal to Him is not anyone”.

Is Allah personal or impersonal in Islam? Islamic description of Allah is unknowable and above comprehension, only adjectival words are allowed. It is considered blasphemous to “presume” that one can know Allah intimately or claim any sort of close, personal fellowship with him, thus it is safe to assume that Allah is impersonal. The keyword is “unknowable”.

Four questions are posed based on the principle of four-cornered negation in Indian Philosophy:

Is God personal?

Is God impersonal?

Is God both personal and impersonal?

Is God neither personal nor impersonal?

Sanjaya (6th. B. C.), the best known sceptic during his time would not only not say a definite “Yes” to any question, but would also not give a definite “No”. That is God cannot be directly expressed, but only as the negation of negation.

In any religion, God cannot be both personal and impersonal because the former will be first and foremost, in order for God to be impersonal, God must be personal first. This is an a posteriori justification and it is very difficult to imagine God’s eternalness if impersonal God came first. For God, the transition from impersonal to personal is meaningless, for example, humans are created from earth, humans are personal being but earth is not. Either personal God or impersonal God had created humans from earth. Humans are not God, but it is meaningful for personified humans to create impersonal objects such as cars, ships, computers etc. Then who created God? We leave this question as it leads to an infinite regression.

-9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

The zero in the arithmetical series of numbers above is an indeterminate quantity and to say minus zero or plus zero makes no difference, but it is still a number. If it is not positive or negative, we cannot say it is both positive and negative because positive and negative are opposite and cannot be attributed to the same number. So if God is neither personal nor impersonal, the metaphysical conception of emptiness or nihilism came into play and thus God does not exist or God could possibly had been invented by humans.

The way science inquires and progresses is exactly the way of man’s inner search to find the truth and becomes a lab unto himself. The Buddha could not find any God within himself or outside after searching to the very core of his being, thus Buddhists do not believe in God, instead they talk about Nirvana. Buddha’s religion is based in an inner benediction, in an inner blessing – it has nothing to do with fear, especially of God. Buddha says that it is not because of fear that should you be moral, but because of understanding.

The coming of a super mind, a perfect being or messiah who will lead us into a long awaited era of universal peace, love and joy is being anticipated by all religion – the Hindu Avatar, the Al Mahdi of the Muslims, the Jewish Messiah, the Buddhist Maitreya, or the second coming of Christ. Are they all point to the same being that is soon to come or are they different? So which God, revelation or teaching is true, real or right?

The most contentious issue is the formation of theocratic state which put the question of whether God is personal, impersonal or not existing untenable. With the formation and implementation of theocratic state by force, some adherents might reject religious pluralism which claims that all religions are equally true and equally good. They also accept that only their religion possesses the perfect and complete revelation. This is the recipe for invitation to war when each side claimed to have the mandate from God and why freedom of religion is so important as Bertrand Russell asserts:

“When two men of science disagree, they do not invoke the secular arm; they wait for further evidence to decide the issue, because, as men of science, they know that neither is infallible. But when two theologians differ, since there is no criteria to which either can appeal, there is nothing for it but mutual hatred and an open or covert appeal to force.”

In The Eyes Of The Beholder!!!

Beauty, Beauties On The Wall...

Is this the "ONE" Among Them All??? #beautiful

Did God create Religion? Or Is Religion an Act Of Man???

Many unaltered verses in the Qu’ran did mention about fighting the infidels. The Qur’an certainly proclaims that when the time is appropriate, Muslims must use force or perhaps other subtle ways to convert the unbelievers to Islam and to punish or kill anyone who leaves Islam. According to the principle of abrogation, “Let there be no compulsion in religion” is being abrogated by the later texts “Verses of the sword” to compel conversion of the infidel by armed violence which historically Islam’s preferred method. At its core, Islam is a religious mission to all humanity and Muslims are religiously obliged to disseminate the Islamic faith throughout the world. In the aftermath of the September 11 terrorist attacks, Saudi religious and political leaders, in the process of extending their condolences to President Bush, also extended an invitation to him to convert to Islam.

God Is Personal (ONE Of US)...

This ‘religion of peace’ fallacy was to make it easier to ‘market’ the religion. But only Christians and Muslims do this false marketing. The Jews do not pretend that Judaism is a religion of love and peace. They take your land by force and kill you if you resist. That is what Judaism, Christianity and Islam are really all about — about conquest and domination.

Realistical, authentical or ethical questions aside, the above paragraph is only comprehensible if God is personal, God’s command is His personal command and not His will, intention or desire. Humans must believe that they are able to fly before working on building an aeroplane. A human who only will could never take to the sky or change the world. The emphasis is on why we want to believe before doing the correct things. Similarly, only personal God has the prerogative to choose a different mode to reveal the Qu’ran through Jibril as compared to how the Torah is revealed to Moses and the Bible by Jesus. Thus, it is also understandable and sensible when Pope Urban II orders the first Crusade to take back Christian lands from Muslim invaders since he is the representative of personal God on earth.

Different people have different definitions of Islam. Many try to give the impression that Islam is a religion of peace and whatnot. At the end of the day, Islam is not what you say it is, but by what you practice. While the 27 Bibles of the New Testament define Christianity as a religion of love and peace, the 40-50 Bibles of the Old Testament have an entirely different and opposite definition of Christianity.

The Holy Word Of God In Accordance to the Holy Book / Scriptures...

Some Christians will argue that Christians follow the New Testament Bibles and not the Old Testament Bibles. Hence the violent form of Christianity espoused by the Old Testament no longer applies while the love and peace version of Christianity as espoused by the New Testament does.

That is not true one bit. The New Testament does not tell the stories of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, etc. — the 46 books of Catholicism, 39 books of Protestantism or 50 books of the Eastern Orthodox Church.

Why do Christians believe the story of Adam and Eve, the story of Noah, the story of Moses, the story of Joseph, plus the many other stories from the Hebrew Bibles? All these stories are from the Old Testament Bibles and not from the New Testament Bibles.

ONE Of US... If God had a face what would it look like? And would you want to see if, seeing meant That you would have to believe in things like heaven And in Jesus and the saints, and all the prophets? #oneofus

Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Noah and the Flood, Abraham and his sons, Moses and the Pharaoh, Sodom and Gomorrah, Joseph and Egypt, etc., are all stories from the Old Testament, not from the New Testament. If Christians believe in those stories that means they believe in the Old Testament.

1. God Banished Adam, Eve & the Serpent and Cursed Its Creations.

God curses all three, the man to a lifetime of hard labour followed by death, the woman to the pain of childbirth and to subordination to her husband, and the serpent to go on his belly and suffer the enmity of both man and woman. God then clothes the nakedness of the man and woman, who have become god-like in knowing good and evil, then banishes them from the garden lest they eat the fruit of a second tree, the tree of life, and live forever.

2. Cain (Son of the Serpent) Kill Abel.

In the Hebrew Bible, Cain and Abel (Hebrew: קין ,הבל, Hevel, Qayin)[1] (Arabic: هابيل قابيل – Hābīl and Qābīl) are two sons of Adam and Eve. The Qur’an mentions the story, calling them the two sons of Adam (Arabic: إبني آدم) only,.[2]In the Greek New Testament, Cain is referred to as εκ του πονηρου.[3] In at least one translation this is rendered “from the evil one”,[4] while others have “of the evil one.”[5] Some interpreters take this to mean that Cain was literally the son of the serpent in the Garden of Eden. A parallel idea can be found in Jewish tradition,[6] that the serpent (Hebrew nahash נחש) from the Garden of Eden was father to firstborn Cain.

So, not only do we either have Eve being raped by a Talking Snake as a possibility, we also have an even greater and darker possibility that Eve either seduced or was seduced by a Talking Snake. Cain have a God-Tattoo on his head to protect him from other tribes if everyone was a descendant from Adam? Was Cain considered of a “different Tribe” because his Daddy was Mr Talking-Snake? Hence, all his other half-siblings had to limit the choice of their spouses to severe in-breeding, while he went off to the Land of Nod, to mate with Lilith’s offspring and from the other Tribe(s) whom she married? If, and only if this is true, then we can Justify Racism.

That means Christians DO believe in the Old Testament Bibles and not just in the New Testament Bibles. Hence Christianity is NOT a religion of love and peace but a religion of violence and war. And in this same spirit, so is Islam, which basically follows the Old Testament.

To understand the three Abrahamic faiths, you must first discard your denial syndrome and call a spade a spade. For more than 2,500 years the Abrahamic faiths — starting from Judaism, and then Christianity, followed by Islam around 1,000 years after Judaism — were about war, conquest and domination.

In the Old Testament, God orders us to cleanse this earth (or ethnic cleansing) by totally annihilating the enemies of God. Gays must be exterminated, every last one of them. Idol-worshippers must be exterminated. Those who reject God must be exterminated. God rains death on entire cities. God floods the world so that every last creature dies.

There is only death and destruction if you defy God...

Kill! Kill! Kill! That is the message from God. And good Muslims follow God’s command.

Yes, there is some element of love and peace. But it is love and peace for fellow Jews, fellow Christians, or fellow Muslims. Muslims call each other ‘brother’ or ‘sister’. But Muslims DO NOT call, say, Hindus or Jews, ‘brother’ or ‘sister’. In fact, Muslims believe Jews are cursed by God. And yet Abraham, the father of Islam, was a Jew, as was Jesus who Paul ‘converted’ to Christianity — after he died a Jew.

This ‘religion of peace’ fallacy was to make it easier to ‘market’ the religion. But only Christians and Muslims do this false marketing. The Jews do not pretend that Judaism is a religion of love and peace. They take your land by force and kill you if you resist. That is what Judaism, Christianity and Islam are really all about — about conquest and domination.

Beauty, Beauties On the Wall.

Truly a Beauty of Joy to be on a Ride With... #beauty #beautiful #joyride

God has promised, to those among you who believe and work righteous deeds, that He will, of a surety, grant them in the land, inheritance (of power), as He granted it to those before them; that He will establish in authority their religion – the one which He has chosen for them; and that He will change (their state), after the fear in which they (lived), to one of security and peace: ‘They will worship Me (alone) and not associate aught with Me. ‘If any do reject Faith after this, they are rebellious and wicked. (Sura 24:55)

The Companions of the Fire will call to the Companions of the Garden: “Pour down to us water or anything that God doth provide for your sustenance.” They will say: “Both these things hath God forbidden to those who rejected Him.” (Sura 7:50)

“Such as took their religion to be mere amusement and play, and were deceived by the life of the world.” That day shall We forget them as they forgot the meeting of this day of theirs, and as they were wont to reject Our signs. (Sura 7:51)

The phrase ‘who took their religion as an amusement and play’ is important.

We want to look at the words ‘amusement and play’ and analyse their meaning in Arabic.

The Arabic for this is ‘lahu wal la’b’.

This includes anything that does not include remembrance of Allah; anything which distracts us from thinking about Allah and mentioning His name; where the remembrance of Allah is the last thing on one’s mind. In short: to put another priority about Allah.

This is the state of taking Islam as an amusement and play.

How many ways can we become distracted from Islam and from remembering Allah? This is a state of existence; a state of putting oneself far from Allah. Such people are those who allow themselves to be diverted, for whatever reason, from the remembrance of Allah and from taking the religion of Islam seriously as it should be taken.

When thou seest men engaged in vain discourse about Our signs, turn away from them unless they turn to a different theme. If Satan ever makes thee forget, then after recollection, sit not thou in the company of those who do wrong. (Sura 6:68)

The root word of Kafir is ‘kafara‘, which means to cover something up or not disclosing something. It refers to people who know the truth but cover it up and fail to disclose it; one who covers the truth after it has been made manifest to him; who covers the favours of Allah and opposes it.

A Reason For Worship...

The essence of worship in Islam is the feeling of gratitude towards Allah. The feeling of gratitude is so important that a non-believer is called a kafir or an infidel, which means one who denies the truth and also one who is ungrateful. This essence of worship is comprehensible only if God is personal and knowable as He is able to grant us our wishes, as only personal God can wills before any yields, otherwise it is similar to the worshiping the water, rock or tree believed to contain unknowable divine character of the natural world as practiced in paganism.

Let’s compare God to gravitational force to distinguish personal and impersonal God. Impersonal God can never grant us our wishes. Take for example, a man who worships gravitational force a million times, he will still die a million times if he jumped a million times from a hundred storey building without a parachute; unless a personal God commanded some angels to save him from crashing. So men do not pray and will not be grateful to all these existing forces but they have to do some study to understand them. These existing forces will not reveal its formula or theories to us by worshiping them but it is for us to use scientific approach and experiments to realize them.

But Islamic understanding is more on “textual and orthodox consensus” rather than philosophical construct as we see in the case of the short term success of the Mu’tazilite theology based on reason and rational thought. The adherents of the Mu’tazilite school are best known for their assertion that because of the perfect unity and eternal nature of Allah, the Qu’ran must therefore had been created, as it could not be co-eternal with God. This created two possibilities, on the one hand, distinguishing the Divine attributes (living, powerful, generous, speech) from the Divine essence (God’s oneness) with the former subordinate to the latter and on the other end, those who were against the Mu’tazilite insisted that the attributes of God were real beings that eternally subsist in God.

In a future of uncertainties

Will it be a brighter future? Or will it be a Darker future? No one knows for sure...

It's just between The Master The Beast and The Shadow...

If it's destined to be Bleak Then it will just be Barren...

Vacant and Emptiness In a state of Nothingness...

Ahmad ibn Hanbal is remembered as the exemplary defender of hadith, opposed the metaphorical interpretation of the Qu’ran and Sunna as they should be accepted as reality without engaging in any hermeneutical extension. Eschatological images (punishment in hell) are not metaphorical but real and anthropomorphic language (God’s throne, hands, eyes) is simply to be accepted, “without asking how.” In the end the traditional-minded ulama emerged stronger and independent than ever and the Caliph Mutawwakil reversed course and embraced the viewpoint of the more traditional religious scholars. One faith and works problem is as such: Muslims should not but do perform the outward works identified with Islam without the inner conviction of faith, but was it also possible to have faith apart from works? The Mu’tazilites compromised and came close to the eventual “orthodox” solution to the problem of faith and works that arises.

Religion that affects people at three intertwined levels – personal, social and political – should be separated because the power of religion based political supremacy and the eventual risk of corruption over people’s personal and social life had brought untold suffering throughout the history of mankind. Some religious people are motivated by their political interests first and find a religious rationale to suit the occasion; this is a danger to those who would like to live peacefully in a pluralistic world. Osho, who claims to teach religiousness and agrees that religion and politics should remain separate, has this to say about God, truth and spirituality:

The purpose of life is life itself. Life cannot be understood. You can live it – that is the only understanding there. If you understand what life is, you will never ask what God is.

Ever since Existence... You got to Watch Them!!!

Be Quick or Be Dead!!!

Snake Eyes In Heaven, The Beast In Your Head!!!

When I say this table exist, it is meaningful because the table can go out of existence: we can destroy it. But when I say God exists it is meaningless, because God cannot go out of existence and cannot be destroyed. Existence is meaningful only if nonexistence is possible. If nonexistence is impossible, existence is meaningless.

God is beyond both: matter and mind. You cannot know God unless you become God himself. If I say “I can know God without becoming God,” you are saying something impossible. Because of this, Christianity and Mohammedanism both think that to say that you can become God is sacrilegious, profane, irreligious; it doesn’t show respect. The Mohammedan attitude about it has been so stubborn that it killed Mansur al-Hallaj and other Sufi mystics because they declared that they were God. Unless you enter him, and become one with him, how can you know him? You can just move around and around him. But whatsoever you come to know is just information that is gathered from without, it is not direct knowledge.

Reality cannot be known by the outer senses – the outer senses interpret reality as matter. Reality cannot be known through the inner senses – the inner senses interpret reality as mind. Reality can be known only when you have taken a jump into reality itself, without any mediators; when you have lost your mind and when you have lost your meditation also.

The authentic religion does not teach you to worship. The authentic religion teaches you to discover your immortality, to discover the god within you. Death is defeated only by those who are ready to die any moment, to accept death without any reluctance.

Truth, by its very nature, cannot be organized. To organized truth, or to kill it, mean the same thing. The first thing an organized establishment do is to kill its own esoteric part, because the esoteric group is always a disturbance, a heresy.

A true religion will not require faith from you. A true religion will require experience. It will not ask you to drop your doubt, it will help you to sharpen your doubt so that you can inquire to the very end. The true religion will help you find your truth. Mohammed’s truth is Mohammed’s truth; it cannot be yours just by becoming a Mohammedan.

Neither can the pope, the religious leaders convince anybody that for God’s sake you have to kill. Strange … because God has created everybody. Whomsoever you are killings you are killing God’s creation. If it is true that god created the world, then there should be no war – it is one family, there should be no nations.

All wars are irreligious. Many more people have been killed in the name of religion than in any other name. It has nothing to do with religions, just the ego. Whatsoever is yours has to be the best in the world. Whatsoever is others’ cannot be the best, cannot be allowed to be the best in the world.

There would be no good and no bad because goodness and badness are human distinctions, mental distinctions. If there were no human beings on earth, would there be any flower that was ugly or any flower that was beautiful? There would only be flowers flowering; the distinction would not be there. Existence exists with no beginning and no end, but with many changes.

In A place of Creation.... Is a Place of Do's & Dont's... A Place of God's Law Of Haram & Halal...

For Only In Heaven does everything deems 'permissible'... A place of perfection, a place where there'll be no law for just being bared of nakedness to be with ONE with its Creator... "Feels Like Heaven".... #heaven

Religions are against sex because that is the only way to make you unhappy, guilty, afraid. Once you are afraid, you can be manipulated. Remember this fundamental rule: make a person afraid if you want to dominate him. First make him afraid. If he is afraid, you can dominate him. If he is not afraid, why and how can you dominate him? There are two things which make people very much afraid – one is death and the other is sex.

Faith is blind in a different sense because it has its own way of seeing. It is not seeing through reason, it is seeing through the heart. Truth cannot be uttered, the moment you utter it, it becomes a lie. Truth cannot be said. The moment you say it, it is almost part of a dream now; no longer truth.

Religion can be an opium, so can communism – anything that gives hope for the future, in this world or in another world; anything that helps you to sacrifice your present for something that helps to feed your ego.

If a faith can be destroyed, it must be a faith in lies. A faith that is really a faith in truth is never afraid of being destroyed; it cannot because truth cannot be destroyed. Only lies are afraid of being broken, only lies need protection. Truth in itself is self-evident. So if you have some faith which is just a lie, it makes you secure.

Prayer does the same thing, and priests do the same thing – they make you more adjusted. Meditation is a science. It is not going to help you in adjustment, it is going to help you in transformation.

You cannot seek truth. You can find it, but you cannot seek it. The very seeking is the hindrance. All objects are worldly because “seeking” is the world. So you cannot seek anything non-worldly. The moment you seek, it becomes the world. If you seek God, your God is part of the world. You are the truth just here and now, it is not something to be achieved in the future.

A child is pure because there is no mind. And the moment knowledge comes, division enters. You begin to divide between what is good and what is bad. You cannot create order on the world. When you try to create order you create disorder. Religion always divide you into two: the evil and the divine. If someone really follows them, he will come to conclude that the moment you destroy the devil, God is destroyed.

Whatsoever you know about “God” is through “tolds” – the parents, the society, the culture. It is your conditioning. And now you have got a concept about God and you are trying to understand that word. “God” is not a word. The word God is not God. The word is simply a word, in itself empty and meaningless. If you really want to know what God is, you will have to drop the word and drop the mind and move into no-mind. Love will bring you closer to it than thinking.

If you don’t believe in any God, you may not be irreligious, because God is not basic to religion. Non ego is basic to religion. And even if you believe in God, with an egoist mind you are irreligious. With a non egoistic mind there is no need to believe in a God. You fall into the divine automatically.

Whenever you are silent, the ego is not. Whenever your mind is restless, the ego is there. That’s why we cannot love, because with the ego, love is impossible. Love, meditation, God, they all require one thing – the ego must not be there. Jesus is right in saying that God is love, because both phenomena happen only when the ego is not. If you know love, there is no need to know God – you have known him already.

We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how nature - trees, flowers, grass- grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence... We need silence to be able to touch souls. - Mother Theresa

As a result of these “powerful” teachings like the one above by Osho, New Age practices have made their way into almost every area of different culture and religion, and leaders of monotheistic religion are very unhappy. They accused the New Age practices as satanic and quoted religious scriptures to justify their position, such as; in the original lie, Satan questions God’s word and authority and claims that through the acquisition of secret or gnostic wisdom, man can be enlightened and can be like God. The most important contentious question/issue is whether man has the freedom and right to choose between Gnosticism (teaching that esoteric or divine knowledge could be gained directly by oneself) or Scripturalism (strict compliance to the literal interpretation of the religious books presided by intermediaries).

In Sai Baba’s example, there were video evidence that he performed magical tricks rather than miracles. Subsequently, his organized exoteric group would prevent people from bringing video camera into the ashram. In this case, the New Agers position would be a non-judgmental and they see the magic tricks as a technique to draw people towards religiousness. They also view that Prophet Muhammad uses the sword as a technique during his time, if he doesn’t, he would probably had been killed by the sword of others. But if the freedom to choose and practice any religion is denied, don’t be fooled by the notion that the New Agers would sit quietly, I believe they too can be “corrupted” to become merciless and probably become the most brutal and savage killers. Lest I forgot, this freedom includes the liberty to choose to become an atheist.

Beauty, Beauties On The Wall...

I've got a Secret To Tell You All!!! #secret

A Secret To Ponder Upon so as to Be In Wonder...

Is Satan personal, impersonal, unknowable or better not to know?

If God is Almighty, why didn’t He destroy all the Satan once and for all?

Did Buddhism influence early Christianity as researchers claimed to have found proof of the existence of manuscripts in India and Tibet that support the belief that Christ was in India during this time in his life?

Is it true according to Prof. Tariq Ramadan of Oxford University that Islam does not prevent or kill anyone who leaves the Islamic faith however the killings had been confused with political treason?

Is Allah the same as the God of the Bible? From a scholarly Christian perspective, see here >>> ONE GOD!!!

Why Allah is the God who is to be served and in contrast Jesus is the God who came to serve?

How to understand the fact that we only have access to the will of Allah and the revelation is not a revelation of Allah, but the revelation of his will?

Why Christianity overemphasizing faith/love and forsaking the law and why Islam integrated both law and faith/love?

Is it true that the God of the Bible is love, whereas Allah’s primary characteristic is power?

Could it be possible that Allah’s power leads to fatalism rather than obedience from the security for the believer?

Why there is a contrasting fact that the God of the Bible wants to be known in the context of His personal predestination while Allah does not want to be known?

Why Jesus will descend in a Buddhist fashion, dressed in yellow robes with his head anointed according to the Hadith? Why not in white or black burqa?

Is it true according to Ibn Warraq in his book “Why I am not a Muslim” that the Islamic Allah is the end result of theological evolution and concoction from pagan pre-Islamic religious systems in the Middle east?

Is it true according to Ibn Warraq again, there were numerous words of foreign origin in the Qu’ran and the Arabs Arabicized them, for example the word “Koran” itself comes from the Syriac, and Prophet Muhammad evidently got it from Christian sources?

You may be a religious scholar. You may be a graduate of the universities of Medina or Cairo. You may even speak Arabic better than an Arab and have memorised the entire Koran from cover to cover. But I will still question your teachings and apply logic before I accept what you teach.

Nobody Know, For Only God Knows....

Muslims must learn to question and apply logic to Islam. Muslims must not be afraid to ask or get taken in by the argument that to question is an indication of a weak iman (faith) and that you will be committing blasphemy if you question God. We are not questioning God. We are questioning man’s interpretation of God’s teachings. The argument ‘since we do not comprehend Arabic then we should not question but just accept’ is not valid. The fact we do not comprehend Arabic is all the more reason we should question and apply logic to man’s interpretation of what God said lest we unknowingly become the victim of deviant teachings and misinterpretation.

You have no human rights or free choice under the Abrahamic faiths

The reality is, human rights do not exist in any of the Abrahamic faiths. The Abrahamic faiths only talk about the rights of God, not the rights of Man. The First of the Ten Commandments is very clear. There is only One God. God does not share His space with other Gods. If you acknowledge other Gods alongside or before God then you must be put to death.

Do we write our own story? Or is a story pre-written for? To create is to also uncreate,, in a place of Creation is where existence is when in time it be a place of extinction.

Truly a place of wonder to wander and ponder upon the purpose of its existence only to find out tat it will just be an extinction!!!

For life is just a story and in the end of the story it be a dead story, for Death comes to us all. To be honored and gifted with flowers upon death but to be despise among the living.

A place of commandments tat states 'It's my way or the highway!!!' Cause I want it tat way... #thatway #iwantit #away #iwantitthatway

And since then, Jews, Christians and Muslims have been killing the people from the competition. That is what God wants. God does not care about your right to choose or your right to follow any other God. God only cares about His rights. Your rights do not matter. In fact, you have no rights.

The Old Testament says kill those who reject the Lord. Exterminate their entire community including their livestock. The New Testament says only those who accept Jesus will go to heaven. The road to heaven is through Jesus, not through Vishnu and Shiva. Islam says Muslims will go to heaven and if you reject Islam you are going to be thrown into hell.

Islam is about the Shariah and world domination so do not believe what the so-called ‘liberals’ and ‘moderates’ tell you

And if a Muslim girl marries a Hindu boy, the Seafield Hindu temple riot is going to be a picnic by comparison. Remember the Maria Hertogh riots in Singapore on 11 December 1950? Well, that happened because God’s rights override human’s rights.

So what human rights in Islam are these so-called ‘liberal’ and ‘moderate’ Muslims talking about? Good Muslims go to heaven. ‘Liberal’ and ‘moderate’ Muslims go to hell. And that is because only God’s rights matter, your rights are not part of God’s bigger scheme of things. But then, as Marilyn Monroe said, good girls go to heaven, bad girls have all the fun.

Heresy and apostasy are forbidden not only in Islam but in Judaism and Christianity as well. If you read the Scriptures of the Old Testament, it is very clear that God commanded that all non-believers (infidels), heretics, apostates, etc., must be killed. You not only kill these people but the entire community plus all the animals in that community must be exterminated.

Basically, the Bible propagates ethnic cleansing and Moses was commanded to do so, and which he did.

No doubt some Christians try to fool us by saying that this may have been true as far as the Old Testament is concerned but the New Testament no longer tells Christians to do this. They tell us that the New Testament teaches peace, love, tolerance and forgiveness, opposite to what the Old Testament teaches.

But this is not true and those Christians who say this either do not know their own religion or are trying to kid themselves, or fool us. Jesus made it very clear that he did not come to introduce a new religion but to confirm the old laws. And this is exactly what Prophet Muhammad said as well. Hence both Christianity and Islam follow the Old Testament laws of death to infidels, heretics and apostates.

We talk about human rights and civil liberties. We propagate freedom of choice, thought, expression, belief, association, etc. God, however, does not allow this. God has decided what we can and cannot believe, say and do. And if we violate these commands of God then we must be punished.

A knife is a very useful tool. Without it we cannot prepare our food in the kitchen. However, in the wrong hands, a knife can kill. Should we then ban knives and eat our food whole and uncut like a lion devouring a goat? Do we rip the food to pieces with our teeth?

A fire is required to cook our food. We cannot eat our food raw and uncooked the way animals do. Further to that, uncooked food is a source of diseases. However, in the wrong hands, a fire can kill. Should we then ban fires and eat our food raw and uncooked?

Freedom of expression can be very useful, even necessary at times. But freedom of expression, in the wrong hands, can also kill. Wrongly applied, freedom of expression can start fights, cause riots and result in racial or religious strife. Should we then ban freedom of expression and detain without trial under the ISA all those who propagate and practice freedom of expression?

Well, if we want to start banning freedom of expression, then why stop there? Thinking is also dangerous. If we start thinking we might start questioning our government or even religion. We might start asking for proof that there is a God and an Afterlife. We might start thinking that much in religion is not logical, though religion is not based on logic but on faith (and that is why we call it FAITH — such as ‘Islamic Faith’, Christian Faith’, Jewish Faith’ etc.). Should we then ban thinking as well?

Everything is dangerous. In fact, thinking is the most dangerous of all the freedoms, more dangerous than talking. A man who talks without thinking is an idiot. A man who thinks without talking could actually be planning something very evil. I would rather a man talks than thinks. At least if he talks we know what he is thinking. If he thinks without talking then only God knows what he is up to. So let’s ban thinking first before we even think of banning talking.

According to the Abrahamic faiths, you may not think anything opposite to what God says you must think. You may also not express these deviant thoughts. And even if you are thinking them without saying it, and the religious authorities suspect you are thinking the wrong thing, you can still be punished.

And any Jew, Christian or Muslim who tells you otherwise is either a liar or ignorant about his or her own religion.

Hence if you wish to have independent thought you cannot believe in religion. If you believe in religion then you are not allowed independent thought but can only believe what God says you are allowed to believe. And if you believe otherwise you must be punished.

That is the true Abrahamic faith. Contrary to what Jews, Christians and Muslims may tell you, the Abrahamic faith is not about peace, love, tolerance and forgiveness. It is about compliance, submission and punishment for those who do not comply. It is about death to those who defy God. That is the true Abrahamic faith.

Image Of God - The Personal God...

When we consider man, we marvel at the beauty of God’s intricate design:

“I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well” (Psalm 139:14).

Apart from God’s beauty in nature and man, we can also appreciate the beauty of the Lord in three areas:First, it is remarkable that God chooses to dwell in the hearts of believers. Dispelling the image of a cold, distant, over-judgmental celestial Being—ever ready to whip us into submission—He is a personal God. In fact, He is like a father to us.

“To all who did receive him, who believed in his name, He gave the right to become children of God” (John 1:12).

“For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!” The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God” (Romans 8:15-16).

He is so personal that He calls us His friends:

“No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you” (John 15:15).

Secondly, God’s beauty lies in His incomprehensible love, grace and mercy and humility towards us. His favour towards us who believe is immeasurable.

“God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).

“Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits, who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit, who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy, who satisfies you with good so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's.” (Psalm 103:2-5)

“Jesus made himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross” (Philippians 2:7-8).

Thirdly, what is so beautiful about God is His power which can accomplish incredible things for us, within us and through us.

“Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us” (Ephesians 3:20). “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father” (John 14:12).

“Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’” Now this he said about the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were to receive” (John 7:38-39).

When David was spending time in God’s presence, what struck him concerning the “beauty of the Lord” were certainly not superficial and external things. It’s all about the attributes of God, His unchanging promises, mighty acts and favour towards those who are faithful. All these things make God beautiful.

To gaze upon the beauty of the Lord is to contemplate the glorious excellence and perfection that can only be found in God.

“I will remember the deeds of the Lord; Yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. I will consider all your works and meditate on all your mighty deeds.”(Psalm 77:11-12)

When we gaze upon His beauty, we are filled with a sense of awe and gratitude. Such an attitude results in praise, thanksgiving and service.

Albert Einstein was enjoying tea with his fellow professors. He was smiling while lighting his pipe, a fellow professor asked, “Why are you smiling? Einstein replies “I wonder if God has any choice when he created the universe?

When one thinks about this story, it would appear as if Einstein having consumed too much cakes and tea gave a silent fart which is why he smiled probably with embarrassment. He probably was also thinking about the creation of the universe as academics often discuss these questions over tea. It is then likely that Einstein associated God with himself and with his well known fertile mind, thought if God did not create the universe (without any choice in the matter) with a tremendous big fart called the Big Bang and that since it occurred in the vacuum of space there was no sound energy generated and was just as silent as Einstein’s own fart.

Indonesian villagers 'mistook sex toy for angel'

Indonesian news portal Detik said photos of the doll dressed demurely and wearing a hijab spread on social media shortly after its discovery.

Rumours then began to spread that it was a "bidadari" along with unverified stories about how it was found "stranded and crying", prompting the police investigation.

Indonesian Man In Love With Fallen Angel, turns out to be a Sex Toy...

Beauty Beauties On The Wall....

Truly An Angel of Beauty Among Them All!!!

For Only In Heaven; there'll be 72 Virgins Angels to play along with...

Although this story is superficial and has no important consequence, it does illustrate how belief systems are built up. Likewise, Did Marie-Antoinette really say “Let them eat cake”?

It’s one of the most famous quotes in history. At some point around 1789, when being told that her French subjects had no bread, Marie-Antoinette (bride of France’s King Louis XVI) supposedly sniffed, “Qu’ils mangent de la brioche”—“Let them eat cake.” With that callous remark, the queen became a hated symbol of the decadent monarchy and fueled the revolution that would cause her to (literally) lose her head several years later. But did Marie-Antoinette really say those infuriating words?

In a more serious way, it is believed that Marie Antoinette said “Let them eat cake” when starving rioters were at her palace gates demanding bread. Whether she actually said it or not is of no consequence anymore since it is now a famous folklore and has been built into the belief system of the capitalists. Even when historians recently claimed that she never actually uttered these famous words, it has not affected the folklore. Although this sounds also superficial to us these days, in the days when kings’ heads were rolling in the guillotine, it was no joke and was probably used by the capitalists to blacken the name of the royal family.

My Ohh My Ohhhh Mine...

What If I believe that Dolly Is An Angel from Heaven?

Or even Robots or Anime Character is My Ohh My!!!

For I Believe In Woman My Oh Mine!!! #myohmy


Belief Systems...

If you insult one aspect of a belief system it can be treated like you are insulting one’s mother. So how would you feel if someone called your mother false or insulted your wife as simple and easy or your children as bastards? If the belief system is intimate enough to a person, the same feelings of wrath and anger can be triggered as if you were insulting his family.

Having said that, it is not as if belief systems can be questioned any which way. Being built up over time, a belief system can in a way become a way of life. It can be as intimate as one’s own family. So if you insult one aspect of a belief system it can be treated like you are insulting one’s mother. So how would you feel if someone called your mother false or insulted your wife as simple and easy or your children as bastards? If the belief system is intimate enough to a person, the same feelings of wrath and anger can be triggered as if you were insulting his family. So now, there is a need to treat belief systems different from a simple argument over economics, for example. Arguments over belief systems need to be treated with much greater mutual respect. To discuss belief systems, there is a need for long term engagement and exchange of opinions and ideas. Not just that, there is also an even more urgent need to show sincerity with good deeds, integrity and decent actions.

I believe this as within creation is a mindset that states 72 virgins in Heaven are Robots on Earth , a creation of Man to put forth Heaven on Earth, Yeah!!!

There is a little place

A place known as space

It's a beautiful place Unknown in space... Term as 'Heaven'; Belief to be in outer space!!! To be there & to get there Is to have faith...

For only in faith Is an unseen place Somewhere in Space!!!

And so where is Heaven? Is it a place of God? In an unseen place Only in Faith that there seems To be a place in space... A place of Heaven Is a place on Earth...

Social Animal

  • I don’t need to know everything; I just need to know where to find it, when I need it.

  • Never keep anything in your mind that you can look up.

  • Never memorize what you can look up in books.


Sociable Voice onto the Wall Media



By FND Beast

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